Guidance and protocol - PsychArchives

Sample questionnaire: Behavioural insights for COVID-19The situation evolves rapidly and unevenly across the world, and so tailoring of the questionnaire to specific contexts is critical. Each country can select which variables they wish to focus on and can adapt items to their specific needs. For the data analysis code provided in Annex 2, note that the variables need to be named as suggested in the second column, the variable labels need to be coded so that the values correspond to the values given in the second column. Page 1IntroductionDear Participant,Thank you for taking part in this study. This study is conducted by XXXThe study about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) will take about 15 minutes, and we will ask health-related questions.The study is conducted to improve actions taken in response to the novel coronavirus pandemic. Your answers will be used exclusively for scientific purposes and to help improve novel coronavirus outbreak response.?Please do not start until you will have enough time to complete it in one go. Please close other programmes (e.g. chat or e-mail) to avoid distractions.This is a non-commercial study financed by XXXFurther information:The anonymized data will be stored permanently and published for possible later use by other scientists. Conclusions about your or other persons are not possible.Your data will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR EU).Your participation in the study is voluntary and can be terminated at any time and without giving reasons.Your participation in the research does not expose you to any significant risk.Why we collect and use your dataThe survey is about COVID-19. The anonymized data will be stored in XXX and may be used for research and teaching in the future.How you can contact usResponsible:XXXResponsible within the framework of the research project:XXXIf you would like more information about the processing of your personal data, please click here [provide data protection information according to national guidelines]. [*] I agree to participate in this study and understand that all my answers will only be used for scientific purposes. I agree to the processing of my personal data in accordance with the information provided here. I am aware that the data will be published in anonymous form to promote transparency in science.Page 2Variable: socio-demography[Screen out: <18 and > 74 years old]Variable: AGEValues: Number 1 to 99Variable: GENDERValues: 1 (=male); 2 (=female)Variable: EDUCATIONValues: 1 (=up to 9 years); 2 (=10 years w/o university qualification); 3 (=10 years w/ university qualification)Variable: HEALTHValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no)Variable: CHRONICValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: INHABITANTSValues: 1 (option 1, e.g. <=5000); 2 (option 2, e.g. =5001 to 20000); 3 (option 3, e.g. =20001 to 100000); 4 (option 4, e.g. =100001 to 500000); 5 (option 5, e.g. = >500000)Variable: STATEValues: Country specific; please numerate in alphabetical order, starting with 1How old are you?I am ____ years old. What is your gender?[*] Male[*] FemalePlease give details of your school educationAdapt to local context[*] Up to 9 years of schooling[*] At least 10 years (without university entrance qualification)[*] At least 10 years (with university entrance qualification)Are you a nurse, medical doctor or pharmacist? [*] Yes[*] NoDo you have a chronic illness?[*] Yes[*] No[*] Don’t knowHow many inhabitants does the community in which you live have? Adapt to local context[*] ≤ 5,000 inhabitants[*] 5,001 - 20,000 inhabitants[*] 20,001 - 100,000 inhabitants[*] 100,001 - 500,000 inhabitants[*] > 500,000 inhabitantsIn which district do you live? Adapt to local context. Districts could be federal states or regions in a country[*] District A[*] District B[*] District C[*] District DDo you have children under 18 years of age?[*] Yes[*] NoPage 3 Instruction Variable: AWARENESSValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)The following questions concern the novel coronavirus. Important: Please answer without checking the internet or other sources first.Please select the answer of your choice.Are you aware of the novel coronavirus outbreak?