MEETING MINUTES October 5, 2021

The Wayland Planning Board met on Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at 7:00PM remotely via Zoom. Zoom information can be found on the Planning Board website.


Mr. Ira Montague, Chair

Mr. Larry Kiernan

Ms. Jennifer Steel, Member

Ms. Anette Lewis, Associate Member

The Town Planner, Sarkis Sarkisian, Town Administrator Louise Miller, and School Committee member Jeannie Downs also attended.

7:05 p.m. OPEN MEETING

I. Montague opened the meeting, read required legal notices and reviewed the agenda. He noted that the meeting is being conducted via Zoom, live-streamed on Waycam and that the public was encouraged to call in with comments and questions via 508-358-6812. It was discovered later that the meeting was not live streamed on Waycam.


Carol Plumb of 17 Baldrock Road asked the board if she would be allowed to comment later under the agenda item on School Bus parking. I.Montague replied that she would be able to do so.

7:07 p.m. 27 Sherman's Bridge Road, Conservation Cluster Special Permit and Subdivision The applicants requested a continuation to 10/19/21 to allow the full board to be present. Motion to continue the hearing for 27 Sherman's Bridge Road to October 19th at 7:15 P.M. Move: J. Steel Second: L.Kiernan Vote 4-0; Roll call in favor: I. Montague, J. Steel, L.Kiernan, A.Lewis

7:08 P.M. 41 Cochituate Road (Town Building) School Bus Parking Plan -- discussion re recommendations to ZBA re Amending Special Permit and Site Plan Decision No. 20-19

S.Sarkisian introduced the Special Permit and Site Plan request that was filed with the ZBA by L.Miller, Town Administrator, regarding School Bus Parking at Town Building. S.Sarkisian stated that the Application was signed by the Town Administrator and was submitted along with a Memorandum dated September 9, 2021 to the Zoning Board of Appeals and a site plan by BETA Engineering dated August 4, 2021 that showed the current bus parking configuration and proposed changes.

The September 9, 2021 memo characterizes bus parking locations over time but S.Sarkisian stated that it was brought to his intention from an email from Anette Lewis, 33 Claypit Hiill Road, that some of the statements in the September 9, 2021 memo are incorrect concerning where buses have been parked over the years. S.Sarkisian stated that he respectfully disagreed about when buses were parked at Town Building. He remembers Buses parked along the back of the parking lot when he was first hired. S. Sarkisian stated that he would see to it that L. Miller's September 9 memo is corrected before the upcoming ZBA hearing.

J.Steel requested an explanation of what the specific request for the Planning Board is and what the Planning Board's role is so as to set the framework for the discussion. The Planning Board is required to provide written recommendations to the ZBA.

L.Miller presented the history of school bus parking and noted that it has been a problem since she was hired 3 years ago. L.Miller explained that Wayland had a deal with MassDOT to park buses in Sudbury at the MassDOT yard, but that property was recently sold to Herb Chambers. MassDOT offered other properties, one of which is in Natick, however that distance would be problematic in the event of emergencies. Staff also canvassed private property owners, but with no luck. The bus contract was bid this year and to park buses off-site would have added costs and affected emergency response time. The Town was able to park 3 or 4 buses in the Town of Sudbury over the summer. J.Steel wanted clarification that the Board is being asked to make recommendations to the ZBA for a 1 year 15 months (i.e., through August 31, 2022) permit to park 16 Buses at Town Building. A.Lewis pointed out that the application/memorandum is not clear about the duration of the request. L.Kiernan want to know what the plan is after August 31, 2021. L.Miller stated that the town needs all the boards to come together to discuss opportunities and that further outreach is needed. She was not prepared to answer that question at this time. A.Lewis asked whether the vacant old Whole Foods Plaza or the bank next door could be a temporary location. L.Miller stated that she had reached out to the real estate company managing the plaza and because the plaza was recently repaved, the company was not supportive of having buses park there. She noted that the management company will allow the town to conduct drive-through flu clinics (which have been scheduled). Jeanne Downs related that several years ago there was significant neighborhood push back to parking buses at the schools.


L. Miller explained that the bus company prefers a central dispatching location for all of the buses. S. Sarkisian stated that the dispatchers are currently using the old dispatching room in the Town Building and drivers are using the men's and ladies' rooms in the building. That is why this location is being sought.

S. Sarkisian walked through what is being proposed. He stated the really busy time in the rear Town Building parking lot is for 20 minutes around Children's Way drop-off. The only construction will be a raised walkway from Town Building to the playgound. There will be painted pavement markings for walkways. According to S. Sarkisian, three parking spaces that are currently used for town trailers will be freed up for passenger vehicles and two spaces will be freed up by moving two dumpsters further to the rear near the buses. Questions were raised about whether the travel aisles are one-way or two-way and S. Sarkisian will seek clarification.

L. Miller stated that Town Building employees report for work at 8:00 a.m. and the Children's Way begins at 8:30 a.m. so there should be no conflict.

Board members expressed concern that there will be an insufficient number of parking spaces to accommodate vehicles. Members also pointed out that the expired ZBA permit that allowed temporary changes in the front of the building for traffic movements and parking spaces has now expired. Carol Plumb, 17 Bald Rock Road, asked whether an expired permit can be amended. ZBA Case #21-26 is asking for an amendment to #20-19 and that later permit expired June 30, 2021. C. Plumb asked about any memos from the Conservation Commission concerning this issue. S. Sarkisian read the Conservation Commission`s letter and said he would send it to the Planning Board.

