פורמט סילבוסים

| |אתיקה ואחריות תאגידית 2150235 |שם הקורס: |

|Ethics in Organizations | |

|תשע"ב, סמסטר א |שנה+סמסטר: |

|רחל צ'ופין |מרצה: |

|Rachel Choppin | |

|052-305-1157 |מס' טלפון: | |

|rachel@ |דואר אלקטרוני: | |

|By Appointment |שעות קבלה ומיקום: | |

|נטע נתנזון |עוזר/ת הוראה: |

|Netta Netanson | |

|054-4401891 |מס' טלפון: | |

|netta.natanson@ |דואר אלקטרוני: | |

|By Appointment |שעות קבלה ומיקום: | |

|תקציר הקורס: | |

| |This course will introduce the students to what seems to be a conflict – between values on the one hand |

| |creation and proper conduct on the other. Ethical considerations, while always important, have recently been |

| |promoted to the forefront of public discourse. The demand for social justice, fairer pricing of staples and |

| |services and more just civic load-sharing are just recent examples of ethical and moral issues that influence|

| |businesses. In this course the students will face these questions, learn how to approach them and they will |

| |also acquire a toolkit with practical information to apply in the workplace in similar circumstances. |

|סוג הקורס: |חובה | |

|דרישות קדם: |None |

|אתר האינטרנט של הקורס: |פורטל הקורס באתר האינטרנט של המכללה |

|Learning Outcomes: |

|Identify where and when ethical issues are likely to occur and how to maintain personal integrity |

|Analyze ethical issues, develop solutions, evaluate their consequences and decide on a course of action |

|Identify the impact of cultural and organizational pressures to conform |

|Outline an ethics program for your organization |

|Acquire a toolkit with practical information to apply in the workplace |

|Course Description: |

|Heighten your awareness and understanding of workplace ethical issues and learn how to avoid the slippery slope of an unethical |

|work environment. This course provides a conceptual framework and toolkit with practical information for making ethical and |

|effective business decisions in the workplace.  Participants learn when and where ethical issues are most likely to surface and how|

|to maintain their integrity, gain an understanding of the impact of cultural and organizational pressures to conform, explore a |

|variety of ethical decision-making models, evaluate possible courses of action, and respond to challenging situations. Business |

|experience and case studies form the core of this highly interactive course. |

| |

|שיטות ההוראה: |

|Interactive lectures, class activities and discussions, readings, individual and team projects and presentations |

|תנאים לעמידה בדרישות הקורס: |

| Evaluation and Grading: |

|See Attachment |Percentage of Final Grade |Task Type |

|C |50% |In-class projects and homework assignments |

| |2 in-class projects | |

| |3 homework assignments | |

|B |20% |Midterm Project |

| |In-class project and presentation | |

|A |30% |Final Team Project |

| |In-class presentation | |

| | | |

|נוכחות |At least 80% attendance in class | |

|תוכנית הקורס: |

12 weeks/lessons: The class activities consist of 2 in-class team projects, 1 in-class midterm project, 3 homework reading assignments, 1 final project and 1 optional assignment which can replace 1 individual assignment or earn extra credit.

The focus is to engage you in applying learning in real time. You will be evaluated on your conduct in class in accordance with the ethical principles presented in this course.

Please note: Since this is a very interactive course, which will be customized to the participants’ learning needs, this syllabus may change to reflect these needs

|שיעור 1 |Course overview, core messages, definitions and what makes us moral |

|4/11/11 | |

|מושגים מרכזיים: |Class discussion: Life boat and trolley case studies from the Time Magazine article and Michael Sandel’s video |

| |clips on the moral side of murder |

| |Common ethical issues in the workplace and the differences between ethics, values and compliance |

|קריאה רלונטית: | |

|Jeffrey Kluger, What Makes Us Moral? Time Magazine, December 2007 |

| |

|Optional assignment: |

|a. Read Jeffrey Kluger, What Makes Us Moral? Time Magazine, December 2007 |

| |

|b. Listen to the video clips of Michael Sandel, Justice: What is the Right Thing to Do? |

|c. Summarize the main points presented in the article and the video clips and post online 24 hours before session 2 |

