Quiz Maker - Geneva

Earth Science Name_____________________________

Chapters 0 - 10 Period_____________________________

Review Date______________________________


First Semester Final Exam Review

Study Tips

1. Turn off the TV, radio, phone, etc.

2. Study at a well lighted table, desk, etc. Do not lie down to study.

3. Do not cram the material. Study well enough in advance so you are able to go over the material several times before your exams.

4. Study:

➢ This review sheet

➢ Past review sheets

➢ Notes from class

➢ Past tests--available in class, quizzes, worksheets, labs

➢ Material from the book

o Make sure you know all of the bold print and italicized words in each chapter. The same vocabulary words can be found in the vocabulary review at the end of each chapter in the chapter review.

o Go over the questions at the end of the chapters. Check yourself with the answers you’ve already completed.

o Look at the pictures in the chapters. Read the captions and make sure you know the ideas the pictures are trying to get across.

Chapter Outline

Introduction to Earth Science (Chapters 0 and 1)

➢ What is Earth Science?

➢ The Scientific Method

➢ Controlled Experiments

➢ Length, Mass, Gravity, Volume, and Density

The Earth in the Universe and Plate Tectonics (Chapters 2 and 4)

➢ The Origin of the Universe

➢ The Origin of the Solar System

➢ The Earth in Orbit

➢ The Origin of the Earth’s Lithosphere, Atmosphere, and Hydrosphere

➢ The Layers of the Earth

➢ Continental Drift

➢ Plate Tectonics (Mechanism, Divergent, Convergent, Transform)

Deformation, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes (Chapters 5, 6, and 7)

➢ Crustal Deformation (Stresses, Folds, and Faults)

➢ Earthquakes (Features, Waves, Measurement, Locating, Zones)

➢ Volcanoes (Features, Zones, Materials, Types of Eruptions and Cones)

Chapter Outline (continued)

Earth Chemistry (Chapter 8)

➢ Matter

➢ The Periodic Table

➢ Isotopes

➢ Combinations of Atoms

➢ Energy Levels, Ions, and Bonds

Rocks and Minerals (Chapters 9 and 10)

➢ Mineral Uses

➢ Definition of a Mineral

➢ Mineral Groups

➢ Physical Properties of Minerals

➢ How Rocks Form

➢ Classifying Rocks

Maps (Chapter 3)

➢ Latitude and Longitude

➢ Topographic Maps

Review Questions

Introduction to Earth Science (Chapters 0 and 1)

1. List some topics that each of the four major divisions of Earth Science cover.

2. List some reasons why we should study Earth Science.

3. How does a hypothesis become a theory? Why do scientists use models?

4. Compare and contrast independent, dependent, and extraneous variables.

5. List and briefly explain the steps in the scientific method. Give an example of the scientific method at work.

6. Know how to measure to the nearest mm, cm, tenth of a cm, inch, and quarter-inch.

7. Metric prefixes are based on powers of _____. List the metric prefixes in order from largest to smallest. Write a sentence using the first letter of every metric prefix in order from largest to smallest.

8. Compare and contrast mass, weight, and gravity. Give the metric units associated with each.

9. With what instrument do you measure mass? …weight? If you weigh 60 pounds on Earth, how much would you weigh on the Moon?

10. Compare and contrast volume and density. What metric units are associated with each?

11. A box has a length of 3 cm, a width of 5 cm, and a height of 2 cm, what is the volume of the box.

12. If the mass of a cube is 40g and the volume is 20 cm3, what is its density?

Review Questions (continued)

The Earth in the Universe and Plate Tectonics (Chapters 2 and 4)

1. What is cosmology? What galaxy do we live in?

2. What is the Big Bang? How long ago do scientists think the Big Bang occurred?

3. Why do scientists think the universe is expanding? What is the Doppler effect?

4. What is a solar wind and how did it affect our planet’s formation? When is our Sun expected to burn out?

5. What elements did our atmosphere initially contain? What elements does our atmosphere contain now? How did photosynthesis affect our atmosphere?

6. How did the Earth’s lithosphere form? How much salt is in our oceans?

7. When is the Earth closest to the Sun? Why does the Earth have seasons? What is precession? How does it affect the seasons?

8. Draw a diagram of the layers of the Earth, labeling each layer. What is Moho? Label it on the diagram.

9. Which layer of the Earth is liquid? How does this affect Earth’s magnetic field?

10. What is the theory of continental drift? Who proposed it? What was the evidence to support it? What is pangea?

11. What is the theory of plate tectonics and what is thought to be the driving force of plate tectonics? Where are most of the changes (volcanoes, earthquakes, etc.) on the Earth’s surface occurring?

12. Describe and diagram a divergent plate boundary. In your diagram, label the asthenosphere, the lithosphere, the rift valley / mid-ocean ridge, and the direction of plate movement.