Jeanne Downs thanked S.Sarkisian and L.Miller for all their efforts in trying to find a home for the school buses. J.Steel suggested that we use the December 10, 2020 memorandum that was submitted to the ZBA as a starting point. J.Steel led the board discussion and drafted the recommendations on-line with the use of share screen. The following was drafted

The Planning Board at its meeting on October 5, 2021 voted to recommend that the Zoning Board of Appeals seek the following information/clarifications and take into consideration the following concerns in any decision it may come to regarding the Town of Wayland's Site Plan Application for parking school busses at the Town Hall. Concerns

ZBA decision #20-19 expired on June 30, 2021 There is not currently a proposed end date for what should be a temporary permit The Conservation Commission interests must be addressed The plan for parking at the rear with the plan for parking at the front of Town Hall is not

fully coordinated, and the permit for parking changes at the front of Town Hall must also be addressed since it, too, has expired Information/clarifications


Traffic flow should be clarified on the plans (e.g., 1-way or 2-way around the rear lot?) The number of town employees in Town Hall, the Children's Way Pre School, associated

with the bus company who may need to park at the Town Hall The total number of parking spaces required to accommodate both employees (above)

and the public Clarification of how employees will be assigned to use the church parking spaces

ensuring that the spaces at Town Hall will be available to the public In conclusion, the PB suggests that the ZBA ensure that there is sufficient parking for the town staff, public, The Children's Way Pre School and the bus drivers. Safe passage for all pedestrians must be paramount. The Planning Board understands the need for bus parking and wants to be assured that if Town Building is the permanent solution that a proper long-term plan be in place. Motion to approve the memo as drafted and stated above Move: J.Steel Second: L.Kiernan Vote 3-0; Roll call in favor: I. Montague, J. Steel, L.Kiernan

8:39 P.M. Administrative Matters

Approval of Minutes Minutes of September 14, 2021 and September 21, 2021 will be voted on at the next meeting.

Discussion of possible Subdivision Bylaw revisions S.Sarkisian explained that Wayland's Subdivision regulations and the detail sheets have not been updated in 20 years. A.Lewis stated that she had been waiting for 20 years to have the regulations updated. J.Steel asked that S.Sarkisian send to the Board suggested revised language, to move the discussion along.

Discussion of Other Bylaw revisions S.Sarkisian suggested that the Board consider the following zoning amendments (based on list that was compiled by previous board members several years ago).

Common driveways ? the board spent several meetings discussing the proposed bylaw and according to S. Sarkisian the draft bylaw was ready for Town Meeting last year.

Ground-Mounted Solar ? S.Sarkisian recommended that this be drafted in conjunction with the Energy Committee. A.Lewis reminded the board of the MAPC draft model regulations that she distributed months ago.

Tear downs ? S.Sarkisian discussed the need to amend the bylaw because of the pressure to rebuild.


Conservation Cluster Developments ? S.Sarkisian stated that the board has discussed the need to increase the minimum area from 5 acres to maybe 8 or 10. He is working with the GIS Department to highlight all the 5-acre parcels. J.Steel suggested highlighting the parcels 5-6 acres and 7-8 acres.

Town Planner update A.Lewis asked if the Town Planner could give an update on matters that he is working on other than for the Planning Board. She further commented that she was not trying to overload S.Sarkisian with work but wanted to get an understanding of the time he spends on other matters. S.Sarkisian gave the board an update on other Town Planning matters not under the Planning Board.

River's Edge -- S.Sarkisian reported that he is managing the River's Edge MassWorks Grant for $2,203,000. The Land disposition agreement required that all piping be completed by October 1, 2021. The project is on schedule and all piping has been installed.

Shared Streets at Town Center Grant awarded to the Town of Wayland for $102,000 -- The Town of Wayland and Zurich International have not come to agreement on insurance matters.

Wayfinding Grant for $15,000 received two years ago from DHCD -- S.Sarkisian gave the board an update. The consultant presented 3 options to the Board of Selectmen. After the presentation, the BOS suggested a town-wide survey. S.Sarkisian stated that a survey was constructed with the help of MAPC and that the survey has not been posted because of the number of surveys that the BOS have been conducting (such as the Police Chief search and the Route 20 corridor).

9:20 p.m. ADJOURN Moved: J.Steel Second: L. Kiernan Vote 4-0; Roll call in favor; I. Montague, L.Kiernan, J. Steel.

Respectfully submitted,

Minutes taken by S. Sarkisian


Documents reviewed and discussed during the meeting: Agenda of October 5, 2021 Bus Parking Site Plan September 9, 2021 Memo and Application from L.Miller regarding ZBA Application


Plan entitled Town Hall Parking Lot Wayland MA by BETA Engineering dated August 4, 2021 September 29, 2021 e-mail from A. Lewis, Claypit Hill Road to Town Administrator Louise Miller

re: ZBA Application ? 41 Cochituate Road: School Bus Parking August 26, 2021 memo from Conservation Administrator Linda Hansen to Town Administrator

Louise Miller re: Proposed Bus Parking at Town Building October 5, 2021 e-mail from Gretchen Dresens to the Planning Board re: School Bus Parking at

the Middle School/former DPW site



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