Survey Design - Angelo


The intent of this study is to determine measurable categories of service and identify areas to improve customer service in the Angelo State University computer labs.

The current method chosen to measure levels or dimensions of service provided by ASU to students using the ASU computer labs was developed by three researchers, A. Parasuraman, Leonard Berry, and Valarie Zeithaml, to measure the difference between service perceived, or provided, and the level of service desired. This process, referred to as SERVQUAL, can be used to produce a score for each service dimension.

Factor analysis was used to identify three service dimensions that can be used to describe categories of service at ASU. The three dimensions developed for ASU are based on their research, modified slightly, and summarized here:

ASU Survey Service Dimensions

• Staff

o Assurance- willingness to help customers and provide prompt service.

o Empathy- Caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers.

o Responsiveness- Employee’s ability to inspire trust and confidence in customers.

• Services

o Tangibles- appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, printed and visual materials

• Professionalism

o Reliability-Ability to perform promised services dependably and accurately

The graph below displays the calculated SERVQUAL scores for each dimension of service.


Once the factors were determined, a SERVQUAL score was calculated for each of the three factors. This was done by dividing the factor values by the number of Q variables included in each factor.

SCORE1 = FACTOR1 / 9 = -0.6302629

SCORE2 = FACTOR2 / 9 = -0.5807417

SCORE3 = FACTOR3 / 6 = -0.2907922

TOTAL = Q22/1 = -.6560542

These mean SERVQUAL scores signify the overall gap between the mean desired and the mean perceived levels for each dimension (factor) of customer service.

Factor 1: Staff

Q1: The computer lab staff’s willingness to help me

Q2: The staff’s ability to instill confidence in me to use the computer lab software and hardware

Q3. Staff who have the knowledge to answer my questions about computer lab policies, operating hours, software, and hardware

Q4. Computer lab staff who deal with me in a caring fashion

Q5. Receiving a prompt response to my computer lab problems and/or suggestions

Q6. Computer lab staff who have my best interest at heart

Q7. Computer lab staff who understand my computing needs

Q8. Computer lab staff who give me personal attention

Q9. Staff who have the knowledge to answer my questions about software and hardware

Factor2: Setting

Q10: Providing computing services as promised in the ASU catalog, computer lab brochure, or web page

Q11. Services provided at times listed

Q12. A visually appealing computer lab (i.e. neat, clean, and organized)

Q13. Computer lab staff can be distinguished from other students and are easy to identify

Q14. Ability to find an available workstation in one of six labs on campus

Q15. Being directed by staff to an open workstation at another computer lab if the first computer lab is full

Q16. Convenience of normal operating hours to personal schedule

Q17. Computer lab staff who are dressed appropriately for their position

Q18. Computer response time during log-in or application loading

Factor 3: Tools

Q19. Counting on the computer labs to have the software and hardware I need to complete assignments?

Q20. Relying on the computer lab software and hardware to operate smoothly

Q21. The computer labs containing state-of-the-art computers and peripherals

Q22. The variety of software available in the computer lab

Q23. The variety of special of equipment (i.e. scanners and color printers) available in the computer labs

Q24. Disk space provided to me on the server (my P: drive) is adequate for my data storage needs

Total: Overall Satisfaction

Q25. What is your Overall satisfaction level with ASU computer labs?


Angelo State University attempts to provide their students with the most current technology available. The Information Technology Department offers six computer labs throughout the university campus. Each year the Information Technology department conducts a customer satisfaction survey to determine the students’ satisfaction levels. As a result of the information gathered through the surveys, the Information Technology department makes changes or updates in the technology or services they provide.

There are six computer labs located throughout the Angelo State University campus. These labs are conveniently located to provide students access to a variety of services and the most up to date software and hardware. These services include scanners, color and black and white printing, internet access, and an additional wide variety of software programs.

The Information Technology attempts to meet the students’ needs by offering a wide variety of programs. These programs include Dreamweaver, Quark Express, SPSS, and SAS. They also provide additional specific programs necessary for nursing, psychology, accounting, Computer Science and Math majors.

The Information Technology help desk is available to assist students with programs they are not familiar with. Customer support is provided by trained lab assistants. The lab teams consist of lab assistants and directing personnel.

The Information Technology department attempts to provide the most up to date technology available. This is a continuous process, as technology is ever changing. Most upgrades are normally scheduled during slower times when fewer students are using the computer labs. Normally hardware and software upgrades are performed in a timely manner with minimal glitches.

Survey Design

The survey consisted of three main parts. Part one of the survey was constructed on the basis of SERVQUAL instrument which was first instituted by Zeithaml, Parasuraman &Berry. SERVQUAL is a method used to determine the difference between the perceived and the desired level of service (Hughey, Chawla, Khan 2003). It measures service quality on five dimensions including: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Parts two and three of the survey were created by using several various scales and questions.

Parasuraman, Berry, and Zeithaml originally started with seven dimensions, but had difficulty mainataining distinction after two stages of scale purification. Assurance and empathy were the last two items which contain elements of the seven original dimensions. These include Communications, credibility, security, competence, courtesy, understanding and/or knowledge of customers, and access (Parasuraman 23). These were later combined to create five dimensions. Due to the similarities between three of the seven dimensions and due to a number of valid survey returned the dimensions were downsized to three factors. Due to the original combined dimensions done by Parasuarman, Berry, and Zeithaml this is allowable. Within the SERVQUAL portion of the survey five dimensions were considered within the three categories of the survey.

Data was collected by method of a survey. A sample survey is attached in the appendix. The data was collected on campus through the distribution on surveys in classroom settings and through the Internet. Our goal for completed surveys was set at 450. This represents approximately 7.31% of Angelo State University’s combined undergraduate and graduate student population. To achieve this targeted number of surveys in a compressed time frame, we distributed them in pre-selected classes. The classes were chosen in a manner which would provide a random sample of each of the classifications, including graduate and distance learning students attending Angelo State University.

ASU Survey Service Dimensions

• Staff

o Assurance- willingness to help customers and provide prompt service.

o Empathy- Caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers.

o Responsiveness- Employee’s ability to inspire trust and confidence in customers.

• Services

o Tangibles- appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, printed and visual materials

• Professionalism

o Reliability-Ability to perform promised services dependably and accurately

Sample Demographics

ASU’s fall 2005 demographics indicate enrollment consisted of 45.9 % males and 54.1 % females. The percentages closely resemble the demographics obtained from this survey, Fig. 1.

A typical computer lab user is under 21 years of age, not married, and is more likely to be female than male. This student is in their freshman or junior year and majoring in Psychology, Business, or Communication.

Only 10.5% of the student population is married and less than 2% are divorced or separated, Fig. 4.

Approximately one third of the ASU student population surveyed lived on campus.

Figure 5


We surveyed a wide variety of students ranging from Psychology to Physical Therapy. Based on fall 2005 data ASU’s largest major by college was sciences at 23.7% and Liberal and Fine Arts at 22.1 %. Based on this data our results indicate that we were able to obtain a representative sample compared to ASU’s overall enrollment.

Figure 6: Majors

Survey Results

In addition to developing a score for each dimension the average difference between the desired level of service and the perceived level of service was graphed for each survey question. From these graphs it was possible to note areas that could be improved and areas that have improved.

