Lady Diane's Address

LADY DIANE’S ADDRESSBYSAMUEL MOTONAKADR. AUTHOR DYNAMIGHT ABDUR RAZZAQ BLACK LITERATURE Youngling is a young personGod damn is spelled got damnDynamight and krazy are not misspelledWhen you see (PBUH)-Peace be unto him(PBUT)-Peace be unto themDap is a greeting or a sanction by the hand, its more than likely where the hi five come from.Kool means KoolSista means sister Copyright number – 1-893-988-301ISBN 13977-373-89244-0Lady Diane's AddressBy Samuel Moton A.K.A. Dr. Author Dynamight Abdur RazzaqThis will be by far one of the greatest stories that you will ever read. This superlative entertainment and education can only be equated with itself.If ever there was a time that we all need to be reminded of the human reality, and our freedom, it is now. Government, and local leaders in this country, and around the world have failed their citizens with their secular laws that have become legislation for its occupants. Their inability to lead properly, and discern the reality of the real has left the world's economy in shame, and the human perception, and nature off its true path.This global negligence and mismanagement of trillions and trillions of dollars by leading world banks and local officials is totally unacceptable.Will things get worse before they get better?People that is your call with the will, imagination and discernment that has been given to you by the Great God of the universe.Lady Diane’s Address is right on time, because God is never late…. My apologies for the profanity and obscenity in some chapters, but please be mindful that the sequences and episodes that we travel in life are not sugar coated, and I didn’t choose to sugar coat this great story. That would have been a grand injustice and so contradictory to our reality, and please be mindful that the good in this story outweighs the bad by 97%. I dedicate this book to my mother, Park 51, Deborah Colbert-James, and the living.This book is fiction.Some names characters places and incidents either are products of Dr.Author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to some actual events or locales or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. In the year, 2000 Harlem, New York was one of the worst places in America to live for African Americans.Murder, rape, robbery, child, woman abuse, drug abuse, mass incarceration, psychological chains of slavery, gun running, governmental neglect ect, were at a all time high. After the massacre of sixteen young black males on October 22, Revereand Taylor, who is a civil and human rights advocate called for a town hall meeting to address the murders and the critical inhumane conditions the residents of Harlem were faced with on a daily basis. Lady Diane also attended this gathering, with no intentions on speaking, but after the reality of that engagement touched her heart, she felt compelled to speak. No one had even heard of her before,but when this young dynamight sensation got on that mic, her words penetrated the hearts of every listener, and when she finsihed her after math woud reverberate all through New York giving those who live in constant fear, despondency and destitution new hope. Everyone ended up gravitating to this young woman and fed on her energy. Harlem would get its renaissance and would become one of the best places to live in America for anyone. In the year 2010 Lady Diane was now a Muslim, with grand reverence and prestige. She would give an address to confront a Pastor from Florida who had planned to burn Qur’ans to commorate the attacks on 911, and there was a group who were in opposition to a reconstruction project of a Mosque blocks from ground zero. All three were invited to attend a rally in downtown Manhattan to share their views. The verbal fire works were just like the fourth of July, but when the spoke cleared, Lady Diane was the only one to be seen, and her rhapsody resonated through the air.Her opposition had no other choice but to yield to this epic figure and give her the right that she deserve. This address was like no other, Lady Diane Address would change the hearts and minds of billions all across the globe, because it was a live feed to the internet. Ignorance, hate, miseducaetion, confusion, Islamphobia would all diminish simply by just giving ear to Lady Diane’s rhetoric. This book is a mind blowing demonstration, and when you finish it spread the news about Lady Diane’s get down.The cover of this book is of absolute significance. First, we have a black obelisk, which signifies a penis, and this is a dedication to all of the black sperm sold on these shores with out any reparations. Next, we have the World Trade Center’s standing tall. My reason for this, if Samuel Moton had any say in what would have took the Towers place when the reconstruction project began, I would have put the two towers back exactly like they were before, showing the pepertrators of this grave crime on 911 that if you knock us down we are going to get right back up. Next, we have the flag of Marcus Garvey, and the bicentennial flag. Garvey’s Flag is there because Reverend Taylor loves Garvey and so do I, and his movement ‘The Universal Negro Improvement Association’ is the greatest black movement in America to this day, and some history is conveyed of Garvey in this great storyThe bicentennial flag is there because this was the beginning of America’s inception, when she won her independence from Great Britain, but failed the greatness of that moment because she did not give slaves their independence who stayed in bondage another 109 years.Lady Diane is dress like the Statue of Liberty holding the Qur’an, and to her left is a Mosque. Her address will defend Islam and at the same time blow the readers mind, as she removes the cobwebs.Enjoy your reading, I am Samuel Moton aka Dr. Author Dynamight Abdur Razzaq and I approve this book and I am responsible for its content. Started this story 8-20-2010Ended this story 4-12-2011 NOTE: PLEASE BE MINDFUL THAT THE SAMPLE YOU ARE READING IS SPACED OUT, AND YOU ARE MISSING A LOT OF THE STORY. TO CAPTURE THE ENTIRE STORY, YOU MUST START OVER WHEN YOU BUY THE BOOK SO THAT YOU WILL BE CAUGHT UP. CHAPTER ONE“Boy I know you ain’t smoking drugs in my damn house at eight o'clock in the morning!” Ben said. “Damn, chill out Dad its only marijuana!” Johnny said.“Chill out my ass! Marijuana is a drug, and it is illegal. You’re not even giving me rent money, and you have the balls to light up some smoke in my house?” “Dad you know that I am a gangsta and we gangstas smoke.”"GANGSTA?!" Ben screamed, as he laughed aloud in Johnny’s face. "Oh that’s what you are, because I’ve been confused all of these damn years. Real gangstas have money, clothes, women, and their own place. Real gangstas have a major source of income, because they are running some kind of business. What your broke dick-ass got?” Ben said, and gave Johnny a penetrating look that forced him to turn and look out the window.“All of that is coming real soon!” Johnny fired back with much slyness in his voice.“Son it’s been three years since everybody in your class graduated except you. When I ride through the neighborhood I see young people your age taking care of business, and moving ahead in life and it breaks my heart to see you all tangled up in this gang crap.” “It’s not crap Dad; you just don’t understand. We are an organization, and very soon we are going to be running some major operations.” “Son you are in no shape to run anything major! You are unconditioned for anything organized except foolishness. You have everything son! You are not like some of these children who are forced into the streets, then a life of crime. You have me, and a secure home, I don't know what to do with you little Johnny.” “Don't call me that! I hate it when you call me little Johnny! I'm twenty years old now, and for the last time my name is Big J.” “I wish the hell I would call your punk ass Big J.” “Why are you so hard on me Dad?” “Hard on you?! Son, somebody has to set you straight about life, because you got the human reality twisted!” “And you got life straight buffing floors at the World Trade Centers for twenty damn years.” “Watch your tone boy and the way you standing up in here. You are going to make me tear into that lil frail ass of yours this morning! Buffing those floors got food on the table, clothes on your back, and our house paid for. I ain’t been bullshittin buffing them damn floors, and for the record your father is a champion buffer, you hear me boy?!” “Yeah I hear that outdated stuff you talking, and I’m tired of its repetition. Today is October 22, 2000 and I have a very important meeting to attend.” “Meeting, with whom, those thugs you call friends?” “That’s right, my comrades; we are going to take over the whole east side.” “You stop that foolish talk Johnny and I mean it!” “Dad it ain’t in the talk it’s in our walk. The only thing standing in our way is punk ass Bullet Proof, but after today they will be history.” “I know you ain’t standing in my kitchen all high off of that damn smoke talking about taking the lives of other human beings?!” “I damn sure am, and it ain’t personal; it’s just business, and its how we roll.” “ROLL?! That is it! You are going to roll your ass right on out of here. You got thirty days gangsta, because what is going to end up happening is you are going to bring your evil right here on my doorstep. I got news for you; that is not going to happen.” “Later gator.” Johnny said, as he slammed the screen door behind him.While walking Johnny started to ponder some of the things his father had said. For instance, gangstas have money, businesses, women, etc. Johnny was very determined to prove that he was for real, and that his plan would work.On the east, side of Harlem Bullet Proof was having its own meeting.“Okay everybody listen up! This what's happening. The word I got from our inside man on the west side is there is a plan to eradicate Bullet Proof from the east side, so that K-Unlimited can take over. I know this sounds krazy and suicidal on their part, but this is a threat that cannot go uncontested. My sources are solid, and their word is bond. Today at ten o'clock K-Unlimited is having a meeting on how to put this plan of theirs in motion. We will arrive at 10:10A.M. with the same intentions they have about us, and that’s complete annihilation. We are going to spray that bitch like exterminators, is everybody clear?” Dedat yelled hitting his fist on the table.“Yeah bro we clear!” Bif said, speaking for everyone.“All right then I want everybody with two joints (guns) in their hands except Bif and Leon. I want you two to handle the pump shot guns. Golf and Dog you handle the AK-47s, and everybody else will be humping (handling) two joints like I said, and we don’t stop firing until they are empty. Don't worry about the police; I have a diversion that will take half of them from that region. Make sure your clips are full, and please don't forget your masks.” Dedat said.***Johnny arrived at K-Unlimited headquarters at 9:45 A.M. and started setting up. Their leader M which stands for Mafia, came out to congratulate Johnny on his consistency.“What’s up Big J? I see you ready.” M said. “No question I'm ready to take our shit to another level!” “And that is exactly what we are going to do. I have a plan that is going to put us on easy street for the rest of our lives. Look at me lil bro, after today everything is going to be different I promise. Come here and let me show you something.” M took Johnny in the back room, and opened the bottom desk drawer, and showed him ten keys of raw heroin and assured him that when Bullet Proof was out of the way that 90% of all dope money would belong to them."Yeah big bro this is what the hell I been talking about!” Johnny said with a gleam in his eyes. “I know shorty, I know.” M said, and put his arm around Johnny and both men walked back out front.Everyone had arrived on time and at ten o'clock M addressed the body of men.“My future comrades and business partners this is a good day, but better days are ahead of us. If we want to eat, and I mean eat lamb, steak, duck, and secure our economic situation for us and our posterity, then in order for that to become a reality we must rid ourselves of our local competition-Bullet Proof. We are going to assassinate every last one of their significant leaders, and trust me without leadership they will crumble. I have the address of every single one of their members, and our plan is to hit them simultaneously on the same night. That way they won’t be able to congregate about what’s going on. We do not kill women and children under any circumstances. We get our intended target, and that’s all. I and Johnny have been clocking these dudes for two months, and we have their schedules down to a science. Each and every one of you will be assigned a target. You will study and follow your target until it’s time to execute. Of course Dedat is mine, all mines; any questions?”It was now 10:10 A.M. and Bullet Proof just rolled up in three cars and without any hesitation shots rang out. K-Unlimited didn't stand a chance. They never in their wildest dreams expected anything like this could ever happen.The array of bullets and the superlative violence lasted for at least fifteen seconds without stopping. The echo could be heard blocks away. The people in that neighborhood hear gunfire every night, but nothing like that has ever penetrated their dwellings. People came to their windows on the block to get a glimpse of these masked gunmen, and wondered from whence they had come.From a finite human perspective, there was no way anybody could have survived that display of artillery. When Bullet Proof fled the scene everybody came out to look at the horrific destruction. They shot so many bullets the window and its frame was totally gone giving spectators a wide open view of the dead bodies inside.Ben heard the gunfire and all he could think about was his Johnny. He left out of the house not locking the door, and headed down the alley passing hundreds of people going to investigate. He crossed the park then made it to the scene crying.“Johnny! Johnny! Excuse me y’all. “ Ben said, as he finally made it to the window. “What in God’s name is this? Who in the hell could do such a thing?” Ben said, as he and other spectators looked at the holes in the wall, blood everywhere and some dead bodies on top of others. “God please don't let my Johnny be in there. Johnny! Johnny!” Ben yelled through his tears.The police and ambulances finally arrived, and cleared the scene. On their way down the steps M was miraculously on his way up the steps. M came out front with a look of pure devastation and disbelief. He was totally covered in blood from head to toe, but none of it was his. The crowd was stunned as they looked at M, and he just stood there in a daze. Ben saw M and rushed toward him.“Is Johnny in there man? Is Johnny in there?” Ben screamed at the top of his lungs, but M just looked at Ben and gave no response."Sir you are going to have to stand behind the yellow tape.” One of the officers said to Ben. They brought body after body out all dead with at least thirty to forty holes in them or maybe more.Johnny was finally brought out and Ben immediately recognized his son’s sneakers and ran to his stretcher yelling. “Johnny! Johnny! No GOD! No!” Ben said dropping to his knees holding on to the stretcher.“Yeah Dad.” Johnny said as he coughed up blood. Ben quickly jumped to his feet snatching the sheet off of Johnny and yelled. “HEY PARAMEDICS! HEY! My Johnny is alive. That’s my boy!” Ben said crying in a joyful voice. “Sir we need you to move and give us some space to work." One of the paramedics said.“Okay sir do your thing.” Ben said, as he wiped his face and got out of the way. “His pulse is strong; we must get him to the hospital as soon as possible. He's lost, and is losing a lot of blood.” The paramedic said.“Okay let’s go then! I'm his father; I'm riding too!" Ben said holding on to Johnny's stretcher with a firm grip. If he had never seen a miracle before, well this one slapped him right in the face.They all boarded the ambulance, and they were working on Johnny like he was the President. They finally made it to the hospital, and Johnny was rushed to the ER. Ben tried to follow them to the operating room, but was stopped short at the doors, but he did get to ask one of the paramedics about Johnny's condition.“Excuse me sir is my son going to be all right?” “Mister only God knows he has lost a substantial amount of blood, and who knows what arteries were hit. He also has about ten bullet wounds to his chest and head.” The paramedic said.Ben stood there speechless after hearing the kind of shape Johnny was in and deep within his soul he knew he had to call on God, so he went to the hospital chapel, and got on his knees and started to pray.“Hey God; it’s me Ben I know it’s been a long time since I prayed, but my Johnny is hurt bad Lord, real bad, and I know You know that, because you know everything!” Ben voice was cracking, and he started to cry.“Johnny is a good kid Lord and all I got is You and him. Please show me a miracle, Lord and I promise I will be a better person and I am going to start going to Church again and reading my Bible. Please God help Johnny; please don't take him yet, amen!”Ben got himself together, and went back into the waiting room. He sat there and just watched the doctors run back and forth, and he couldn't believe this was happening to him.The death toll was sixteen, and M and Johnny were the only survivors. M was taken into custody for questioning, and would later be charged with possession with the intent to distribute heroin. This was a very sad day for Harlem, the families of the victims and the perpetrators of this horrific crime.Johnny stayed in surgery for four hours, and Ben never stop praying. A doctor finally came out to give Ben Johnny’s status. “Hello sir I'm Dr. Gerry Payne your son is without question a very strong young man. I've been doing this kind of surgery for years, and I have never ever seen a human being fight like I saw your son today. I’m sorry to tell you that he is in critical condition. We've done all we could do for now. There will be more surgery tomorrow.” “Is he gone to make it doc?” “Mr. Jones it is too early to tell anything, but I will say this.” Dr. Payne walked closer to Ben, and looked deep into his eyes and said “It is a miracle that your son is still alive, and with all of those holes in him not one artery was hit. You have a lot to be thankful for.” Dr. Payne left leaving Ben to ponder his words. What penetrated Ben most was that Dr. Payne said Johnny’s situation was a miracle.“Thank you Lord! Thank you!” Ben said, as he looked up at the heavens. On the other side of town Bullet Proof was celebrating like krazy. This was a major hit, and it meant security for Bullet Proof for years to come. With K-Unlimited out of the way it also meant increased totalitarianism for Dedat, as there was no contention or threat from anybody in all of Harlem, and the underground (Getto-Hood) all belong totally to him.