

Complete in addition to the ACORD Application

|Applicant Name:       |Location Address:       |

|Mailing Address:       |      |

|      | |


1. Year Built:      Construction:       No. Stories:      

2. Year Updated: Heating:      Roof:      Plumbing:      Wiring:      Parking areas:     

3. Type of Occupancy:

Office Warehouse Industrial Shopping Center Other:      

4. Building Square Footage:       Parking Area Square Footage:      

5. Is the building managed by: Employees Professional Property Management Firm

6. If applicable, is the applicant named as an additional insured on the Property Manager’s Policy? Yes No

7. Please List all occupants of the building OR Attach a tenant listing/rent roll

|      |


8. Sprinklered? Yes No

Percent Sprinklered:    %

9. Smoke detectors in each unit? Yes No

Hardwire or Battery How often checked?      

10. Emergency Lighting? Yes No

11. Central Station alarms? Yes No

12. Is there an elevator? Yes No

Number of elevators?      

13. Is an elevator maintenance agreement in effect naming the applicant as an additional insured with hold

harmless? Yes No

14. Any restaurant, bar or nightclub? Yes No

15. Ansul System? Yes No

16. Service Agreement? Yes No


17. Is security provided? Yes No

If “Yes,” what type? Guards Cameras

18. If there are security guards present, please answer the following questions:

Are the guards: Armed Unarmed

Are the guards: Employees Independent Contractors Off duty police

19. If independent contractors:

Certificates of Insurance obtained? Yes No

20. Applicant named as an additional insured with hold harmless on security’s policy? Yes No

21. Have there been any previous incidents of physical or sexual assault? Yes No

If “Yes,” please explain:      


22. Building Maintenance/Inspection Program? Yes No

23. Parking Lot Maintenance/Inspection Program? Yes No

Maintenance is performed by: Employees Subcontractors

If outside contractors:

Certificates of Insurance are obtained

Applicant is named as an additional insured with hold harmless on subcontractor’s policy

24. Snow/Ice Removal is performed by: Employees Subcontractors

If outside contractors:

Certificates of Insurance are obtained

Applicant is named as an additional insured with hold harmless on subcontractor’s policy


25. Is the landlord/tenant agreement a Triple Net Lease? Yes No

26. Certificates of Insurance required from tenants? Yes No

27. Tenants’ limits required to be equal to or greater than applicant’s? Yes No

28. Applicant named as additional insured on Tenants’ policies? Yes No

29. Hold harmless agreement in place with tenants in favor of applicant? Yes No

This application does not bind the applicant or the Company to an agreement. However, the information stated on the application shall be the basis of the contract should a policy be issued. The application does not provide coverage or limits and may reflect different coverage’s or limits than offered by the Company.

FRAUD WARNINGS: Attach completed WHI APP-152, State Fraud Notification Compliance form.



(Authorized owner, partner or executive officer)

PRODUCER:       DATE:      

Individual to contact for inspection/audit:

Name:       Phone Number:      


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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