1 - Maxx Perälä's Treasure Trove of English Materials

Grammar and Vocabulary

Read the sentences carefully and for each item choose the alternative that best fits the context.

1. Despite playing under strength, the village team ____ beat their rivals.

a) could b) were able to c) couldn't d) weren't able to b) were able to

2. She had to do the shopping for her neighbour, ____ she?

a) didn't b) hadn't c) does d) isn't a) didn't

3. He daren't ____ his boss for a rise just now.

a) asking b) be asking c) to ask d) ask d) ask

4. I'll hand over all my files to my assistant before I ____.

a) am leaving b) leave c) will leave d) shall leave b) leave

5. By the time Brown's daughter graduates, ____ retired.

a) he b) he has c) he'll being d) he'll have d) he'll have

6.How long has the property ____ to your family?

a) belonged b) belonging c)belongs d) been belonging a) belonged

7. Buy me a newspaper on your way back, ____?

a) do you b) will you c) have you d) don't you b) will you

8. The noise was so loud that we all ____ wear ear-protectors.

a) must b) have to c) should d) had to d) had to

9. This time next year ____ chief translator to the Finnish UN delegation.

a) he is b) he'll being c) he'll be d) he's being c) he'll be

10.It is essential that all top security documents ____be stamped CONFIDENTIAL.

a) should b) must c) will d) may a) should

11.I suggest Beth ____ in touch with the organisers.

a) should get b) to get c) getting d) should getting a) should get

12.According to ____ surveys, the majority of Finns don't want to join NATO.

a) the most b) most c) most of d) the most of b) most

13. You ____ continue. You've made your point clearly enough already.

a) needn't b) mustn't c) don't have d) won't a) needn't

14.Let's get the house cleared up before he ____ .

a) is arriving b) arrives c) will arrive d) arrived b) arrives

15. My grandmother is absent-minded. She never ____ to put a stamp on an envelope!

a) remembers b) is remembering c) remembered d) should remember a) remembers

16. In my opinion, the government should ____ action.

a) to take b) taking c) take d) have take c) take

17. Since last year my department's work ____ built up considerably.

a) was b) have c) is d) has d) has

18. The bill had already been paid, so I ____ to do it.

a) hadn't b) didn't need c) needn't d) haven't b) didn't need

19. Only ____ research has been carried out in this field.

a) a little b) a few c) few d) not much a) a little

20. It's 3 p.m. David ____ have arrived in London by now.

a) would b) can c) should d) ought c) should

21. If Bertie ____ to his guns, he'll probably get what he wants.

a) will stick b) would stick c) stuck d) sticks d) sticks

22. I do hope he ____ in his plans.

a) shall succeed b) will succeed c) can succeed d) succeed b) will succeed

23. By November Rachel ____ enough to buy a mountain bike.

a) saves b) will have saved c) has saved d) will be saving b) will have saved

24. ____ anyone object, the plan will be reconsidered.

a) If b) Do c) Should d) Might c) Should

25. We regret ____ you that your telephone has been disconnected due to an unpaid bill

a) to inform b) informing c) to tell you d) telling a) to inform

26. Why don't you try ____ the key anti-clockwise?

a) to turn b) on turning c) turning d) turn c) turning

27. The company's apology ____ regarded as an exercise in damage limitation.

a) were b) was c) would d) had b) was

28. We don't allow ____ in the classrooms.

a) that people smoke b) smoke c) people to smoke d) to smoking c) people to smoke

29. I really must ____ on with my work now.

a) to get b) getting c) get d) to getting c) get

30. The accused denied ____ in the vicinity of the murder scene.

a) to have ever been b) have ever been c) having ever been d) ever having been d) ever having been