“Let me have your attention men. Today is the day that our world sped up while K-Unlimited stopped the first rule of survival is self-preservation, and the second rule is to defend your reality at all costs by any means necessary!” Dedat declared as cheers erupted around him. “It won’t be long before the word hit the streets that we were responsible for this hit, I don't know anything about that; do you?” More cheers followed. “Where is the proof? Walk soft my men, but firm, be humble and smart. I trust that we will be visited by our local authorities very soon so be ready.” Dedat said.As soon as Dedat was getting ready to close out Bif handed him a note which read, M is ALIVE. Dedat was shook, but he had to maintain his composure. He quickly called for an administrative meeting to check the validity of this claim.“Bif where did you get this information?” Dedat said. “Bro it’s all on the news, M is alive.” Bif said. “How could this be, no one could have survived a hit like that!” Dedat said, while walking around the room with great concern and controlled fear.“Not only did he survive; he wasn’t struck by a single bullet. They are calling him Miracle Marvin” Bif said.The entire room was silent as everyone contemplated this unbelievable story. They all knew that if M gets loose he is a one-man army. After three minutes, Dedat finally broke the room’s silence.“We gotta find his ass and finish him there is no room for error, this mothafucka gotta be got!” “That won’t be hard.” Dog said, as he walked through the door. “He's in custody at city jail.” Dog said, and sat with a smile that made Dedat smile.“That’s what the hell I'm talking about! We got his ass now, listen, and listen good I need everybody to get on top of this. Put the word in the joint through our connects that there is a $10,000 cash reward for M’s death. Move man! Get on this shit, now!” Dedat said, and clapped his hands, as all of his men went in opposite directions with their phones to their ears.***Mean while at city jail M was way ahead of Bullet Proof and his comrades. He knew that in captivity there was a great chance of being attacked after word got out that he survived one of the deadliest assassination attempts in the history of the game. That incident had changed M dramatically. He already knew that he was a bad man, but after surviving that hit, he now believe that he was super bad. M stood 6'4” tall, weighing 250 pounds, and he was solid as a rock. If anyone wanted to bring this guy some rec, they had better come correct. Stay tuned.***At the city jail that night word got out that there was a $10,000 bounty on M's head, and the inmate population everywhere were talking about cashing in.When M came on the block it was quiet, and I mean TOO quiet, and he already knew what time it was. After the ordeal with Bullet Proof and seeing his family being slaughtered in that fashion nothing could top or equate that.He was anticipating any kind of confrontation whatsoever. As he walked down the hall he could feel all eyes on him and the vibe he gave off was that of a lion. Many who had decided to cash in on the bounty declined after they actually saw M in the flesh and realize his reality.He made it to his cell and his cellmate was already on the top bunk out of respect. M entered the cell and instantly went eye-to-eye with his cellmate.“What’s up big slim my name is Mike and I'm from DC.” Mike said and extended his hand in pure peace. M didn’t shake it, but gave him a nod and lay down. When he closed his eyes all he saw was the massacre. He thought about how defenseless he was and how the bullets grazed him from the front and back never penetrating his flesh as if he were bulletproof ….He concluded from this incident that he was left alive to avenge what happened to his comrades. He vowed to kill every last one of their asses. Even though he wasn’t absolutely sure it was Bullet Proof, he knew that they were the only ones with the balls to pull off a stunt like that.It was a struggle, but M finally went to sleep.*** Back at the city jail it was breakfast time. M didn’t sleep much and from time to time he grabbed Mike's mirror and watched the night movement of the inmate sanitation workers. He was very surprised that he didn't recognize anybody on his cellblock.As he stood in the middle of his cell floor in a daze an old man came by mopping the hallway. He looked at M and made sure that he made eye contact. M looked back at the old man and then the old man dropped two shanks wrapped in a towel and quickly kicked them under M's door and said “You are going to need these young fellow breakfast time is your calling.” Then the old gentlemen went back to mopping the hall.M then woke up Mike and gave him the lowdown.“My man check this out! There’s going to be a hit on me at breakfast. My thinking is they are going to bum rush the cell when the doors pop thinking that I'll be in a powerless position. An old man just gave me the 411, and he kicked two shanks under the cell; you want one?” M said showing Mike the two shanks in the towel.“Damn right I want one!” Mike said looking a bit fearful.After it became clear to M that it was war he didn't waste any time in his preparation for the engagement. He stripped the sheets blankets off of his bed and had Mike wrap him like a mummy to avoid injury in battle, M then mummified Mike.Fifteen minutes later the doors popped and it was just as M had expected. Three guys rushed his cell with masks on and started slinging their knives.M backed up as a matter of strategy and allurement. When all three men were safely in M's web he put up his arms exposing his midsection. Two of the assailants took the bait. M let out a cry that many mistook for him being murdered. Only Mike knew different as he was a witness to M’s tactics. M’s cry was the sound of a poltergeist and when the cry ended he went into battle like the African warrior that he was.He picked one of the guys clean over his head and before slamming him to the floor he said “You mothafuckas have violated the sanctity of K-Unlimited for the last time! You are false to yourselves for you have committed suicide!”After the first body hit the floor you could hear that his body broke and he lay motionless for the rest of the engagement. The other two tried to overpower M which they found to be an impossibility. Once M started slinging his shank all you could hear was the other two subjects’ flesh being torn with every violent stroke of M’s fury.After forty seconds of battle all three men lay near death in their own blood bleeding profusely from M's wrath. Even though the battle had ended M was still in a war zone state of mind.Mike couldn't believe what the hell he just saw. He never got off of his bunk, because he didn't have to.M picked one body up and threw it out of the cell slamming it to the other wall in the hallway. This silenced the whole block and drew observation from correction officers who called for backup. The other two bodies would soon follow and M came out of the cell standing over his victims and gave up a roar that shook the entire block.“Is this what you mothafuckas want to see? Well here it is! I am M, founder and President of K-Unlimited. This will be the reward of any of you mothafuckas who transgress.”More correction officers arrived on the scene and they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Many of them also had great sympathy for M and his loss, and having to live with this catastrophic memory of what happened in the shooting.He was cuffed and taken to the medical ward to be examined for injuries, and once again at the crime scene none of the blood belonged to M, and he didn’t have a scratch. The other three guys were taken by Medivac to nearby hospitals and treated for life-threatening injuries. Stay tuned!*** CHAPTER TWOBack at city jail Reverend Taylor got the news about M, and how he was placed in open population. This made him furious. Reverend Taylor is not just a preacher, but an advocate for civil and human rights. He marched on Washington in 1963 with Dr. King, and he has been in the fight for human justice ever since. He took this job at the city jail, because it was where he could reach many of the men while they were on time out. It is very hard on the streets, as everyone is tangled up heavy in their foolishness.That morning Reverend Taylor didn't waste any time. He immediately went to the Captain's office and demanded some answers about M.The Captain of the jail is a woman, and she is a mess. She hates men, but she is not a lesbian. Every relationship she has ever had with a man failed mainly because of her insecurities, and conclusion jumping. She also can’t hold a conversation without talking about one of the inmates at the jail who reminds her of one of her X’es. Reverend Taylor knocked on her door. “It’s open; oh it’s you again” She said. “And good morning to you to Captain Johnson.” Reverend Taylor said. “How can I help you this morning Reverend Taylor?” “I know that you heard about the seventeen people gunned down in Harlem?” “Of course I did and I'm also aware that the survivor Marvin Blaylock is in my jail and that he attacked three other inmates, and almost killed them.” “No! No! Captain they attacked him, he was just defending himself. Captain that shooting was an organized slaying on Marvin and his friends, and now that he has survived, there is a bounty on his head, because those responsible fear his retaliation. Captain Johnson, Marvin should have never been in open population to begin with!”“Are you telling me how to do my job Reverend Taylor, because I do not tell you how to preach.” “No, Captain, and I repeat Captain! There is too much intelligence and experience at this level to allow such a major mistake. Marvin has been traumatized in a very bad way.” “What would you like to see done with Mr. Blaylock Reverend?” “I would like to try to see if I can get him in medical protective custody where he could receive some psychological and spiritual counseling to deal with this unique experience of his.” “Reverend I know this breed of man and he will not sign those papers.”Captain Johnson grabbed M's folder opened it and said “Look at his fine ass I bet you he aint worth a damn dime! Looking like James, you know James was a good man but ...” “Captain! Captain! Please I ain’t got time to hear your history again please can I just have the paperwork and the clearance?”She looked at Reverend Taylor with a slight glare, but still handed him the paperwork, and he left her office on a mission.Captain Johnson sat there staring at M's picture remembering how James used to tear the fur off of her lil ass. The more she thought about James the more she hated and loved him at the same time.In lock up M got a visit from the public defender’s office his attorney was a third year graduate from Duke University, and he has been playing the shuffling game with people’s lives since he started his legal career. Most of it is not his fault; it is just how the system work. Most public defenders have an overwhelming caseload and it is impossible to render everyone the effective assistance of counsel even though it is their sixth amendment right under the Constitution.M was chained up heavy and taken to the conference booth where inmates and their attorneys meet. M is no stranger to the system, and he is not ignorant to the law or court procedures.“Hello Mr. Blaylock I'm your attorney; my name is Rich Green and I'm with the public defender service.”Mr. Green extended his left hand through the opening to be shook by M and he instantly saw Mr. Green's imbalance, and extended his left hand back to the joker.“So how are you holding up? I heard you had some trouble yesterday morning?”M is now looking through this joker, but responded “Trouble, you kidding me! I'm good, real good, now cut the shit; what’s really happening?”M now has his face to the window and his breath is fogging up the glass as he gives off his persona of gangsta.“Well according to the police report it looks like they got you red-handed with the drugs, don’t worry about that, I know the state’s attorney in our case and I’m sure I can get you seven, no more than ten years, what’d you say to that?”M sat there looking at this man, and couldn’t believe the shit he was being shot.“What the hell I look like man; a slave who just arrived in America?! I am M, founder and President of K-Unlimited. Kill the game joker I got the same police report you got. In the report it states the drugs were found in the back room in a bottom drawer. They got nothing off my person. I don't know nothing about that shit white man. I was visiting just like everybody else.” M said, and smiled as he now sees that Mr. Green is Mr. Pink or Red.“I see you're on the ball.” Mr. Green struggled to say.“Look here man I ain’t got no beef with you, and you can't have one with me, so please do your lawyer things like you know how to do it. I need you to file a motion to dismiss all charges, and threaten them with a lawsuit for false imprisonment. Also check out whose name is on the lease of the apartment, because it’s not mine.” M said and smiled again at Mr. Green who this time smiled back. He was not expecting this kind of keenness in an abyss. He left city jail and did as he was instructed. ****On the east side things were better that ever according to Dedat. He no longer has to worry about any rival gang trying to eradicate him and his troops. The word is out on the street how Bullet Proof gets down with anybody that is a threat to their national security. So right now they are the hogs with the biggest nuts.In spite of this new increased popularity and security Dedat can’t get his mind off of M. Dadat has seen M in action one night at a traffic stop when some police tried to get rough with him, and he crushed they ass. This is the main reason Dedat is so fearful, because he knows M has the strength of an avatar. Every time his phone rings, he hopes the hit on M has been completed.Dedat called for his top investigator Bif and asked for an update on M. Bif explained. “Bro nothing has changed as it is impossible to get to M right now.” “Nothing is impossible Bif, this is why I'm the leader and you are not. Men in authoritative positions see differently, and think differently from the masses of the people. I want you to go through our ranks and see who would be best to go undercover in the city jail. Pick two of our soldiers, and get them to break the law; some light shit like disorderly conduct or something; you know misdemeanor stuff. Once they are inside they will break some jail law to go on look up where M is.” Dedat said and smiled at Bif who smiled back. “Yeah, yeah, Dedat I like this shit, I'm on it right now.” Bif said and left, Dedat then put his feet up on the table proud of this new plan he was putting into motion.*** The doorbell rang and it was two women and a young girl with a baby.Ben opened the door. “Hello can I help you?” “Hi are you doing sir we are from the Church; can we come in for minute?” “Sure sistas come on in.” Ben said.“May I use the bathroom sir?” The young lady said.“Sure sugar upstairs to your left.” Ben said.“My name is Gail and this is my sista in faith Tina. Our sons were also victims in the shooting the other morning. I and Tina and all of the other parent’s families and whoever cares are getting together tomorrow night at the Church for a town hall meeting to remember our boys and to try to find a solution to this violence, we would love it if you would join us.” Gail said.“I think that is a great idea, what Church are we talking about?” Ben asked. “The one and only Church, The Holy Tabernacle of Jesus” Tina said coming to her feet.“We’ll be there and we are honored to participate.” Ben said.The young lady came down stairs from the bathroom and took a seat on the couch.“Okay ladies it was nice meeting you.” Ben said as he escorted the ladies to the door.“Goodbye and see you tomorrow night.” Both ladies said. Ben then turned his attention to the young lady on the couch and noticed that she was still sitting.“Honey they are leaving.” He said. “I'm not with them Mr. Jones.” Ben shut the door and he and Barbara looked at each other with much concern.“What is your business with us honey and how do you know my name?” Ben asked. “First of all my name is Diane Little and this is your grandson Baby Johnny.” “Grandson! Little girl what kind of game are you running?” Ben said. “This is not a game sir.” Diane said. “Then why my Johnny ain’t never say nothing about you?” Ben demanded. “Because he didn't know and I had to run away because everybody kept talking about getting me an abortion. I don't believe in that so in April I went down south with my father who supported me, and I stayed down there until the baby was born.”Ben and Barbara moved closer as Diane explained everything to them."Every time I tried to talk to Johnny he brushed me off, and said he had some business to take care of.” Diane said.Barbara has had enough of all the small talk. “Let me see the baby; I’ll tell you if he is Johnny’s baby!”Ben's heart is pounding as they moved to unveil Baby Johnny. Diane uncovered the baby's face and Ben and Barbara were struck with amazement.“My God look Ben!” Barbara said. “I'm looking, I'm looking this is exactly how Johnny look.” Ben said as he reached for his grandson in tears.“Girl you gotta see Johnny when he was a baby; they are twins; this is a miracle” Barbara said. Diane sat there relieved because they knew that this was Johnny's baby without a doubt. “Ben where is the photo album?” Barbara asked. “On the third shelf.” He said never taking his eyes off of his grandson who is blowing his mind.Barbara found the photo and handed it to Diane.“Ben let me hold him some.” Barbara said. “Wow they are twins; this is incredible.” Diane said as she showed her beautiful smile for the first time and kept flipping through the photo album.“So, where is Johnny?” Diane said as she looked up at Ben and Barbara whose smiles quickly left their faces.“Baby we need you to be strong, very strong. There was a shooting the other day and Johnny got caught up.” Ben said. "Caught up, what do you mean caught up?” Diane said moving to the edge of the couch.Ben wanted so bad to tell Diane the truth, but Barbara was vibing and vibrating like a phone on buzz.“Johnny's dead sugar.” Ben said and Diane got up off of the couch.“NO! NO! That can’t be right, God has shown me too many signs that we were going to be a family.” Diane said and started crying. Ben came over and gave her a shoulder to cry on.“We are going to get through this baby; we are a strong family.” Ben said.“He just peed.” Barbara said and left the room to get a wash cloth. Then Ben quickly whispered the truth to Diane.“Johnny is alive baby but we gotta keep this a secret; my sista Barbara can under no circumstances know the truth, you hear me sugar?” “Yes sir.” Diane said as she wiped her tears. Barbara returned searching the room with her eyes to see if she could pick up on anything she missed. “Have you been home yet Diane?” Ben asked. “No sir and I'm in no rush.” “Where are you and the baby going to stay?” Barbara said.“I have a few things lined up.” Diane said with a look of uncertainty.Ben and Barbara looked at each other, because there is no way she and Baby Johnny are leaving that house.“Girl you and Baby Johnny are staying right here and that’s final; right Ben?” “That’s right sugar y’all family now, you can stay right in Johnny’s room.” Ben said with a smile.