Part 1: Staff

Figure 7

Q1: The computer lab staff’s willingness to help me

Q2: The staff’s ability to instill confidence in me to use the computer lab software and hardware

Q3. Staff who have the knowledge to answer my questions about computer lab policies, operating hours, software, and hardware

Q4. Computer lab staff who deal with me in a caring fashion

Q5. Receiving a prompt response to my computer lab problems and/or suggestions

Q6. Computer lab staff who have my best interest at heart

Q7. Computer lab staff who understand my computing needs

Q8. Computer lab staff who give me personal attention

Q9. Staff who have the knowledge to answer my questions about software and hardware

Part 2: Setting

Figure 8

Q10: Providing computing services as promised in the ASU catalog, computer lab brochure, or web page

Q11. Services provided at times listed

Q12. A visually appealing computer lab (i.e. neat, clean, and organized)

Q13. Computer lab staff can be distinguished from other students and are easy to identify

Q14. Ability to find an available workstation in one of six labs on campus

Q15. Being directed by staff to an open workstation at another computer lab if the first computer lab is full

Q16. Convenience of normal operating hours to personal schedule

Q17. Computer lab staff who are dressed appropriately for their position

Q18. Computer response time during log-in or application loading

Part3: Tools

Figure 9

Q19. Counting on the computer labs to have the software and hardware I need to complete assignments?

Q20. Relying on the computer lab software and hardware to operate smoothly

Q21. The computer labs containing state-of-the-art computers and peripherals

Q22. The variety of software available in the computer lab

Q23. The variety of special of equipment (i.e. scanners and color printers) available in the computer labs

Q24. Disk space provided to me on the server (my P: drive) is adequate for my data storage needs

Figure 10

Q25. What is your Overall satisfaction level with ASU computer labs?

How Many Times Did You Use RamPort during the Fall Semester?

Figure 11

Which of the Following Devices Do You Own?

Figure 12

Figure 13


Our results for technology usage closely resemble the results obtained from the ECAR report. On average, students at Angelo State University are utilizing similar technology resources compared to the national technology usage.

A majority of the students at ASU spend more than 11 hours per week using electronic devices.

How Many Hours Each Week do you Normally Spend Using an Electronic Device?

Figure 14

How Many Hours Each Week do you Normally Spend on Each of the Following Activities Using an Electronic Device?

The majority of students spend between one and five hours completing a learning activity or accessing information for a course using a course management system.

Fewer students utilize the library resources available than Internet surfing for coursework. In spite of the growing popularity 25% of ASU students do not use instant messaging. More than half of the students surveyed spend one to five hours per week surfing the Internet for pleasure. 60% of students spend more than one hour per week downloading and listening to music on the Internet.

Figure 15

Figure 16

Figure 17

Figure 18

Figure 19

Figure 20

Figure 21

Figure 22

Figure 23

Figure 24

Figure 25

During the Academic Year, What is you Most Frequently Used Method for Access to the Internet from Your Personal Computer

Most ASU students have commercial broadband service or use the school operated network.

What is your most frequently used method for access to the Internet from your personal PC?

Figure 26

Which of the following concern you regarding technology?

Figure 27

Figure 28

Figure 29

Figure 30

Figure 31

Figure 32

Figure 33

Figure 34

Figure 35

Figure 36

Figure 37

Figure 38


Figure 39

Figure 40

Figure 41

Figure 42

Figure 43

Figure 44

Figure 45

Figure 46

Figure 47

Figure 48

Figure 49

Ranking of Services

Students ranked the service of providing access to limited software in the labs from home as the most desirable service most often. Additionally the mean score for this service was the lowest, indicating it was ranked highly most often.

Figure 50

Figure 51

Technology in Courses Preferences

As illustrated in Figure 52, the most common responses were that students prefer courses that use a moderate to extensive amount of technology. The lowest response was for courses that use technology exclusively, implying that students do enjoy some level of classroom interaction.

Figure 52

Figure 53

Figure 54

Figure 55

Figure 56

Student Usage

Figure 57

Figure 58

Blackboard Usage

There is a significant difference between the number of seniors and freshman and junior and freshman that are using this service. Freshmen are not utilizing this service as much as the juniors and seniors.

Figure 59

Figure 60

Overall Satisfaction

Figure 61

Value of Blackboard Features

Figure 62

How Valuable did you Find the Following Blackboard Features?

Figure 63

Figure 64

Figure 65

Figure 66

Figure 67

Figure 68

Figure 69

Figure 70

Technology Benefits

The majority of students listed convenience as the most valuable benefit from technology.

Which of the following benefits from using technology in your courses was the most valuable to you?

Figure 71

|Survey # |Response to Question #90 |

|1 | |

|2 | |

|3 |music |

|4 | |

|5 | |

|6 |If there was a way to have a syllabus from each class on my computer, and have it tell me what is due the|

| |next day |

|7 | |

|8 | |

|9 | |

|10 | |

|11 | |

|12 | |

|13 | |

|14 | |

|15 | |

|16 | |

|17 | |

|18 | |

|19 | |

|20 | |

|21 | |

|22 | |

|23 | |

|24 | |

|25 | |

|26 | |

|27 | |

|28 | |

|29 | |

|30 | |

|31 | |

|32 | |

|33 | |

|34 |department tabs with events coming up, particularly the music and fine arts-student recitals, etc. |

|35 | |

|36 | |

|37 |chatting to my friends live |

|38 | |

|39 | |

|40 | |

|41 | |

|42 | |

|43 |chat so you can ask other students about homework |

|44 | |

|45 |campus photos gallery |

|46 | |

|47 | |

|48 | |

|49 | |

|50 | |

|51 | |

|52 | |

|53 | |

|54 | |

|55 | |

|56 | |

|57 | |

|58 | |

|59 | |

|60 | |

|61 |if it wasn't impossible to find anything from the home poage I would use it more |