[*] Yes[*] No[*] Don’t knowPage 4A – Filter: no awareness of outbreak[only displayed when answered no or don’t know on page 3]Update to context and situation: There is an outbreak of respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus. This virus was first discovered in Wuhan, Hubei province in China and since then spread across the world. There are thousands of confirmed cases and many deaths related to the novel coronavirus, including in [add country].Please click CONTINUE to proceedPage 5 Variable: Risk region[Single choice][Single choice][Multiple choice for yes]Variable: INFECTEDValues:1 (=yes, confirmed); 2 (=yes, not confirmed); 3(=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: INFECTEDValues: 1 (=yes, confirmed); 2 (=yes, not confirmed); 3(=no); 99 (=don’t know)Are you or have you been infected with the novel coronavirus?[*] Yes, confirmed[*] Yes, but not yet confirmed[*] No[*] Don't knowDo you know people in your immediate social environment who are or have been infected with the novel coronavirus?[*] Yes, confirmed[*] Yes, but not yet confirmed[*] No[*] Don't knowPlease click CONTINUE to proceedPage 6 Variable: Knowledge 1 AVariable: PRECEIVED_KNOWLEDGEValues: Numbers 1 (=very poor) to 7 (=very good)How would you rate your knowledge level on the novel coronavirus?Very poor knowledge [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Very good knowledgeHow would you rate your knowledge level on how to prevent spread of the novel coronavirus?Very poor knowledge [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Very good knowledgePlease click CONTINUE to proceedPage 7Variable: Knowledge[Random order of risk groups items suggested]Variable: RISKGROUP_OLDValues: 1 (=at risk); 2 (=not at risk); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: RISKGROUP_PREGNANTValues: 1 (=at risk); 2 (=not at risk); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: RISKGROUP_INFANTSValues: 1 (=at risk); 2 (=not at risk); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: RISKGROUP_CHILDRENValues: 1 (=at risk); 2 (=not at risk); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: RISKGROUP_HEARTDISEASEValues: 1 (=at risk); 2 (=not at risk); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: RISKGROUP_DIABETESValues: 1 (=at risk); 2 (=not at risk); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: RISKGROUP_LUNGDISEASEValues: 1 (=at risk); 2 (=not at risk); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: RISKGROUP_ASTHMAValues: 1 (=at risk); 2 (=not at risk); 99 (=don’t know)Which groups are at risk of severe illness related to the novel coronavirus?Please evaluate all groups listed below.People aged 60 years or older[*] Are at risk [*] Are not at risk [*] Don’t knowPregnant women[Answer scheme: see above]InfantsSmall children aged 1-5 yearsPeople who have serious chronic heart diseasePeople who have serious chronic diabetesPeople who have serious lung diseasePeople who have asthma[*] Are at risk [*] Are not at risk [*] Don’t knowPage 8 Variable: Knowledge 1 B[Random order of symptom items][Random order of the first two answer options][Random order of first three answer options]Variable: SYMP_FEVERValues: 1 (=related); 2 (=not related); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: SYMP_COUGHValues: 1 (=related); 2 (=not related); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: SYMP_SHORTNESS_BREATHValues: 1 (=related); 2 (=not related); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: SYMP_SORE_THROATValues: 1 (=related); 2 (=not related); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: SYMP_RUNNY_NOSEValues: 1 (=related); 2 (=not related); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: SYMP_MUSCLE_PAINValues: 1 (=related); 2 (=not related); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: SYMP_HEADACHEValues: 1 (=related); 2 (=not related); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: SYMP_TIREDNESSValues: 1 (=related); 2 (=not related); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: SYMP_DIARRHEAValues: 1 (=related); 2 (=not related); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: TREATMENTValues: 1 (=drug available); 2 (=vaccine available); 3 (=both drug and vaccine available); 4 (=no drug nor vaccine available); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: TRANSMISSIONValues: 1 (=human to human);2 (=animal to human); 3 (=no transmission); 99 (=don’t know)Which of the following can be symptoms of the novel coronavirus?Please evaluate all symptoms listed below.Fever[*] Related to the newly emerged coronavirus [*] Not related to the newly emerged coronavirus [*] Don’t knowCough [Answer scheme: see “Fever”]Shortness of breath [Answer scheme: see “Fever”]Sore throat [Answer scheme: see “Fever”]Runny or stuffy nose [Answer scheme: see “Fever”]Muscle or body aches [Answer scheme: see “Fever”]Headaches [Answer scheme: see “Fever”] Fatigue (tiredness) [Answer scheme: see “Fever”]Diarrhea [Answer scheme: see “Fever”]Which answer is correct? [*] There is a drug to treat the novel coronavirus.[*] There is a vaccine for the novel coronavirus.