“Thanks Mr. Jones gather around you two and let's thank God for this special moment. ‘Oh God you are the Greatest, and there is no way that anything that’s been happening in our lives past or present is coincidental, continue to bless us and guide us to Your way, Ameen!Ben and Barbara looked at each other with raised eyebrows, but also with much respect.“Girl you have a great delivery, where did you learn to pray like that?” Barbara said. “I've always known God and I've always depended on Him, and Him alone, and here lately I've just been feeling very protected by God after the birth of Baby Johnny.” ***As soon as M was placed back into his cell Reverend Taylor arrived. “Hello Mr. Blaylock I'm Reverend Tay―” Before Reverend Taylor could finish his introduction M cut him off.“My man no disrespect, but I ain’t trying to hear no preaching shit!” “Once again my name is Reverend Taylor, and good morning to you sir. Yes I am a man of God, but I did not come down here to preach to you young man. I simply came down here to check on you.” “Check on me? What the fuck for? I'm good Rev I don't need nobody checking on me. I got this shit in a jug in one hand and the stoppa is in the other hand.” “I don't doubt that son I feel you, and I see your gangsta. Let me get to the point, because I’m a very busy man; smoke?” Reverend Taylor said with a slight grin.M was very surprised at this because smoking is forbidden to inmates on lockdown. He grabbed the whole pack and Reverend Taylor's grin turned into a smile.“Matches?” “Yeah good looking out.” M said taking the matches, but never took his eyes off of the Reverend’s eyes. “I am going to make this very short, because my time is very valuable, and life is time, and time is life; you don’t hear me?”M leaned against the wall and started checking Reverend Taylor out. “I started this job in 1985 after leaving the city council, because I love my people, and I've dedicated my life to trying to improve conditions for all people, not just the physical, but the mental as well, I now know that the majority of our problems are mental.” “Give me the core.” M said as he took another pull on his cigarette.“As a man thinks so is he, your physical condition is a result of your deficient mentality. The problem with a lot of you gangstas is you all are wasting valuable time and energy planning failure and destruction, men don't plan to fail, they fail to make positive plans.”Reverend Taylor and M went eye-to-eye for five seconds, and then Captain Johnson showed up on the scene, because she couldn't take it anymore. She had to see M live, as he reminded her so much of James. She came strutting down the catwalk, and of course all eyes were on the only lady present.M's cell number is seven at the very end of the hall so she went opposite of the other cell at the end of the hall asking the guy there some frivolous stuff about his toilet and lights.When M saw Captain Johnson there was an immediate attraction.“Hold up on we are the world for one second Rev! Who is that little momma? Call her over her Reverend.” M said with his direct beam on Captain Johnson.Reverend Taylor saw M's deep lust for Captain Johnson, and saw this as a grand opportunity that might work for all three of them.“Excuse me Captain Johnson can I see you over here for a moment please?” Reverend Taylor asked, and she gracefully walked over trying to avoid eye contact with M, but she could feel him burning a hole in her face with his stare.“What can I help you with Reverend Taylor?” She said real captain-like, and the whole time fake-ignoring M.“You forgot to sign the paperwork.” Reverend Taylor said. “I didn’t forget to sign anything I told you I didn't think it was going to happen.” She said.Reverend Taylor didn’t respond then in her female helplessness she turn and faced M only to find him deep in her being.“What’s happening Captain?” M said. “Hello Mr. Blaylock.” “I see you know my name.” “Sir that’s my job.” She said trying not to melt.She and M went into a stare that complemented them both. The whole time Reverend Taylor was feeding on their vibe and he know they were a perfect match.“Well it’s been nice talking to you Mr. Blaylock if you need anything you let the guard know, and he’ll let me know.” Reverend Taylor said then he winked and bounced.Captain Johnson didn't say goodbye with her mouth, but the way she was switching that booty like she was back in high school was self-explanatory, and M was reading her every move. When Reverend Taylor and Captain Johnson got on the elevator she didn’t hold back.“Damn he is fine in person! Did you see those broad-ass shoulders, big hands and …” “Captain! Captain! No I didn't see all of that; I am a man remember?” “I'm sorry Reverend, but men like that don't come through here every day.” “Oh yes they do you just need to open those damn eyes of yours, and stop thinking all men are the same. Some of the most dominant black males have been, and are in prison, and a lot of them are victims of systematic setup.” “Reverend I'm not trying to hear your black power trip right now, we have to figure out how we are going to get Marvin in the psychological ward.” She said and Reverend Taylor burst out in uncontrollable laughter.“We?! I thought he wasn't that breed of man?” “I was wrong, I hope.” She said then batted her eyes in a playful manner.“Captain let’s get serious and focus. We both can have what we want if we work together. I suggest you go to the hairdresser and get a new hairdo.” “And what’s wrong with the way I wear my hair I get it done every week, and my nails.” “Yes you do Captain, but you gotta let go of that late eighties thing. Get one of those serious hairstyles, and change the perfume, and your nail game sis those things are too long. It’s the year 2000- HELLO!”Captain Johnson didn't like hearing that, but it was very possible that Reverend Taylor was right. It has been two years since she has been in a relationship. The last guy she fell for was James, who had just come home from prison, and she did everything to put him in her prison. She regrets not being more understanding with his situation. Of all people she should know the difficult time a man has in those cages, and the difficult time he has readjusting in society.She took Reverend Taylor’s advice and went to get a makeover.Back in solitary confinement M laid on his rack thinking about Reverend Taylor's words.’ Men don't plan to fail; they fail to make positive plans.’M thought his plan was bulletproof as he was blinded by the unseen. He never once thought or cared about the lives he was going to take just so his crew could implement their evil, he clearly sees all of it now in his state of mortification.. The next morning at city jail the two Bullet Proof members arrived as planned. They both swallowed two balloons of heroin each to ensure rank, and economic security. They could also buy the best shanks in the joint, and recruit some flunkies.Their plan was simple, once they were settled in, they were going to give out some testers of the dope, and start their manipulative process. The final plan was to get a team of jokers to break some jail law with them so that they could all be sent to solitary confinement to take care of M.Reverend Taylor got to work the same time as always.The whole night he couldn’t stop thinking about M, and his experience. He really thinks M is salvageable, and he believes if he redirects his thinking, and suppresses his desires for fortune and fame, and kill the gangsta he could be a major player in uplifting the community.As Reverend Taylor was leaned back in his chair Captain Johnson came past his door strutting her new look. She purposely didn't look in his office, because that’s what ten’s do. Reverend Taylor jumped out of the chair and ran to the door.“Well, well good morning Captain.” He said smiling from ear to ear as he looked her up and down.“Is this what you talking about pappa?” She said, and did a ten-foot walk and spin around, and they both burst out laughing. Reverend Taylor then motioned her to his office for a secret talk about M.“Girl you really look good, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.” “Thank you Reverend Taylor I couldn’t believe it myself when I looked in the mirror at the hair salon. Thanks again for the advice, now what is the plan about Marvin?” “Well, I'm going to go see him at 10:00 A.M., and submit my proposal. I'm guessing that he will reject it at first, and that’s when you show up with the incident report from the other morning indicating that his investigation is ongoing and could take months. You must win him over Captain use every bit of your powerful female persuasion to loosen him up and in conclusion you have to hypnotize him with that strut so that you will be on his mind all night long. The sooner we get that brother out of that cube the sooner his healing can begin.” “What time do you want me to show up?” Captain Johnson asked.“About ten minutes after me.” Reverend Taylor said. “Okay I'll see you then.” She said and went to her office.Captain Johnson sat at her desk feeling a bit out of place, because what she is doing is most certainly against institutional policy, and she could be fired for it. She went into her office bathroom looked in the mirror, and took a deep look into her own eyes. She said to herself ‘Got damn I look good. Mr. Blaylock you had better be worth all of this. Your ass reminds me so much of James, but you are not James you are Marvin, and I have to come to grips with that. I have to be kool with this brother and patient and please girl don't blow this one with your krazy ass.’Reverend Taylor left his office on schedule and once he arrived in solitary confinement the guys started calling him from everywhere. That was good, because it didn't look like he was directly coming to see M.M heard the commotion and went to the front of his cell. Since the earlier incident he hasn't received a visit or mail from anyone and he wasn't expecting any. His only family and attachment was K-Unlimited, and they are all dead he thinks. The affection Reverend Taylor showed him yesterday was most certainly appreciated, but the Reverend has no way of knowing that, because M's gangsta is so vivid, but just like any human being he has feelings, emotions, and wants to be loved.As the Reverend moved closer down the hall answering questions and praying with brothers he noticed M's feet at the bottom of his cell, and slowly but surely made his way to him.“Good morning Mr. Blaylock.” The Reverend said, and went into his pocket and handed M another pack of smokes and matches. “Good morning big bro and thanks.” M said. “Don't mention it son. I do what I do because I understand every situation is different, and you have suffered one of the most tragic episodes of violence in the history of America. You need to heal lil bro, and think deep about your reality.” “Yeah I hear that. Last night I went all the way back to my childhood and came up to the present trying to put my stuff together. I haven't told anybody what I went through in that shooting, but I am going to tell you. Check this out! When those shots rang out I hit the floor, but my movement was in slow motion, and it was like I had a veil over me, even the sound of the gunfire was kind of blocked out, you hear me Reverend?” “I hear you son.” “I laid there and watched bullet after bullet tear through the flesh of my family. I watched as they tried to save themselves by escaping only to be cut down by what followed. Rev I don’t have a scratch on me. When the shooting was over I heard car tires speeding off, but I just laid there devastated. I also feel stronger than I ever have before, and I'm not just talking about physically I feel real strong on the inside; I really feel different. That morning when those three guys ran into my cell it was like they were children and all three of them had knives and I wasn’t poked once.” “Those guys are hurt bad Marvin and I mean real bad!” “Big bro I only played the cards they dealt me.” “I know son, I also know you need counseling lil bro. To stay in this cube like this with all of that rage inside of you is only going to escalate your evil and vengeance. Marvin it’s just a matter of time before you kill somebody, and then what? I have a plan to get you out of this cage so that you can start to heal man, look at some TV, walk around a little, but most of all you need counseling. This is all wrong the way they got you lil bro.” “So where is all of this good stuff you talking about?” “It’s on our protective custody unit.” “P.C.? What kind of games you running Rev? I am M, the founder and President of K-Unlimited. I am a top soldier and I’m the opposite of that!” M was highly offended as he walked to the back of the cell showing his distaste for Reverend Taylor’s company. “You didn't let me fin―” He was cut off again by the arrival of Captain Johnson, and all of the men were whistling and banging on their doors and she fed on their ovation like a top model would. M rushed back to the bars anticipating her arrival.“Reverend you have an emergency in psychology.” She said. “Damn Captain look at you!” M said, and Captain Johnson played it kool.“Good morning Mr. Blaylock.” She said and quickly turned to Reverend Taylor.“Emergency in psychology Reverend.” “Okay Captain, think about what I said Mr. Blaylock.” Reverend Taylor said as he left the two alone.M was locked in on Captain Johnson who was trying her best to be as Captain-like as she could."Mr. Blaylock I owe you an apology.” She said. “For what?” “I have just read the entire incident report from the other morning, and it appears you were attacked, and not the other way around. The officers working the floor that morning have written statements that they saw you throwing your attackers out of your cell.” “So if you are clear on what went down, then why am I still caged like an animal?” Captain Johnson moved closer to the bars so that M could get a double dose of her perfume. “Yes Mr. Blaylock it is clear you were attacked, but it is also clear that you had a weapon. I saw those three guys, and two of them are still in critical condition.” “You telling me that I have a weapons charge?”Captain Johnson closed her folder and locked eyes with M. The entire unit became electric and silent.“What do you think?” Captain Johnson said. “I think not, know what else I think?” “What’s that?” She said real sexy.“I think you are so beautiful! It has been a long-ass time since I have seen this flavor in a woman. I also think you digging me and that’s kool, because I'm digging you too. Yesterday when I saw you I was immediately attracted to you, and this attraction was more than sexual. When you came to this cell yesterday I could feel and smell your femininity. I looked deep into your eyes, because I was trying to penetrate your soul up in this bitch; you hear me lil momma? I think I hit, because here you are the very next day in my midst. It’s alright if you came to see M, because I have been waiting on your fine ass to show.” “Was I that obvious?” “Yes you were and it’s good that you were.” “And why do you say that Mr. Blaylock?” “Because many women and men play many games when it comes to meeting the opposite sex, not me I saw in your eyes yesterday an invitation into your circle; did I read that right?”“You most certainly did.” “So where do we go from here Captain?”They both went eye to eye and without question it was the beginning of a meaningful relationship.“Well first of all we must put you somewhere where you can be safe. Did Reverend Taylor tell you about the counseling ward?” “Yeah but I can’t do the P.C. thing baby, that shit will never happen.” M said, and stood very tall when he finished that statement. “Marvin it’s not P.C. The P.C. unit and the counseling unit are just side by side, and my office is just a few steps down the hall.”They both went back eye-to-eye, and this time the Captain let out a sexy giggle.“When can all of this good stuff become a reality?” M asked. “As soon as you sign the paperwork. Would you like for me to call Reverend Taylor back?” She asked.M didn't respond right away, because he is still a G, but also the extreme confinement is killing his ass. After ten seconds of silence he said “Yeah call Rev for me lil momma.” “Wise decision.” Captain Johnson said, and they both shared their first laugh.Captain Johnson said her goodbye and told M to be ready. She then walked away yacking that ass from side to side, and top to bottom making sure M was hypnotized***Back in open population Leroy and Boy and their three new recruits started a fight with the weakest guys they could find. The fight lasted only twenty seconds, and was broken up by correction officers.While in the infirmary Leroy, Boy and the other three accomplices overheard some conversation about the three guys M hospitalized, and the more they heard the more reluctant they became about carrying out their plan.Leroy got the attention of one of the guys in the conversation. “My man where are those three guys who got stabbed the other morning?” “Stabbed shit, look like they ass got dropped in a grinder. They are right in intensive care, go take a look for yourself.” The guy said.After hearing that Leroy and the others couldn’t control their urge to see the guys in intensive care so Leroy asked the officer “Can I go to the bathroom please?” “Sure why don't all of you go that way I don't have to make many trips.” Everyone looked at each other in agreement. When they came to the intensive care entrance they slowly walked then stopped.“DAMN!” They all said together as they were completely mesmerized by what they saw. After they got back to their seats they all had great looks of regret and fear. Leroy broke silence first.“Excuse me C.O. (correctional officer), were you working that morning when those three inmates got stabbed?” “I sure was, I was working on the same block that morning. Let me tell you something, first of all I am a Christian man, and you will never hear me use profanity, but it ain’t but one way to describe Mr. Marvin Blaylock, and notice I said Mister, because he is a bad motha-fucka! He threw those guys out of the cell like they were children. Another minute in there he would have killed they asses sure as shit. When the last body came out of the cell hitting the hallway wall Mr. Blaylock came out of the cell and stood over his victims then gave up a roar like a lion that I felt in my damn soul! I ain’t never talked about another man like this, but M as he calls himself is a bad, bad mothafucka! I'll never forget the way he was standing in the hall like that!” The officer said, then looked off as if he was remembering M’s stance.This story scared the day lights out of Leroy and them. They are 100% sure that they won’t be effective against a warrior like M, but to decline means some heavy repercussions from Dedat and Bullet Proof, Stay tuned! ***One after another you heard the beauty of a child described by their mothers. A few girlfriends spoke, and baby mommas. There were also a few raps performed for the deceased. Then when it seemed like everything was coming to a close Lady Diane wiped her tears handed Baby Johnny to Barbara, and headed for the stage. Barbara looked at Ben, and Ben looked back with a look of proudness and then said. “Pay attention!” Lady Diane's strut and all-white apparel caught the attention of everyone. When she made it to the stage the place was totally silent as everyone wanted to hear what this dynamight lil momma had to say.While she was on her way to the podium Chief Clinton adjusted the mic for her.