Biological Terminology (Bio Terms): Latin & Greek …

Biological Terminology (Bio Terms): Latin & Greek Word Parts (Prefixes, Root Words, and Suffixes) Biology students are faced with the challenge of learning a large number of new terms predominately based on the Latin and Greek languages. Therefore, students should learn to recognize word parts since they often give clues as to the meaning of a word. Research suggests that students knowledgeable of these terms score significantly higher on standardized tests (EOC, ACT, & PSAT). During the summer, all Biology students must create study cards of the following word parts and learn them during the summer months. All students will be quizzed on the following terms during the first full week of school and throughout the first semester. Word Part MeaningExampleMeaning of Examplea-, an-, non-, un-Without, NotAphotic, Anaerobic, NonrenewableWithout light, Without air or oxygen, Not able to replenish naturallyab-, ef-AwayAboral, Efferent neuronAway from the mouth, nerve cells going away from brainad-, af-TowardAdductor muscle, Afferent neuronMuscle movement toward the body, nerve cells going toward the brainadi-, lip-FatAdipose, LiposuctionFat tissue, Removing fat tissueaero-Air, OxygenAnaerobicWithout oxygenamphi-Both sidesAmphibianBoth sides of land and waterana-UpAnabolicBuild up of larger molecules from smaller moleculesangio-Vessel, ContainerAngiosperm, AngiogramContainer for seed, Picture of a blood vesselandro, anthro, homo (latin)Man, HumanAndrogen, Anthropoid, Homo sapienMale hormone, Man-like, Man who is wiseanti-, contra-Opposite, AgainstAnticodon, ContraceptionOpposite of codon, Against conceptionaqua-, hydr-WaterAquatic, HydrationOf water, With waterarthro-JointArthropod, ArthritisJointed foot, Joint inflamation-aseEnzymeAmylase, LipaseEnzyme that breaks down carbohydrates, Enzyme that breaks down lipidsauto-SelfAutotrophSelf feeder (can make their own energy, usually by photosynthesis)avi-, orni-BirdAviary, OrnithologistBird cage, Bird studierbene-Well GoodBeneficialMutualistic relationships benefit both organismsbi-, di-, diplo-TwoBipedal, Diploid, DiplococcusTwo feet, Two sets of chromosomes, Two round bacteriabio-, vita-LifeBiosphere, VitaminWhere life exists on earth, Organic molecules necessary for lifeblast-Germinate, Sprout, BudBlastula Single layer of cells surrounding a cavity formed by cleavage of the fertilized eggcard-HeartCardiologyStudy of the heartcarn-Meat, FleshCarnivoreMeat-eatercat-, de-DownCatabolic, DecomposerBreak down of big molecules into small molecules, Break down of dead organismscenti-100Centigrams100 gramschel-ClawCheleped, ChelicerataClawed foot (lobster’s big claw), Classification of spiders with small clawsceph-HeadCephalizationConcentration of sense organs at the front of an animal’s body, its headcerv-NeckCervical vertebraeBones of the neckchloro-GreenChlorophylGreen leafchrom-ColorChromosomeColored body-cideKillHerbacide, InsecticidePlant killer, Insect killerco-, com-, con-Together, Both, WithCodominance, Community, ConjugationBoth alleles (trait type – size, color) are dominant, Organisms living togethercoel (seel)Space, Cavity, HollowEucoelomateHaving a true body cavity or hollow space (within the mesoderm germ layer)corp, somBodyCorpse, Somatic cellDead body, Body cell (any cell that is not an egg or sperm)-cystCapsule, Sac, PouchNematocyst A capsule within specialized cells of certain coelenterates (jellyfish) containing a barbed, threadlike tube that delivers a paralyzing sting -cyteCellErythrocyte, OsteocyteRed blood cell, Bone celldeca-, deci-10 Decameter, Deciliter10 meters, 10 litersdecid-Cut OffDeciduousDeciduous trees lose their leaves in the falldendro-, arbor-TreeDendrochronology, ArboretumCounting tree rings to determine its age, Place where many different trees growdent, dontTooth or TeethDental plaque, OrthodontistTeeth with patches of bacterial growth, Dr. who straightens teethdermSkinEpidermis, EctodermTop skin layer, Outer layer of tissue/skin during embryo developmentdeutero-SecondDeuterostomeMouth develops second (the anus develops first)dia-, dif-, diss-Through, Apart, AcrossDiarrhea, Dissect, DiffusionFlow through, Cut apart, Across (cell membrane)dors-, noto-The BackDorsal fin, NotochordFin on the back of a fish, A embryonic structure that will become vertebraeechin-SpinyEchinoderm, EchidnaSpiny skin (sea star), (spiny anteater)eco-Where one lives, HomeEcologyStudy of where organisms liveecto-, exo-Out, OutsideEctoderm, ExoskeletonOuter layer of tissue during embryo development, Skeleton on outside of body-emiaBlood ConditionHyperglycemia, Sickle cell anemiaHigh blood sugar