My Plate for Preschoolers


DIRECTIONS: Login to a computer and access Internet Explorer. Type in the web address or click here for the link: Choose My Plate for Preschoolers:

1. Click on “Growth during the preschool years” see left column. Read for info:

• How does the average child grow in height and weight between the ages of 2 & 5?

• What is the purpose of a growth chart?

• Make up a name, sex, age, height, and weight for a preschooler. Record in the space provided below. Click on the blue “growth chart” link. You can google average heights and weights for a 2 – 6 year old child and pick something a little higher or lower. . Enter this information here and on the web page:

o Name:

o Sex:

o Age:

o Height:

o Weight:

o Click on “Body Mass Index Chart”. Do a screen shot or use the “snipping tool” to post/turn in on . or print (follow teacher instructions)

o Click on “Height for Age Chart”. Print this out.

• Click on the “back” button; then click on “What Influences Growth?”. Answer the following questions:

o What does growth indicate?

o What are the five factors that influence growth in height and weight?

• Click on “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention”. Answer the following questions in your own words: HINT- see Frequently asked Questions in left column

o What is a percentile?

o What is a z-score?

2. Go back to the “Preschoolers” home page. Click on “Develop Healthy Eating Habits”. Complete the chart below by clicking on each healthy eating habit and reading the information.


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• On the “Healthy Eating Habits” page, click on the roadmap. Snip a copy of this (Behavioral Milestones) to use as a guide during a later lesson paste to turn in on Edmodo.

• Click on “Coping with Marketing and Advertising”. Give two ideas for coping with the influence of marketing and advertising on children.

3. Go back to the “Preschoolers” home page. Click on “Picky Eaters”.

• What are the common types of picky eaters?

• Give three ideas for how to cope with picky eaters.

• Give three tips for getting a picky eater to try new foods.

4. Go back to the “Preschooler” home page. Click on “Physical Activity”. Answer the six questions from this page.

• ?

• ?

• ?

• ?

• ?

• ?

5. Go back to the “Preschoolers” home page. Click on “Follow Food Safety Rules”.

• List the four general guidelines for everyone regarding food safety.

• Name a few foods preschoolers should avoid to prevent foodborne illness.

• Give three ideas to prevent choking.

• Describe proper handwashing techniques.

6. Go back to the “Preschoolers” home page. Click on “Meal and Snack Patterns”. Choose an age and calorie level and write it here: ____________ Snip and paste this information.

7. Go back to the “Preschoolers” home page. Click on “Kitchen Activities”. Give one example for each age in the chart below.

|AGE |KITCHEN ACTIVITY (developmentally appropriate) |

|2 | |

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|5 | |

8. Final step! Gather together the printouts (snips and paste) you made with this activity. Turn these in together on or as directed,


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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