|62 | |

|63 | |

|64 | |

|65 | |

|66 | |

|67 | |

|68 | |

|69 |a feature to alert you to tests in class, like a task manager |

|70 | |

|71 |information about it |

|72 | |

|73 | |

|74 | |

|75 | |

|76 | |

|77 | |

|78 | |

|79 | |

|80 | |

|81 | |

|82 | |

|83 | |

|84 | |

|85 | |

|86 | |

|87 | |

|88 |updated information |

|89 | |

|90 | |

|91 | |

|92 |stuff that cannot be found on the website |

|93 | |

|94 | |

|95 | |

|96 |new design, easier to customize, more news |

|97 | |

|98 | |

|99 | |

|100 | |

|101 |adding horoscopes and weather |

|102 |to be able to access personal files through RamPort |

|103 | |

|104 |music channels |

|105 | |

|106 | |

|107 | |

|108 |better library search databases |

|109 | |

|110 | |

|111 |able to put other links on |

|112 | |

|113 | |

|114 | |

|115 | |

|116 | |

|117 | |

|118 | |

|119 | |

|120 | |

|121 | |

|122 | |

|123 | |

|124 | |

|125 | |

|126 | |

|127 | |

|128 | |

|129 | |

|130 | |

|131 | |

|132 | |

|133 | |

|134 | |

|135 |the library is the most helpful |

|136 | |

|137 | |

|138 | |

|139 | |

|140 | |

|141 | |

|142 | |

|143 | |

|144 | |

|145 | |

|146 | |

|147 | |

|148 | |

|149 |my space, facebook |

|150 | |

|151 | |

|152 | |

|153 |grades |

|154 | |

|155 | |

|156 |weather updates |

|157 | |

|158 | |

|159 | |

|160 | |

|161 | |

|162 | |

|163 | |

|164 | |

|165 | |

|166 | |

|167 | |

|168 |ability to shop on RamPort |

|169 | |

|170 | |

|171 | |

|172 | |

|173 | |

|174 |connect to Blackboard instead of having to sign in twice |

|175 |changing color making it more personal |

|176 | |

|177 | |

|178 |visual images of recent sports events |

|179 | |

|180 | |

|181 | |

|182 | |

|183 | |

|184 |directions on actually how to use it |

|185 | |

|186 | |

|187 | |

|188 | |

|189 | |

|190 | |

|191 | |

|192 | |

|193 | |

|194 | |

|195 | |

|196 | |

|197 | |

|198 | |

|199 | |

|200 | |

|201 |add more information |

|202 | |

|203 | |

|204 | |

|205 | |

|206 |a list of events for the school |

|207 | |

|208 |facebook |

|209 | |

|210 |Blackboard |

|211 | |

|212 | |

|213 | |

|214 | |

|215 | |

|216 | |

|217 | |

|218 | |

|219 | |

|220 | |

|221 | |

|222 | |

|223 | |

|224 | |

|225 | |

|226 | |

|227 | |

|228 | |

|229 | |

|230 | |

|231 | |

|232 | |

|233 |on campus activities, news, and weather |

|234 | |

|235 | |

|236 | |

|237 | |

|238 | |

|239 | |

|240 | |

|241 | |

|242 | |

|243 | |

|244 | |

|245 | |

|246 | |

|247 | |

|248 |a better organization of events being held at ASU. Many events are still scattered throughout and hard to|

| |find |

|249 | |

|250 | |

|251 | |

|252 | |

|253 | |

|254 | |

|255 | |

|256 | |

|257 | |

|258 | |

|259 | |

|260 | |

|261 | |

|262 | |

|263 | |

|264 | |

|265 | |

|266 | |

|267 | |

|268 | |

|269 | |

|270 |make it more self-explanatory |

|271 | |

|272 | |

|273 | |

|274 | |

|275 | |

|276 | |

|277 | |

|278 | |

|279 | |

|280 | |

|281 | |

|282 |financial aid |

|283 | |

|284 | |

|285 | |

|286 | |

|287 |I don't like Ramport |

|288 | |

|289 | |

|290 | |

|291 |easier refernce viewing |

|292 | |

|293 | |

|294 | |

|295 | |

|296 | |

|297 | |

|298 |don't know what features Ramport has |

|299 | |

|300 | |

|301 |to block all the spam |

|302 | |

|303 | |

|304 | |

|305 | |

|306 |finding out my password |

|307 | |

|308 | |

|309 | |

|310 | |

|311 |announcements |

|312 | |

|313 | |

|314 | |

|315 | |

|316 | |

|317 | |

|318 | |

|319 | |

|320 | |

|321 | |

|322 |links to other ASU sites and services |

|323 |I like the tech here at ASU and the people in the labs are very helpful, no matter how many times you go |

| |to them |

|324 | |

|325 | |

|326 | |

|327 | |

|328 | |

|329 | |

|330 |access to Blackboard |

|331 | |

|332 | |

|333 | |

|334 | |

|335 |I don't use it |

|336 | |

|337 |easier access to Blackboard and faculty pages |

|338 |how to use it and to know what is it good for? |

|339 | |

|340 | |

|341 | |

|342 | |

|343 | |

|344 | |

|345 | |

|346 | |

|347 | |

|348 | |

|349 | |

|350 | |

|351 | |

|352 | |

|353 | |

|354 | |

|355 | |

|356 |weather forecast |

|357 | |

|358 | |

|359 |needs to keep updated all the time |

|360 |weather |

|361 |just to make it more personal |

|362 | |

|363 | |

|364 |have what is going on at ASU weekly and San Angelo in general |

|365 | |

|366 | |

|367 | |

|368 | |

|369 | |

|370 | |

|371 | |

|372 | |

|373 |more schedules of events that students can participate in |

|374 | |

|375 | |

|376 | |

|377 | |

|378 |ability to purchase livestock and poultry on-line |

|379 | |

|380 | |

|381 | |

|382 | |

|383 |RamPort is a great tool but most of us have an email account somewhere else so Ramport isn't used a lot. |

| |Educational resources are great though! |

|384 | |

|385 | |

|386 | |

|387 | |

|388 | |

|389 | |

|390 | |

|391 | |

|392 | |

|393 |streamline it, update pages, group better, tough to navigate now |

|394 | |

|395 | |

|396 | |

|397 | |

|398 | |

|399 | |

|400 | |

|401 | |

|402 | |

|403 | |

|404 | |

|405 | |

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|407 | |

|408 | |

|409 | |

|410 | |

|411 | |

|412 | |

|413 | |

|414 | |

|415 | |

|416 | |

|417 | |

|418 | |

|419 | |

|420 |Blackboard |

|421 |24 hour access to student services (registration) |

|422 |a website where students can buy and sell textbooks |

|423 | |

|424 | |

|425 | |

|426 |the layout is a little busy |

|427 | |

|428 | |

|429 |maybe putting teachers hours on RamPort |

|430 | |

|431 | |

|432 | |

|433 | |

|434 | |

|435 | |

|436 | |

|437 | |

|438 | |

|439 | |

|440 | |

|441 | |

|Survey # |Response to Question #151 |

|1 | |

|2 | |

|3 | |

|4 | |

|5 | |

|6 | |

|7 | |

|8 | |

|9 | |

|10 | |

|11 | |

|12 | |

|13 | |

|14 | |

|15 | |

|16 | |

|17 | |

|18 | |

|19 | |

|20 | |

|21 | |

|22 | |

|23 | |

|24 | |

|25 | |

|26 | |

|27 | |

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|29 | |

|30 | |

|31 | |

|32 | |

|33 | |

|34 | |

|35 | |

|36 | |

|37 | |

|38 | |

|39 | |

|40 | |

|41 | |

|42 |It was better organized for me and easy access |

|43 | |

|44 | |

|45 | |

|46 | |

|47 | |

|48 | |

|49 | |

|50 | |

|51 | |

|52 | |

|53 | |

|54 | |

|55 | |

|56 | |

|57 | |

|58 | |

|59 | |

|60 | |

|61 | |

|62 | |

|63 | |

|64 | |

|65 | |

|66 | |

|67 | |

|68 |it keeps me organized |

|69 | |

|70 | |

|71 | |

|72 | |

|73 | |

|74 |made access to materials I need easy to get so I could print |

|75 | |

|76 | |

|77 | |

|78 | |

|79 | |

|80 | |

|81 | |

|82 | |

|83 | |

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|147 |seeing what was on the test |

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|329 |both convenient and helpful in time management with courses |

