Safeguarding Children Information Update

Safeguarding Children Information Update

Conference Roundup: Updated 2nd September 2016

Redefining CSE: Safeguarding Children and Young People from Abuse

7th September 2016 London

£195 - £395 + VAT (discount if booked before 5th August)

This interactive seminar is an opportunity for all professionals involved in child safeguarding to hear from UK’s leading experts about the latest developments in CSE.

By the end of the session, delegates will have gained an improved understanding that will equip them with the necessary skills and tools to protect children from CSE.

Pathways to Harm, Pathways To Protection:

Learning From Serious And Fatal Child Maltreatment

13 September 2016  Leeds

7 October 2016 London

17 October 2016 Dublin

31 October 2016 Bristol

4 November 2016  Birmingham

29 November 2016 Edinburgh

£33 - £180

A series of one-day seminars drawing on learning from the DfE Triennial Review of Serious Case Reviews, 2011-14- released July 2016


These seminars will enable participants to learn key lessons arising from the recent triennial review of Serious Case Reviews, in order to inform opportunities for improving practice in interagency working to safeguard children.

The structure of the day will include:

▪ Presentation of model of pathways to harm and pathways to protection: fresh approaches to using systems methodology

▪ Presentation of key findings from the triennial review and previous biennial reviews

▪ Child vulnerability and parent/carer risk

▪ Individual case management

▪ Working together dynamics

▪ Agency structures, processes and cultures

▪ Case-based discussion in groups to identify opportunities for prevention and protection in sample cases

▪ Individual/group reflection on key learning points and how to embed these in practice

Learning outcomes:

▪ Participants will be presented with a model for understanding pathways to harm and pathways to protection for children, drawing on systems methodology

▪ Participants will be able to identify the key learning points arising from the triennial review and previous biennial reviews

▪ Participants will use the pathways model to identify opportunities for prevention and protection in some sample cases

▪ Participants will reflect on how the learning from the day can inform their own practice and lead to improvements in their services

Working Together to Tackle FGM

14th September 2016 London

£235-£295 + VAT (discount if booked before 8th July)

As part of the latest 2016-2020 strategy to prevent end violence against women and girls, the Government have provided £80m pounds worth of funding, new multi-agency statutory guidance and a number other resources.

Hear from the FGM Unit, HO and get practical guidance on a more effective multi-agency response to FGM. 

Key issues to be addressed:

▪ Government strategy on FGM & your responsibilities

▪ Effective working between health professionals, children's services, police and others

▪ Identifying victims of abuse and getting the first response right

▪ Improving engagement with communities & community groups

▪ Pursuing perpetrators: overcoming the challenges of gathering evidence

▪ Understanding the cultural sensitivities whilst tackling the crime

▪ Staff training

▪ Good practice case studies of identifying and supporting those at risk

▪ Promoting information sharing

▪ Working with survivors

▪ Ensuring a victim-centred approach

Child Protection in Education

15th September 2016 London £279 - £469 + VAT

This conference will provide an update on your new legal safeguarding obligations and child protection law.

▪ Clarify the impact of the latest ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ guidance for 2016/17

▪ Prevent: Know your latest obligations, what training is required and how to deliver ‘Prevent’ in practice

▪ E-Safety: Clarify your responsibility to monitor students internet use and spot early warning signs

▪ In-depth sessions covering CSE, FGM, forced marriage and honor based violence.

Sport and encouraging healthy lifestyles for children and young people - participation, tackling childhood obesity and the role of schools and local authorities

15th September 2016 London £210 + VAT

In light of evidence that less than 10% of under 5s meet UK guidelines for being active for three hours a day, this seminar will consider latest measures to address the ‘inactivity crisis’ in England, bringing together policymakers and key stakeholders from across the education and health sectors.

With the outcomes of government’s childhood obesity strategy due to be published later this year, sessions at this timely seminar will assess latest efforts to boost the numbers of young people participating in sport and activity - both inside and outside of school - and steps to promote healthier eating. Discussion will also be informed by the recommendations of the cross-government sport strategy, Sporting Future, which sees the broadening of Sport England’s remit to sport outside of school from the age of 5, rather than 14 and Sport England’s Towards an Active Nation 5-year strategy, with £40m of funding for projects to get children more active and plans for more teacher training. 