[*] There is both a drug for the treatment and a vaccine for the novel coronavirus.[*] There is currently no drug treatment or vaccine for the novel coronavirus. [*] Don’t knowWhich of the following is correct about transmission of novel coronavirus?[*] The novel coronavirus is transmissible from person to person.[*] The novel coronavirus is transmitted by animals to humans only.[*] The novel coronavirus is not transmissible.[*] Don’t knowPlease click CONTINUE to proceedPage 9Variable: Knowledge 2[Random order of answer options before “don’t know” option]Variable: TRANSMISSION_DROPValues: 0 (=not checked); 1 (=checked)Variable: TRANSMISSION_SMEARValues: 0 (=not checked); 1 (=checked)[Adapted Variables here] Values: 0 (=not checked); 1 (=checked)Variable: TRANSMISSION_DONTKNOWValues: 0 (=not checked); 1 (=checked)Variable: INCUBATIONValues: 1 (=3 days); 2 (=7 days); 3 (=14 days); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: IMMUNITYValues: 1 (=immunity); 2 (=no immunity); 99 (=don’t know)The novel coronavirus is transmissible from person to person.Which of the following is correct about the transmission of the novel coronavirus?Please select all transmission modes that apply.[*] The novel coronavirus is transmissible via droplets through coughing, sneezing or intimate contact.[*] The novel coronavirus is transmissible via the fecal-oral route.[*] Add more if misperceptions arise. Adapt to local context and create new variable. [*] Don’t knowWhat is the incubation period (i.e., the time from viral infection to developing symptoms of illness) of the novel coronavirus?[*] Up to 3 days[*] Up to 7 days[*] Up to 14 days[*] Don’t knowWhich of the following statements about the cause of the novel coronavirus is correct?[*] After a person has recovered from the disease, he/she is immune to the novel coronavirus.[*] After a person has recovered from the disease, he/she is not necessarily immune to the novel coronavirus.[*] Don’t knowPlease click CONTINUE to proceedPage 10Variable: Probability and SeverityVariable: PROBValues: Numbers 1 (=extreme unlikely) to 7 (=extreme likely)Variable: SEVERITYValues: Numbers 1 (=not severe) to 7 (=very severe)Variable: SUSCEP_OWNValues: Numbers 1 (=not susceptible) to 7 (=very susceptible)What is your probability of getting infected with the novel coronavirus?Extremely unlikely [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Extremely likelyHow severe would contracting the novel coronavirus be for you?Not severe [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Very severeHow susceptible do you consider yourself to an infection with the novel coronavirus?Not at all susceptible [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Very susceptiblePlease click CONTINUE to proceedPage 11Variable: Preparedness and Perceived self-efficacyVariable: PREPAREDNESSValues: Numbers 1 (=very unsure) to 7 (=very sure)Variable: EFFICACYValues: Numbers 1 (=extremely difficult) to 7 (=extremely easy)Next, we would like to know about you own practices related to the novel coronavirus.I know how to protect myself from coronavirusNot at all [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Very much soFor me avoiding an infection with the novel coronavirus in the current situation is…Extremely difficult [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Extremely easyPlease click CONTINUE to proceedPage 12Variable: Preparedness - possible measures[Random order of items; except “Another preventive measure”]Variable: FOLLOWINGRECOMMENDATIONSValues: Numbers 1 (=not at all) to 7 (=very much)Variable: EP_HANDWASHValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_TOUCHINGValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_SANITIZERValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_HOMEValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_TRAVELValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_NATURALValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_SUPPLEMENTSValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_COVERINGValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_EATINGValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_CLOSE_CONTACTValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_ALGAEValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_POSTALValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_MEATValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_FLUVACCINEValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_EXCERCISEValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_MASKValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_CROWDValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_ABXValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_GINGERValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variable: EP_HOMEOValues: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=don’t know)Variables: EP_OTHER1, EP_OTHER2Values: TextI follow the recommendations from authorities in my country to prevent spread of novel coronavirus.Not at all [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Very much soWhich of the following are effective measures to prevent the spread and infection of the novel coronavirus?Please evaluate all preventive measures listed below.Adapt to national recommendations: Specify to the degree possible, depending on national recommendations .Hand washing for 20 seconds[*] Yes [*] No [*] Don’t knowAvoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands [Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Use of disinfectants to clean hands when soap and water is not available for washing hands[Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Staying home when you are sick or when you have a cold[Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Not travelling abroad [Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Adapt below list to local contextHerbal supplements[Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Taking food supplements[Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Covering your mouth when you cough[Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Ensuring a balanced diet[Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Avoiding close contact with someone who is infected[Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Using algae[Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Using caution when opening mail[Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Avoiding eating meat[Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Getting the flu shot[Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]exercising regularly[Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Wearing a face mask[Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Avoiding places where many people gather[Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Using antibiotics[Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Drinking ginger tea[Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Using homeopathic remedies[Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Social distancing [Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Self-quarantine [Answer scheme: see “Hand washing”]Another preventive measure, please specify…[*] Yes [*] No [*] Don’t knowPlease click CONTINUE to proceedPage 13Variable: Preparedness - taken measures[Random order of items; except “Another preventive measure”]Variables: as above, but starting with “USE_” (e.g. USE_HANDWASH, USE_TOUCHING, USE_GINGER)Values: 1 (=yes); 2 (=no); 99 (=Does not apply)Which of the following measures have you taken to prevent infection from the novel coronavirus?Please indicate for all measures below whether you have already taken them.Hand washing for 20 seconds[*] Yes [*] No [*] Does not applyAvoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands Use of disinfectants to clean hands when soap and water was not available for washing handsStaying home when you were sick or when you had a coldNot travelling abroad Adapt below list to local contextHerbal supplementsTaking food supplementsCovering your mouth when you coughEnsuring a balanced dietAvoiding close contact with someone who is infectedUsing algaeUsing caution when opening mailAvoiding eating meatGetting the flu shotexercising regularlyWearing a face maskAvoiding places where many people gatherUsing antibioticsDrinking ginger teaUsing homeopathic remediesSocial distancing Self-quarantine Another preventive measure, please specify…[*] Yes [*] No [*] Does not applyPlease click CONTINUE to proceedPage 14Variable: Preparedness – barriers and driversVariable: HANDWASHValues: Numbers 1 (=very easy) to 7 (=very difficult)[New Items: suggested Values 1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree][New Items: suggested Values 1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree]Washing my hands often with water and soap for 20 seconds each time is Very inconvenient [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Very easy to doAdapt to local recommendations select two key recommendations:Please indicate how much you disagree or agree with the following statementsI see my family and friends washing their hands frequently. Strongly disagree [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Strongly agreeHealth authorities urge me to wash my hands frequently. I seldomly have access to