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|344 |research |

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|383 |love Blackboard |

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|423 |great way to stay in touch when living outside of San Angelo |

|424 | |

|425 |I learned more from on-line quizzes where I could retake as many times as I wanted |

|426 | |

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|Survey # |Response to Question #158 | | | |

|1 |No connection problems; Important number of workstations | | | |

|2 |Provide working computers; availability; cleanliness | | | |

|3 |Availability; quiet; hardware/software | | | |

|4 |Hours; updated technology; concern for students | | | |

|5 | | | | |

|6 |Provide computers | | | |

|7 | | | | |

|8 | | | | |

|9 |Provide software; provide fast internet; provide convenience | | | |

|10 |Access; performance; convenience | | | |

|11 |rampart; blackboard; schoolwork | | | |

|12 |Everything so far has gone really good as far as technology goes.| | | |

| |The staff is very helpful. I've had a few problems but they were| | | |

| |able to help me. | | | |

|13 |Help students with problems; take care of computers. | | | |

|14 | | | | |

|15 |Convenience; service; teaching | | | |

|16 |Good access to computers, printers; Good service | | | |

|17 |Setup equipment; manage computer lab; provide necessary | | | |

| |information | | | |

|18 |Computer access; computer speed | | | |

|19 |Everything so far has gone really good as far as technology goes.| | | |

| |The staff is very helpful. I've had a few problems but they were| | | |

| |able to help me. | | | |

|20 | | | | |

|21 |Everything so far has gone really good as far as technology goes.| | | |

| |The staff is very helpful. I've had a few problems but they were| | | |

| |able to help me. | | | |

|22 |Helpful, knowledgeable, smart | | | |

|23 | | | | |

|24 | | | | |

|25 |I think the availability of computers, variety of software | | | |

| |programs and advanced printers are excellent. | | | |

|26 |Hours labs are open. Internet access | | | |

|27 | | | | |

|28 |Have enough computers so that you don't have to wait | | | |

|29 | | | | |

|30 |Research; Marketing | | | |

|31 |Overall friendly staff; helpful w/ troubleshooting; somewhat | | | |

| |convenient labs | | | |

|32 |Provides computers for people and assistance; Troubleshooting | | | |

|33 |Help desk at computer labs; blackboard; remote email | | | |

|34 |Keep printers stocked with paper | | | |

|35 |Try to make programs user-friendly. Make web-page appealing. | | | |

| |Try to give personal assistance. | | | |

|36 |Blackboard. New equipment every year. Few outages. | | | |

|37 |Convenience when I need a computer. Fast internet. ASU webmail. | | | |

|38 |Time | | | |

|39 |Assist, provide numerous programs(Word, PPT), fast internet. | | | |

|40 | | | | |

|41 | | | | |

|42 |technology pretty good | | | |

|43 |Provides a student with internet access | | | |

|44 |have good amount of computers for all students help when we need | | | |

| |problems. | | | |

|45 | | | | |

|46 | | | | |

|47 |Providing access to information; the availability of the | | | |

| |computers is great; providing general tech devices which college | | | |

| |people probably would not have. | | | |

|48 |Staying open to help people who work late. Having what I need to| | | |

| |complete assignments. Keeping the computers up and running at | | | |

| |all times. | | | |

|49 |Great help equipment and availability | | | |

|50 |Assistance with computer problems | | | |

|51 | | | | |

|52 |Neatness, very helpful, informative | | | |

|53 | | | | |

|54 |Keeping things stocked up, friendly, basic computer needs | |

|55 |Provides service, fixes problems, teaches us about programs | |

|56 |helps students, gives good advice, I like lab hours | | |

|57 |Fast internet, helping when I need it, the printers | | |

|58 | | | | |

|59 |Conveniently open at odd hours, provide help when trouble shooting, reset my password or user log-in promptly |

|60 |convenience,blackboard,technical support | | | |

|61 |It always has a computer open somewhere, the staff is always willing to help as longs as you are willing to get up |

| |and go ask |

|62 |Helps with problems concerning ASU net | | | |

|63 |Help with software, there when needed, enough staff on hand | |

|64 |Help desk is good, the hours are great, almost every program necessary is available |

|65 |the techs know what they are doing | | | |

|66 |Help desk assistance, new computers, fairly clean | | |

|67 |Helpful in the labs, don't make you feel stupid | | |

|68 |They provide answers to my questions promptly, they are always friendly and are available to help me, they are |

| |somewhat knowledgeable about the programs on the computer |

|69 |Keeps computers running well and updated, provides access with no waiting with convenient hours, always has staff |

| |ready to help |

|70 |fest internet, variety of software,blackboard makes things a lot easier to manage |

|71 | | | | |

|72 |flexible times, always wiling to help, can fix anything | | |

|73 |keep the printers restocked, answers questions | | |

|74 | | | | |

|75 |Fix the problems with the passwords, keep the computers running, answer technical questions |

|76 |availability of computers, providing students with help, having to update the equipment |

|77 |Help usually when you ask for it, usually have knowledge with what you need help with |

|78 |They can be helpful they know what they are talking about most of the time |

|79 |Opens on time, keeps programs going, takes care of problems well |

|80 |Availability of labs, updated computers, updated software | |

|81 |Helpful in labs, computers are always reliable | | |

|82 |Provide assistance, explain how to use programs that are on the computer |

|83 |Assistance, availability | | | |

|84 |Knows computers, readiness to help, times labs are available | |

|85 |Number of computer labs, programs on computers, hours that the computer labs are open |

|86 |Very helpful when I ask, knows their stuff, professional | | |

|87 |great hours, fast service, friendly staff | | | |

|88 |Open lab hours, basic help on Microsoft programs, repair of hardware |

|89 |technical assistance, helping students | | | |

|90 |Blackboard, portal | | | |

|91 |Updating computers regularly, operating hours of computer labs, friendliness of workers |

|92 |keeps up with new technology, good upgrades of computer hardware |

|93 | | | | |

|94 |has one lab open 24 hours sometimes, keeps computers updated regularly |

|95 |service, hours | | | |

|96 |schedule opening hours, equipment | | | |

|97 |customer service, knowledge of computers, available software | |

|98 |drive space,wireless,spam blocking | | | |

|99 |hour of operation, access to programs, staff support | | |

|100 |software, new printers | | | |

|101 |Rampart/email; Blackboard; Assistance | | | |

|102 |Help students understand their field. | | | |

|103 | | | | |

|104 |Assistance; Convenience; Knowledge | | | |

|105 | | | | |

|106 |Service, knowledge, printing. | | | |

|107 |high speed in labs. Blackboard. Lots of computers for easy | | | |

| |access | | | |

|108 |Lab times; equipment; helpful lab people. | | | |

|109 |Yes | | | |

|110 |help with questions; fix printers; free candy and software. | | | |

|111 |Hours, location | | | |

|112 |Good service, people, accessibility | | | |

|113 |Their always someone there. Try to help. Somewhat know the | | | |

| |software. | | | |

|114 |Help; Running the lab smoothly; Keeping things in order. | | | |

|115 | | | | |

|116 |Stay open; stay knowledgeable | | | |

|117 |Everything | | | |

|118 |Maintain PC's | | | |

|119 | | | | |

|120 |Not too many people know what they are doing. | | | |

|121 | | | | |

|122 |Blackboard | | | |

|123 |Provides helpful information; has convenient hours; has good | | | |

| |equipment | | | |

|124 |Keep comp. working; Hours of labs; email | | | |

|125 | | | | |

|126 | | | | |

|127 |Blackboard, Email | | | |

|128 | | | | |

|129 |Time; convenience; provides a lot of programs | | | |

|130 |printing; info; research | | | |

|131 | | | | |

|132 | | | | |

|133 |have operating computers; assistance if needed; printers and | | | |

| |scanners0 | | | |

|134 |Good help, good at keeping informed, good w/personal computer | | | |

| |help | | | |

|135 | | | | |

|136 | | | | |

|137 |Internet access; try to please student; availability | | | |

|138 | | | | |

|139 | | | | |

|140 |Help people | | | |

|141 | | | | |

|142 |make it easy to access. | | | |

|143 | | | | |

|144 | | | | |

|145 | | | | |

|146 |I don't even know where to begin. | | | |

|147 |Good Computers | | | |

|148 |Advising assistance; software; accessibility | | | |

|149 | | | | |

|150 | | | | |

|151 |free labs, helpers | | | |

|152 | | | | |

|153 |provide quick and convenient on line computers, (No Suggestions), Library |

