

Davies Lane, Leytonstone, E11 3DR

Tel: 020 8539 2466 Fax: 020 8988 6498



Dear children

Tomorrow school will close for a while. We don’t know how long this will be.

The reason our school is closing is so that we can all help to stop the spread of the Coronavirus in England. The Government has also asked us all to stay in our homes most of the day and not to go out in large groups.

We can still go out from time to time so that we get some exercise for our bodies and to buy our food, but when we do this we must keep a safe distance from the people we see. Keeping a safe distance also helps to stop the spread of the virus.

The Government has also asked many of your parents to do their work from home in this time. We will be working from our homes too.

During this time, we will be setting work for you to complete in the books we have sent home with you. All the details of the work you need to do is on our school website in the Year Groups section. Your parents will help you to access this and to complete your tasks.

Here is a list of things you can do to help us all in this time:

• Wash your hands - sing happy birthday twice and get between those fingers!

• Help your parents to keep surfaces clean around the home and help to tidy up

• Read every day - read quietly to yourself; read to your younger or older siblings; read to your parents, read to your pets!

• Write every day – complete home learning tasks, write stories, keep a diary, write letters to your family and friends

• Keep learning new vocabulary – when you find these in the books you read, write them down and find out what they mean

• Spread out the time you spend on devices and online – spending hours on the same device, tablet or computer makes you feel tired

• Complete your home learning tasks; your parents will help you to share your work with your teachers

• Practice the 5Cs at home:

Show consideration to your parents and family, care for yourself and those around you, cooperate with your parents and siblings, commit to reading, writing and learning new things, show courtesy to all around you.

We wish you and your family all the best in the coming weeks.


All of your teachers at Davies Lane


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