“Thank you sir. Hello everyone my name is Lady Diane, listen Harlem, to God belong all things in the heavens and on earth. Verily God is He that is free of all wants worthy of all praise, and if all the trees on earth were pens and the oceans were ink with seven oceans behind it to add to its supply, yet would not the words of God be exhausted in the writing for God is exalted in power full of wisdom, and your creation or your resurrection is in no way but as an individual soul, for God is He who hears and sees all things. See thou not that God merges night into day, and He merges day into night, that He has subjected the sun and the moon to His law each running its course for a term appointed, and that God is well acquainted with all that you do. That is because God is the truth, and because whatever else they invoke besides Him is falsehood, and God is the Most High, The Great! Do you hear me Harlem?” She said and the crowd jumped to their feet with cheers and claps.“People those were not my words, but the words of the Ever-Living God. We have assembled today so that we might find a solution to this diabolical act that took the lives of sixteen promising souls. I am here to tell you that this evil will not go unpunished. The Chief of police just conveyed to us the history of unsolved murders in New York over the pass twenty years, because you are afraid to come forward. If I had any information about any murder I would not hesitate in helping to remove this advocate of Satan from our community. Think people and think hard, because our problems are mental and the thought is the cause of it all. Also trust that God saw what happened that day and He knows exactly who is responsible and He will most certainly handle it. Nobody gets away with anything; that’s why there is a thing called death, and a day called the resurrection. Listen Satan, you can run, but you cannot hide or escape your inevitable capture, thank you everyone.”Lady Diane then strutted off the stage leaving the entire Church ecstatic and on their feet. She didn't go back over to where Ben and Barbara were, but stopped in the aisle looking at them, which was her way of saying she was ready to leave.In the car Ben is smiling from ear to ear, because he sees God's glory manifesting itself right before his very eyes.“Girl where did you learn to speak like that?” Barbara said, like a person who just had their whole mind blown.“I’ve always had a mouthpiece, but no knowledge or wisdom. On my bus ride down south with no money no plan and pregnant I decided right then and there that I had to make a connection with God. I prayed so hard that God empowered me with the highest human understanding, so that I could be a benefit to myself, my unborn child, and to others as well.”The car was silent for about five seconds.“Honey you are just full of surprises. What chapter of the Bible were you quoting from?” Ben said. “That wasn’t the Bible Mr. Jones; that was the Qur’an.” “So are you one of those Muslim people?” Ben said and Barbara started laughing at Ben’s line of questioning. “Those Muslim people? Ben they are people just like us.” She told her brother. “I didn’t mean it like that; I meant …”Lady Diane cut him off, because she can hear and see that he has become uneasy.“No I am not a Muslim, but I have been reading the Qur'an, and I have never felt this good in my life. I know that I'm only eighteen, and there is much life to be lived, but that book is so serious. I just can’t get enough of it.”Back at the Church, everyone is talking about Lady Diane, and no one is more enthused than Reverend Taylor.What blew him out of the water is this young lady mentioned that the problems of the masses were mental. Reverend Taylor has been saying this for years. He believes that the thinking and the mind-set of the poor community has to be revolutionized. He also believes that rehabilitation is very much needed. He wants and needs this young lady on his team, because he knows she will be a major influence on the youthThe news reporters and everyone was just blown away by this young lady’s rhapsody.Sistas Gail and Tina rescued Reverend Taylor of his inquiry of Lady Diane. “Rev! Rev!” Tina yelled trying to catch his attention.“Hey you two what is it?” He said. “We know where to find Lady Diane.” “How did you know that I wanted to find this young lady?” Reverend Taylor asked.“We watched your reaction on stage when she finished speaking, and we know that you have been looking for a spark for our youth movement.” Reverend Taylor just smiled and looked up the heavens, and was most thankful that someone knew this special young lady.Later that day M was allowed to walk the unit. He found a spot on the wall and dug himself. Many of the residents offered him friendship only to be rejected for their safety and his kool.In the hallway Reverend Taylor ran into Captain Johnson, and took the time to share with her the news M shared with him about his perception of his temporary stay in city jail. After hearing all of that she knew she had to act fast. She quickly decided to stay late that night, and tell officials that she had to catch up on paperwork. Her plan was to use the most effective weapon against man on the planet. (You guessed it―THE BOOTY.)She must put him under her spell. It’s been at least two years since James has been gone and she hasn’t been with another man since. She’s sick and tired of that damn dildo every night and the porn she downloads off the Internet and those imitation sex toys has her a bit perverted. Nothing can compare to a real live man. The more she thought about Marvin taking her on her office floor the more her anticipation grew.Lock down was at 9:30 P.M. on M’s unit, but he turned in at 9:00 P.M. In the dark M entertained many thoughts about life. He was pretty sure his stay at city jail would be short. It was just a matter of time before the court dismissed his case. He thought about where would he go, and what life would he live now. He founded K-Unlimited ten years ago, and this has been his reality ever since. The words of Reverend Taylor are deep in his mind that man needs to change his thinking, and by changing his thinking, he can change his reality. The thought also came to mind to retaliate against Bullet Proof. He knows he could kill them all, he also knows that would be foolish, because the finger would be pointed straight at him. He still hasn't totally dismissed going after them, but the smart thing is to take the head off of the snake.It’s now 11:00 P.M., and M's whole ward is sleep including him. Captain Johnson called for a rookie guard who would have the least suspicion about her or what she was up to. She told him to bring her Marvin Blaylock, and the officer did as he was instructed.When the guard knocked on M's door he became a bit uneasy. “What’s up my man?” M said in his battle stance. “Sorry to wake you Mr. Blaylock, but the Captain needs to see you.” “What damn Captain at eleven o'clock at night?” “Captain Johnson sir.”Hearing that eased his anxiety a whole lot. He was told he had to be handcuffed, and shackled. M didn't protest; the reality of seeing her dynamight little ass was worth it. They went out one door turned left then walked ten feet and stopped. “This is it?” M said. “Yes sir this is it,” The guard said, then pushed the buzzer and Captain Johnson answered.“May I help you?” “It's Officer Brown and the inmate you requested Captain.” “Double check the inmate’s restraints then put your identification number in and the door will open.”Once they were in her office she said, “Secure the inmate in the red chair and connect him to the post on the wall.” “Yes captain.”After M was secure Captain Johnson said, “Hello Mr. Blaylock I’m sorry it took so long to call you for this interview. I need a complete statement from you about the other morning.” “How am I going to write like this?”“Easy you are going to take your time. We have all night. Hand him this clipboard and pen Officer Brown.” “Yes Captain.”The rookie handed M the clipboard and pen then said, “Will there be anything else Captain, because I have to do my 11:30 count.” “No Officer Brown you have been a great help thank you.”Officer Brown left and Captain Johnson put her finger over her mouth telling M to be kool until she heard both doors click. When the coast was clear she got up and walked over to M and said, “You miss me baby?” She said, then leaned over and kissed M on the lips. “Yeah I missed that lil momma now let me loose up in this bitch!” “Not so fast mister; there are a few things you need to know about me first.”Captain Johnson then started getting undressed five feet in front of M to increase his already sexual rage. M just sat there with an erection that was ever visible. Captain Johnson got down to her panties and then threw them in M's face, which caused him to laugh. She then got down on the floor on her knees with her ass poked towards him arching her spine in and out giving him a clear look at her artistry.“All of this is yours Mr. Blaylock anytime you want it, but you must know that I am not a toy you hear me baby?”M just sat there because he knows it’s just a matter of time before she unleashes him on her little ass.Captain Johnson got to her feet grabbed the keys and unlocked M's restraints.“I hope your little ass candle M; you don't hear me!”This brought a good laugh from them both. After the last restraint was released M rose up out of that chair just like M; the captain's femininity took its course after this dominant male was no longer in bondage. She dropped to the floor on her back and watched her Adonis get undressed. When M took off his underwear she couldn’t believe the size of his penis.“OH SHIT!” She said because she has only seen this kind of dick on film or in books.M got down on all fours over top of her showing his male dominance, and giving her a close-up on the dick. He then started caressing her body with those big hands, and as he looked at the pettiness of her frame, and felt the smallness of her vagina. He was most certainly sure that he was going to tear her a new hole. He knew his dick was monstrous, and he totally understood its monstrosities, and its ability to make any woman addictive. He threw his tongue in her mouth tasting her flavor, and then moved to her breasts, then the stomach, then the booty. He licked that booty like she has never had it licked before. All you could hear was moans and groans from Captain Johnson. After she had given up three spasms of orgasms M’s head rose up off of the booty telling her, “Brace yourself baby.”Captain Johnson spread those little legs as far as she could get them, and with that M slowly entered her and in the stillness of the night you could hear the booty being stretched as he went to her bottom.“Yes Marvin discipline my ass,” She exclaimed holding M with all of her might. M didn’t waste any time in putting in work. His masculinity and thrust was most powerful, but at the same time it was the accommodation she had been looking for her entire life.M then told her to wrap her legs around him as tight as she could, and she obeyed. He then stood up with her still on the dick, and continued to abuse that little booty in that position. As he felt his climax, he laid her down, and told her to get on her knees, and to display the artistry she did before.Once again she obeyed turning around giving M one last look as she was sure that this was the conclusion of their session.This is the position where he would define her. He rose up over top of her long dicking that ass from a diagonal angle.Captain was devastated, and in her powerlessness all she could do was sprawl, and come. After M exploded they both lay there on the floor pleased at what just transpired. Captain Johnson was the first to break silence.“Got damn baby! Feel like I just had a baby! Yeah, yeah we have to get your ass out of here. I'm going to get you a lawyer or a senator tomorrow; shit!”M started laughing, but dug where she was coming from. “I hear you lil momma, but no money has to be spent on this demonstration, they ain’t got nothing on me; you hear me?” “That might be true Marvin, but those public defenders take forever. A lawyer will be here first thing in the morning to see your, real talk.” M looked deep into this sista’s eyes and said, “Baby what is your first name?” This also brought a ten-second laugh from them both.“Lisa.” “You look like a Lisa too,” M said standing over her like a tower looking down on her.“Baby I don't share a man, and I don't do one-night stands. Marvin you have been through a lot, and I want you to know that I am here for you spiritually, economically and sexually, but you have to be clear that I am number one, and there is no number two. I have an apartment in Manhattan, and you are welcome to stay with me until you figure out your future plans, or you can chill and heal.”M heard her every word, and as he looked deep at her he clearly saw that she was dick-whipped. This is always the case with him after he takes women on a sexual exploration, but he also sees Lisa's womanhood, sincerity and her authenticity.After they were fully dressed, M pulled Lisa onto his lap to respond to her offer. “I'm feeling everything you are saying baby, but what's most important with me is trust. I don't share a woman either. A fine-ass woman like you I know you got some joker on a string somewhere. Get rid of his ass, because if I catch you with him I am going to kick your little Captain ass all up and down Manhattan.”Lisa started laughing and M followed, but she knows this kind of man means what he says. “So what about all of your Hoochie mommas?” Lisa asked. “Listen Lisa and listen good; it’s just me baby. Since the incident I haven't had a visit, and I haven't gotten any mail, and I have not been on the phone. I am very clear that I am solo, and I'm kool with it, because it's my reality. Baby if it wasn't for you and Rev’s love I don't know what would be what.”As sad as M's words were they were music to Lisa's ears. This meant M was all hers to herself, and nobody else.Once M was escorted back to his room he lay down thinking about Lisa, and picturing himself living a clean life, which made him laugh. This was not an impossibility, and it had to become his reality. While driving home Lisa couldn't stop wiggling that little ass in her seat, as she very much still felt M’s aftermath. This was her reminder of the man he is, and the woman she must be.It is now Saturday, the morning of the funeral. Even though Johnny is alive in a coma, Ben and Lady Diane are still saddened by the reality of this day.Barbara is a little thrown off because for the first time she sees deep emotion coming from Ben and Lady Diane as they prepare for the funeral. Barbara also started to question herself. ‘Have I been jumping to conclusions all of this time? Am I out of control? Did I go too far this time? Have I been too preoccupied with digging too deep to find nothing? Hell no!’ She concluded that their sad emotions might be real, but they were guilty of hiding something.Last night she decided to get to the Church before Ben and Lady Diane, and take a quick look in Johnny's casket. This would be the final determination in this affair.“Lady Diane why are you dressed in purple instead of black?” Barbara asked lightly demanding an answer and Ben wondered the same thing, but just left it alone, but still had his ears peeled waiting on Lady Diane's response. “Black is gloomy in this situation, I know black is traditional, but I don't want to feel gloomy and down, haven't we been through enough? I brought this purple outfit just for this occasion and plus we are a royal family.” After Lady Diane finished speaking she pulled out this beautiful gold blanket for Baby Johnny.“Sugar where did you get that blanket? It's beautiful,” Ben said.“It sure is Lady Diane,” Barbara said grabbing the blanket and feeling its texture.“This is the blanket Baby Johnny came home in, it is a gift from my father,” Lady Diane said.“You remember Barbara when we were children and Momma use to say that we were a royal family?” Ben said. “I sure do!” Barbara said and they both looked at each other in reminiscence of their childhood.“I’m pretty sure I have a purple handkerchief somewhere in my drawer,” Ben said as he jogged up the steps in a hurry.Barbara seized the moment to leave early so she could get to the Church before everyone else. “You know Lady Diane you’re right we are a royal and a special family, and I want something purple too. I'm going to pick me a scarf up or something; I'll meet you all at the Church,” Barbara said.Lady Diane didn't pick up on Barbara's con. Ben came downstairs with a purple handkerchief in his suit jacket pocket and Lady Diane told him that the handkerchief changed his entire look.“Where is Barbara?” Ben said. “She went to the store to get a purple scarf and she said she would meet us at the Church.”Meanwhile Barbara stopped at the first corner store she saw, and ran in and grabbed the first purple thing she saw got back in the car, and hauled ass to the Church.Once in the Church she noticed that she was one of the first arrivals. When she looked at the back side door where the caskets obviously were a great feeling of shame came over her and when she opened the door, and saw all of those caskets her heart stopped as the reality of all those dead bodies convicted her. She shut the door, and was breathing very heavily. She quickly got herself together and reentered the room. The fear she was feeling was unimaginable as she slowly walked in looking for Johnny's casket. It also occurred to her what if she opens her nephew’s casket and finds him mutilated, this would scar her for life, but on the other hand she thought what if I open this casket and Johnny is not in it? This would complete 80% of her investigation and feed her sickness like it’s never been fed before. She finally found Johnny’s casket after matching the serial number. She took a deep breath, and as soon as she started to lift the casket she heard, “EXCUSE ME!” “Eyeeee!” Barbara said as Reverend Taylor scared the daylights out of her.“What are you doing back here miss?” Reverend Taylor said giving Barbara a very suspicious look.Barbara responded and was still breathing heavy and trembling. “I just wanted to get a few private moments Reverend that’s all.”“Well hurry up then I have to get the names on these caskets and get 'em out front!” “Yes sir Reverend, thanks.”Reverend Taylor left and Barbara did three counts and then lifted Johnny's casket top. Once she saw it was empty she quickly made her way to the pews still breathing heavily, but was completely satisfied with her work. She said under breath- ‘I got their asses again!’Now that she knows that Johnny isn’t dead he must be at the hospital. Although she was overflowing with joy that Johnny wasn't dead she was still very saddened by the other sixteen caskets she just left, and has nothing but sympathy for the families of these victims.As she sat there she watched this whole scene change before her very eyes. They rolled casket after casket on the floor until they were wall-to-wall.Families of the slain started to show up and they went to their respective casket to mourn and pray. This was the heaviest thing Barbara and the rest of these sympathizers had ever seen.Public officials also started to show up, and in spite of their inconsistency in this community, and failed promises their presence meant a lot, not just to the victims’ families, but to the community as a whole. This funeral also received news coverage from beginning to end.Ben and Lady Diane finally came through the doors, and the feeling of grief and the sight of all of those caskets penetrated them like the rays of the sun. They made their way to Johnny's casket, and prayed that he comes out of his coma soon, and they also prayed for the other sixteen souls.On their way to the pews they received hugs and kisses from people, and tears from their souls began to run down their faces.After forty-five minutes went by Reverend Taylor took the podium and every TV set in New York was tuned in on this funeral.