31. Why don't you do what you're told, instead of ____ such a song and dance about it?

a) to make b) making c) made d) make b) making

32. The children ____ to stay up late.

a) don't allow b) aren't let c) aren't allowed d) would rather c) aren't allowed

33. I posted the parcel without ____ it.

a) weighing b) weigh c) weighed d) to weigh a) weighing

34. I suppose you just went to the disco ____ improve your conversational skills!

a) so as b) for c) in order to d) too c) in order to

35. He was't responsible. He wasn't ____ .

a) blame b) to blame c) blaming d) for blame b) to blame

36. What a dangerous thing to do! You ____ have been killed!

a ) may b) can c) must d) might d) might

37. For the rest of his life he lived in fear of ____ tracked down.

a) having b) be c) being d) been c) being

38. All that rubbish will have to be ____ at once.

a) get rid of b) got rid of c) got rid d) getting rid of b) got rid of

39. You'll get a free months's subscription, ____ you renew your membership by the end of January.

a) unless b) however c) were d) provided d) provided

40. By the time I went to the ticket office, the concert ____ sold out.

a) had been b) have been c) was d) are a) had been

41. We ____ to stop off in Singapore but the airline changed the arrangements at the last minute.

a) was going b) had c) were going d) ought c) were going

42. I wish I ____ more about lace-making!

a) would know b) knew c) know d) can know b) knew

43. I felt as if I ____ his confidence.

a) have betrayed b) would betray c) had betrayed d) am betraying c) had betrayed

44. ____ bread is regarded by some as a therapeutic activity.