water and soap. My hands dry out when I wash them frequently. It helps to protect others to wash my hands frequently.Please indicate how much you disagree or agree with the following statementsMy family and friends avoid crowded areas.Strongly disagree [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Strongly agreeMy family and friends avoid social contacts. Health authorities urge me to avoid crowded areas.I want to protect others by avoiding crowded areas.My employer urges me to avoid crowded areas at work. (if applicable)Strongly disagree [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Strongly agreePage 16Variable: Affect[Random order of items]Variable: AFF_DISTANCEValues: Numbers 1 (=near) to 7 (=far)Variable: AFF_NOVELTYValues: 1 (=new) to 7 (=old)Variable: AFF_SPREADValues: 1 (=slow) to 7 (=fast)Variable: AFF_THINKValues: Numbers 1 (=all the time) to 7 (=never)Variable: AFF_FEARValues: Numbers 1 (=fear-inducing) to 7 (=not fear-inducing)Variable: AFF_HYPEValues: Numbers 1 (=hyped) to 7 (=not hyped)Variable: AFF_WORRYValues: Numbers 1 (=worrying) to 7 (=not worrying)[New Variable. Suggested order: 1 (=helpless) to 7 (=able)]Please choose one option per row. The novel coronavirus to me feels ...close to me [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] far away from meNew [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] OldSpreading slowly [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Spreading fastSomething I think about all the time [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Something I almost never think aboutFear-inducing [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Not fear-inducingMedia hyped [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Not media hypedWorrying [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Not worryingSomething that makes me feel helpless [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Something I am able to combat with my own actionStressful [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Not stressfulPlease click CONTINUE to proceedPage 17Variable: Trust in sources of information[Random order of items, except other][employer and health insurance are no compulsory items]Variable: TRUST_STATE_TVValues: Numbers 1 (=very little trust) to 7 (=very much trust)Variable: TRUST_PRINT_NEWSValues: Numbers 1 (=very little trust) to 7 (=very much trust)Variable: TRUST_CONVERSATIONSValues: Numbers 1 (=very little trust) to 7 (=very much trust)Variable: TRUST_PRIVATE_TVValues: Numbers 1 (=very little trust) to 7 (=very much trust)Variable: TRUST_ONLINE_NEWSValues: Numbers 1 (=very little trust) to 7 (=very much trust)Variable: TRUST_MAGAZINEValues: Numbers 1 (=very little trust) to 7 (=very much trust)Variable: TRUST_SOC_MEDIAValues: Numbers 1 (=very little trust) to 7 (=very much trust)Variable: TRUST_SEARCHValues: Numbers 1 (=very little trust) to 7 (=very much trust)Variable: TRUST_PRIVATE_RADIOValues: Numbers 1 (=very little trust) to 7 (=very much trust)Variable: TRUST_STATE_RADIOValues: Numbers 1 (=very little trust) to 7 (=very much trust)Variable: TRUST_OTHERValues: Text + Numbers 1 (=very little trust) to 7 (=very much trust)How much do you trust the following sources of information in their reporting about the novel coronavirus?Public television channelsVery little trust [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] A great deal of trustDaily or weekly newspapersConversations with family and friendsConversations with circle of colleaguesConsultation with health workersPrivate television stationsWebsites or online news pages (e.g. [adapt to local context])Journals (e.g. [adapt to local context])Social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp)Search engines (e.g. google)Private radio stationsPublic radio stationsOther sources, namely: _____Very little trust [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] A great deal of trustPlease click CONTINUE to proceedPage 18Variable: Use of sources of information[Random order of items; except other][employer, health insurance, and other are no compulsory items]Variables: as above, but starting with USE_ (e.g. USE_MAGAZINE, USE_SEARCH)Values: Numbers 1 (=never) to 7 (=very often)How often do you use the following sources of information to stay informed about the novel coronavirus?Public television channelsNever [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Very oftenDaily or weekly newspapersConversations with family and friends Conversations with circle of colleaguesPrivate television stationsWebsites or online news pages (e.g., (e.g. Focus, Spiegel, Stern)Social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp)Search engines (e.g. google)Private radio stationsPublic radio stationsOther sources, namely: _____Never [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Very oftenThe type of information I need the most, relates to…Symptoms of novel coronavirusPersonal stories from others about how they copeScientific progress in development of a vaccine against novel coronavirusScientific progress in development of treatment for novel coronavirusHow I can personally prevent spread of the diseaseHow I can take care of a person who is in the risk groupHow I can best take care of my children’s school educationDetails on travel restrictions[*] Yes [*] No Other, please specify…Please click CONTINUE to proceedPage 19Variable: Frequency of InformationVariable: FREQ_INFOValues: Numbers 1 (=never) to 7 (=very often)How often do you inform yourself about the novel coronavirus?Never [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Several times a dayPage 20Variable: Trust in institutions[Random order of items]Variable: TRUST_DOCTORValue: Numbers 1 (=not applicable) then 3 (=very little confidence) to 9 (=very much confidence)Variable: TRUST_OCC_DOCTORValue: Numbers 1 (=not applicable) then 3 (=very little confidence) to 9 (=very much confidence)Variable: TRUST_BOSSValue: Numbers 1 (=not applicable) then 3 (=very little confidence) to 9 (=very much confidence)Variable: TRUST_MEDIAValue: Numbers 1 (=not applicable) then 3 (=very little confidence) to 9 (=very much confidence)Variable: TRUST_HOSPITALSValue: Numbers 1 (=not applicable) then 3 (=very little confidence) to 9 (=very much confidence)Variable: TRUST_LOCAL_HEALTHValue: Numbers 1 (=not applicable) then 3 (=very little confidence) to 9 (=very much confidence)Variable: TRUST_FEDERAL_HEALTHValue: Numbers 1 (=not applicable) then 3 (=very little confidence) to 9 (=very much confidence)Variable: TRUST_NATIONAL_HEALTHValue: Numbers 1 (=not applicable) then 3 (=very little confidence) to 9 (=very much confidence)Variable: TRUST_MEDIC_COMMValue: Numbers 1 (=not applicable) then 3 (=very little confidence) to 9 (=very much confidence)Variable: TRUST_SCHOOLSValue: Numbers 1 (=not applicable) then 3 (=very little confidence) to 9 (=very much confidence)Variable: TRUST_UNISValue: Numbers 1 (=not applicable) or 3 (=very little confidence) to 9 (=very much confidence)Variable: TRUST_KINDERGARTENValue: Numbers 1 (=not applicable) then 3 (=very little confidence) to 9 (=very much confidence)Variable: TRUST_TRANSPORTATIONValue: Numbers 1 (=not applicable) then 3 (=very little confidence) to 9 (=very much confidence)How much confidence do you have in the below individuals and organizations that they can handle the novel coronavirus well?Adapt to local contextYour own doctorNot applicable [*]Very low confidence [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Very high confidenceYour company physician (if applicable)Your Employer (if applicable)MediaHospitalsThe local/County health department Ministry of HealthNational Health Agency Medical professional associations (e.g. German Medical Association)SchoolsUniversitiesKindergartensTransportation companiesNot applicable [*]Very low confidence [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Very high confidencePlease click CONTINUE to proceedPage 21Variable: Leader of communication[Random order of items]Custom variables for custom contextVariable: Authority_NAME1Value: between 1 (first responsible) to 4 (least responsible) Variable: Authority_NAME2Value: between 1 (first responsible) to 4 (least responsible) Variable: Authority_NAME3Value: between 1 (first responsible) to 4 (least responsible) Variable: Authority_NAME[…]Value: between 1 (first responsible) to 4 (least responsible) Variable: NO_RANK Value: (1= No, I cannot or will not rate them) (0=ranked and did not chose the opt-out)Please rank: Which of the organizations below should be primarily responsible for managing the outbreak situation? Click on the labelled bars in order, starting with the organization that should be mainly responsible. You can cancel and change your selection by clicking several times.If you cannot or do not want to create a ranking, scroll down and select No.Adapt to local contextThe local/County health department [*] 1[*] 2[*] 3[*] APPLY TO NUMBER OF POSSIBLE LOCAL AUTHORITIESThe state health departmentFederal Ministry of HealthHealth authorities [*] No, I cannot or will not rank them.Please click CONTINUE to proceedPage 22Variable: Policies[Random order of items][randomized order]Adapt with the following schemeVariable names start with POL_Values: Numbers 1 (=disagree) to 7 (=agree)Variable: POL_VACCINEValue: Numbers 1 (=disagree) to 7 (=agree)Variable: POL_QUAR_OTHERValue: Numbers 