***At city jail M had a front row seat and Lisa made it her business to be on post just in case he needed her.***Across town the Perry family was also tuned in. Momma Perry had just been released from the hospital and the family gathered to welcome her home. This was a difficult time for Dedat and his comrades as the reality of their actions are constantly eating away at their souls.***Back at the funeral the service began. “Everyone please stand for a moment of silence, and I want you to think about our victims and I want you to contemplate your own reality, because when we leave here today and bury these once-promising souls we must return to life and the living reality as we know it; let us begin.”So there they were a packed house of human beings from all walks of life standing there reflecting on life and death, because this is the true human reality. “I don't know and I don't want to know what everybody thought about for those sixty seconds. I thought about my own death. The reality of this engagement has me stepping up my game in life. I have never in my life seen such a sad sight, and at the same time been so grounded. People it is from God we come and it is to Him we will return. These seventeen caskets in front of us tell us so. Each and every one of us needs to become the best that we can become and get right with God before He sends the angel to collect our souls. In spite of the evil that was displayed that day God in His infinite mercy and wisdom sent some angels on a very serious mission of protection, and to everyone's amazement there is one survivor of that horrific shooting that has brought us here today. If any of you had the blessing to see this apartment after it was demolished by gunfire anybody would conclude with their finite wisdom that no one could survive a hit like that. Why did God choose Marvin Blaylock to protect out of all of those souls? I can't answer that no one can because God cannot be circumscribed, but I will say this that God is God and He does what He will; you don't hear me! People are calling Marvin, Miracle Marvin and I can’t argue with that. I’m counseling this beautiful young man, and I trust that after that episode that day he knows that he has to change. I asked him to write a few words down, and I told him I would read them today.” Reverend Taylor paused for a moment to reach into his jacket pocked to retrieve Marvin’s letter. ‘Hello everyone you know me by M, I no longer go by that nor do I embrace those flimsy codes and ideologies I once stood for. I am no longer under an illusion about my reality or the need to change that I must make in my thinking. Please forgive me for my misrepresentation in my past state of mind, but also understand that up to this point in my life I'm just beginning to understand true life. I don't know about you, but I am done weeping and feeling sorry, now is the time that I show that I was worth being saved that day. Dry your tears people and let these seventeen souls be an inspiration to you and no longer a devastation, I love you soldiers now rest in peace, thank you.”Reverend Taylor’s eyes were full of water as he folded the letter up and put it back in his suit jacket pocket.***Back at the jail Marvin sat there listening to his own words, which reassured him that they had to become a reality. His eyes were too full of water, and eventually the tears began to fall. Lisa was also crying as Marvin's words were so meaningful. They didn't look odd, because many viewers were crying. The whole scene was just that heavy. Marvin got up and walked to the window, and saw that the bird’s nest was finished and the female was in it with the male bird on watch. Marvin started to smile, and Lisa came over and asked, “What are you smiling about Mr. Blaylock?” “She likes the nest,” He said, and pointed to the nest showing Lisa what he was talking about, he then walked back to his seat and finished paying his respects to his fallen soldiers.*** Across town at Momma Perry’s house Dedat was tuned in and hoping Marvin’s words were true, but everything told him it was a trick and a trap to soften him and Bullet Proof up. Stay tuned.*** Back at the funeral a number of family members spoke. There were poems, songs, etc. The Mayor the Chief of police, and a Congressman also spoke. As the morning got old many observers kept their eyes on Lady Diane wondering if she was going to speak. She wasn't there for that. She was paying her respects just like everyone else.Minutes later Reverend Taylor made his way over to her and said, “I know this is a very rough time for your family little sista and it’s totally up to you if you would like to say a few words.” Lady Diane looked at Ben and he said, “Everybody's waiting on you sugar!” And he gave her a wink.“Okay Reverend Taylor I’ll say a few words.”She kissed Baby Johnny then handed him to Barbara, and headed for the stage. The news people got as close as they could and everyone was totally silent. All you could hear was her shoes clicking off the floor in a very serious rhythm. She reached the podium, and the chief fixed the mic for her.“Thank you sir.” “You're welcome Lady Diane,” Chief Clinton said with a smile.“Good morning everyone, this is a very trying day for some of us. This is also a day that the Almighty God has decreed to be. In this day there is a pure wisdom for those who have eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to sympathize. Many of you will be redefined by the essence of this day, and many will be led astray. If God guides us none can misguide us, but if He misguides, then none can guide you... In the very beginning of this service Reverend Taylor asked us to reflect for sixty seconds, and when he finished he said he reflected on his death. I thought about my death too, but mainly my resurrection! That’s right people the resurrection. Many people are so distracted by the life of this world, and in their blindness they have developed a misconception of the human reality or shall I say the Reality of the Real. Many doubt that this will happen or that it is even possible. It will happen because it is a promise from God Himself. As I said earlier many will be guided by the wisdom of this day, and many will be led astray. I am here today as a human representative of righteousness to confirm and convey the words of the Ever-Living God who is responsible for existence. Listen people to His words for they are for those who have the ears to hear His message! “Oh mankind! If you have a doubt about the resurrection then consider that We created you out of dust then out of sperm then out of a leech-like clot then out of a morsel of flesh, partly formed and partly unformed, in order that We may manifest our power to you. We cause whom We will to rest in the womb for an appointed term. Then do We bring you out as babies, then foster you that you may reach your age of full strength, and some of you are called to die, and some are sent back to the feeble old age, so that they know nothing after knowing much. Further thou see the earth bare and lifeless, but when We pour rain down on it, it is stirred to life, it swells and puts forth every kind of beautiful growth in pairs. This is so, because God is the Reality. It is He who has power over all things, and verily the hour will come. There can be no doubt about it, or about the fact that God will raise up all who are in the graves.” Lady Diane paused for three seconds letting the multitude digest that demonstration, and then she continued.“Now this is for those who have a heart to sympathize, what did you think your sleep was about all this time? Sleep is twins with death, and in the morning when we rise from our sleep that is a minor resurrection. These sixteen souls are sleeping for a time, and on that great day they will be awaken, and so will we. On that great day there will be two destinations one will be paradise, and the other will be hell fire! I have a message for those who are responsible for these murders; you will also be resurrected, and I trust that you are somewhere listening. Thou shall not kill! Thou shall not kill! Thou shall not kill! That is a very serious commandment, but it is totally disregarded in this day and age, and it’s a shame, because life is so sacred and a precious gift from God. Nobody should have the right to take somebody’s life just because they want to. Those who are responsible might think they have gotten away with this horrible grave crime, and if you do it is most certain that your blindness and evil will land you a seat in hellfire. You baffled law enforcement by not leaving a clue to who you were, but God saw you, and you can best believe you will be brought to justice in the life of this world or the hereafter. Nobody and I mean nobody gets away with anything that’s why there is a thing called death and a day called the resurrection. Now this is for those who have eyes to see. Look at me, and you, and the life around us, now look at these casket … I just gave you the contrast, thank you!” Lady Diane then strutted off the stage leaving everyone on another level. What was even more incredible is she spoke straight from the mind none of this was written down.She finally made it back to her seat, and Barbara gave her a pound. Barbara also for the first real time recognized Lady Diane's true worth. It was very clear to everyone that this was no ordinary eighteen-year-old.Reverend Taylor came back to the mic, and thanked Lady Diane, and said a few more words and the ceremony ended with the Church organ playing.This was a very inspiring funeral, and many families left with smiles on their faces as the words of Lady Diane penetrated their souls, and gave them new hope.It is now time for everyone to bury their loved ones. This scene outside of the Church was most uncommon. Today's events would be one for the record books, as casket after casket was loaded into its hearse.Ben and family finally made it to the burial site, and everyone was crying except Ben, Lady Diane and Barbara.Something told Ben to look over his left shoulder, and when he did he was eye-to-eye with Barbara, who told him with her expression that she knew that this was a fraud. Ben quickly turned his head back toward the Reverend in front of him. He tried to reassure himself that there was no way Barbara could know the truth. All of this made Ben very uneasy and mad. He kept thinking to himself, ‘where did I slip up?’After the fraudulent burial family and friends went to Ben’s for a reception. Everybody couldn’t get enough of Lady Diane and Baby Johnny.Ben did everything he could to avoid Barbara, and she did everything in her power to engage him in battle. After fifteen minutes of ducking Ben had enough.“What in the hell is wrong with you woman, looking at me like that?”Barbara took a step back before she responded, because of Ben’s anger. “I know Ben,” She said trying to penetrate him with a look of sorrow mixed with submission to try an appease his anger.“Get your ass upstairs!” Ben said in a low tone almost not moving his lips.Once upstairs Barbara went around the other side of the bed out of Ben's reach. “You know what Barbara?” Ben said hoping like hell it had nothing to do with Johnny. “I know Johnny is not dead Ben!” “And how in the hell do you know that?” Ben said, with amazement mixed with disbelief.“I looked in his casket at the Church and Johnny wasn’t in there Ben, I'm sorry Ben, but you made me act this way.” “All this damn time you have been playing me like some damn drums just beating, and beating away at shit!”“I’m sorry bro that I acted like this, but you and Lady Diane didn’t show a whole lot of sadness, so when you two said the other day you were going to see Lady Diane's mother it just sounded like you were saying it in a way to trick me, so I left before you and followed you the whole day.” “Well I’ll be damned!” Ben said and just looked at Barbara, but this time with understandingand forgiveness.“Come here girl,” Ben sad and Barbara came from around the other side of the bed, and Ben gave his sista a very loving hug.“Yeah you figured it out baby girl. I should have known the longer your ass stayed here the more you would uncover.” “I can't help it bro.” “I know baby sis, I know, and that’s the sad part. Listen I am going to tell your ass everything, but you cannot leak any of this, because Johnny's life depends on our silence. You hear me Barbara?” “Yeah Ben yes! I hear you bro!” She said as she pulled him to the edge of the bed and sat attentive. Ben told Barbara everything not leaving a stone unturned.“Damn bro this is like a movie or something. I want to see Johnny Ben, please take me the next time you go,” “You got that baby girl.”They both went back downstairs and everybody was looking through the photo album, and they were amazed at the resemblance between Johnny and Baby Johnny.Ben and Barbara eased their way back into the funeral reception with renewed energy and a good vibe that eased the hurt and sorrow of other family members.***It’s now Wednesday morning time for Marvin to go to court. He didn’t get any sleep last night as his mind raced back and forth from his past to his future, and to that which awaited him.One thing is certain in Marvin’s life right now, and that’s Lisa. On the strength of that he knows he has to move forward, and turn the page on his foolishness. He also thought hard about Bullet Proof trying to finish the job on him. He is no way a lame to the game, and when he gets back from the Bahamas he will most certainly get strapped (get a gun). It would be extreme stupidity not to. Lisa didn't sleep much last night either. She was like a little girl on Christmas Eve. She really believes in Marvin, and she hopes and prays that he is the man that she will be with forever. Ever since James got incarcerated again there has been a deep void in her social life, and a high level of regret for her immaturity in their relationship. It didn't take her long to set up everything for the Bahamas. She has her and Marvin plane tickets, and passports, and has made hotel reservations.Marvin and Mr. Funk will meet her at a secret location after his release. Reverend Taylor got to work earlier that day so that he could give Marvin the best bonvoyage he could.“Good morning young man,” Reverend Taylor said, with the best cheer he could muster.“Hey big bro,” Marvin said, and gave the Reverend some dap. Both men stood there eye-to-eye, and in their stare was the Reverend’s admonishment, and Marvin’s acknowledgment. Reverend Taylor gave him a hug and said, “Call me man as soon as you get back please just give me one ring.”“I am going to do that big bro sho nuff!”As Marvin walked down the hall looking like the lion of a man that he really was, everybody spoke and said their goodbyes and wished him the best.When he got downstairs he was put into a single cell not for his safety, but for any fool who might try to cash in on the worst ass whipping they could ever have imagined. Marvin sat there listening to all of the names called for court, and when they finished calling all the names he didn't hear his, so he banged on the door getting the transportation officer’s attention“Hey! Hey! My man!” Marvin said. “Yes sir what can I help you with sir?” “I’m Marvin Blaylock, and I’m scheduled for court this morning!”The officer looked up and down the sheet and said, “Sorry big guy you’re not on this sheet.”As soon as Marvin was getting ready to blow his stack two U.S. Marshalls came around the corner.“Blaylock you ready?” One of Marshalls said and Marvin cracked a smile and said, “Is a Blue Jay blue? Damn right I'm ready!”Marvin's attorney filed a motion requesting that Marvin be transported alone, because of the possibility of another attempt on his life.At court Marvin was taken to a holding cell directly behind the judge’s chambers, where his lawyer explained all the legal ramifications of his case.“Good morning Mr. Blaylock,” Mr. Funk said. “Good morning man so what it is?” Marvin said. “Well everything looks good the state doesn't want to pursue this case. They don't have one piece of tangible evidence, they don’t even have circumstances.”Marvin stood to his feet in pure happiness. “Kool, what time do we go in?” He said. “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about Mr. Blaylock. There could be some spies in the pews waiting on your release. If you come out front, and the charges are dropped you’ll have to exit from the courtroom like everybody else. I propose I stand in for the both of us, when things are finalized I get the paperwork, and we both exit through the attorney's exit. Ms. Johnson is not far away waiting on our arrival.” “Yeah! Yeah! I like this shit; moving me out the side door and shit. Yeah, yeah do that,” Marvin said with a crooked grin.Mr. Funk was gone for about thirty minutes, and Marvin thought he was coming straight back. Lisa is standing outside of a coffee shop in anticipation of Marvin’s release, every time she sees a red car she thinks its them.Mr. Funk finally returned with the paperwork, and Marvin was all smiles. The guard unlocked his cage, and he came out that cube just like a lion back into the wild.In the car Mr. Funk handed Marvin a letter with his name on it from the FBO. “What in the hell is this?” Marvin said. “I don’t have a clue what it is. It was on my desk this morning,” Mr. Funk said. Marvin opened the envelope with a slight look of concern, and inside he found a piece of paper which read, “Please don't be stupid Mr. Blaylock!”Marvin put the envelope in his pocket as a reminder.“Is everything alright Mr. Blaylock?” Mr. Funk said, as he noticed Marvin’s expression. “Oh yeah everything is kool, real kool!”After twenty minutes of driving Mr. Funk pulled up a half block to where Lisa was waiting. “Ms. Johnson is in that coffee shop on the corner,” Mr. Funk said.“Then why are you stopping in the middle of the block?” “Because we could be seen by anyone, and Ms. Johnson and I could be reprimanded.” “Yeah I feel you man.” “Good luck Mr. Blaylock,” Mr. Funk extended his hand to be shaken, and Marvin shook it.“Yeah thanks man.”Marvin watched him drive off, and then headed for the coffee shop. Inside he found Lisa in a heated argument on the phone with someone from the court about his release. He didn’t say anything because he's totally flattered.“Hello, hello! No that bitch just didn't hang up on me.” Lisa said.“She sure did,” Marvin said standing right behind her and when she heard his voice she jumped straight in his arms squeezing him with all of her might.