a) To make b) Made c) Making d) Having made c) Making

45. It's time they ____ promotion, in my view.

a) get b) got c) will get d) have got b) got

46. The candidate ____ to have withdrawn her application.

a) claimed b) said c) denied d) reported a) claimed

47. There's nothing I like more than ____ for a brisk walk in the morning.

a) go b) out c) walking d) going d) going

48. How can you waste all that money on ____ ?

a) gamble b) to gamble c) gambling d) the gamble c) gambling

49. The newspaper ____ bought is the early evening edition.

a) that b) which c) who d) you d) you

50. They'll explain ____ you need to know to complete your report.

a) what b) that c) which d) how a) what

51. The TV company ____ contract is up for renewal is losing money.

a) which b) whose c) the d) who's b) whose

52. Teresa ____ enjoys all kinds of team sports.

a) every week b) seldom c) with great enthusiasm d) greatly d) greatly

53. In ____, it was obviously the wrong thing to do.

a) hindsight b) the wake c) retrospect d) the whole c) retrospect

54. I'll have to do overtime tonight, ____ is very tiresome.

a) which b) what c) that d) so a) which

55. There were ____ few tickets sold that the concert was cancelled.

a) a b) very c) so d) such c) so

56. That was the day ____ we heard the news about Mick and Sarah.

a) when b) which c) on d) what a) when

57. The piano was ____ heavy for us to carry from the removal van.

a) far b) much c) so d) too d) too

58. I'm afraid that's the best ____ can do for you.

a) which b) I c) that d) what b) I

59. He ____ that he had three Rolls-Royces at home.

a) threatened b) reminded c) boasted d) informed c) boasted

60. Everything ____ can be done to ease the situation has been implemented.

a) that b) which c) what d) who a) that

61. You've got to be ____ certain before you decide.

a) deadly b) deathly c) dead d) dearly c) dead

62. She burst into tears when he spoke to her ____ .

a) sharp b) sharpish c) sharper d) sharply d) sharply

63. They ____ us not to touch the aminals.

a) said b) refused c) suggested d) told d) told

64. Her cousin is ____ related to the Hapsburg family.

a) nearly b) close c) closely d) near c) closely

65. We accused him ____ a blatant lie.

a) to telling b) to tell c) in telling d) of telling d) of telling

66. You ____ assumed that we'd be starting at 8.00.

a) right b) rightly c) fairly d) fair b) rightly

67. The witness ____ ever having seen the prisoner.

a) denied b) admitted c) insisted d) objected a) denied

68. Police are reported ____ found illegal drugs in the star's home.

a) they have b) having c) to have d) have had a) they have

69. No, he ____ ever jogs round the park these days.

a) doesn't b) occasionally c) hardly d) almost c) hardly

70. It's by ____ means the best book I've ever read.

a) no b) all c) fair d) some a) no

71. The probation officer suggested Jim ____ to her every week.

a) to report b) reporting c) should report d) reports c) should report

72. I never know ____ to ask for permission or not.

a) if b) either c) when d) whether d) whether

73. She waited for twenty minutes and ____ arrived at the head of the queue.

a) lastly b) finally c) at the end d) eventual b) finally

74. He'll believe anything. he's so ____.

a) garrulous b) gullible c) credible d) believable b) gullible

75. At ____ time did I ever promise you a pay rise.

a) any b) no c) all d) some b) no

76. He's got plenty of ____ experience as he's worked in that field already.

a) second-hand b) firsthand c) primary d) tertiary b) firsthand

77. On the phone you don't sound ____ your sister.

a) similar b) same c) like d) as c) like

78. Don't blame the boy – he's a(n) ____ child.

a) just b) unfortunate c)unique d) mere d) mere

79. His car isn't as economical ____ yours.

a) that b) like c) that d) as d) as

80. The heads of the feuding families have been ____ enemies for years.

a) sworn b) promised c) cursed d) blood a) sworn

81. Not only was there no tea, ____ there were no sandwiches either.

a) and b) nor c) but d) so c) but

82. The girl felt ____ with hunger.

a) faintly b) fainting c) fainted d) faint d) faint

83. People in this village have got an ____ appetite for news.

a) inexorable b) inevitable c) insatiable d) inedible c) insatiable

84. Hardly had he sat down ____ he was sent for again.

c) insatiable b) than c) after d) that c) insatiable

85. Even the other convicts considered it a ____ crime.

a) guilty b) hard-bitten c) heinous d) hell-bent c) heinous

86. Books ____ 'War and Peace' contribute to our understanding of Russian history.

a) such b) like c) as d) how b) like

87. Nothing was arranged – it was all very ____ .

a) take-away b) worn-out c) slapdash d) slap-up c) slapdash

88. She gave me the same advice ____ you did.

a) like b) than c) as d) who c) as

89. ____ you are, the more you laugh.

a) Happier b) More happy c) What happier d) The happier d) The happier

90. Don't worry about making a noise. The children are wide ____ .

a) waking b) awake c) woken d) awoke b) awake

91. She's always been one of your ____ critics.

a) fiercest b) most violent c) wildest d) hardest a) fiercest

92. ____ has such a stunning achievement been recorded.

a) Always b) Seldom c) Today d) Recently b) Seldom

93. When ____ money into the slot, be sure to use undamaged coins.

a) on inserting b) having inserted c) to insert d) inserting d) inserting

94. The mother sat by her ____ child's bedside all night.

a) asleep b) sleep c) sleeping d) overslept c) sleeping

95. Your car's very ____. It hardly seems to use any petrol at all.

a) economical b) economic c) ecumenical d) ecological a) economical

96. I'm in a terrible ____ . I just don't know what to do.

a) problem b) quandary c) loss d) trouble b) quandary

97. ____ to the bank manager's loan, my company managed to stay solvent.

a) With thanks b) Thank you c) Thanks d) Gratefully c) Thanks

98. We have every confidence ____ his ability to handle the situation.

a) on b) in c) with d) by b) in

99. Is there any chance ___ the machinery repaired?

a) to have b) of having c) for having d) of being b) of having

100. By appearing on the soap powder commercials, she became a ____ name.

a) housewife b) housekeeper c) house d) household d) household

101. Now that Mr Brown has refused, we'll have to find a substitute ____ the post.

a) to b) as c) for d) in c) for

102. It's hard to do ____ to such a masterpiece.

a) judgement b) justice c) fair play d) fairness b) justice

103. It's crucial that he ____ attend the ceremony.

a) should b) must c) will d) ought a) should

104. How you invest your money is none of my ____ .

a) affair b) matter c) business d) care c) business

105. I'm afraid you've got the wrong end of the ____ .

a) loaf b) pot c) leg d) stick d) stick

106. I'm ____ a complete loss to understand why you reacted so violently.

a) at b) in c) on d) by a) at

107. ____ you cut down your carbohydrate intake, you'd have lost weight by now.

a) Did b) Were c) If d) Had d) Had

108. If the level of taxation is ____ this year, small businesses will be affected.

a) raised b) risen c) arisen d) raising a) raised

109. Don't ____ anything to him if you can help it.

a) speak b) tell c) talk d) say d) say

110. I couldn't hear what he said, because he was muttering ____ his breath.

a) out of b) under c) in d) on b) under

111. I object ____ to do all the work myself.

a) being asked b) to asking c) to being asked d) on being asked c) to being asked