1 (=disagree) to 7 (=agree)Variable: POL_DISCRIMValue: Numbers 1 (=disagree) to 7 (=agree)Variable: POL_QUAR_TOURISTSValue: Numbers 1 (=disagree) to 7 (=agree)Variable: POL_DISCRIM2Value: Numbers 1 (=disagree) to 7 (=agree)Variable: POL_FREEDOMValue: Numbers 1 (=disagree) to 7 (=agree)Variable: POL_LIVINGValue: Numbers 1 (=disagree) to 7 (=agree)Variable: POL_INTERNETValue: Numbers 1 (=disagree) to 7 (=agree)Variable: POL_SCHOOLValue: Numbers 1 (=disagree) to 7 (=agree)Variable: POL_EVENTSValue: Numbers 1 (=disagree) to 7 (=agree)Variable: POL_NONEValue: Numbers 1 (=disagree) to 7 (=agree)Variable: POL_LOCAL_SCHOOLValue: Numbers 1 (=disagree) to 7 (=agree)Variable: POL_HOMEValue: Numbers 1 (=disagree) to 7 (=agree)Variable: POL_ALL_EVENTSValue: Numbers 1 (=disagree) to 7 (=agree)Variable: POL_DISCRIM3Value: Numbers 1 (=disagree) to 7 (=agree)Variable: POL_DISCRIM4Value: Numbers 1 (=disagree) to 7 (=agree)Variable: CONSP1Value: Numbers 1 (=certainly not true) to 7 (=certainly true)Variable: CONSP2Value: Numbers 1 (=certainly not true) to 7 (=certainly true)Variable: CONSP3Value: Numbers 1 (=certainly not true) to 7 (=certainly true)Variable: CONSP4Value: Numbers 1 (=certainly not true) to 7 (=certainly true)Please now give your opinion on the following statements.Adapt to local contextIf a vaccine becomes available and is recommended for me, I would get it. Strongly disagree [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Strongly agreePeople who have visited outbreak areas of the novel coronavirus should be quarantined.Strongly disagree [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Strongly agreePeople who come from countries where there have been cases of coronavirus should be quarantined, whether they are sick or not. [See answer scheme above.]Tourists coming from countries where there have been cases of coronavirus should be quarantined.[See answer scheme above.]In the event of an outbreak it’s appropriate to avoid certain people on the basis of their country of origin. [See answer scheme above.]The government should restrict personal liberty rights to combat the novel coronavirus. [See answer scheme above.]The government should restrict the personal right to freely choose one's place of residence and stay to combat the novel coronavirus. [See answer scheme above.]The government should restrict access to the Internet and social media to combat the spread of misinformation about the novel coronavirus. [See answer scheme above.]Community facilities such as schools or kindergartens should be closed. [See answer scheme above.]Major events should be cancelled by the organizers. [See answer scheme above.]I think that the measures currently being taken are greatly exaggerated. [See answer scheme above.]Only affected community facilities such as schools or kindergartens should be closed. [See answer scheme above.]It should only be allowed to leave his house for professional, health or urgent reasons. [See answer scheme above.]In risk areas, major events should be cancelled by the organizers. [See answer scheme above.]Anyone who is not originally from this country should be quarantined or sent away. [See answer scheme above.]Anyone who doesn’t have a job in this country should be quarantined or sent away. [See answer scheme above.]Please click CONTINUE to proceed I think that….…many very important things happen in the world, which the public is never informed about.… politicians usually do not tell us the true motives for their decisions.… government agencies closely monitor all citizens.… events which superficially seem to lack a connection are often the result of secret activities.… there are secret organizations that greatly influence political decisions.certainly not true [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*]certainly truePlease click CONTINUE to proceedPage 23Variable: Panic buying / panic behavior[Integrate in randomized order of the policy items][Random order of items]Variable: BUY_EXTRAMEDSValue: 1 (=done); 2 (=planned); 3 (=not done nor planned)Variable: BUY_EXTRAPHARMValue: 1 (=done); 2 (=planned); 3 (=not done nor planned)Variable: BUY_MEDICSValue: 1 (=done); 2 (=planned); 3 (=not done nor planned)Variable: BUY_FOODValue: 1 (=done); 2 (=planned); 3 (=not done nor planned)Variable: BUY_OTHERValue: 1 (=done); 2 (=planned); 3 (=not done nor planned)Variable: BUY_SANITIZERValue: 1 (=done); 2 (=planned); 3 (=not done nor planned)Variable: AVOID_FOREIGNERSValue: 1 (=done); 2 (=planned); 3 (=not done nor planned)Variable: AVOID_EVENTSValue: 1 (=done); 2 (=planned); 3 (=not done nor planned)Variable: CANCEL_TRAVELValue: 1 (=done); 2 (=planned); 3 (=not done nor planned)Variable: CANCEL_HOLIDAYValue: 