Students must know the actions, therapeutic dosage, side/toxic effects and nursing implications of all drugs administered. If a medication error is made, the medication error policy and procedure must be followed.

1. Student must successfully complete skills checkoff before giving any medications. No medications will be given in Level I of the Vocational Nursing Program.

2. Students shall be supervised during the preparation, administration, and recording of all p.o. and injectable medication, (sub-q, I.M., intradermal), until the instructor evaluates their competency (see Special Exceptions). The staff on the unit will be notified when the student may administer these medications without supervision.

3. Students may calculate and maintain selected I.V. infusions as determined by the instructor.

4. Students may mix and hang I.V. infusions to a previously inserted device with supervision from the instructor.

5. Students may monitor solutions administered by pump infusion devices (IVAC) as determined by the instructor.

6. Students may discontinue an I.V. (NOT a central line)

7. Students may administer I.V. piggyback medications as determined by the instructor.

8. Student may administer IVPB meds through a Heparin/Saline lock and may flush the lock according to hospital policy with the instructor or designated personnel.

9. Students may NOT administer I.V. "push" medications, (ie, heparin).

10. Students may NOT mix or hang hyperalimentation or total parenteral nutrition.

11. If a medication error is made, the student will follow agency policy and complete form: "Incident Report for Medications".

Special Exceptions:

1. In administering narcotics/controlled substances, the instructor and student will follow the guidelines of the clinical facility.

2. In maternity areas (Labor and Delivery), students will NOT be responsible for monitoring Pitocin I.V. administration.

3. In nursery areas, the instructor or designated personnel shall supervise any medication administration.

4. Anticoagulant medications may be given only under supervision of the instructor.

5. Digitalis or Beta Blockers may NOT be given if the apical pulse rate is less than 60 per minute. If medication is NOT given, report immediately to medication nurse/charge nurse/instructor.

6. Insulin injections must always be checked with instructor or designated personnel.


8. RhoGAM may be given with supervision by instructor or designated personnel in accordance with hospital policy.

9. Students may not mix or hang I.V. chemotherapeutic/anesthetic agents/medications intended to achieve moderate sedation. If the patient is receiving chemotherapeutic agents, additional precautions need to be discussed with the instructor or designated personnel.

10. The student will not be responsible for any I.V. drip requiring titration including medications to regulate B/P, correct cardiac arrhythmias, or insulin infusions. Any IV drip vasopressors or IV antidysrhythmics must be double checked with the instructor, preceptor or the patient’s primary nurse prior to administration.

11. Students may not remove subclavian catheters without the instructor’s supervision.

12. Students may only give flu shots in hospital-based flu clinics or clinical facilities where labs can be drawn in case of a contaminated needle stick.


1. Students may not draw blood for type and cross match. If the facility permits, they may draw blood for other lab tests.

v:\word\VN Handbook Policies Shared\supervision of medication vocational Reviewed 10/2016


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