112. The stones have ____ buried in the sand for a thousand years.

a) lied b) lying c) laid d) lain d) lain

113. I want ____ clear up the mess you've made!

a) that you b) you to c) you do d) you should b) you to

114. We shall deal with your pay rise ____ due course.

a) in b) on c) by d) with a) in

115. The judge ____ his disapproval of the young man's behaviour.

a) said b) told c) voiced d) spoke c) voiced

116. Nobody would question the PM's integrity. He is above ____ .

a) contempt b) average c) all d) suspicion d) suspicion

117. I'll ____ you just one more story before you go to sleep.

a) speak b) say c) tell d) talk c) tell

118. If only I ____ lost my temper in the meeting.

a) wouldn't have b) wouldn't c) hadn't d) didn't c) hadn't

119. The road was closed, so we had to ____ and find an alternative route.

a) put down b) turn back c) go about d) go off b) turn back

120. We ____ for Paris at midnight.

a) set off b) made for c) went off d) got down a) set off

121. I knew your family would stand ____ you.

a) for b) off c) by d) about c) by

122. How could you have ____ him for your brother?

a) confused b) considered c) thought d) mistaken d) mistaken

123. It is vital that we ____ a change in people's attitudes.

a) bring down b) bring back c) bring about d) look after c) bring about

124. Giuseppe's secretary ____ a call to the office in Milan.

a) put through b) applied for c) put by d) set about a) put through

125. We'll have to ____ down the options before coming to a decision.

a) slow b) narrow c) bring d) wind b) narrow

126. Janet certainly ____ her mother in her devil-may-care approach to life.

a) looks after b) calms down c) cares for d) takes after d) takes after

127. Ingrid broke ____ in tears when we told her about the accident.

a) off b) through c) down d) for c) down

128. I'm so tired I'll probably ____ off in the cinema.

a) doze b) sleep c) turn d) fall a) doze

129. If the bus doesn't come, you can always flag ____ a taxi.

a) after b) for c) down d) off c) down

130. Look, I ____ it all back. I should never have spoken like that.

a) put b) call c) give d) take d) take

131. I think a couple of coffees will ____ off the meal nicely.

a) go b) send c) round d) wear c) round

132. The official ____ quickly through my file, and then handed it back to me.

a) got b) turned c) looked d) saw c) looked

133. You look really sick! We must send ___ a doctor!

a) off b) by c) about d) for d) for

134. Don't ____ ! I haven't finished explaining yet!

a) hang up b) hold on c) hang on d) call up a) hang up

135. The motorist must have run ____ the fox without noticing.

a) out b) on c) over d) up c) over

136. It ____ out that the accused had bribed some of the jurors.

a) resulted b) pointed c) broke d) turned d) turned

137. I expect the new trend will soon ____ here.

a) catch up b) catch on c) take up d) identify with b) catch on

138. It's difficult to tell identical twins ____ .

a) on b) out c) apart d) over c) apart

139. Donna will have to ____ her antiques, because she needs the money.

a) part with b) take out c) move on d) clear up a) part with

140. I'll use my credit card to ____ up before we check out.

a) take b) sum c) bottle d) settle d) settle

141. Scientists ____ a carefully controlled experiment on the mystery virus.

a) carried over b) measured out c) carried out d) put up c) carried out

142. As darkness fell, there was nothing for it but to ____ for the nearest village.

a) call b) go c) make d) stand c) make

143. There is no time to do anything but ____ briefly on the most important points.

a) touch b) run c) go d) pick a) touch

144. Owning an animal can really tie you ____ .

a) out b) down c) back d) off b) down

145. The terrorist headquarters was blown ____ in the army attack.

a) down b) out c) over d) up d) up

146. Don't worry if you make a mistake. Just ____ it out.

a) rule b) slip c) leave d) cross d) cross

147. It's no good trying to ____ with Eddie. You'll never change his mind.

a) deal b) discuss c) reason d) side c) reason

148. Thank goodness you'll be there. I'm ____ on your support.

a) holding b) calling c) hanging d) counting d) counting

149. The lecture hall gradually emptied as Professor Hicks ____ on.

a) kept b) passed c) rambled d) touched c) rambled

150. The speaker failed to get his message ____ to his audience.

a) around b) in c) across d) out c) across

151. The reporter announced solemnly that ther President had ____ in his sleep.

a) passed away b) died away c) passed out d) dropped off a) passed away

152. He's been to the USA, Australia and India this year. He certainly gets ____ !

a) on b) around c) out d) away b) around

153. Look, I'm sorry to ____ in, but I think I can help you.

a) move b) plug c) butt d) pop c) butt

154. Our family heirlooms are ____ from mother to daughter.