“Baby I thought something happened!” She said in crying happy tears.Marvin just held her and thought how blessed he was to have this beautiful soul waiting on him.“Let’s go baby!” Lisa said grabbing Marvin tightly by the hand.“Let’s get you a change of clothes and a haircut too baby.”They went and got Marvin a sweat suit, and a fresh haircut, and Lisa couldn't believe how much sexier and different Marvin looked with a fresh shave and a haircut. They got something to eat, and then headed to the airport.”Marvin was all eyes because he's never been in an airport or been on a plane before. They found their section and waited for their departure time.Lisa noticed Marvin in deep thought and asked, “You want to let me in on some of those deep thoughts mister?” Marvin looked at her and smiled, “Thanks lil momma for being here for me. I promise you that you are my number one, and I will never let you down; you hear me baby?”“Yes honey, I hear you,” Lisa said eye-to-eye.Marvin then leaned over and gave her a kiss and continue, “I was also thinking how I am going to tear your little ass up later on.”That brought a smile from Lisa that lasted the whole flight.Ten minutes later their plane arrived and they boarded. Marvin sat by the window like a little boy, and Lisa was enjoying every bit of watching him enjoy this new experience. After being in the air for about twenty minutes they both fell asleep after getting none last night and they didn't wake up until they landed in the Bahamas.“Excuse me ma’am, sir we’ve landed,” The flight attendant said.“Damn! I slept like that?” Marvin said. “Me too baby, I just woke up. Well let’s go we're here; I love it over here,” Lisa said, taking in the smell of the island's air.“Yeah lil momma I'm feeling all of this, and I know it’s some bomb-ass smoke over here too.”Lisa looked up at Marvin and laughed, because it’s so real with him, and she loves the way he’s sizing up the Bahamas. “What do you want to do first Marvin?” “I want to see you arch that back for me!” He said giving her the evil lustful eye.They went shopping before checking into the hotel. While shopping the whole time Marvin is looking for somebody he thinks might be down with some smoke.Lisa is so amused at him, because the island is nothing like New York, but Marvin is using every ounce of his street intelligence to make a weed connection. After shopping they headed to the hotel. Their room was huge and the view was overlooking the beach. Marvin stood there amazed at the scene. “Baby I ain’t never said no words like this unless I’m talking about a woman, but this is beautiful,” He said gazing out from the balcony. Lisa burst out laughing again at Marvin, because him being so true, and the way he says things is very funny.She ordered some champagne from room service, and then took a shower and got ready for her next reconstruction. She couldn’t wait for Marvin to unleash his sexual fury on her. She was clear that the sex on her office floor was just an introduction. This engagement would solidify her totally.On the other side of the door Marvin is already naked with a full erection drinking the champagne out of the bottle like a forty of beer looking in the mirror at his stature.“You ready for me baby?” Lisa said in a girlish voice.“Get that ass out here girl and stop playing with me.” “I can’t hear you.” She said, continuing to tease.“I am going to count to five and if your little ass ain’t out here I am going to kick that bitch off the hinges. One, two, three.” “Four, five!” She said, as she emerged from her beauty chamber dressed in this all pink see-through tight skin lingerie. The breasts were out, the ass and her snatch. She had on some six-inch platform glass slippers, and her feet were perfect. She blew Marvin's mind up on that spot. She went back and forth, and back and forth making sure he understood her, and he did.After seeing the outfit and the top-of-the-line show girl demonstration she was displaying he knew she wanted to go to Pluto, and he was the ship that would make this a reality. She finally made it to the bed where she was greeted by Marvin's hands and his tongue. The perfume she had on was also driving him krazy. The majority of it was sprayed below her navel between her thighs. As he explored her every crevice he noticed the scent got stronger the lower he went.Once he entered the red zone Lisa spread those little legs and Marvin didn’t waste any time in tongue lashing that booty.“Lay on your right side baby, and lift that left leg in the air, and deepen that arch in your back for me lil momma.”Lisa did as she was told showing her pure artistry, and in that position he could see the booty and that perfect ass of hers. He licked that booty until she went into a frenzy. He then took her from the rear in a manner that they both enjoyed. Lisa then lay down in the front jacking that ass high in the air with her back still perfectly arched, and Marvin rose directly over top of that perfect frame of hers, and started savagely slamming that little ass until she quit.After that demonstration they both lay there in complete silence satisfied with one another and this went on all night. The next morning on the beach Marvin and Lisa were taking in the morning sun, and enjoying the tranquil atmosphere, and then all of a sudden Marvin heard some reggae music. He automatically thought these guys were locals, and that they knew where some smoke was.“Give me twenty dollars baby?” Marvin said to Lisa in a hurried voice, never taking his eyes off of the locals.Lisa is about forty yards away watching Marvin do his wheeling and dealing.“Hey mon (man),” Marvin said trying to sound Jamaican. “Is that my man Bob you cranking?” He said and one of the guys responded to Marvin’s music enthusiasm.“That’s what it sounds like don't it man? “He said then the guy with him said “Man don’t tell his ass that. Now he’s really going to think he’s producing and shit!”Marvin noticed that neither of them had accents. “Where y’all from man?” Marvin said in his real voice.“We from New Jersey,” They both said together.“Oh yeah, I'm from Harlem. I heard the music, and I thought you were locals. Check this out, I'm looking for some smoke. "The Jersey guys looked at each other then looked at Marvin in silence.“What’s up?” Marvin said and got in his defensive stance.“Who told you we got smoke dog?” “Nobody, I said I'm looking for some smoke, but you got it?” “You ain’t no undercover is you man?” Marvin broke out laughing, because he’s never been mistaken for 5-0 before.“Hell no man! I am a soldier just like you.” Lisa is wondering what’s taking him so long.“Marvin hurry up baby; I’m lonely.” “I’m on my way lil momma.” Marvin yelled.“Okay Marvin what you and your lady friend need player?”“Yeah give me a twenty sack.” Marvin said handing him the money and both Jersey guys looked each other and slightly giggled.“We don’t sell no damn twenties dog. Now you really are going to have to find some locals for that. My name is Cannabis and this is my number one T. We pumping and humping weight all day and all night.” Cannabis said.“My bad old G (old gangster) I ain’t know; you two look like regular jokers to me.”“That’s just what we want to look like. Turn that shit down for a minute T.” Cannabis said, and went in his shirt pocket and handed Marvin a gold bud the size of a golf ball.“Look at this shit slim; the seeds are gold. You are not going to find this shit nowhere on the planet earth but here. This plant has been botanically engineered by my grandfather and his father who started this crop in the early 1900s. Now it’s harvest time son and we are on a run, but you smoke that and give me a call.” Cannabis said while handing Marvin a card, which read Original Tomatoes of the Bahamas.Marvin watched as they pushed their cart of what was supposed to be tomatoes. Marvin made his way back to Lisa with the bud clenched in his hand, and all he could think about was Cannabis words, that they were moving weight all day and all night.“So did you score?” Lisa said, and then laughed. “Yes I did baby, yes I did.” Marvin said in a very slick and sly voice staring into the ocean.Lisa’s expression dropped as she heard in Marvin’s voice and saw in his stare what could be criminal. She doesn’t want to jump to any conclusions, but she will be on guard.“You want a beer baby?” Marvin asked Lisa. “Sure honey.” She answered.Marvin went to the little hut on the beach and got two beers and some rolling paper for the smoke.The sun is well up now,and on Marvin’s return, he sees the sun reflecting off of Lisa's skin and her hair. “Baby you are so beautiful." Marvin said moving his towel closer to hers on the sand.“Yeah I know right.” Lisa said with her head back showing those beautiful white teeth as she laughed at her own remark.“You smoke lil momma?” “I used to get down with this friend of mine.” Lisa is referring to James.Before Marvin crushedthe bud he examined the plant, and was amazed at its golden coloration. He then remembered Cannabis’s words. You are not going to find this shit nowhere on the planet earth.“Marvin I want another beer honey.” While Marvin was day dreaming Lisa had finished her beer, this gave Marvin an idea. He quickly thought of getting her drunk and high give her some bomb sex to put her to sleep while he contacts Cannabis and T to see what’s really happening with them.He returned with a six-pack of malt liquor beer, and they started their early morning party. Lisa drank like a fish, but still had a stable composure. On the other hand it was Marvin who was getting drunk off of those high-powered beers.“I need to use the bathroom baby I'll be right back." Lisa said as the beers were running through her. While Lisa was gone Marvin took out the card Cannabis gave him and looked at it. He noticed the card had a Jersey address on it. He quickly concluded that Cannabis had a tomato front in Jersey moving this gold weed.Marvin's mind started clicking like it always does when it comes to business.Marvin has never sold weed before, but has always smoked it, and believes strongly in its legalization. Moving this instead of heroin and cocaine which was his old M.O., this to him is a 360o turn. “You miss me baby?” Lisa said and jumped on Marvin throwing her tongue down his throat. It was obvious that the alcohol had taken its effect finally. “Yeah I missed that little momma.” He said getting back to his sitting position to light the joint.When he lit the joint you could instantly smell the beauty, and the authenticity of this marijuana, and on top of that the smoke was thick and pure white.Marvin took a man's puff and almost gagged. After three seconds of holding the smoke he exhaled and was BLASTED!“Got damn! Lil momma this shit is gangsta sho nuff!” He said and Lisa fell back on her towel in pure laughter, because she witnessed Marvin’s transformation.“Give me some!” She said and Marvin handed her the joint, and was very cautious as paranoia was setting in.Lisa grabbed the joint and took a nice pull, and the plant almost blew her little head off. She coughed and choked with smoke coming from everywhere, and she dropped the joint.“Damn! This smoke is good; what did I do with the joint baby?”Marvin is tripping off her as she tripped off him. Even though she didn't hold the smoke that long she still was blasted.Marvin picked up the joint and handed it back to her.“You gotta take a little pull little momma.” Lisa took a lady’s hit and handed the joint back to Marvin, and this escapade went on for about five minutes. The smell and their actions caught the attention of many, and Marvin picked up on that real fast.“Aw shit! We gotta bounce lil momma, they are on to us.” He said jumping to his feet with the criminal look and Lisa is still on the sand in stitches, because Marvin looked like he just robbed a bank."Baby you gotta get serious out this bitch! It might be some FBO out this bitch somewhere!” Marvin is now thinking about the letter Mr. Funk gave him.Lisa finally made it to her feet. “Whoo! I have never laughed like that before.” Marvin is not only walking fast, but he's ready to run if necessary, a typical New Yorker from Harlem.They made it back to the hotel, and Lisa noticed the bar was open.“Come on baby the bar is open.” Lisa said grabbing Marvin by the hand.Marvin sees Lisa is blasted and so is he, but he also has Cannabis on his mind.Lisa sees a lot of woman looking at Marvin so she got up and sat in his lap and did her wiggle.“Good morning you two what can I get you?” The waiter asked.“Bring us a quart of rum dark and a bucket of ice. Marvin do you need any chaser, because I drink my liquor straight.” “Yeah bring me a soda with that my man and a whole lime.”“Baby put the joint up.” Lisa said and laughed. “You think the waiter saw that baby?” “No he looks kool.” Lisa said and did another wiggle in Marvin's lap.“Lil momma this was a hell of an idea coming to the Bahamas. It’s like I'm in another part of the world and I'm having a ball with you baby!” “We are in another part of the world, I can’t remember the last time I was this happy.” She said leaning back looking up at Marvin.“Here you two love birds go; will there be anything else?” “No sir thanks, you have been a great help.” Lisa said then paid the man and gave him a nice tip so that he wouldn’t bother them again.Lisa cracked the top on the rum, and showed some of her bartending skills.“Let’s make a toast baby to your homecoming and a great life together.”Marvin held up his glass and Lisa said. “To us baby and our happiness forever; welcome home Marvin.”“Thanks baby.”They tapped glasses, and after that Lisa started toasting to everything. Marvin only drank the first drink after that he started pouring them down the wall. He has to be focused trying to reach Cannabis.He has already concluded that he could move some bomb ass smoke like this with ease. He also sees that the rum bottle is half-empty. “Okay lil momma that’s enough; upstairs you go.”Lisa was lit (very high). “Yeah big daddy let’s bounce.” She said and missed a step.In spite of her drunken state she was very coherent about her sex. Their next episode was just like all the rest, and what Marvin anticipated ten minutes later she was knocked out snoring. Marvin then put a sheet over her and called Cannabis. The phone rang twice, and then Cannabis answered.“Yeah who dis?” Cannabis said. “This is Marvin man.” “You got the wrong number chief, I don't know no damn Marvin!”“I'm the guy on the beach this morning; you gave me your card and told me to smoke the bud and give you a call.”After a three second pause Cannabis said. “Oh yeah twenty dollar slim. What you need another twenty?” Cannabis said and started laughing and you could hear T also laughing in the background.“Check this out old G. I am a self-made soldier, and I don't believe in in handouts, I hold my own in any situation and I am a rare breed of man, and I get work done. I've been in the concrete jungle since I was nine. I know what the people want, and I know how to get it to them. That smoke you got is on the one, and it will sell itself. I know I can move that shit! I'm asking you to let me in on your team when I get back home.”Cannabis is once again silent for about three seconds.“You sound good slim, but so do everybody else I let in my circle, and come to find out that they some shit, but you a homey so I am going to give you some play; what hotel are you in?” “The Parliament.” “Be out front in twenty minutes, and my man T is going to pick you up.” “Yeah kool.”Marvin hung up the phone and a slight feeling of hypocrisy came over him, which he quickly dismissed. Once again this is the plant not coc or dope. To him this is not wrong. He quickly got dressed, and kissed Lisa on the cheek, because she was still out cold. T rolled up in a brand new truck cranking his version of Bob M.“What’s up my man, you ready?” T said.Marvin went for the front door, but T said.“No, no, you ride in the back man I'm your chauffeur. This is how Cannabis treats all of his guests.”“Oh yeah I’m feeling that.” Marvin said, then jumped in the back and dug the ride and the whole scenery.The Bahamas was a very beautiful place and the people were so carefree and laid back. All of this was kool and entertaining, but this was not his reality. He wanted so much to be laid back and paid enjoying the finer things in life. He could easily fall back and live off of Lisa, and she wouldn't have any objections. All she wants is true love and companionship, and compatibility. It was nice to know those things were in his favor, but a top soldier like Marvin has to make and pay his own way, this is how he has been bred, and this is how he gets down. They finally made it to Cannabis’s place, which was not a pretty sight. Marvin knew that this was part of the old timer’s game to delude the authorities and nosey-ass people.On the inside Marvin is given another opportunity to explain himself.“So tell me again Marvin what is the most important thing in business. I don’t want to hear no whole lot of slick shit son, I’m looking for one word, and you got three guesses.” Cannabis said.Marvin is totally unshaken by the words of Cannabis he knows the answer is trust. He smiled at Cannabis and said with authority, confidence and clarity.“Trust Mr. Cannabis- pure trust.”Cannabis looked at T, and T gave his approval, not that Cannabis needed it, but T has been his right hand man for the past twenty-five years, and his insight means a lot.Cannabis smiled back at Marvin extending his hand.“That’s right son trust is the name of this game, and with that we can’t miss. You said on the phone you could hold your own and you don’t believe in handouts. That is music to my ears, and the code I live by, because I am not going to give a big back black mothafucka nothing for free. Marvin nodded in the affirmative.“When are you going back to the states?” Cannabis asked.“Next week.” Marvin said. “Good because I need a delivery guy in Jersey. The route is already set up all you gotta do is pick the truck up in the morning and get your drop sheet until you learn the route. This shit is so simple. It took me six months to redo this route to perfection please don't mess up my shit, son! Your starting pay will be $1500.00 a week, and that’s only the beginning. Things will get better as you show that you are who you say you are. I run everything from here, and a few locals are involved who I know and can trust. Back home I also have some family on my team. I want to show you something walk with me.”Cannabis took Marvin down to the basement, then through two doors. When they entered the third door and it was bricks and bricks of weed wall to wall. “Got damn old G.” Marvin said in amazement.“Son this ain’t nothing.”Cannabis then took Marvin through an underground tunnel that lead to his weed patch, and this blew Marvin's whole mind.“You see this son, this is operation Cannabis.”As far as Marvin could see there was nothing but weed with a crop of corn on the outskirts camouflaging the cannabis.Marvin is speechless as he tries to digest this reality. He now has nothing but respect for Mr. Cannabis and his conglomeration.Back in the living room Cannabis asks Marvin. “So are you in?” “Does a bear have hair and is a Blue Jay blue?”All three men dapped each other up as they laughed at Marvin's response.