levels, Sickle shaped red blood cells (should be circular)entomo-, insectInsectEntomologist, InsectivoreInsect studier, Insect eaterepi-Upon, Over, AtopEpidermis, Epicardium, EpiphytesUpon the dermis (skin), Over the heart, Atop a plantEqu-, iso-Equal, SameIsotonic, EquilibriumSolute levels are equal on both sides of a membrane (inside & outside the cell)erthr-RedErythrocyteRed blood celleu-TrueEukaryote, EucoelomateTrue nucleus (protective membrane around DNA), True body cavityex-, extra-, exo-Out, Outside, BeyondExtinct, Extracellular, ExtrapolationDied out, Outside the cell, Beyond known values (on a graph)gastr-StomachGastrointestinal (GI)Stomach and intestinesgeoEarthGeotropimA plant’s response to the earth’s gravityhapl-, mono-, uni-OneHaploid, Monosaccharide, UnicellularOne set of chromosomes, One unit of sugar (glucose), one celled organismherb-, -phytePlantHerbivore, EpiphytePlant eater, Atop a planthomo (greek)SameHomozygousSame alleles (form of a gene); hyper-More, ExcessiveHypertonic, HypertensionMore solute (something dissolved in water), Excessive blood pressurehypo-, sub-Less, BelowHypotonic, Hypotension, SubatomicLess solute, Below normal blood pressure, Below atoms (protons, neutrons, electrons)linguTongueSublingualUnder the tonguegnath (nath)JawAgnathanA fish without a jawgram, -graphWritten or PictureElectrocardiogram, SonographyPrint out of the heart’s electrical activity, Taking pictures using sound waveshelixSpiral, CoilDouble helixTwo strands in a spiraled shapehem-BloodHemorrhageBleed heavilyhepato-LiverHepatitisInflammation of the liverherp-ReptileHerpetologistStudy of reptiles (lizards, croc’s, turtles, and snakes)hetero-Different, OtherHeterozygous, HeterotrophOffspring gets different forms of same trait (Tt), Other feeder (ex. herbivore)ichthyesFishChondrychthyes, OsteichthyesFish with a cartilage skeleton, Fish with a bony skeletoninter-BetweenIntercellularBetween cellsintra-, endo-InsideIntracellular, EndodermInside a cell, Inside layer of a developing embryo-itisInflammation ofDermatitis, LaryngitisInflammation of the skin, Inflammation of the larynx (voicebox)karyo, caryoCell NucleusProkaryote, ProcaryoticCells without a nucleus kilo-, mill-1000Kilogram, Milliliter1000 grams, 1000th of a literleuco-, leuko-WhiteLeucocyteWhite blood celllocPlaceLocusPlace on a chromosome where a specific gene is foundlogyStudy or Science ofMycology, VirologyStudy of Fungi, Study of Viruseslys-To LoosenLyses, CytolysisProcess of loosening up or digesting a cell membrane causing cell deathmacro-, mega-LargeMacromolecule, MegafaunaLarge molecules (lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids), Big animalsMal, dis, dysBad or IllMalnutrition, Disease, DystrophyThe tumor was malignant. mar-SeaMarine BiologyStudy of life in the Sea or Oceanmedi-, meso-MiddleMedial, MesodermMiddle, Middle layer of tissue during embryo developmentmeta-ChangeMetamorphosis, MetastasisChange in shape or location; Cancer cells that change location (spread),meterMeasurementSpirometer, SphygmomanometerMeasures inhalation & exhalation, Measures blood pressuremicro-SmallMicrosporangia, MicrobiologySmall spore carriers (male), Study of microbes (bacteria, viruses, etc.)morphShape, FormMesomorph, MetamorphosisMiddle form, Change in shape (tadpole to frog)multi, myria, poly-ManyMulticellular, Myriapod, PolysaccharideOrganism made of many cells, Organism w/many feet, Many monosaccharidesmuta-ChangeMutationChange in the # or sequence of DNAmyo-MuscleMyofibril, FibromyalgiaMuscle cell, Muscle painnasal, rhin, proboscNoseNasal septum, Rhinoplasty, ProboscisWall dividing nasal cavity, Surgery of reshaping the nose, Elephant’s trunkneo-NewNeonatalNewbornnephr-, renalKidneyNephron, Renal veinPart of the kidney that filters/cleans blood, Vessel taking blood to the kidneynom-NameBinomial nomenclatureTwo-name naming system (Homo sapien = Humans)oct-8Octopus8 feetomaTumor, SwellingCarcinoma, LymphomaCancer-causing tumor, Tumor of the lymphatic systemomni-, toti-AllOmnivore, TotipotentEats all – plants & animals, All important cell (zygote) – becomes all cellsoo-, ov-EggOogonia, Oviduct, OviparousEgg stem cells, Egg carrying tube, Eggs that are hatched outside the motherorth-StraightOrthoptera, OrthodontistStraight-winged insect order (grasshoppers), Dr. who straightens teethose, gly, sacchar SugarGlucoseA simple sugar or monosaccharide made by photosynthesis in autotrophs-osisAct, ConditionAcidosisToo much acid in body fluidsoste-BoneOsteoarthritis, OsteocyteInflammation where bones meet (joint), Bone cellpaleo-, archeo-Old, AncientPaleontology, ArcheologyStudy of fossils and the history of earth, Study of