a) taken after b) put by c) parted with d) handed down d) handed down

155. Politicians frequently ____ a lot of criticism.

a) come out in b) catch up woth c) come in for d) get p to c) come in for

156. I was disappointed when I saw the film. It was a real ____ .

a) let-down b) breakdown c) turnout d) drop-out a) let-down

157. You'll lose marks if you don't ___ in all the gaps.

a) send b) fill c) fit d) join b) fill

158. He gambled ____ his life's savings before starting on his wife's.

a) across b) around c) out d) away d) away

159. Did you notice Bob trying to ___ doing the washing-up?

a) get up to b) break out of c) get out of d) get along with c) get out of

160. To beat the holiday traffic, we'll have to ____ out at dawn.

a) set b) go c) move d) drive a) set

161. I could probably ____ out the answer if I had a pencil, some paper and a calculator.

a) think b) study c) hand d) work d) work

162. Delilah wasn't at all hungry, and could only ____ with the food on her plate.

a) finger b) toy c) snack d) work b) toy

163. I know it's a pretty boring routine, but you'll just have to ____ on for the moment, I'm afraid.

a) count b) live c) soldier d) move c) soldier

164. As the years passed, Joe's memories of his terrible experience ____ away.

a) faded b) backed c) passed d) got a) faded

165. This is a big decision to make. Think it ____ before you give me your final word tomorrow.

a) upon b) carefully c) on d) over d) over

166. I presume you declare any private ____ to the appropriate authorities.

a) income b) revenue c) interest d) allowance a) income

167. Derek had no experience of white-water canoeing, so it was extremely ____ of him to try and shoot the rapids

a) hazardous b) intrepid c) perilous d) foolhardy d) foolhardy

168. Meg had a ____ escape when she was hang-gliding yesterday.

a) close b) near c) slender d) narrow d) narrow

169. The five-hour ____ which was performed on Mrs Brown's hip was expensive but effective.

a) treatment b) operation c) medicine d) therapy b) operation

170. Albert Einstein ____ the rewards of his hard work when he was given the Nobel Prize.

a) got b) obtained c) reaped d) collected c) reaped

171. I can't understand Göran's Swedish, because he speaks a regional ____ .

a) dialect b) jargon c) accent d) slang a) dialect

172. When the lift finally started moving, we were all packed in like ____ .

a) fish b) anchovies c) sardines d) dates c) sardines

173. Mrs Taylor decided to buy a new coat by ____ order, as she didn't have time to look round the shops.

a) postal b) mail c) banker's d) standing b) mail

174. I usually switch off the television when the ____ come on.

a) advertising b) slogans c) posters d) commercials d) commercials

175. 'When do you have to hand in that report?' 'The ____ is Friday.'

a) lifeline b) byline c) headline d) deadline d) deadline

176. Hufvudstadsbladet wanted to boost its ____ by targeting a younger market.

a) circulation b) readers c) coverage d) market a) circulation

177. The soldier who saved the lives of three of his comrades was given a ____ award.

a) prenatal b) posthumous c) postprandial d) predicted b) posthumous

178. You never quite know what Ken is up to – he's rather a dark ____ .

a) dog b) fox c) wolf d) horse d) horse

179. Tine took her four-year-old daughter to the children's hospital for an appointment with a ____ .

a) paediatrician b) pedestrian c) philologist d) philatelist a) paediatrician

180. For my ____ of mind, promise you'll wear a life-jacket in the boat.

a) satisfaction b) contentment c) peace d) calmness c) peace

181. The burglar suffered ____ of conscience after unwittingly stealing a little girl's teddy bear.

a) pains b) aches c) stabs d) pangs d) pangs

182. In attacking an old lady, the youth committed a ____ crime.

a) heinous b) naughty c) bad d) evil a) heinous

183. The World Health Organisation has stated that smallpox has been almost completely ____ .

a) uprooted b) eradicated c) obliterated d) extinguished b) eradicated

184. Our amateur dramatic group are ____ a play this weekend. The first performance is on Wednesday.

a) rehearsing b) repeating c) playing d) practising a) rehearsing

185. Once the new business ideas were implemented, sales ____ and the company made huge profits.

a) plunged b) lifted c) rocketed d) achieved c) rocketed

186. Cosmetics companies who claim not to ____ their products on animals are gaining a large share of the market.

a) test b) try c) experiment d) practise a) test

187. Looking at old photos in family albums often ____ happy memories of the past.

a) creates b) evokes c) makes d) reminds b) evokes

188. The week of exams left Jane exhausted, and she's still rather ____ .

a) low down b) full of beans c) under the weather d) in worse condition c) under the weather