|154 |help, always open | | | |

|155 |clean, there when we need help | | | |

|156 |Anti-virus protection, troubleshooting, good customer service | |

|157 | | | | |

|158 | | | | |

|159 |assistance,programming,changing papers in the printer | | |

|160 |helpful, convenient, up to date technology | | | |

|161 |helpful, convenient, up to date technology | | | |

|162 | | | | |

|163 | | | | |

|164 | | | | |

|165 | | | | |

|166 |sets up good o-line programs, has a good computer lab, helps people with problems |

|167 |tech support, providing access to computers, available hours | |

|168 |Gives information when looked for | | | |

|169 |hours, help with questions | | | |

|170 |help out, keep clean, keep noise to minimum | | |

|171 | | | | |

|172 |Provide a good stable internet connection, access to printing, available labs |

|173 | | | | |

|174 |provides easy Internet access, p drive space | | |

|175 |help others, stay quiet, comfortable | | | |

|176 |very convenient, helpful, good resources | | | |

|177 |the help is always courteous and very helpful with my questions, there is always enough help, seems to be able to fix|

| |my problems that I have ever experienced, I am very satisfied |

|178 |help assistance, current up to date technology, provide great software |

|179 |help desk, keeps a clean and pleasant work area, very professional and helpful |

|180 | | | | |

|181 |keeps computers available, attempts to help when asked questions, keeps the labs clean and organized |

|182 |access to the internet on and off campus, computer lab hours, support (help with personal computer) |

|183 |Customer service, keeping people informed | | | |

|184 |very helpful, prompt, convenient | | | |

|185 |good machines, mostly good people | | | |

|186 | | | | |

|187 |Provides help, access, availability | | | |

|188 |Always people there to help if I have questions, usually know answers to technical questions |

|189 | | | | |

|190 | | | | |

|191 | | | | |

|192 |Lets students know of changes, grows with technology | | |

|193 |Communicates with professors, fixes computers quickly, knowledgeable about software |

|194 | | | | |

|195 | | | | |

|196 | | | | |

|197 |Internet | | | |

|198 |Troubleshooting, filling paper in printers, getting rid of viruses | |

|199 | | | | |

|200 |Offer great software, are sometimes helpful with programs | |

|201 | | | | |

|202 | | | | |

|203 | | | | |

|204 | | | | |

|205 |They're lab computers are decent and provide the needed software.| | | |

| |Assistance is rendered upon request. | | | |

|206 |It provides me with computer labs all over campus. Technician | | | |

| |support and blackboard that helps me stay organized. | | | |

|207 |Keep a clean and neat environment. Cares about student opinion. | | | |

| |Provides quality services. | | | |

|208 | | | | |

|209 |Online library; fast internet; software variety. | | | |

|210 | | | | |

|211 | | | | |

|212 | | | | |

|213 |I don't really know, but they do always help me if I am confused | | | |

| |in the lab. | | | |

|214 | | | | |

|215 |Provide it in many ways. | | | |

|216 | | | | |

|217 | | | | |

|218 | | | | |

|219 |Good availability (flexible times) quick response to questions; | | | |

| |variety | | | |

|220 |I like the convenience of the lab hours; staff is very helpful; | | | |

| |like the study hours for quiet time. | | | |

|221 | | | | |

|222 |supply free printing; Helping the students. | | | |

|223 |They provide great help, meet your needs and they are consistent!| | | |

|224 | | | | |

|225 | | | | |

|226 |Stay open late hours; have all programs | | | |

|227 |I don't know I don't use it much. | | | |

|228 | | | | |

|229 | | | | |

|230 |Communicate; Facilitate Inform | | | |

|231 |Something almost always open to get to a computer. Some of the IT| | | |

| |personnel helpful/ others need a course in customer service. | | | |

|232 |Supplying computers; supplying service; providing necessities | | | |

|233 |Provide good customer service, technical assistance, and 24 hour | | | |

| |computer labs. | | | |

|234 | | | | |

|235 | | | | |

|236 |I don't use it enough to make an analysis or pass judgment. | | | |

|237 | | | | |

|238 | | | | |

|239 |Helpful; understanding about level of knowledge of students; | | | |

| |useful in coming up with solutions to problems | | | |

|240 |Excellent equipment; great access. | | | |

|241 | | | | |

|242 | | | | |

|243 | | | | |

|244 | | | | |

|245 | | | | |

|246 |Updating computers with new software; Update with fresh new | | | |

| |looks. | | | |

|247 | | | | |

|248 |Provides a good range of software.; affordable quality color | | | |

| |printing;. Good availability of terminals and hours of operation.| | | |

|249 | | | | |

|250 |Have plenty of computers for students; help students out when in | | | |

| |need.; open at great hours. | | | |

|251 | | | | |

|252 | | | | |

|253 | | | | |

|254 | | | | |

|255 | | | | |

|256 | | | | |

|257 | | | | |

|258 | | | | |

|259 | | | | |

|260 | | | | |

|261 | | | | |

|262 |Help desk; access to computers. | | | |

|263 | | | | |

|264 | | | | |

|265 |Blackboard; helpdesk; software. | | | |

|266 | | | | |

|267 |Provides great internet service in residence halls. Large labs w/| | | |

| |high availability | | | |

|268 |Good Help, good organization | | | |

|269 | | | | |

|270 |support, quick response, friendly staff, seem to genuinely fix | | | |

| |the problem for you | | | |

|271 |assistance, helpdesk, software | | | |

|272 |Provide good access to the internet. Help people to solve | | | |

| |problems with their computers. Good opening hours. | | | |

|273 | | | | |

|274 | | | | |

|275 |Number of computer labs; software available for projects, | | | |

| |assistance | | | |

|276 | | | | |

|277 |Having enough computers; fast connection to the internet; up to | | | |

| |date computers | | | |

|278 |Having the necessary software for my courses! | | | |

|279 | | | | |

|280 | | | | |

|281 | | | | |

|282 |Help students, provide easy access. Everything | | | |

|283 | | | | |

|284 |Good staff, good equip and good info on computers. | | | |

|285 |Technical skill, helping with problems, dressed appropriately. | | | |

|286 |great software, high speed internet, fast computers | | | |

|287 | | | | |

|288 |Helping with technology, assisting with troubleshooting, | | | |

| |providing adequate hours in computer labs. | | | |

|289 | | | | |

|290 | | | | |

|291 |Good equipment, log on time greatly improved; computer lab is | | | |

| |fairly clean. | | | |

|292 |Knowledge, friendliness, willingness to help. | | | |

|293 | | | | |

|294 | | | | |

|295 |Lab is open 24 hours. Tech assistance. Most programs required | | | |

| |of my classes. | | | |

|296 | | | | |

|297 |Provide assistance timely. Keeps labs clean, Restocks paper in | | | |

| |printers often | | | |

|298 | | | | |

|299 | | | | |

|300 |Adequate hours, enough computers. | | | |

|301 | | | | |

|302 |service, knowledge in technology, visuals | | | |

|303 |provides good usage times for computer labs, fast computers, quiet labs |

|304 |helps students, great operating hours, very smart information given by staff |

|305 | | | | |

|306 |Provide quick access at any time | | | |

|307 | | | | |

|308 |Help, provides services, inform | | | |

|309 | | | | |

|310 | | | | |

|311 |Availability, convenience, answering questions | | |

|312 |Helps others, explains software, friendliness | | |

|313 | | | | |

|314 |Availability, systems offered, help line | | | |

|315 | | | | |

|316 | | | | |

|317 |Email, website | | | |

|318 | | | | |

|319 | | | | |

|320 | | | | |

|321 |Availability, cleanliness, helpfulness | | | |

|322 |Has good hours of operation-convenient, has updated software, has lots of computers |

