Breathing Problems, Allergic Reaction, Heart Attack ...

Breathing Problems, Allergic Reaction, Heart Attack, Fainting – Review Questions

NAME _________________________________________ Grade Section __________

Directions: (ON THIS PAPER) Read the questions and answers very carefully. If the answer given to the question is correct write the word TRUE. If the answer is incorrect write FALSE. Then CHANGE the answer to make it CORRECT.

YOUR ANSWER SHOULD BE IN COMPLETE SENTENCE FORM. For questions 15 and 16 fill in answers with a phrase or sentences.



1. What are some signs of breathing problems? Some signs of breathing problems can be very fast or slow breathing, trouble breathing, and high-pitched sounds.

2. What are the causes of breathing problems? All breathing problems are caused by an object caught in the victim’s throat.

3. What is the most common cause of choking in the conscious victim? The victim’s

tongue is the most common cause of choking in the conscious victim.

4. What kind of allergic reaction is an anaphylactic reaction? An anaphylactic reaction is a mild reaction and the results of the reaction could be death in seconds or minutes if not treated immediately.

5. What kind of reaction should a person expect who has a food allergy? All reactions are mild for someone who has a food allergy. A reaction can include redness of the face and hives.

6. How does the drug Epinephrine help the victim? Epinephrine opens up the air passages and makes breathing easier. It also stimulates the heart and reverses swelling around the face.

7. When should you use an epi-pen? Epi pens are only used on victims who are allergic to bee stings.


8. What is the procedure for using the epinephrine pen on a victim? When using the epi pen on a victim first, remove the safety cap then inject the victim in the thigh, half way between their hip and the knee. Then you should hold the pen in place for about 10 seconds and then rub the injection spot for several seconds.

9. What should you do if you suspect that someone is showing signs of a heart attack? You should have the victim sit quietly, phone 911, have someone get an AED if available, and be ready to perform CPR.

10. When does a heart attack occur? A heart attack can occur if there is a blockage of an artery in or around the brain.

11. Are there any differences in the signs of a heart attack in women and the elderly

than there are in men? Heart attacks that occur in women and the elderly are

often very painful and very noticeable then when men have a heart attack

12. What is the definition of fainting? Fainting is a short period when a person stops responding for less than a minute and then seems fine.

13. When does fainting occur? Fainting only occurs when a person receives bad news.

14. What procedure should you take for a fainting victim? To help a fainting victim have them sit up, bend their knees, and put their head by their knees to increase the blood flow to the brain.

15.. LIST 6 signs of a heart attack (number them 1 to 6)

1 - 4 -

2 - 5 -

3 - 6 -

16. (Scenario) A 50-year-old co-worker complains about chest pains. He says it started about an hour ago and has not let up. He is sure that it is just a little indigestion and feels silly talking about it. He says the pain feels like “something pressing on his chest,” and he feels nauseous. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO?


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