189. It was a complicated, subtle text, and the translator was nor sure he had captured all its ____ of meaning.

a) allusions b) tones c) shadows d) nuances d) nuances

190. What a mad thing to do! You could have been killed! It was ____ folly!

a) merely b) only c) sheer d) wild c) sheer

191. The president, flanked by his bodyguards, made a powerful ____ on the steps of the White House.

a) speech b) talk c) lecture d) sermon a) speech

192. Because Trevor had started a fight in the playground, he was in ____ for the rest of that day.

a) punishment b) exile c) dishonour d) disgrace d) disgrace

193. Blood ____ are needed urgently, as the national blood bakn reserves are getting low.

a) volunteers b) donors c) givers d) offers b) donors

194. Those who live on the ____ tend to have a less sentimental view of nature than city-dwellers.

a) country b) soil c) earth d) land d) land

195. Janet was full of ____ towards her stepmother.

a) terribution b) resentment c) reprisal d) vengeance b) resentment

196. Factories are having to ____ all production processes, and, in some cases, the workforce, too.

a) slim b) simplify c) streamline d) train c) streamline

197. Digitally ____ messages may soon be delivered via cable direct into our homes.

a) numbered b) dialled c) encoded d) deciphered c) encoded

198. Josie makes a good ____ from her freelance work.

a) profession b) job c) living d) earnings c) living

199. When Wilson's company was hit by recession, he decided to take early ____ .

a) redundancy b) retirement c) resignation d) redeployment b) retirement

200. Who needs more than the ____ necessities of life?

a) naked b) pure c) bare d) sole c) bare

201. The ____ of the abandoned orphans in Romania has aroused the world's pity.

a) sadness b) trouble c) case d) plight d) plight

202. I'm afraid Jennifer's very ___ . She believes everything she's told.

a) gullible b) trustworthy c) credible d) honest a) gullible

203. People can make themselves walk on nails or through fire. It's a question of mind over ____ .

a) body b) material c) matter d) facts c) matter

204. If you aren't sure what day the 24th is, look it up on the ____ .

a) calendar b) diary c) agenda d) dairy a) calendar

205. With ____, it's easy to see that a mistake has been made.

a) rear view b) overlook c) retrospect d) hindsight d) hindsight

206. In August we always go to our secret hideout, miles from anywhere and really off the beaten ____ .

a) road b) track c) path d) lane b) track

207. The woman accused of shoplifting was found not guilty and was ____ .

a) acquitted b) liberated c) excused d) interned a) acquitted

208. You're not supposed to park on the hard ____ except in an emergency.

a) lane b) shoulder c) leg d) area b) shoulder

209. While the yacht sailed on, I went to my ____ and slept for a while.

a) deck b) cabin c) bunk d) cockpit b) cabin

210. Some people prefer to watch a film first, and then read the ____ in the paper.

a) critic b) revue c) review d) criticism c) review

211. We can always find out what books the author consulted by referring to the ____ .

a) index b) bibliography c) key d) dust-jacket b) bibliography

212. The old man did not notice it had begun to rain. He was so ____ in feeding the pigeons.

a) concentrated b) obsessed c) engrossed d) fascinated c) engrossed

213. Several influential pressure ____ are campaigning for a reduction in the current prison population.

a) groups b) charities c) points d) members a) groups

214. Burglar alarms on cars may act as a ____ to the casual thief.

a) prevention b) deterrent c) stopper d) precaution b) deterrent

215. A lot of old ____ were settled in the New York gangland killings in the 60s.

a) quarrels b) criminals c) scores d) feuds c) scores

216. I had a(n) ____ that a disaster would occur, and it did.

a) premonition b) prediction c) forethought d) anticipation a) premonition

217. Don't worry if you run out of money at the weekend. You can always get some from the cash ____.

a) desk b) dispenser c) counter d) card b) dispenser

218. We should never have quarreled like that. Let's bury the ____ and forget all about it.

a) axe b) argument c) hatchet d) subject c) hatchet

