Level I: Pre-conventional Morality Level I: Stage 1 Response

[Pages:4]EDUC 302: Kohlberg In-Class Assignment

Hitchcock's Help Wanted

Whole Class Instruction

1. Watch: Help Wanted 2. Determine the dilemma x Relating directly to Heinz, what is the dilemma? This will be the question we will use to

determine the different responses for each of Kohlberg's Levels of Moral Development.

Modeling ? Whole Class ? Go through responses for Level I ? Stages 1 & 2

Level I: Pre-conventional Morality ?

Define Pre-conventional Morality:

What guides the response?

Level I: Stage 1 Response

Some possible responses and justifications: 1. The husband should kill the blackmailer because:

2. The husband should not kill the blackmailer because:

3. Others?

What guides this response?

Level I: Stage 2 Response

Some possible responses and justifications: 1.



Level II: Conventional Morality

Guided Practice: In Pairs Define Conventional Morality:

Level II: Stage 3 Response

What guides this response?

Complete the following statements -The husband should kill the blackmailer because:

The husband should not kill the blackmailer because:

The man paying to have the blackmailer killed should do so because:

The man paying to have the blackmailer killed should not do so because:

STOP ? Don't go any further! We need to check each others' responses before we move on! We don't want anyone to continue with incorrect answers. When you are finished ? put your pen/pencil on the edge of the table directly in front of you.

After we check Stage 3 ? in Pairs:

What guides this response?

Level II: Stage 4 Response

Complete the following statements: The husband should not kill the blackmailer because:

The blackmailer should not blackmail the couple because:

The man who wants the blackmailer killed should not have it done because:

STOP ? Don't go any further! We need to check each others' responses before we move on! We don't want anyone to continue with incorrect answers. When you are finished ? put your pen/pencil on the edge of the table directly in front of you.

After we check together ? you may do the last one on your own or with a partner.

Level III. Post-conventional Morality

Define Post-conventional Morality:

What guides this response?

Level III: Stage 5 Response

What is a possible Stage 5 response?

You know the drill!!!!

Finally ? what would YOU do? Why? Do you agree with Kohlberg's stages? Why or why not? Be specific.


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