Further sessions will consider the role of LAs and schools in improving young people’s access to grassroots sport, as well as encouraging more active lifestyles - such as through the delivery of public health, Health and Wellbeing strategies and the management of parks and green spaces.

Children Missing Education

29th September 2016 London

£250 - £575 + VAT

▪ Examine how to meet your statutory duties and develop measures to prevent children disengaging from education.

▪ Gain practical guidance on tracing and monitoring vulnerable children.

▪ Hear from the DfE on the latest policy being developed to address CME

▪ Take away practical guidance on how to engage with children from vulnerable and immigrant backgrounds

▪ Develop measures and processes that tackle unauthorised school absences

▪ Gain insight on the role of police and how to collaborate to improve the safeguarding of vulnerable children

▪ Establish strategies that ensure robust methods of tracing and information sharing to effectively identify children at risk from missing education

Mental Health Support in Schools

29th September 2016 Manchester

£250 - £575 + VAT

With 1 in 10 children and young people affected by mental health issues, this Conference enables you to develop an effective support structure for a holistic approach to mental health wellbeing.

Key topics include:

▪ Developing communication in schools about mental health and wellbeing to reduce bullying and isolation

▪ Ensuring pupils have a safe place to discuss issues through peer-to-peer mentoring

▪ Working with parents and carers to encourage and improve conversations at home about mental health

North East Regional Children in Care Council Conference

30th September, 2016 North Shields, Tyne and Wear £50

Young people from ten local authorities will run and facilitate this conference to inform key decision makers and professionals what they key issues are for them as care experienced young people.


The conference will have a focus on what professionals and corporate parents can do to provide our looked after children with the best opportunities to prepare them for life in adulthood.  The conference is aimed at Corporate Parents, Senior Leaders and all professionals.  It will consist of some keynote speakers, including inspirational young people, and 6 workshops facilitated by young people from the Regional Children in Care Council.

The conference is linked to the Regional Children in Care Council’s annual campaign that they have been working on over 2015-2016.

Keynote Speakers

▪ Anne Longfield OBE

Children’s Commissioner for England

▪ Jenny Malloy

Author of ‘Hackney Child’

▪ Inspirational Young People Speakers

Young people from the Regional Children in Care Council

Tackling Child Abuse & Neglect: A new Mandatory Duty?

5th October 2016 London

The HO is consulting on introducing one of two possible statutory duties to tackle child abuse and whether the duty should apply to vulnerable adults.

Key Issues to be Addressed Include:

▪ A statutory duty to tackle child abuse and neglect: understanding and feeding back on the HO consultation & proposals

▪ How does the new duty fit in to wider reforms to the child protection system?

▪ What LAs, health, social care, police, schools and others need to do.

▪ Implications for practitioners and leaders

▪ Sanctions for non-compliance

▪ Working effectively with other s

▪ Embedding the needs of children and their families into your approach

▪ Implementing robust reporting processes

▪ Improving multi-agency data sharing

▪ Having an appropriate response & effectively supporting victims of abuse

Child Protection in Education 2016

6th October 2016


£309 - £469 + VAT

With new safeguarding threats emerging, constant changes to safeguarding legislation, increased scrutiny by Ofsted and budget cuts, how can you continue to offer support and protection to students in your care?

Topics to be covered include:

▪ KCS: clarify the impact of the latest ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ guidance for 2016/17.

▪ Prevent: know your latest obligations, what training is required and how to deliver ‘Prevent’ in practice.

▪ E-Safety: clarify your responsibility to monitor students internet use and spot early warning signs.

▪ In-depth sessions: covering CSE, FGM, forced marriage and honor-based violence.

▪ Masterclasses: targeted sessions providing in-depth safeguarding guidance and legal council on goverance, special schools and independent schools.

Children's mental health and wellbeing - integrating services, improving provision and the role of schools

11th October 2016 London 210 + VAT

With Government plans to spend £1.25 on improving children’s mental health services over 5 years, this conference will bring together key stakeholders and policymakers to discuss priorities for children’s mental health. It takes place in the context of the Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Taskforce’s report, Future in Mind, which outlines how the NHS, schools, voluntary services and LAs can better integrate mental health provision.