“One more thing son you can cop from me and a pound will only coast you three hundred. You having your own thing on the side make all the sense in the world to me. This operation is young, and I have not reached my economic pinnacle. You need to know that this is not forever my plan is to run this operation for three years on blast then after that shut it down. So take every advantage of this opportunity son.”Cannabis gave Marvin a phone number which would be his contact back in Jersey. All three shook hands then Marvin thanked them and bounced.T dropped him back off at the Parliament, and Lisa was still asleep.Marvin stood on the balcony looking at the ocean, and thinking about everything that was going on in his new life.***The fame of Lady Diane reached far and wide, but she has no idea that she has had such an impact on people, or that she has reached star status in the minds of many people.The City Council and Board of Education had an idea to let Lady Diane speak to school children to boost their aspirations, motivation, and intellectual morale. Lady Diane just graduated from school herself last year so the reality of the school experience is still fresh in her mind.One morning while Ben and Lady Diane were having breakfast there was a knock at the door. Ben went to see who it was and it was a porch full of people.“Hello can I help you?” He said with a look of concern.“Good morning Mr. Jones, we are here to see Lady Diane."Ben looked at Lady Diane and she looked back and shrugged her shoulders. “Well, come on in.” Ben said. “Thank you very much. Sista Gail gave us your address. We’re sorry to just show up unannounced, but the overwhelming desire to meet Lady Diane in person compelled us.” “I know what you mean I live with her,” Ben said, and smiled at Lady Diane.She left the breakfast table and came into the living room, and everyone yield to her as you would a Queen.“Good morning Lady Diane.” They all said in unison.“Good morning, who are you people?” She asked.“Please have a seat.” Ben said.Lady Diane walked back to get Baby Johnny then returned. “He's so gorgeous Lady Diane.” One woman said.“Let me state our business, I'm Denise Gore, and I sit on our city council.This is Zack Bradford and his team and they are the Board of Education. We are trying to turn our schools around and we would like your help Lady Diane.” “My help, what could I possibly do to help change things in the school system?” She said with a puzzled look on her face.“Lady Diane since you emerged on the scene a month ago there has been much talk about you and your gift of conveying a message. We would like to hire you to motivate our children.” Mr. Bradford said.Lady Diane is stunned ever since she arrived back in New York she has been bombarded with thoughts of how she would take care of herself and Baby Johnny.The news of Johnny in a coma was another serious blow. She had greatly anticipated him helping out a lot. The money her father gave her is almost gone, so there is no way she could say no to this grand opportunity. Ben was all smiles, and got up and went to sit next to Lady Diane. “This is great sugar and right up your alley.” Ben said.“Do you really think I can do it?” Lady Diane said, and the whole room said yes at the same time.“We have brought you a brief situation of our schools’ history over the past seven years, and our fluctuating test scores. We have highlighted the worst schools and their districts. You need to study this data Lady Diane, and remember keep the message about education,” Mr. Bradford said.Lady Diane looked over the folders, and as she scanned the pages she noticed her high school was on the list. “My old school is on here” She said. "Yes it is and we all agreed that this is where you will start, and develop your rhythm. We expect in six months to see a major change in these children’s performances,” Mr. Bradford said.“Lady Diane you have inspired many, and the inspiration is real. Your influence will take instant effect on these children’s young minds, and we know it. So, what do you say; are you on our team or what?” Ms. Gore said. Lady Diane looked at Ben, and he gave her a nod of approval. “Yes I accept your offer,” She said with a smile.She shook everybody’s hand, and was appointed an aid from the Board of Education to walk her through how the education system works. She was also given an application, and W-2 forms to fill out, which made her officially apart of the Board of Education. Every time she speaks, it was agreed that she would receive a check for two thousand dollars. There were twenty schools on the list, and she would speak twice to each school putting her at a smooth eighty thousand for the whole school year.When she read the part about the money, she was blown away. Math was her favorite subject, so it took her no time to compute her total.“Lady Diane we'll be in touch, and if you have any questions please refer to your aid, Tammy and she’ll relay them to us. Goodbye and thank you Lady Diane,” Mr. Bradford said. Everyone left except Tammy who had to brief Lady Diane on a few other issues. After Ben let them out Lady Diane rose to her feet with these words, “This is the God I believe in, and this is His work, and this is why I worship Him. Make no mistake about what just transpired here; this is clearly an act of God.” Tammy looked at Ben, and he looked back like the proud father-in-law that he was, and Lady Diane continued, “I was just reading about His signs the other night. God is He who raised the heavens without any pillars that you can see, and then He established Himself on the throne. He has subjected the sun and the moon, each one runs its course for a term appointed. He does regulate all affairs explaining the signs in detail that you might believe with certainty in the meeting with your Lord.” Lady Diane moved in front of the window where the sun was, and its rays reflected her pure beauty as she become more passionate about her delivery.“And it is He who spread out the earth, and set there mountains standing firm, and flowing rivers, and fruits of every kind He makes in pairs two and two. He draws the night as a veil over the day. Behold verily in these things there are signs for those who consider! Ms. Tammy you have to excuse me. There are times when I just can’t control this compulsion to demonstrate, especially when God sends me a sign and a blessing like this I had to give it up.”“No, no baby thank you for the exclusive. Young lady you are special and you are serious. People like you are not made; they are born. I have been a New Yorker all my life, and I’ve heard many speakers speak. I have been on the Board of Education for fifteen years, and I have never, and I mean never heard a female vocal with your distinction,” Tammy said.Ben grabbed Baby Johnny and went upstairs so that Tammy and Lady Diane could discuss their business.“When is all of this going to start Ms. Tammy?” Lady Diane asked.“Hopefully next week.” “Next week?” Lady Diane said, in an unsure voice.“Yeah girl next week, and honey you will be ready trust me. You are a natural; it’s just a matter of you being introduced to this element. This time when you speak it won’t be in Church with all of that sorrow you faced the last time. This time you’ll be in school where the energy will be positive. The thing to remember honey is they already love you and we are going to feed on their admiration for you,” Tammy said consoling Lady Diane.After thirty minutes of discussion Tammy left, and Lady Diane sat back on the couch with the folder in her hand trying to digest this beautiful moment. This was a challenge for her, but the more she thought about it, the more she envisioned herself being a success.Ben heard the door close and came downstairs to share in her good news. He stopped at the bottom of the steps, and gave her his look that he was waiting on his smile. Even though Lady Diane is this electrifying speaker, and very close to God she is still very much a baby. She finally produced the smile Ben was waiting on.“They want me to start next week,” She said. “So soon?” “That’s what I said, but Tammy said the sooner the better.” “What kind of money are they talking about?” “If I speak at all twenty schools twice, I could make eighty thousand dollars this year.” “Eighty thousand! Girl you rich!” Ben said, and gave her a hug. “Honey you deserve it, and it couldn't have happened to a better person.”Well I guess after you get rolling with that, you and Baby Johnny will be moving on,” Ben said in mild voice and dropped his head slightly.“Moving where, we are not going anywhere Papa Jones, this is our home with you,” Lady Diane said with emotion.“You called me Papa, I like that honey,” Ben said, and leaned back with tears of joy streaming down his face.“I don't know how I would have gotten through all of this if it wasn't for you and Baby Johnny,” Ben said all choked up.Lady Diane leaned over and gave Ben a reassuring hug then said, “God knew that, Papa J., that’s why we are here.” “This is a cause for some kind of celebration,” Ben said in a joyful voice. He now has a new sense of social security after hearing that Lady Diane and his grandson are not leaving.“Sugar we have to buy you something stunning for your first engagement.”“You’re right Papa J. what will I wear? I have to get my hair done and my nails.” Lady Diane now seems a bit frantic, as the reality of everything is coming down on her. Not only that, but she is going back to her old school where she must make a splash. Ben loves to see Lady Diane being her eighteen-year-old self, because she is so naturally beautiful.At the mall she got her nails done, and a facial suggested by the shop’s owner. She decided to wait until the day before she speaks to get her hair done, so that it would be fresh.When it came time to pick out her outfits she was stuck.“What’s wrong honey?” Ben said as he saw she was hesitant about going in the business dress section for women.“These clothes are going to make me look old and I'll be showing my shape.”Ben sees her deep sadness and jumped right in to rescue her. “Honey nothing could make you look old, you are one of the most beautiful women on the planet, now you stop that pouting. I don't think these clothes will look good on you either.” Ben purposely said, taking her side, and that’s all she needed to hear.After hearing that Ben was on her side she pulled him to a section that had all silk gowns, long skirts, and all loose fitting things. She was so happy; she looked like a little girl in a toy store. She grabbed everything that caught her eye, and disappeared into the dressing room with clothes in both arms. Ten minutes later she emerged with thee outfit that would define the attire of Lady Diane.She was dressed in a pure white skirt that hit her at the ankles. The top piece was a vest-like shirt that went to the top of her neck. It also had an outer layer of white see-through silk, and of course, she had a pure white silk scarf covering half her head.“Yes honey that is it and you should mold every outfit after this one,” Ben said.There were many people walking by who couldn't help but notice Lady Diane. Many came over and spoke, and told her how beautiful she looked.Two middle age women stopped and said, “Honey you look like you are getting ready to go do something for God baby.”She was all smiles as she looked in the mirror at her own reflection, and she was most pleased with her design by God. “Yes Papa J., this is how I will always dress.”They left the mall in very high spirits, and of course they stopped by the hospital to check on Johnny, and his status was the same with his brain activity machine being the only noise in his room.Once home Lady Diane took Baby Johnny upstairs to put him to sleep and to put her new things away. “Lady Diane you have a phone call,” Ben yelled up the stairs.“Who is it Papa J.?” She asked with a preoccupied voice as she was in the mirror again digging herself.“It’s Tammy.” Ben said.She rushed down the stairs grabbing the phone out of Ben’s hand.“Hello.” She said. “Hello Lady Diane I just met with the Board of Education and we are all pleased that you are now on our team, but there is just one more thing we need you to do.” “And what is that Ms. Tammy?”“We need you to leave the baby with relatives when you speak, to bring a baby to a high school, and you're only a year or two older than some of these children will steer many of those young girls in the wrong direction, one look at Baby Johnny and a lot of those uncultivated female minds will go and get pregnant.”Lady Diane couldn't believe what she was hearing. This was an impossibility for her. Baby Johnny meant everything to her. “Miss Tammy baby Johnny goes everywhere with me; we have never been separated since the day he was born.” Lady Diane said with sadness and flopped on the couch. (Note to ebook readers): Continue to scroll down and read; this story does not end until it ends. About the Author stay tuned for his story-The Vicissitude’s and Addictions of Samuel Moton and Abdur Razzaq)The magnification reappears on the next page continue to read, and once again thank you for reading.\s\s’Continue to scroll down’Ben was now back at work so at night the house was extremely peaceful allowing Lady Diane a laboratory-like atmosphere so that she could finalize her work.While Ben was at work all he could think about was Johnny in his coma and all of the beautiful things he was missing. He wanted so much for Johnny to wake up now so that he could see his son and Lady Diane. He bought a camcorder the other day, so that he could record all of these special moments. Lady Diane's campaign on education grew at an amazing rate. Local news coverage was all over it and everyone anticipated hearing and seeing this dynamight young lady’s demonstration.With only six days to prepare, Lady Diane was more than ready.That Monday morning was so beautiful and calm it was perfect for anything.As they rode to pick up Barbara, then to Lady Diane's mother’s house to drop Baby Johnny off there was absolutely no talking. The silence in the car complemented this delicate moment for Lady Diane.Ms. Little and her daughters on the other side of town were extremely elated to have Baby Johnny for a couple of hours. When they arrived, it was a very trying moment, as everybody’s bliss was compounded with sadness, because everyone saw on Lady Diane’s face how reluctant she was to relinquish Baby Johnny even to family.“Lady Diane we have to get a move on honey.” Ben said trying to wedge a gap between her and Baby Johnny.There were kisses and hugs from everybody and Lady Diane’s last words to her son were, “I love you Baby Johnny. Mommy have to go to work. I won’t be gone long, and I am going to call you okay?” She said, and Baby Johnny was eye to eye as if he understood every word. She finally handed him to her mother, and in that moment of relinquishment Lady Diane saw how her sistas flocked to the couch where their mother was holding Baby Johnny. In that precious moment Lady Diane saw the love and protection Baby Johnny would receive in her absence, which afforded her great rest.In the car Barbara wrapped her arm around Lady Diane and gave her a big sista's hug.“Girl he'll be fine, they love Baby Johnny just like we do.” Barbara said. “They sure do.” Ben said reinforcing Barbara’s statement to make Lady Diane feel better.Lady Diane knew that Baby Johnny would be alright, and Barbara and Ben were right about him being loved, but she still ached from within, because the love for her son was prodigious. She rode the whole way to the school with a blank expression gazing out of the window until they turned into the school’s parking lot where they were greeted by a huge sign which read, ‘Welcome back Lady Diane-we love you!’When she saw the sign she got motivated instantly as she looked at the old turf she used to tread. There were a few news trucks and reporters out front, which gave her campaign the attention it deserved.Ben and Barbara see that Lady Diane is getting ready to enter a realm that’s going to change her life and the lives of many forever. They also know that they must be her support and protection in that element.Tammy was there waiting, and when she spotted Ben’s car she came over.“Good morning; girl you are doing it in that white!” “Thank you Ms. Tammy.” Lady Diane said as she rose out of the car with a look of reminiscence.“Lady Diane I need you to answer a few questions from a reporter, it will only take a minute.”Lady Diane didn’t expect any of this and there was a slight look of fear on her semblance. Ben saw it and quickly pulled her to the side.“Listen to me honey! You are going to be fine; all you have to do is be you. This is your time sugar, and it’s prime. Look at that sign they are waiting on Lady Diane, who gave you that name?” “You Poppa J,” She said with a smile and a teenage giggle.“I know what I know,” Ben said, then gave her another wink from both eyes, which brought another giggle from Lady Diane.Lady Diane has now digested the moment, and now understands it's time to take control, and her strut was a clear indication that she was ready. As they got closer to the reporter, Tammy reminded her, “Remember baby everything is about education.” “Yes ma’am.”“Well hello Lady Diane,” A reporter said as five other microphones were pushed into her face.“Good morning everyone.” “What exactly is this mission really all about here at Woodson Sr. High today?” The reporter asked.“Correction sir this is not a mission. That is an understatement; this is a campaign about education and Woodson Sr. High is just one out of twenty schools that we have a plan for. This campaign about education is to inform these students of the danger they are in without one. This is also a campaign to inspire, to motivate and to increase the aspirations of these promising students.”The reporter wasn’t expecting that response. Tammy lightly pulled Lady Diane, which was her way of saying that she said enough. Tammy then got on the phone calling Mr. Bradford, informing him that they were on their way to the auditorium.On their way down the hall they began to hear the chant. “LADY DIANE! LADY DIANE! LADY DIANE!” The closer they got the louder the chant got.Lady Diane's stride became more confident, as she was feeding on the chant in front of her, This also made Tammy, Ben and Barbara easy too.They all fed on Lady Diane’s rhythmic strut, and the sound of her shoes echoing in the hall. When they came through those doors…. Reverend Taylor finally came out of his office, and surprised everybody with his presence and his outfit.“Up up you mighty race and conquer what you will.” The Reverend said quoting the famous words of Marcus Garvey.“Good Lord Reverend! What is that you are wearing, and what’s up with that hat?” Gail said.Garvey’s hat was very unique, and it had a feather coming out of it.Reverend Taylor didn’t respond to Gail, or the look he was getting from everyone. He went outside and shouted the slogan again.“Up up you mighty race and conquer what you will!”He silenced the crowd, as no one knew how to respond or react to his introduction. Then Samson’s head snapped in the direction of Reverend Taylor and he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.Marcus Garvey is Samson’s favorite black history figure, who you very seldom hear about. When Samson was in the seventh grade he won first place for his report on Garvey.“Did you hear Reverend Taylor, he said up up you mighty race and conquer what you will!” Samson is now standing right next to Reverend Taylor admiring his outfit, because Reverend is dressed exactly like Garvey and he is now smiling, because somebody has identified with him.