|323 |Help, informative, know what they are talking about | | |

|324 | | | | |

|325 |help, access, convenience | | | |

|326 | | | | |

|327 | | | | |

|328 |Giving access to a number of programs needed by students, friendly environment |

|329 |Helps solve personal computer problems, Blackboard, keeping the system running |

|330 |Provide computer access, provide printers for use, provide help desk |

|331 |Lab availability, Blackboard, Reasonable fast Internet mostly | |

|332 |Good service, give out virus scans, convenience | | |

|333 |Operating hours, trial and error in fixing problems | | |

|334 |They help when asked | | | |

|335 |Available at right time, space, software easy to use | | |

|336 |E-mail, faster connection, availability of software | | |

|337 |Keeps most of the computers running, helps with problems, good hours |

|338 |The computers have all the newest versions of programs, and for the most part the computers are fast and never freeze|

| |up |

|339 |Always make room if none is available, access is very convenient on all sides of campus, Internet access is quick |

|340 | | | | |

|341 | | | | |

|342 | | | | |

|343 | | | | |

|344 | | | | |

|345 |responding to problems, availability of help, friendly workers | |

|346 |Has different places to go to use computers, access to printers and scanners, sometimes the staff people are very |

| |helpful |

|347 | | | | |

|348 | | | | |

|349 |Services | | | |

|350 |Helps when I have a problem on my computer at home to an extent |

|351 |Always available computer, clean, good service. | | | |

|352 |Blackboard, rampart are very useful. | | | |

|353 |They keep hours that work w/my needs; It's pretty quick w/ | | | |

| |service. Lots of computers. | | | |

|354 | | | | |

|355 |Help desk. How many hours the lab are open. Ramport/Blackboard.| | | |

|356 |Good new computers. Keeps computers virus-free. Good help | | | |

| |services. | | | |

|357 |Help when needed. Labs kept clean. Good hours. | | | |

|358 |Keeping labs clean. Computers are continuously on, always loading| | | |

| |printer with paper. | | | |

|359 |Assistance, programming, understanding. | | | |

|360 |Has enough computers, helpful staff, up to date technology | | | |

|361 |Provide help, give adequate knowledge, good hours. | | | |

|362 | | | | |

|363 |Convenience of hours, staff always around, pretty helpful. | | | |

|364 |Having enough computers per student. Having adobe and other | | | |

| |programs available. | | | |

|365 |Maintain good computers. Keeps labs clean. Provide help when | | | |

| |needed. | | | |

|366 |Offers help, they know what they are doing, many labs. | | | |

|367 | | | | |

|368 | | | | |

|369 |They keep environment clean and quiet. | | | |

|370 |Trouble shooting, answering questions, always being there. | | | |

|371 |Access to the internet regularly/never crashes. Help from the | | | |

| |front desk 24/7. Provide good printing services. | | | |

|372 | | | | |

|373 |I'm neutral about the whole situation. | | | |

|374 |Easy access to computers, informed staff. | | | |

|375 |Helps give advice, quick help and find and fix problems. | | | |

|376 |Email, blackboard and rampart | | | |

|377 |Help me, service the computers, task oriented | | | |

|378 |Clean, help, maintain. | | | |

|379 | | | | |

|380 | | | | |

|381 |blackboard, e-mail, Ramport | | | |

|382 | | | | |

|383 |Plenty of computers for students and labs are open all the time. | | | |

| |Majority of the staff is very helpful | | | |

|384 |Maintenance on computers. Good programs available. Current | | | |

| |programs available. | | | |

|385 | | | | |

|386 | | | | |

|387 | | | | |

|388 | | | | |

|389 |Keeps place nice. Knowledgeable. Friendly | | | |

|390 |Access to info, ability to give answers, convenience. | | | |

|391 |Various places to access the internet. Has many types of software. Update regularly. |

|392 |I never go to the computer labs. | | | |

|393 |Hours of operation, cleanliness, location availability | | | |

|394 | | | | |

|395 | | | | |

|396 | | | | |

|397 | | | | |

|398 | | | | |

|399 |Variety of services, variety of programs | | | |

|400 | | | | |

|401 |Good computers, fast internet, multiple labs and computer types | |

|402 | | | | |

|403 | | | | |

|404 |Help desk, maintaining neatness | | | |

|405 |Has technology available for us, keeps up to date, makes me feel comfortable using it |

|406 | | | | |

|407 |Availability, knowledge | | | |

|408 | | | | |

|409 |Provide me with computers | | | |

|410 |Assistance, access to computers | | | |

|411 | | | | |

|412 |Keeping software programs up to date, providing support, Rampart | |

|413 |Organized | | | |

|414 |24 hour lab, setting up anti-virus software, variety of programs available |

|415 |Availability, nice environment, lots of paper | | | |

|416 | | | | |

|417 |Help out with problems, A decent amount of computers | |

|418 | | | | |

|419 | | | | |

|420 |Computer lab | | | |

|421 |Answers questions to the best of their ability, lab availability (good hours in the right locations), some staff is |

| |friendly, others not so much |

|422 |They teach current stuff, they use good hardware and software, excellent firewall |

|423 |Helpful when needed, spacious lab areas | | | |

|424 |24 hour computer access, software available on computers in the labs |

|425 |Hours open, knows the tech. pretty well, will help to install new programs if needed for classes |

|426 |We constantly are getting new computers, this helps!, most of the time my questions are answered, the labs are quiet |

| |and very easy to work in |

|427 |Blackboard, computer access, Internet access | | |

|428 | | | | |

|429 |Help solve problems, very knowledgeable, very fast to fix problems | |

|430 |Help with persona computer problems at my home when I call, other than that I do not use the computer labs any more |

|431 | | | | |

|432 |Assist you when needed, several locations on campus, updated hardware |

|Survey# |Response to Question #159 |

|1 | |

|2 | |

|3 |no suggestions |

|4 | |

|5 | |

|6 |post assignments that are due next day. Have a service where someone comes to my room and fixes my computer. |

|7 | |

|8 | |

|9 |nothing |

|10 |more scanners copiers machines |

|11 | |

|12 |More computers, I really like the express email stations that are around it lets me check my email really quickly. But I |

| |would suggest more computers. |

|13 | |

|14 |Having more computers and a bigger computer lab that is open all the time. |

|15 |Take time to teach, and make sure the student is learning. |

|16 | |

|17 |More skilled/qualified to help with complicated problems over the phone. Maybe give them access to our computers remotely |

| |on campus. |

|18 | |

|19 |Nothing |

|20 | |

|21 | |

|22 |None that I can tell |

|23 | |

|24 | |

|25 |I suggest more training for the IT desk folks. Whenever there appears to be a problem with software, usb jump drives or |

| |whatever else, I usually get a "I don't know" answer. |

|26 | |

|27 |labs need to be more accessible. |

|28 | |

|29 |Allow for the use of a program called GoBinder that directly interfaces with blackboard. |

|30 |bigger labs |

|31 |more staff w/ recognizable appearances; better informed staff reg. computer knowledge |

|32 |nothing |

|33 |Offer discounted software to students like other universities. |

|34 |provide 1 printer per lab exclusively for duplex printing. |

|35 |Providing list o services on ASU website. I don't know if there is already one. |

|36 |More outgoing lab assistants - some of the act like they intentionally avoid helping you. |

