Created By: Game Audio Resource Ltd Date: 09/11/2019 Version: 1.00Wwise UE4: Chapter 03F - Environment: WaterfallIn this guide, we set up Wwise with a Blend Container using a fake distance game parameter, allowing us to change close and far audio assets based on player character/listener position distance from the waterfall source location.We go into a lot of balancing detail in this guide, which you can then apply on other environment content you have implemented.Guide Steps:STEP 01: Wwise HierarchySTEP 02: Unreal HierarchySTEP 03: Adding the Waterfall & Event Map TaggingSTEP 04: TestSTEP 01: Wwise HierarchyFirst, we set up Wwise with the waterfall contentFirst, we set up a fake Game Parameter that we can use with the Blend Tracks.Navigate to the Game Syncs tab > Game Parameters.Right click the Default Work Unit, then select New Child > Game ParameterName it: GP_Distance_5000Select the Game Parameter, then change the Range values as Following:> Min = 0> Max = 5000> Default = 5000Under the Bind to Built-In Parameter, change the drop-down list to DistanceNavigate to the Audio tab > Actor-Mixer Hierarchy > Default Work Unit > Environment Work Unit.Right click, then select, New Child > Actor Mixer.Name it: ENV_WaterfallIn the General Settings tab, Output Bus, change the Master Audio Bus to the Environment Audio Bus.Also, in the General Settings tab, under Game-Defined Auxiliary Sends, tick the Use game-defined auxiliary sends tick box.Right click the Actor Mixer, then select: New Child > Blend Container.Name it: ENV_Waterfall_Flow.With the Blend Container selected in the General Settings tab, click on the Blend Track > Edit UI button.In the Blend Track Editor Window, click on the New Blend Track UI Button. Name the new Blend: Waterfall Flow DistanceClose the Blend Track Editor window.Right click the Blend Container, then select: New Child > Random Container.Copy & Paste the Random Container, so that you have 2 Random Containers.Then name each Random Container individually:> ENV_Waterfall_Flow_Close> ENV_Waterfall_Flow_FarDrag in looping close and far waterfall flowing water audio assets.- TIP: Sound Design: ensure the Far assets have a lot of the close detail removed & a lot of the high EQ detail have been filtered out. This gives a more distant perspective of the water flowing sound.Place then under the File Importer > Destination Path: SFX > Environment > Waterfall.Select each of the new looping audio assets. Then in the General Settings tab, tick the loop tick box. With the Blend Container Selected, in the Contents Editor, add the Close, then Far Random Containers to the Blend Tracks List.Open the Blend Track Editor.Tick the Crossfade tick boxClick on the >> UI button. Then assign the Game Parameter: GP _Distance_5000Then add the following changes to the assets in the graphClose = 0 > 3000Far = 500 > 5000Navigate to the ShareSets tab. Right click the Environment Work Unit, then select: New Child > AttenuationName it: ATT_ENV_Waterfall_HugeDouble click the attenuation to open the PropertiesThen add the following changes:OUTPUT BUS VOLUMEChange the Max Distance value to 5000In the graph, add a point marker at the following co-ordinates:X =500 & Y = 0Right Click the red line after the 500 point marker, then select Logarithmic (Base 3) curveLOW-PASS FILTERSelect the Low-Pass Filter in the list.Change the drop-down menu to: CustomIn the graph, drag the end point to 50Right click the blue line, then select the Logarithmic (Base 3) curveSPREADSelect the Spread list entry, then change the drop-down menu to Custom.In the graph, add a point marker at: X = 250 & Y = 100Then Add a point marker at X = 750 and Y = 8Right click the line between the 250 & 750 point markers, the select the: Sine (Constant Power Fade in) CurveRight click the line after the 750 point marker, then select the Sine (Constant Power Fade in) CurveFOCUSSelect the Focus list entry, then change the drop-down menu to Custom.In the graph, add a point marker at: X = 250 & Y = 100Then Add a point marker at X = 750 and Y = 8Right click the line between the 250 & 750 point markers, the select the: Sine (Constant Power Fade in) CurveRight click the line after the 750 point marker, then select the Sine (Constant Power Fade in) CurveNavigate back to the Audio tab, ENV_Waterfall_Flow Blend Container.In the Positioning tab, add the following updates:Tick Override parentChange the Center % to: 100Under Listener Relative Routing > 3D Spatialization, in the drop-down menu, select: Position.Then under Attenuation, drag in the new Attenuation: ATT_ENV_Waterfall_Huge Right click the Blend Container, then select: New Event > PlayRight Click the Blend Container, then select: New Event > Stop > Stop.Navigate to the