56292751352550001905Registered Charity No’ 1035549 Newsletter w/b 26h November 2018HelloWe are looking forward to getting all the Christmas decorations out and starting our Christmassy activities in the next week or so. In the last week of term the children will be doing their Nativity which all families are invited to.Events his week Mon- Show and Tell.Tues – Forest schoolVisit from Postman Jon pmThurs - Zest dance studio pm (Owls this week, Ducklings next)Children’s activities. Owls -The body-reacting different textures and temperatures, Ducklings –trains St Andrews Day on Friday. Practising our Nativity songs.Future Events 9th Dec pm, Christmas Disco and Santa visit, tickets available 14th Dec Toy stall at school Christmas fair, donations of toys needed18th Dec Pre-school Nativity, 20th Dec Last day of term, Christmas parties.Can we remind everyone that sessions finish at 12 and 3 pm and having to open the door unnecessarily creates a safeguarding risk and disrupts the children’s routine. Unless you have made arrangements to collect your child outside these times, could we politely ask that you wait until the door is opened at the end of the session.Thanks The Pre-school Team.Rhyme of the week- A Hedgehog is very pricklyA Hedgehog is very pricklyA Hedgehog is very pricklyIt couldn’t be anything elseA Teddy is very cuddly…..A Fish is very slippery……A Crocodile’s very snappy…. ................

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