“Yeah, yeah, Reverend I’m feeling this sho nuff. Marcus Garvey is my main man, born in St. Ann’s Bay Jamaica, on August 17, 1887.” When Samson started briefing the people Reverend Taylor just stood there with his chest poked out looking just like Garvey.Samson continued. “He appeared in New York in 1915.” Samson said, and went on and on, and after Samson finished Reverend Taylor shouted. “Up up you mighty race and conquer what you will!” The talk went through the crowd that The Reverend was doing Garvey. Some understood, and many didn’t, but one thing was for sure. After today everyone in attendance will know who Marcus Garvey was and his movement.Marvin walked over to Samson and said. “This is why I need you shorty you hear me?!” “Yeah big bro you are loud and clear.” Samson said.To everyone’s surprise the Mayor showed up. He received some applause, but not much. He and Reverend Taylor went into conference for about fifteen minutes in Reverend’s office. The Mayor gave Reverend the grant he has been asking for since he took office. The Mayor also promised more money would follow. Reverend Taylor didn’t believe that, but he listened to the Mayor’s rhetoric, because he gave him the grant. After all was said and done, the Mayor ask the Reverend. “So, who are you dressed as?”Reverend Taylor looked deep into the Mayor’s eye and said. “George Washington!” “I knew it was somebody famous.” He said, and then went outside to do his juggling act with the people. Many gave in; In spite of his inconsistency in the hood it was still kind of kool to have his jive ass on board. The Reverend took one last look in the mirror at himself before leading the people into what he hopes is greatness. He went in his office door way and looked at everyone running back and forth, and it sadden his heart that they didn’t recognize who he was mimicking. Since they missed the demonstration outside Reverend Taylor blurted out.“I’m redoing Garvey today.”No one responded, and a few nodded their heads, but were still ignorant, so he got louder.” I’m doing Marcus Garvey, that’s why I’m dress like this.”Everybody stopped and looked at him and once again there was no response, and their expression was still blank.“You people are in for a very serious history lesson today!”The Garvey demonstration is not in many of the textbooks in public schools, and you will never see him or his movement on TV whenever he’s mentioned in black history they make sure for some reason they stay strictly on the surface. It’s not strange that many people are ignorant about this dynamight top soldier his ostracism was on purpose.Reverend Taylor came out front to address the people, and to make sure everyone knew their places.“Listen up people and gather around, I want you to see our banner and the new name of our movement.”Reverend Taylor held one end and Marvin held the other end. They both raised it high in the air for all to see, and it read- ‘THE UNIVERSAL ASSOCIATION OF ADAM’.The Church doors were then locked and everyone took their respected places.Reverend Taylor even had a horn section, and the tune was the Funk Mob’s ‘Children of Production’, that they would blow every five minutes during the march. This was a sound of royalty and it was funky.The news stations were there and they were broadcasting live. Lady Diane and the Reverend declined interviews and instead let the people be heard.Reverend Taylor went in front of the marchers, and turned around and waved his hands asking the crowd to be silent. After twenty seconds you could hear a pin drop.Reverend then shouted. “Adam are you here?!” The crowd shouted back “I am here!” which was the agreed upon response when addressed by Reverend Taylor. He said this two more times and each time the response was louder and louder.Reverend Taylor turned back around, and Lady Diane was to his right, and Marvin was to his left, Samson was next to Marvin and Ben was next to Lady Diane, Gail and Tina and the Mayor’s crew all made up the front line.Reverend Taylor gave the signal to the horns and that started the march. Reverend Taylor was stepping like he never stepped before. Without question his glory days had returned, while Lady Diane’s was just beginning.As they marched down the street people on the sidelines were showing much love with motivation chants. After three blocks people started saying things like. “I see you Garvey!” “Garvey represent!” “Conquer what you will Reverend.”When Reverend Taylor heard that this fueled his spirit and ego, and his steps became more and more intensified as it was so important that he did the best personification of Garvey possible.The chants and love Lady Diane received was just as great. This little sista just kept her strut and smiled and waved, because this demonstration was just blowing her young mind.Samson was just having a ball as he momentarily glanced at the Reverend to check on his Garvey, and Reverend Taylor was in total effect and had everybody in check because he was coming correct. After about thirty minutes of marching they were one block from Central Park where they would address the multitude. As they turned the corner for the home stretch they were greeted by thousands more. This was a sight to see, a moment to cherish and a demonstration never to be forgotten.Everyone took their respected seats on stage after receiving a prodigious ovation. The national anthem was sung, and then the Mayor took the podium first. He started talking some shit about George Washington and the cherry tree, and you shouldn’t tell a lie, then he went into some stuff about his grandmother giving birth at age fifty-nine to twins, and this lost everybody.Reverend Taylor couldn’t hold back his laughter, so he took off his hat and laughed in it.After ten minutes of his speech, a few children read poems, and sang America the Beautiful. After that a few members from City Council said a few inspiring words, and after them the Chief of police addressed the violence and corruption, and had some good news about a second money for guns drive taking place at the Tabernacle again.Finally Reverend Taylor took the podium with cheers that could be heard for blocks.“Thank you! Thank you! Alright now! Okay everybody let’s now observe a moment of silence for us.After fifteen seconds the Reverend began, “Adam are you here?!” “I am here!”Reverend Taylor did this two more times, and just like at the beginning of the march the response was louder and louder. “Up up you mighty race and conquer what you will. I’m not talking about the black race I’m taking about the human race, because we are all in this thing together whether you like it or not. In my speech today you will hear a lot of things directed at black Adam, because his situation and condition is the worst, but I trust that the rest of you Adams will find these words encouraging too. Up, up you mighty race of human beings and conquer what you will. These are the famous words of the late Marcus Mosiah Garvey, this is why I am dressed like this today.”The Mayor gave the Reverend a slight squint of the eye after realizing his attire had nothing to do with George Washington. “This march is symbolic to the one he had in Harlem eighty years ago. His address was to the so-called Negro whose human condition was unbelievably critical. Today I want to pivot off of Garvey’s ambitions and his bravery, because in his time a black man had a very difficult time trying to be a productive man. Back in those times the so-called Negro wasn’t even considered human by many Americans, and in the south things were even worse, it got so bad for blacks that it caused a migration to the north where things were a little better. Garvey came in a time when Jim Crowism, segregation, and the dehumanization of the so-called Negro was the order of the day. Garvey was born on August 17, 1887 in St. Ann’s Bay Jamaica. He grew up with a great love for his people and a passion to make things better for blacks all over the world. The flag that is left of our banner is the flag of Marcus Garvey, the red is for the blood that was shed on these shores and abroad, the black is for the race, and the green is for the land. Garvey preached that the black was beautiful in a time when the so-called Negro was trying to look white and searching for an identity. I’m telling you that the black race is beautiful, and so is the white race, and the red race, and the yellow race.” “Cheers!” “Garvey arrived right here in Harlem in 1915, and in 1917 he established the U.S. branch of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and he established a world newspaper. Somewhere around 1919 Garvey had a march on Harlem just like this one; you don’t hear me!” “Cheers!” “This drew attention from the authorities and the then American Administration like you wouldn’t believe. “GARVEY WAS A MAN! In that same year he started the black Star Steamship Line. He was trying to get into importing and exporting certain commodities worldwide. Do you hear me people?!” Reverend shouted.“It was not a game with Garvey and it cannot be a game with you. You have to take your ambitions to their pinnacle just like Garvey, and remember the only thing in your way today is you. Whatever you do people do not confine your imagination because it is a great power in the human thought, but you have to know that. Our Garvey didn’t stop with the exporting he also started selling stocks to blacks nationwide and hipping them to the stock game. All of this would not go uncontested by his opposition. The Assistant Attorney General back then, John Eger Hoover who alleged that Garvey was swindling stock buyers. This same guy later became the head of the FBI in the sixties, and alleged that Dr. King was a communist and anti-American. The investigation on Garvey grew by the day and so did the terrorism against him and his followers. It is estimated that he had a following of five million people. They had to break this movement up, to allow it to continue at that momentum, which would have meant a whole new America with the rise of Black people, and they were not ready for that. Even in the times of turmoil Garvey didn’t stop demonstrating. He launched a campaign to go back to Africa to claim land, as it was being done by many Europeans. In 1922 Garvey was arrested on mail fraud charges, in 1924 he was convicted by an all-white jury, and in 1925 he entered the federal penitentiary in Atlanta. The President of the U.S. ended up commuting Garvey’s sentence after he served three years. Garvey was then deported, and was never ever to set foot on American soil again… In 1935 he reconstituted the UNIA in Jamaica, and presided over international conventions there and in Canada. Brother Garvey died in 1940 at the age of fifty-two. People, Garvey did all of this eighty years ago, now what are you going to do?! Adam are you here?!” “I am here!”“Up, up you mighty race of human beings and conquer what you will. Up, up and conquer your evil and control your desires, which have compelled you to failure and have you on a path of destruction. Our situation is getting very old people like I said earlier it has been eighty years since Garvey was on the scene. It has been one hundred and thirty-five years since slavery ended, and it is very clear that many of our forefathers never rebounded from that horror. How do I know that, because you are the fruit of that history, and many of you are rotten. No one will doubt that slavery in America was the worst dehumanization, demoralization, degradation, mortification and manipulation of human beings in the history of human civilization. No one will doubt that the effects of this terrorism inflicted daily on slaves for two hundred and forty six years by their slave masters isn’t still present in our community and minds today. Now what are you going to do after hearing all of that? Dr. King said the so-called Negro was written a bad check, I’m saying the so-called Negro wasn’t written any check. You don’t hear meee!” “Cheers.”“There is a passage in the Bible in Deuteronomy 15:12-15 and it says. ‘And if thy brother a Hebrew man or Hebrew women be sold unto thee, and serve thee six years, then in the seventh year thou should not let them go away empty: Thou shall furnish them liberally out of the flock, and out of thy floor, and out of thy wine press, of that wherewith the Lord thy God hath blessed thee, thou shall give them.’ After the Civil War ended, the ratification of the thirteenth amendment to the United States Constitution, outright ended slavery in this country, except for those who go to prison; then they can legally be enslaved.” Reverend Taylor paused for a moment so that the men could reflect on that.“Read the thirteenth amendment people as a matter of fact, read the whole constitution. When slavery ended, every family was supposed to have been given forty acres and a mule, but that didn’t happen. Now let’s put ourselves in those shoes for a moment. With a mule and forty acres, and the agriculture skills, and the physical stability to work the land those people would have been a direct hit don’t you think? Somebody else thought so too, so they were given nothing not even a thank you. Can you imagine the competition of those newly freed slaves would have been for local farmers? Can you imagine our economic situation today if we would have gotten those forty acres and that mule? Adam are you here?!” “I am here!”“Why bring all this up? I tell you why, because many of you don’t have a clue about our history. It is written if you forget the history then you are more than likely will repeat it in some form or another. The forty acres and the mule are not happening. Reparations for slavery are not happening either. There is a bill that comes across the floor of Congress every year about compensating blacks for slavery, and every year it is denied. With all of this said, I know that you are ready to rise up and conquer what you will. Listen men we are living in a very great time, and I say that because all times are great in spite of one’s adversity. The bottom line with us is that we must change our thinking and our programming to make our condition better. Your present mental programming and thinking is against the natural order of creation. Your thinking has become diabolical do to environment and circumstances, and this was planned long before you were born; you don’t hear me!” Reverend shouted very loud. “Listen to the words of Carter G. Woodson: ‘When you control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about his actions, you do not have to tell him not to stand here or go there. He will find his proper place and will stay in it. He will go without being told, in fact if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit; his education makes it necessary.’ Your situation is not entirely your fault, but now that we know that there is a major problem in our thinking and performance it is our responsibility to break this cycle of control and moving to the dictates of other men’s thoughts that have crippled you over the years this is why we are here today. This is a heavy load to ask you to bear, but I know that you can handle it. Let’s make a change today Adams. Let’s make a commitment to ourselves that we are going to redirect our thinking to everything positive. When you leave here today there will be a number of places to report to so that you can receive some assistance in your new quest for responsibility. Every Church, Synagogue, and Masjid you see with the big red dot out front, and the words, ‘THE UNIVERSAL ASSOCIATION OF ADAM’ this is where you can receive job placement, job training, education, and much information about conditioning your condition. Be mindful that our opposition is absolutely displeased by this gathering. They have accumulated trillions of dollars off of your weakness, ignorance, your passions and your desires. Remember your rise is their fall, and don’t get it twisted people I’m not talking about the white man! Your opposition is Satan, and it has always been Satan personifying himself through man. It is not by chance that you make up sixty-five percent of the prison population in America, but only make up twelve percent of the entire population in America. It is not by chance that our neighborhoods are infected with all kind of drugs, a liquor store every five or six blocks and a Korean store every seven blocks that sells beer. It is not by chance that we have weapons of mass destruction in our neighborhoods that they wouldn’t allow in some wars. It is not by chance that we are minority business owners in our own communities. It is not by chance that our children are killing one another, and the black male is being murdered in record numbers all across America. This is what Satan does. Adam are you here?!” “I am here!”“When you return home men your past pathways will be made easier. There is going to be a sale on beer and liquor. Narcotics will be in abundance, and the wholesale price on anything you want will be at an all-time low. The access to guns will become easy as your opposition doesn’t want to lose you. Once again it’s been one hundred and thirty-nine years since the emancipation proclamation was formed; now you must redefine this term. Emancipate means to free and proclamation meaning to proclaim. You must proclaim yourself free from your own self-enslavement.” A lot of these men have never heard a demonstration like this before, and their emotions were very high. After hearing all of this information they know they have to step it up. If Reverend Taylor left anything out, surely Lady Diane will fill in the gaps. After Reverend Taylor finished his ovation went on for two minutes, and the men were hugging one another, giving up dap to each other. Gang members started taking off their gang attire and throwing it to the ground. When things calmed down Reverend Taylor motioned for the horns to once again brass construct the Children of Production tune from the Funk Mob’s live album. This melody was most appropriate for an epic figure like Lady Diane. Everyone onstage and in the crowd couldn’t wait to hear this little sista. Reverend Taylor was the cake and she will be the icing. She just sat there kool, calm and kool. Something told her to look in the direction of Samson, and he had his beam directly on her. She gave him a wink and went back to kool leaving him ecstatic. “Adam are you here?” “I am here!”“Adam are you ready for Eve. New York you have waited long enough, everyone here she is, and our own; LADY DIANE!”The crowd got even louder when this sista got to her feet. Reverend gave the signal for the horns to do their thing again, and she approached the mic on that rhythm. Never in her life has she ever witnessed a beautiful array of human beings from all walks of life. She let the crowd settle, then said. “In the name of God Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Glory to thee God and Yours is the praise, exalted is Your name, and exalted is Your Majesty, and there is none worthy of worship except You!..... You still have 75% more of the story to read…That is the end of the sample, to purchase this great story log back on to and scroll up to locate the buy button. Thank you for your time. 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