Events tabRight click the Environment Work Unit, then select: New Child > Virtual Folder.Name it: ENV_WaterfallDrag the 2 new Waterfall Events into the new Virtual Folder.Then rename the Events to> SFX_ENV_Waterfall_Flow_Start> SFX_ENV_Waterfall_Flow_StopSelect each of the 2 Events individually, then add a Fade Time value of: 0.5Save the Wwise Project updates.Then Generate the Wwise Sound Banks.At this point we recommend you also add to further waterfall contentSFX_ENV_Waterfall_TopSFX_ENV_Waterfall_BottomThese 2 different emitters will not need to use Blend Containers, but will have a smaller attenuation.We place one emitter at the top and bottom of the waterfall, allowing for a realistic waterfall detail depending on how close the player character is to the waterfall position.STEP 02: Unreal HierarchyNext, we set up Unreal data with the new Wwise waterfall content.Navigate to the Content Browser > Content > Audio > Wwise_Event > SFX_Environment folder.Right click, then select: New FolderName it: WaterfallOpen the Wwise PickerThen drag in the new Waterfall Events into the new folder.Select all the Events, then right click and select Edit. Assign all Events to the SB_Environment Sound Bank.Save the Events updated.Generate the Unreal Sounds Banks.Import the updated Sound BanksSTEP 03: Modify Particle FXIn this step we duplicate the P_sparks particle FX, then remove the spark detail.In Unreal, Navigate to the Content Browser > Content > StarterContent > Particles FolderCopy and Past the Particle called: P_SparksRename it to: P_WaterfallDouble click the new Particle FXThen in the New Window under the Emitters tab, click on the Spark burst Tickbox, to turn off the spark effect.Then Save the Particle update.STEP 04: Tagging The MapFirst, we need to build a rock formation for the waterfall to flow down.Then tag into the map the new P_Waterfall particle to the waterfall location.Then Place the SFX Events onto the waterfall position.In the Content Browser > Content > Start Content > Props folder, drag in 2 SM_Rock models into the map.Then enlarge the rocks to a huge size.Drag the 2 large rocks together, the joining part of the 2 rocks will need to form a natural angle where we can add the waterfall flow particle effect too.Once you have a natural angle, we can add the new P_Waterfall Particle to the rock formation.Under the Content Browser > Content > StarterContent > Particle folder, drag in the P_Waterfall particle FX into the map. Place it at the top of the waterfall position.The particle effect looks quite underwhelming, so we need to increase the size.Select the Particle emitter, then in the Details tab change the Scale size to the following values: X = 10, Y = 10 & Z = 10The particle effect, should now look more like a waterfall point.Now copy and paste the same Particle FX to build the height of the full waterfall.Once you have implemented and are happy with how the waterfall looks, in the World Outliner tab, Right click the Structures_Boxes folder, then select: Create Sub Folder.Name it: WaterfallNow we can add SFX emitters.First, we add the main waterfall layer.In the Content Browser > Content > Audio > Wwise_Event > SFX_Environment > Waterfall Folder,Drag in the event called: SFX_ ENV_Waterfall_Flow_StartPlace it in the middle of the waterfall height.Then drag in the 2 other waterfall top and bottom Events. Place them individually at the top and bottom of the Waterfall.Remember to tick the Auto Post tick box and turn off Occlusion (set the value at 0.0) for each new SFX emitter added.In the World Outliner tab, right click the Audio_SFX folder, then select: Create Sub FolderName it: ENV_WaterfallSave the map updates.STEP 05: TestWe can now test the updates in gameConnect Wwise to UnrealSolo the Waterfall Actor Mixer.Change to the Wwise Layout: ProfilerFilter the capture log by Waterfall contentThen play the mapMove the player character close and far away from the waterfall location.If you have the blend values crossfading smoothly, you will not notice the close and far distance audio assets changing over distance from source.You will also notice the bottom and top emitter details also shine as you get closer to the emitters.As you may not be able to climb up the rock to the top emitter. You may wish to add a staircase to the map so you can access the top of the waterfall. You may wish to also add a lake at the top of the water fall to give a natural visible view of where the waterfall is coming from.Make any balancing changesDisconnect Wwise to UnrealSave the Wwise project updates and Generate the Sound Banks.Lastly, Generate the Unreal Sound Banks and import any new Sound Banks updates. ................

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