219. It is often difficult for a householder to ___ squatters and regain possession of his or her property.

a) eliminate b) withdraw c) evict d) vacate c) evict

220. When the teacher asked Amanda what the chemical formula was, her mind was a total ___ .

a) void b) empty c) nothing d) blank d) blank

221. If you have a(n) ____ control handset, you don't even need to get out of your chair to change TV channels.

a) distant b) electronic c) far d) remote d) remote

222. As a result of the recent rise in the divorce ratre, there are far more ____ parents than there used to be.

a) single b) only c) unique d) separate a) single

223. I was really hoping to get that job, as they'd put me on the ____, but in the end they appointed someone else.

a) interview b) short c) top d) good b) short

224. Geraldine always brings back beautiful little ____ from her African trips.

a) memorials b) reminders c) souvenirs d) memories c) souvenirs

225. The shorter Cambridge Dictionary consists of two ____, A-L and M'Z.

a) volumes b) editions c) tomes d) issues a) volumes

226. When Delia's brother Mike pulled her hair, she got her own ____ by kicking him under the table.

a) back b) fun c) revenge d) retaliation a) back

227. Some of the villagers thought the old woman had the ____ eye.

a) black b) evil c) magic d) wicked b) evil

228. The young man ____ casually out of the café and flagged down a taxi.

a) marched b) rambled c) strolled d) staggered c) strolled

229. The boys at the back of the class started ____ when the teacher told them they would have more homework.

a) stammering b) snapping c) mumbling d) muttering d) muttering

230. As she got up to accept her award, the actress threw her rival a ____ of total contempt.

a) glance b) stare c) gaze d) glimpse a) glance

231. The children were ____ quietly in the corned while Mr Fox tried unsuccessfully to mop up the tea he had spilt.

a) guffawing b) sniggering c) jeering d) sneering b) sniggering

232. The drawer wouldn't open, even when Francis ____ at it with both hands.

a) jerked b) towed c) dragged d) tugged d) tugged

233. The ascent seemed impossible, but Wayne finally ____ up the courage to tackle it.

a) plucked b) seized c) gripped d) snatched a) plucked

234. The Morgans looked everywhere for their lost cat, but ____ a blank.

a) pulled b) dragged c) drew d) picked c) drew

235. The wet cobblestones in the village square ____ in the light from the streetlamps.

a) glimmered b) glistened c) glared d) glittered b) glistened

236. I'll get soaked if I go out now. It's simply ____ !

a) drizzling b) pouring c) showering d) dripping b) pouring

237. As the fire wasn't completely out, they were able to stir up the glowing ____ and put some more wood on.

a) flames b) blaze c) sparks d) embers d) embers



1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A

11.A 12.B 13.A 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.C

21.D 22.B 23.B 24.C 25.A 26.C 27.B 28.C 29.C 30.D

31.B.32.C 33.A 34.C 35.B 36.D 37.C 38.B 39.D 40.A

41.C 42.B.43.C 44.C 45.B 46.A 47.D 48.C 49.D 50.A

51.B 52.D 53.C 54.A 55.C 56.A 57.D 58.B 59.C 60.A

61.C 62.D 63.D 64.C 65.D 66.B 67.A 68.A 69.C 70.A

71.C 72.D 73.B 74.B 75.B 76.B 77.C 78.D 79.D 80.A

81.C 82.D 83.C 84.A 85.C 86.B 87.C 88.C 89.D 90.B

91.A 92.B 93.D 94.C 95.A 96.B 97.C 98.B 99.B 100.D

101.C 102.B 103.A 104.C 105.D 106.A 107.D 108.A 109.D 110.B

111.C 112.D 113.B 114.A 115.C 116.D 117.C 118.C 119.B 120.A

121.C 122.D 123.C 124.A 125.B 126.D 127.C 128.A 129.C 130.D

131.C 132.C 133.D 134.A 135.C 136.D 137.B 138.C 139.A 140.D

141.C 142.C 143.A 144.B 145.D 146.D 147.C 148.D 149.C 150.C

151.A 152.B 153.C 154.D 155.C 156.A 157.B 158.D 159.C 160.A

161.D 162.B 163.C 164.A 165.D 166.A 167.D 168.D 169.B 170.C

171.A 172.C 173.B 174.D 175.D 176.A 177.B 178.D 179.A 180.C

181.D 182.A 183.B 184.A 185.C 186.A 187.B 188.C 189.D 190.C

191.A 192.D 193.B 194.D 195.B 196.C 197.C 198.C 199.B 200.C

201.D 202.A 203.C 204.A 205.D 206.B 207.A 208.B 209.B 210.C

211.B 212.C 213.A 214.B 215.C 216.A 217.B 218.C 219.C 220.D

221.D 222.A 223.B 224.C 225.A 226.A 227.B 228.C 229.D 230.A

231.B 232.D 233.A 234.C 235.B 236.B 237.D


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