|37 |When I walked into a computer lab, I need to get things done but sometimes the lab is full and people are goofing around on|

| |the computers. |

|38 |More computers. |

|39 |More computers. |

|40 | |

|41 | |

|42 | |

|43 |more chat; more hands on work w/technology; more access. |

|44 | |

|45 | |

|46 | |

|47 |Maybe having he computer labs more quiet; people want to talk then go in the hall? |

|48 |Be able to distinguish the people who actually work there. Polite and courteous don't look at you like you're stupid. |

|49 | |

|50 |Having many labs to choose from |

|51 | |

|52 |discounted broadband services for students off campus |

|53 | |

|54 |More extensive training on technical issues |

|55 |More professional appearance, better at speaking with people |

|56 |Doing great |

|57 |Bring back AIM, quicker sign on, don't like to have to change my password so often |

|58 | |

|59 | |

|60 |More training for students who may not know and/or feel comfortable with what they are doing |

|61 |money at the stupid projects that aren't used or are used very little. None of my non-technology teachers use Blackboard, I|

| |strongly suggest making at least the MCS lab 24/7 for the benefit of students who have late night jobs who can't use labs |

| |during usual |

|62 | |

|63 | |

|64 | |

|65 | |

|66 |Computers on the first floor of the library could be nicer |

|67 |Help some professors get out of the dark ages and use Blackboard |

|68 |All the technicians should be well trained in all the programs available on the computer, for example front page |

|69 |Online help, more color printers in other labs, more staff |

|70 |I'm satisfied |

|71 | |

|72 | |

|73 |Allow students to access color printers especially for those off campus students. It is noisy with loud music in quiet |

| |rooms of the labs |

|74 | |

|75 |Allowing us to use AIM It's no different than yahoo and MSN |

|76 | |

|77 | |

|78 |They should let people know what devices they have for their own home computers |

|79 | |

|80 |better lab support, less printer confusion |

|81 | |

|82 |Faster dial up |

|83 | |

|84 | |

|85 |Fewer passwords, make it easier for people at home to use the internet as people on campus, tell the students where the |

| |color printers are |

|86 | |

|87 | |

|88 |Better help available in labs better response time for problems, wireless across campus |

|89 | |

|90 |Gpd job |

|91 |help students that have better understanding of computers, make the updates on the computers more user friendly, make ASU |

| |website easier to use |

|92 |Educate well-lab assistance. Customer service training |

|93 |During last few weeks of finals the lab should remain open longer on the weekend. Many students have major assignments due |

| |that require specific software that they themselves don't own if the lab is closed they can't work |

|94 | |

|95 |help people who use computers at home |

|96 |bigger wireless network, software availability |

|97 |better off campus access |

|98 |Better training of lab staff on computer programs |

|99 |involving more classes and integrating technology better |

|100 |more computers available in the MCS, being directed to the library when you only have 40 minutes before the next class is |

| |not practical |

|101 | |

|102 | |

|103 | |

|104 |Better virus protection& making sure everyone knows about it. |

|105 | |

|106 |Free color printing |

|107 |firewall; more protection from spam and phishing; advertise services available. |

|108 |Less time to log in (faster computers) |

|109 |higher pay for LA & student workers |

|110 |The technology services are doing a great job. |

|111 | |

|112 |everything is good. |

|113 |Learn more about software. Learn how to help you and explain to you what to do. |

|114 | |

|115 | |

|116 |More computers or faster network speed when a bunch of people are on. |

|117 | |

|118 |Cleanliness of machines from junk software. |

|119 | |

|120 | |

|121 | |

|122 |Know more. |

|123 |nothing |

|124 | |

|125 | |

|126 | |

|127 |More computers. |

|128 | |

|129 |more printer/free color printing or cheater. |

|130 | |

|131 | |

|132 | |

|133 |webcams and Microsoft media flash |

|134 |Wireless internet in dorms, fast internet; give out email address before student arrive to ASU. |

|135 | |

|136 | |

|137 |Off campus wireless internet at Starbucks or IHOP for studying. |

|138 | |

|139 | |

|140 |better wireless internet service |

|141 | |

|142 |Make bigger labs or more labs that are open 24 hrs. |

|143 | |

|144 | |

|145 | |

|146 |Have better wireless connections/service |

|147 |nothing |

|148 |nothing |

|149 | |

|150 |Make it bigger / expansion |

|151 | |

|152 | |

|153 | |

|154 |Sometimes labs are so full, so maybe more labs if they are available |

|155 |More computers, let us know when we can print in color, help with scanners etc. |

|156 |Increase number of computers in the MCS and library, because they tend to get full |

|157 | |

|158 | |

|159 |Don’t charge for color print |

|160 |I like it how it is |

|161 |more or better wireless access |

|162 | |

|163 | |

|164 | |

|165 | |

|166 | |

|167 | |

|168 |Faster access through different programs |

|169 |better wireless connections, cheaper software |

|170 | |

|171 | |

|172 | |

|173 |Provide a free broadband service to students that live off campus and on campus 56K is a joke |

|174 |Faster Internet in the dorms |

|175 |provide computer paper for students to have at no charge as well as colored paper |

|176 |less spam in ASU email, extended lab hours |

|177 | |

|178 |keep up with the latest technology |

|179 | |

|180 | |

|181 | |

|182 |Other Universities have made deals with Microsoft to offer a student editor to several programs for under $10 rather than |

| |still being $100, maybe more online classes |

|183 | |

|184 | |

|185 |new management |

|186 | |

|187 | |

|188 | |

|189 | |

|190 | |

|191 | |

|192 |Have more services for off campus students |

|193 | |

|194 | |

|195 |More friendly professional staff not taking persona; calls preventing them from helping |

|196 |Better virus protection |

|197 | |

|198 |Servicing personal computers |

|199 | |

|200 |Letting everyone know what the IT services offer |

|201 |Have more people to help in the labs. |

|202 | |

|203 | |

|204 | |

|205 |Simplify things. Cut the red tape. |

|206 |I think it's okay how it is. |

|207 | |

|208 | |

|209 |nothing |

|210 | |

|211 | |

|212 | |

|213 | |

|214 | |

|215 | |

|216 | |

|217 | |

|218 | |

|219 |Hmmm… |

|220 |Maybe more computers and printers. |

|221 | |

|222 |Bigger labs. |

|223 | |

|224 | |

|225 | |

|226 |better connected (faster |

|227 | |

|228 | |

|229 | |

|230 |ASU legally downloads music and provides it to students free of charge. |

|231 |Get all professors using same tech - such as this semester I have one using his own personal site. Also some of the |

| |personnel make me feel like I'm interrupting their work when I am trying to get help. |

|232 |More workers |

|233 |Have student given rights to download music software. Do color printing free because we pay technology fee in tuition. |

|234 |Have student staff be willing to help instead of working on their own work and socializing. |

|235 | |

|236 | |

|237 | |

|238 | |

|239 |More availability; ability to come to homes off campus; more people |

|240 | |

|241 | |

|242 | |

|243 | |

|244 |If not already, have wireless available for students off campus. |

|245 | |

|246 | |

|247 | |

|248 |Allow for discounts of broadband service for students working at home (Dial- up is outdated!); Workshops for learning |

| |different hardware/software for students ( and perhaps paying students or others to tutor). Computer gaming/events |

| |(currently the campus |

|249 | |

|250 | |

|251 | |

|252 | |

|253 | |

|254 | |

|255 | |

|256 | |

|257 | |

|258 | |

|259 | |

|260 | |

|261 | |

|262 |More Computers |

|263 | |

|264 | |

|265 |Improve network speed. |

|266 | |

|267 |Informing the students about free anti-virus software and how the wireless connection works. |