ancient civilizationspara-BesideParallel, ParapodiaSide by Side, Feet to the sidepatho-DiseasePathogensDisease-causing organisms (some bacteria, some viruses, etc.)ped, podFeet, FootCentipede, Tetrapod100 feet, 4 feetpent-5Pentradial, Pentose5 spokes or rays (sea star has 5 rays/arms); 5 carbon sugarperi-AroundPericardiumAround the heartphago, troph, voreTo Feed or EatPhagocyte, Autotroph, CarnivoreEating cell (white blood cells), Self-Feeders (photosynthesizers), Meat eaterphoreCarry, To BearChromatophoreColor or pigment carrying cellphoto-, luminLightPhotosynthesis, BioluminescenceUsing light to make glucose, Organisms that can create lightphyte, phytoPlantEpiphyteA plant that grows atop of another plantpinn-, plum-, -pterWing, Feather, FinPinnepedia, Plummage, HymenopteraUsing fins for feet (seals), Feather shape & patterns, Straight membraned wingspino-DrinkPinocytosisProcess of a cell engulfing/drinking liquids or dissolved substancesplaty-FlatPlatyhelminthes, PlatypusFlatworm, Flat footploidChromosomeHaploid, DiploidOne set of chromosomes, Two sets of chromosomespneumo-, pulmo-LungsPneumonia, Pulmonary arteryInfection of the lungs, Vessel taking blood from the heart to the lungspost-AfterPost mortemAfter deathpre-, proBefore, Forward PrenatalBefore birthprim-, prot-FirstPrimary consumer, Protozoa1st organisms to eat producers (herbivores), 1st animal pseudo-FalsePseudocoelomate, PseudopodiumFalse body cavity (between ecto- & endoderm), False foot (found in amoeba’s)quat-, quad, tetra-4Quarternary, Quadiceps, Tetrapod4th, 4 heads, 4 feetre-AgainReproduceProduce againrhea, rrheaFlow or DischargeDiarrheaFrequent passage of loose, watery, soft stoolssalSalt SalineFull of salt or salt containing sapr-RottenSaprotrophFeeds on Rotting organic matter/dead organisms (also called decomposers)schizo-SplitSchizocoely, SchizophreniaCavity formed at the split of the endo- & ectoderm (protostomes), Split mindscopeView, SeeMicroscopic, MacroscopicTo see or view something small, To see or view something w/o using a scopesect, -tomCutBisect, AnatomyCut in two, To cut upsemi-, hemi-One-HalfSemipermeable, HemisphereAllows some (1/2), but not all things through, One-half a sphere (ball-shape)spermSeedSpermacide, SpermatidSperm killer, A small or immature spermspirBreatheInspire, SpiracleTo breathe in, Hole found on insects for air to enter and leave (breathing)stas, statUnchangingHomeostasisUnchanging chemical conditions in healthy organismsstom-, oraMouthStomata, Oral cavityHole or mouth in leaves allowing gas exchange (O2 & CO2), Mouth spacesym-, syn,- sysWith, TogetherSymbiosis, Synthesize, SystemOrganisms living with each other, Put together, Working togethertax-ArrangeTaxonomyA system used to arrange or classify a large number of organismstelo-EndTelophase, TelomeresEnd of mitosis, End or tip of chromosomesterrLandTerrestrial ecosystemAll living and nonliving things in a designated area on landtert-, tri-3Tertiary, Trisomy3rd, 3 bodies (chromosomes)thermHeatThermophile, ThermometerBacteria that live in hot areas, Heat measuring instrumenttoxicPoisonNeurotoxin, HemotoxinPoison to the nervous system, Poison in the bloodtrans-, per-Across, ThroughTransport, Transdermal, PermeableAcross a cell membrane, Through the skin, Through a cell membranetrop, volvTurn, ChangePhototropism, EvolutionPlant’s response of turning toward light, How organisms change over timeventr-BellyVentralBelly portion of an organism (portion of a worm that touches the ground)voreDevourCarnivoreCarnivores devour meat or fleshzoAnimalZoologyStudy of animalszygYoke (egg + sperm)Zygote, HomozygousUnion of egg & sperm, Zygote receives the same genes from both egg & spermThe best way to study the bio terms is to read (silently & out loud) through your cards both term-first and definition-first so that can you get used to remembering both ways. Go through the entire stack MULTIPLE times day and night. During concentrated study times, go through the cards a first time and place all of the cards answered wrong in a separate pile. Go through the pile of wrongly answered cards, and again place all the cards answered incorrectly in a separate pile. Keep going through the “wrong” pile until there aren’t any cards left that you can’t answer. Repeat this process from the beginning until you are able to go through the entire stack of bio terms without missing any. Give the terms to another person and have them quiz you. If you are able to answer 95% of them right – then CELEBRATE and sleep on it. Review the stack at least 3x’s a week to integrate the terms into long term memory. ................

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