Attendees will consider:

▪ steps to improve teachers’ awareness of mental health issues in school

▪ a new blueprint for schools on counselling services

▪ implementation of renewed guidance and mental health lesson plans and the piloting of Heads of Wellbeing, responsible for staff training, educating parents and promoting wellbeing

▪ the role of PSHE education in improving children’s understanding of mental health and wellbeing

Early Years Inspections

20th October 2016 London

£250 - £575 + VAT

This conference AIMS to equip your organisation with practical strategies to attain the best Ofsted grading under the common inspection framework and ensure positive outcomes for all children. It focuses on how best to deliver high quality teaching, effectively promote British values and ensure the welfare of all children within the early-years foundation stage.

Other key topics covered include:

▪ Understanding the CIF and how to improve upon previous Ofsted reports

▪ Delivering a creative curriculum which thoroughly prepares pupils for KS1

▪ Fostering effective partnerships between parents and practitioners

▪ Embedding a robust safeguarding policy across your early years setting and fulfilling the Prevent duty requirements

Hear Our Voice Survivors Conference 

There’s No Excuse for Child Abuse.

2nd November 2016 Dundee Free

This Conference aims to demonstrate and challenge government policy and practice, by challenging domestic accountability through a new multi-survivor approach. We will hear stories from diverse walks of life to raise awareness on how best to protect our children and families from the devastating effects of child abuse, rape and all other forms of abuse. 

Free Tickets are available via an online Registration process, donations are welcome.

Mental Health and Wellbeing in Schools 2016

10th November 2016 London

£269 - £459 + VAT

Develop the confidence, skills and techniques to support students with mental health difficulties. Hear from experts and gain access to our SEMH Staff Training Manual to help cascade learnings.

Key topics include:

▪ Support in and outside of your school - Gain clarity on the future of CAMHS, the new role of the Mental Health Lead and what a whole-approach should look like

▪ Anxiety - gain techniques and strategies taken from therapeutic approaches to help students manage their anxiety and stress

▪ Resilience - New ideas to use with students to equip them with the skills to cope with adversity, challenge and failure and help build resilience

Conference to mark the 25th Anniversary of ‘Child Abuse Review’

‘Evidence–Informed Practice, Practice-Informed Research’

18th November 2016  Birmingham £75 - £180

The structure of the day will include:

▪ An optional pre-conference breakfast meeting for delegates on how to get published in ‘Child Abuse Review’

▪ An opening plenary session setting the theme

▪ Two parallel sessions in the morning and two in the afternoon on the following themes:

o Child sexual exploitation

o Neglect

o Domestic violence

o Translating research into practice

▪ A closing plenary and celebration of 25 years of Child Abuse Review.

Each parallel session will include one invited keynote lecture, a number of short presentations from submitted abstracts, and a plenary discussion.

We invite you to submit an abstract for an oral presentation or a poster at the conference within one of the four key themes.

The closing date for submission of abstracts is Thursday 30 June 2016 and successful notifications will be made by Friday 29 July 2016.

The changing landscape for children’s services - accountability, best practice and opportunities for innovation

29th November 2016 London £210 + VAT

This conference will bring together policymakers and key stakeholders to consider the future for children’s services - bringing out latest thinking on best practice, accountability, collaboration and innovation.

It is scheduled as Ofsted considers responses to its current consultation on changing its inspection regime for children’s services from 2018 and following its recently published Social Care Annual Report, which found that leadership is the key to transforming failing services. The conference is also timed as the Children and Social Work Bill makes its way through Parliament, which includes provisions to exempt local authorities from certain statutory duties in order to test new ways of working.

Delegates will assess the initial impact and implementation of government’s new accountability measures for children’s services, which could see failing services taken over by high-performing LAs, experts and charities.

With recent cuts to council budgets, delegates will discuss challenges faced by councils in maintaining high-quality services, in light of the Children’s Commissioner’s calls for a review into how children’s services will respond to decreases in funding.



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