|268 |The quiet room in the lab will actually be quiet. |

|269 | |

|270 |follow up! |

|271 |more available computer labs please! And more convenient computer access, and study rooms. |

|272 | |

|273 |Lab staff should be trained on fixing some equipment such as the lab printers. There was one instance where the staff had |

| |no idea how to un-jam the printer so I had to discover how to do it myself |

|274 | |

|275 |maybe more help. |

|276 | |

|277 |More helpful people, more hands on help by computer assistants. |

|278 | |

|279 | |

|280 | |

|281 |Everything is ok. |

|282 | |

|283 | |

|284 | |

|285 |Offer more software on computers in labs for home use. |

|286 |allowing some of the software available on campus available at home. |

|287 | |

|288 | |

|289 | |

|290 |Getting staff more organized with the software, have them be able to explain how to use it, to have them not rush back to |

| |the front desk to sit and talk or talk on the phone they're there to work and help. |

|291 |Some computers are hard to a access the usb orts for flash drives. The on-monitor usb ports are great. Media card readers|

| |would be nice. Computer lab fees are too high. |

|292 |faster internet speed, less congestion, less constricting firewalls. |

|293 | |

|294 | |

|295 |Another lab close to business building or expand current lab. |

|296 |better help desk. |

|297 |Computer labs stay open longer, printer access in residence halls. |

|298 | |

|299 | |

|300 |Better assistance, Timelier assistance, more variety of software. |

|301 |stop spam |

|302 |feaster residence hall Internet access |

|303 | |

|304 |get more headphones |

|305 | |

|306 |Faster Internet in dorms |

|307 | |

|308 | |

|309 | |

|310 | |

|311 | |

|312 | |

|313 | |

|314 |Instructional classes |

|315 | |

|316 | |

|317 | |

|318 | |

|319 | |

|320 | |

|321 |Less noise (cell phones) |

|322 |Faster computers, better (free) anti-virus programs to take home |

|323 | |

|324 | |

|325 |Keep up the good work |

|326 | |

|327 | |

|328 | |

|329 |Students off campus faster Internet, provide off campus students with Internet |

|330 |Get rid of spam in email accounts, improve start up at log in. It takes 2-3 minutes to log in to a computer lab PC |

|331 |Keeping labs open 24 hours starting on Sunday instead of Monday |

|332 |Sometimes there are too many people working in the labs and they stand around and talk to each other |

|333 |Train your people |

|334 | |

|335 | |

|336 | |

|337 |Quicker log-in time during peak hours, |

|338 |To have friendlier IT people in the lab, and ones that know the programs so that they can help you |

|339 |Friendlier staff in labs |

|340 |Keep the lab in the Academic building open after 12:00 pm Lunch time is when I really use the lab |

|341 | |

|342 | |

|343 | |

|344 | |

|345 | |

|346 | |

|347 | |

|348 | |

|349 | |

|350 | |

|351 | |

|352 | |

|353 |Make sure the quiet rooms are actually quiet. Enforce the rules posted. No cell phones, no loud music, no loud talking in|

| |quiet rooms!!! |

|354 | |

|355 |Don't know. |

|356 | |

|357 | |

|358 |allow us to download items or software's into computer. |

|359 | |

|360 |more off-campus support. |

|361 |Nothing - everything is fine. |

|362 | |

|363 | |

|364 |The MCS computer lab can get very loud. More printers and color printers. |

|365 |Help keep labs quiet. |

|366 | |

|367 | |

|368 | |

|369 |Could use more printers. |

|370 |More computers, free color printing for school work. |

|371 | |

|372 | |

|373 |Computer labs in the dorms. |

|374 | |

|375 | |

|376 |the latest virus scan, better fire walls. |

|377 |Cheaper or free software - most schools give out needed software for free, more advanced equipment, labs in dorms. |

|378 |Keep on keeping on. |

|379 | |

|380 | |

|381 | |

|382 | |

|383 |Hire more people who have more of a people personality. |

|384 |More knowledgeable workers in labs (students). |

|385 | |

|386 | |

|387 | |

|388 | |

|389 |get more computers and wider wireless access. |

|390 | |

|391 |Put link on ramport as it is frequently used by students. |

|392 | |

|393 |more programs, see student versions, a way to print color on campus from off campus locations. |

|394 | |

|395 | |

|396 | |

|397 | |

|398 |Open the lab all night on weekends too. Till help students to have a constructive weekend. If I can get access at times I|

| |would not go to a party. |

|399 |faster login, faster program start up, more polite staff. |

|400 | |

|401 |Home Internet faster, easier downloading |

|402 |Get software in all labs or have the ones that have the software open 24/7 |

|403 |Better programs,easier to use programs for things like desktop publishing and technical writing |

|404 |Bring in headphones for all the computers |

|405 |Have more computers, to be able to print big power points |

|406 | |

|407 |Have more room in the MCS lab that is not a quiet area or that is not used for classes, More computers, stop the long |

| |surveys |

|408 | |

|409 |MCS be opened 24 hours 7 days a week, except holidays |

|410 | |

|411 | |

|412 | |

|413 |make the lab assistants more knowledgeable on Flash movie, Corel, etc. Also more willing to help students |

|414 |A list of the services provided, more spots outside to use wireless laptop (outside designated study spots with strong |

| |signal and deskspace) |

|415 |Train employees more on troubleshooting |

|416 | |

|417 |Faster Internet, More computers, |

|418 | |

|419 | |

|420 | |

|421 |When the labs open the staff should be on time and should bring up all the computers since they will be used during the day|

| |anyway. The lab staff should also make sure the printers stay full of paper and everything runs effectively |

|422 |Get double sided printers to save the trees |

|423 |Provide and require all instructors to use technology |

|424 | |

|425 | |

|426 |Having more software available( the hard to find stuff that is needed for some academic majors), the password changing |

| |every semester makes it difficult to remember for off campus students |

|427 |Software, use of Blackboard in all classes, inform on all services provided |

|428 | |

|429 | |

|430 |Free software and virus protection to all |

|431 | |

|432 |Get better printers |


A typical computer lab user is under 21 years of age, not married, and is more likely to be female than male. This student is in their freshman or junior year and majoring in Psychology, Business, or Communication.

ASU’s fall 2005 demographics indicate enrollment consisted of 45.9 % males and 54.1 % females. The percentages closely resemble the demographics obtained from this survey, Fig. 1.

Only 10.5% of the student population is married and less than 2% are divorced or separated, Fig. 4.

Students prefer courses that use a moderate to extensive amount of technology. The lowest response was for courses that use technology exclusively, implying that students do enjoy some level of classroom interaction.

On average, students at Angelo State University are utilizing similar technology resources compared to the national technology usage, based on comparisons with the ECAR report. .

However, there is a significant difference between the number of seniors and freshman and junior and freshman that are using Blackboard. Juniors and Senior seem to be utilizing this service more than freshman.

The majority of students spend between one and five hours completing a learning activity or accessing information for a course using a course management system.

Fewer students utilize the library resources available than Internet surfing for coursework.

In spite of the growing popularity 25% of ASU students do not use instant messaging. More than half of the students surveyed spend one to five hours per week surfing the Internet for pleasure. 60% of students spend more than one hour per week downloading and listening to music on the Internet.


Figure 2: Age

Figure 1: Gender

Figure 3: Academic Standing

Figure 4: Marital Status


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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