13. Where is the youngest crust on Earth found? Where are the older rocks found near a mid ocean ridge?

14. What is a subduction zone? Diagram a convergent plate boundary.

15. How does a deep sea trench form? Label the trench in your drawing above.

16. How did the Himalayas form? How did the Andes form? How did Mount St. Helens form?

17. What is a transform plate boundary? Give an example of a transform plate boundary. Why do so many Earthquakes occur in California?

18. What are hot spots? Give a real world example of a hot spot. Do hot spots occur along plate boundaries?

Review Questions (continued)

Deformation, Earthquakes, and Volcanoes (Chapters 5, 6, and 7)

1. Compare and contrast tension, compression, and shear. List which plate boundaries each is associated with.

2. The surface along which rocks slip is called a __________. The point where the actual slippage of the rock happens to cause an earthquake is called a __________.

3. Where do most Earthquakes occur?

4. Which EQ waves are the fastest? Which are the slowest? Which are the most destructive? Which move in an ‘S’ shape?

5. Finish this sentence. The farther apart the primary and secondary waves are…

6. What is the difference between the Richter Scale and the Modified Mercalli Scale?

7. What is a shadow zone? Create a diagram to aid in your explanation.

8. What is the difference between a seismograph and a seismogram?

9. What can you determine by knowing the difference in the P and S wave arrival times at one seismograph station?

10. Compare and contrast the composition, viscosity, and explosiveness of felsic and mafic magmas. What is the difference between magma and lava?

11. Where do most volcanoes occur? List some of the major volcanic zones.

12. Compare and contrast the shape, type of material, and explosiveness of the three main types of volcanic cones. Include a diagram of each.

Earth Chemistry (Chapter 8)

1. What is the chemical symbol for Oxygen? for Carbon?

2. What is the mass and charge of proton, neutron, and electron? Where are each found?

3. In an atom, the number of electrons equals the number of __________. What is the atomic number of an element? What is the atomic mass number?

4. If an atom has 6 protons, 6 electrons, and 6 neutrons, what is it’s atomic mass number?

5. Draw a quick sketch of the Periodic Table and label the metals, non-metals, metalloids, the transition line, and the Nobel Gases.

Review Questions (continued)

Earth Chemistry (Chapter 8) - continued

6. What is an isotope? For each pair of atoms below, write whether they are isotopes or different elements with one another.

Atom D has 8 protons and 10 neutrons.

Atom F has 9 protons and 10 neutrons.

Atom T has an atomic number of 35 and an atomic mass of 60.

Atom Z has an atomic number of 35 and an atomic mass of 61.

Atom P has an atomic number of 92 and an atomic mass of 238.

Atom S has 92 protons and 143 neutrons.

7. What is an ion? How does an atom become an ion? How does one ion bond with another?

8. Compare and contrast an ionic bond with a covalent bond. Which is stronger?

Rocks and Minerals (Chapters 9 and 10)

1. What is the definition of a mineral?

2. What is the largest group of rock forming minerals? What are the two most abundant elements in the Earth’s crust?

3. What is the softest mineral? the hardest? Why is color not a very good diagnostic property of minerals? Give an example. What is cleavage?

4. List some uses for quartz, graphite, and halite. What mineral fizzes with HCl?

5. How are igneous rocks formed? How does an igneous rock form coarse grains? …fine grains? …no grains?

6. List a very common igneous rock with a coarse grained texture…glassy texture…frothy texture.

7. What are the differences between felsic and mafic igneous rocks?

8. What are the two main processes that occur in the formation of most sedimentary rocks?

9. List a some common clastic and organic sedimentary rocks.

10. How are metamorphic rocks formed? What happens to a rock during metamorphism? What is foliation?

11. What metamorphic rock would you get if you metamorphosed sandstone? …Limestone? …Shale?

12. Rocks are classified based on what two main characteristics?

Review Questions (continued)

Maps (Chapter 3)

1. Compare and contrast latitude with longitude.

2. What is the 00 mark for latitude? …for longitude? What is the maximum angle measure for latitude? …for longitude?

3. Compare and contrast parallels with meridians. Around what longitude is the International Date Line?

4. Give the latitude and longitude of locations 1 - 5 on the map to the right.

|Data Table 1 |

|Location |Latitude |Longitude |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

|Geneva | | |

5. On the map to the right, label the following: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Greenland, the Equator, the Prime Meridian, a meridian, a parallel

5. What is a topographic map? Why are they useful?

6. Draw the symbols for a school, a church, a railroad, and a marsh.

7. What do the following colors on a topo map represent? Blue Black Red Pink Green

8. Sketch what a hill would look like on a topo map. Sketch what a depression would look like on a topo map.

9. How can you tell which side is steepest on a hill on a topo map? How can you tell what direction a river is flowing on a topo map?

10. What is contour interval? What are index contours?

11. What is a benchmark?

12. Describe how you would find the distance from one object to another on a topo map.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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