| |

|שיעור 2 |Ethics – historical perspective, teleological and deontological theories, and the golden rule |

|11/11/11 | |

|מושגים מרכזיים: |Class discussion on the findings from What Makes Us Moral, ethics theories and their applications |

|קריאה רלונטית: | |

|Assignment 1: |

|a. Read pages 2-10 and 33-36 in Francesca Gino and Max H. Bazerman, Letting Misconduct Slide: The Acceptability of Gradual Erosion in Others' |

|Unethical Behavior, Working Paper, 06-007. Copy of the article will be provided online |

|b. Summarize the main points of the article, provide examples from your workplace and post online 24 hours before session 3 |

|שיעור 3 |The slippery slope of unethical decisions |

|18/11/11 | |

|מושגים מרכזיים: |In-class team project I - Identify common ethical dilemmas, state the type of ethical issue you presented and |

| |share your gut reaction responses |

| |Post online the ethics dilemmas identified with your responses 24 hours before session 4 |

|קריאה רלונטית: | |

|Assignment 2: |

|a. Read Dennis Gioia, Pinto Fires Case Study |

|b. Summarize the main points of the article and post online 24 hours before session 5 |

| |

|שיעור 4 |Cognitive barriers to making ethical decisions |

|25/11/11 | |

|מושגים מרכזיים: |Class review and discuss cognitive barriers to making ethical decisions and script processing as demonstrated in |

| |the Pinto Fires Case Study |

|קריאה רלונטית: | |

|שיעור 5 |Ethical and effective decisions |

|מושגים מרכזיים: |Michael Josephson’s Six Pillars of Character and Seven-Step Path for Ethical Decisions and Kellar’s 12 Steps for |

| |Ethical Leadership |

|קריאה רלונטית: | |

|Assignment 3: |

|a. Read pages 7-26 in Michael Josephson, Making Ethical Decisions, 2002 and 2 pages in Elizabeth Kellar, 12 Steps for Ethical Leadership, |

|Public Management, November 2005 |

| |

|b. Summarize the highlights of the course textbook and article and post online 24 hours before session 6 |

| |

|שיעור 6 |In-class midterm team project: Review, analyze and discuss case studies |

|2/12/11 | |

|מושגים מרכזיים: |Work in teams and prepare presentations of responses to case studies to the panel |

|קריאה רלונטית: | |

|Post online individual responses and the team PPT 48 hours before session 7 |

| |

|שיעור 7 |Panel discussion: Present and discuss responses to the case studies |

|9/12/11 | |

|מושגים מרכזיים:Applications of the ethics frameworks and principles |

|קריאה רלונטית: |

|שיעור 8 |Transparency vs. privacy, patents and copyrights issues in global economy |

|16/12/11 | |

|מושגים מרכזיים: |Review and discuss Ruth Wolf’s presentation on Ethics in the East and West and Internet sources on privacy, |

| |transparency and copyrights |

|קריאה רלונטית: | |

|ד"ר רות וולף, אתיקה בין מזרח למערב, מרץ 2009 |

| |

| |

|שיעור 9 |Kohlberg’s stages of moral development and measuring ethical behavior |

|23/12/11 | |

|מושגים מרכזיים: |Class discussion on Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, Heinz dilemma and Dudi Ilat’s presentation on |

| |measuring ethical behavior |

|קריאה רלונטית: | |

|Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development, Wikipedia |

| |

|Kohlberg’s Heinz Dilemma, Wikipedia |

| |

|דודי אילת, אתיקה עסקית- האם אתיקה ניתנת למדידה בארגון, 2008 |

| |

| |

|שיעור 10 |The Ethics Resource Center Ethics Toolkit |

|30/12/11 | |

|מושגים מרכזיים: |In-class team project II: Revisit the participants’ ethical dilemmas and analyze them using the Ethics Resource |

| |Center’s filters and steps. Post online 24 hours before session 11 |

|קריאה רלונטית: | |

|Ethics Resource Center, Ethics Toolkit, |

| |

| |

|שיעור 11 |Sarbanes-Oxley and the Whistle Blower regulations |

|6/1/12 |Ethics codes and program |

|מושגים מרכזיים: |SOX regulations and applications and how to build an ethics code |

