Helpful Tips for your Adjustment to Life Back Home

[Pages:1]Helpful Tips for your Adjustment to Life Back Home

o Prepare for the adjustment process; learn about reverse culture shock before you leave o Allow yourself time; adjusting to being home is a process just as adjusting to the US was o Understand that the familiar will seem different because you have changed and may have new

perspectives o There may be "cultural catching up" to do as things will have changed at home while you were away o Reserve judgments and know that mood swings are normal as you readjust o Respond thoughtfully and slowly as you may seem unfamiliar to those who you left behind o Cultivate sensitivity if faced with perceived disinterest by others o Beware of comparisons between cultures o Remain flexible; life will not be exactly the same as when you left home for the first time o Seek support networks by finding people back home who have returned from abroad


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