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Rhino rap

Focus Questions

1. Briefly explain the main issue in the Rhino rap story?

2. How long have rhinos existed?

3. Why are rhinos endangered?

4. What are poachers?

5. What has Adam done to raise awareness about the issue?

6. What is rhino horn made from?

7. What do the kids hope the video will achieve?

8. How has the video been made accessible to a wider audience?

9. Illustrate an aspect of the story.

10. What do you understand more clearly about endangered rhinos since watching the BtN story?

Endangered Australian animals

Discuss the BtN Rhino rap story with students, focussing on how and why Adam chose to raise awareness about the rhino issue. Students will choose an endangered Australian animal and create a product that raises awareness about the animal and the threats to its survival. Before students begin their research, ask them to discuss the following questions in groups of 3-4 students and then report back to the class.

• What does it mean for a species to be endangered?

• What animal or plant species do you know are endangered?

• Why should we protect endangered species?

• What is biodiversity and why is it important?

Students’ research can focus on:

• Appearance

• Habitat

• Threats to the animals survival

• Importance to biodiversity

There are some web links at the end of this activity to help students choose an animal to research.

Using their research findings, students create a product to raise awareness about the animal and threats to its survival. Products can include:

• Animation

• Video (short film, song)

• Poster

• Brochure

A class exhibition can be set up in the school (admin area, resource centre) or local community centre to enable other kids and adults to view the students’ work.

Further investigations

Design an enclosure for an endangered species. Students need to consider the animal’s natural habitat. Construct the enclosure using recycled materials.

Create a board game to teach people about endangered Australian species.

( Related Research Links

YouTube – Rhinos are endangered

Monarto Zoo – Southern White Rhinoceros

Department of Environment - List of threatened fauna

Kidcyber – Endangered Australian Animals


Episode 34



Science, Society and Environment

Key learning

Students will develop a deeper understanding of an endangered Australian animal and create a product that raises awareness of the issue.





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