1 (=done); 2 (=planned); 3 (=not done nor planned)Variable: CANCEL_BUSINESSValue: 1 (=done); 2 (=planned); 3 (=not done nor planned)Variable: CANCEL_FAMEVENTValue: 1 (=done); 2 (=planned); 3 (=not done nor planned)Variable: CANCEL_FRIENDSVISITSValue: 1 (=done); 2 (=planned); 3 (=not done nor planned)Variable: CANCEL_KIDSPLAYValue: 1 (=done); 2 (=planned); 3 (=not done nor planned)Next, we would like to know if you implemented or plan to implement the following behaviors.Adapt to local contextBought extra medicines [*] I already did that[*] I plan to do that[*] I don’t plan to do thatBought extra supplies at the pharmacy[See answer scheme above.]Bought extra medication that I take regularly[See answer scheme above.]Bought food supplies on a large scaleBought other everyday things on a large scaleBought disinfectants on large scaleAvoided people who come from countries where corona virus cases have occurred, such as China or ItalyStayed away from social events I had planned to attendCanceled flights or train ridesCanceled holiday trips Canceled business tripsAvoided visiting family even when I did not have symptoms of diseaseAsked family members or friends not to visit meDecided that my child could not meet with a friend[*] I already did that[*] I plan to do that[*] I don’t plan to do thatPlease click CONTINUE to proceed[Random order of items; except other][These are new Items. Suggested Labels]Variable: WORRY_LOSEValue: Numbers 1 (=don’t worry at all) to 7 (=a lot)Variable: WORRY_SYSTEMSValue: Numbers 1 (=don’t worry at all) to 7 (=a lot)Variable: WORRY_SCHOOLSValue: Numbers 1 (=don’t worry at all) to 7 (=a lot)Variable: WORRY_COMPANIESValue: Numbers 1 (=don’t worry at all) to 7 (=a lot)Variable: WORRY_RECESSIONValue: Numbers 1 (=don’t worry at all) to 7 (=a lot)Variable: WORRY_FOODSValue: Numbers 1 (=don’t worry at all) to 7 (=a lot)Variable: WORRY_BLACKOUTValue: Numbers 1 (=don’t worry at all) to 7 (=a lot)Variable: WORRY_EGOISMValue: Numbers 1 (=don’t worry at all) to 7 (=a lot)Variable: WORRY_WORKValue: Numbers 1 (=don’t worry at all) to 7 (=a lot)Variable: WORRY_OTHERValue: Numbers 1 (=don’t worry at all) to 7 (=a lot)Crises often involve fears and worries. Please let us know: At the moment, how much do you worry about: adapt to local contextlosing someone I love don’t worry at all [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] worry a lothealth system being overloadedschools closingsmall companies running out of businessrecessionrestricted access to food suppliesblackoutssociety getting more egoisticbecoming unemployed other: ____ Page 24 Variable: RumorsVariable: RUMOR1Value: TextVariable: RUMOR2Value: TextVariable: RUMOR3Value: TextHave you encountered information on the novel coronavirus where you found it hard to decide whether it was right or wrong? For example, information about ways to prevent the disease or to recover. Please write this information in the boxes below. You can provide up to three types of information. Please use a separate box for each type of information. Please note that on the next page you will receive links to trustworthy information about the novel coronavirus. If you cannot or do not want to answer this question, scroll down and click rmation: _________Information: _________Information: _________ [*] No, I have not heard or read any information that I am unsure of.Please click CONTINUE to proceedPage 25Variable: InfluenzaVariable: PROB_INFLUENZAValue: Numbers 1 (=extremely unlikely) to 7 (=extremely likely)Variable: SEVERITY_INFLUENZAValue: Numbers 1 (=not severe) to 7 (=very severe)Variable: SUSCEP_INFLUENZAValue: Numbers 1 (=not susceptible) to 7 (=very susceptible)What is your probability of getting infected with the seasonal flu (influenza)?Extremely unlikely [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Extremely likelyHow severe would contracting the seasonal flu (influenza) be for you?Not severe [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Very severeHow susceptible do you consider yourself to an infection with the seasonal flu (influenza)?Not at all susceptible [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] Very susceptiblePlease click CONTINUE to proceedPage 26DebriefingDebriefingThank you very much!Your participation provides valuable insights for all of us to react appropriately in the current novel coronavirus situation and to reach all citizens with useful information in a timely manner.For information about the?novel coronavirus, please visit the following websites: XXXIf you have any questions, please contact?XX.?Please click CONTINUE to finish the survey ................

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