|קריאה רלונטית: |

| |

|שיעור 12 |Final project: Present ethics programs |

|13/1/12 |Wrap-up and evaluation |

|מושגים מרכזיים: |Final team project presentations and discussion |

|רשימת קריאה ומקורות נוספים רשות לכלל השיעורים ו/או לשיעורים נבחרים: |

|(לפי א'-ב' , עברית ואח"כ אנגלית): |

|Course Textbook |

|Michael Josephson, Making Ethical Decisions, 2002 (33 pages) |

|Additional Recommended Reading and Internet Resources |

| |

|Avshalom Adam and Ran Lachman, The Concept of Information Transparency, January 2009 |

| |

| |

|Ethics Game, |

| |

|Ethics Resource Center, Ten Things You Can Do to Avoid Being the Next Enron |

| |

| |

|Herman T. Tavani, Ethics and Technology: Controversies, Questions, and Strategies for Ethical Computing, 2011 |

|Linda K. Trevino and Katherine A. Nelson, Managing Business Ethics: Straight Talk About How to Do It Right, 2006 |

| |

|Sarah Lyall, In BP’s Record, a History of Boldness and Costly Blunders, New York Times, July 12, 2010 |

| |

| |

|Shvil Israel, |

|ד''ר רות וולף,  האתיקה של החמלה' בהשוואה ל'האתיקה של הצדק' - כיצד ניתן ליישמם במפעלים, 2009 |

|YouTube Videos |

|BP Oil Spill Biggest Man-Made Disaster, 2010 |

| |

| |

|Business Ethics Case Study, 2006 |

| |

| |

|The Challenger Disaster, What Really Happened, November 2009 |

| |

| |

|Ethics & Technology |

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|Ethics & New Technology |

| |

| |

|Exxon Valdez Story - How Things Went So Wrong |

| |

| |

| |

|Attachment A: Final Project - 30% of the final grade |

|הנחיות לכתיבת העבודה: |Project specifications will be provided in class and online |

|היקף העבודה: |Power Point Presentation of an Ethics Program for an Organization of the Participants’ |

| |Choice |

|עבודה ביחידים או בקבוצות (וגודלן): |Teams of up to six participants |

|מועד הגשה ולאן להגיש: |Post online 48 hours before the last session of the course |

|מדיניות המרצה ביחס לאיחורים בהגשה |Late submittal will reduce 2 points for each day |

|מועד החזרת העבודה: |The last session of the course |

|Attachment B: Midterm Project – 20% of the final grade |

| |

|עבודה ביחידים או בקבוצות (וגודלן): |Teams of up to six participants |

|אופן ההגשה של המטלות: |Post online individual responses in word template provided and team project in PPT format and |

| |present in class |

|הנחיות להגשת המטלות: |Project specifications will be provided in class and online |

|מספר נקודות לכל חלק במטלה: |Individual responses 10 points, Team presentation 10 points |

|מועדי הגשת המטלות: |Post online 48 hours before presenting in class in session 7 |

| |

|Attachment C: In – Class Projects and Homework Assignments – 50% of the final grade |

|רשימת מטלות: |

|3 homework reading assignments and 2 in-class projects |

| |

|עבודה ביחידים או בקבוצות (וגודלן): |In-class projects – Teams of up to six participants |

| |Homework reading assignments – individual work |

|אופן ההגשה של המטלות: |3 reading homework assignments in word format and 2 |

| |in-class projects in templates provided in class and posted online |

|הנחיות להגשת המטלות: |Instruction provided for each assignment in the course outline |

|מספר נקודות לכל מטלה: |10 points for each homework assignment and in-class project |

|מועדי הגשת המטלות: |Post online as specified in the course outline |

| |

|Attachment D: Optional Assignment -10% of the final grade (can replace one individual homework assignment or earn extra credit) |

|הנחיות לכתיבת העבודה: |Provided in the course outline |

|היקף העבודה: |Reading an article and listening to video clips and summarizing the main learning points |

|עבודה ביחידים או בקבוצות (וגודלן): |Individual work |

|מועד הגשה ולאן להגיש: |Post online 24 hours before session 2 |

|מדיניות המרצה ביחס לאיחורים בהגשה |Late submittal will reduce 2 points for each day |


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