Lady Diane's Address

SWIMMING IN MUDDBY Samuel Moton, who is Dr. Author Dynamight Abdur RazzaqStarted 4-6-13 Finished 8-15-13 (DEDICATION TO THE ALL LIVES MATTER MOVEMENT) BLACK LITERATURE Swimming in Mudd (man under deep duress) is a grand story that starts with the unlawful apprehension of Anthony Glassco by the Neo Saxston Confederacy, who believes that all black people are created to serve white people by all means. In spite of these modern times the Neo Saxston Confederacy has been able to keep this practice of theirs and filter many black men and women through the penal system undetected. This Confederacy also believes that black people are not Citizens to the true republic for which the United States of America stands for and that their picking blacks from Washington D.C. where Anthony is from is lawful because D.C. has no statehood, and therefore they have no true protection. Anthony Glassco would be accompanied by some very intriguing people as he swam in this river of Mudd and also he learned some of life lessons that would be vital to his human growth. Through this unlawful incarceration he and many were radicalized and black supremacy was adopted by a few. Those who were suffering in this extreme miscarriage of justice had planned to topple this Confederacy but were beat to the punch by an unknown source. The white and black supremacy in this story would come to know that all lives matter. Anthony Glassco wrote about his experience and now would love to share these grand episodes with the world. This get down is a must read for everyone, because racism must become a thing of the past. I am Samuel Moton aka Dr. Author Dynamight Abdur Razzaq and I claim responsibility for the content of this story. Copyright ? 2017 by Samuel MotonISBN 978-1-947355-23-1Note: The word damn is not misspelled nor is got damn which comes from god damn or dynamight or krazyDap is a sanction by the hand to show agreement on something and it’s also a form of greeting. It also could be where the hi-five came from… Youngling is young personSista means sisterKool means koolPBUH-peace be unto him---PBUT-peace be unto them RACISM MUST BECOME A THING OF THE PAST About the author, stay tuned for his story ‘The Vicissitudes And Addictions Of Samuel Moton And Abdur Razzaq’ in the near future. THEE ANTIDOTE TO RACISM CHAPTER ONE “Ring, ring.” “Hey baby what’s up?” I said happy to her from Jackie. “Baby we need to talk; it’s very important.” She said. “I’m listening.” “Not on the phone Anthony, I want to speak to you face to face.” “Okay kool I’m on my way over; see you when I get there, I love you.” “I love you to Anthony.” “Click.” I hung up the phone wondering what was so important that Jackie wanted to see me face to face. It really didn’t make any difference because I love this woman to the bone. I thought I put my car keys on the table, but as I began to put on a diligent search through the apartment I discovered that my keys were gone and so was my little brother. A quick look out of the window confirmed everything as I look at my empty parking space and my car was gone. “I am going to kill his ass!” I shouted at the top of my voice. Jackie didn’t live far, so I got on the bus and vowed to kick my little brother’s ass later. When I got off of the bus I was only two blocks away from Jackie apartment when the police jumped out on me slamming me to the ground. “Man what in the hell are you doing; I haven’t done anything; I just got off of the bus!” I said with my face to the ground. “That’s what they all say! On your feet punk!” The officer said. “Officer you have the wrong guy; I just got off of that bus.” I said pointing at the bus I got off of, which was now in the middle of the block, but was totally ignored. Five minutes later a detective’s car rolled up on the scene with a white woman in the back seat, and it was obvious that she was brought to identify someone. “Is this the man that robbed an attacked you Susan?” The officer said with a crooked grin, and without any hesitation she said. “Yes, that’s him!” She said and burst out in a loud cry, with tears streaming down her face. I looked at this damn woman like she was krazy and in seconds I snapped out that bitch. “Man she’s lying! I have never seen this damn woman a day in my life!” I said as I was forcefully escorted to the back seat of an unmarked car with tinted windows. If that wasn’t enough when we started driving the car started crossing the bridge into Virginia, and that really blew my mind. Once I calmed down I started to rationale my situation it occurred to me that I didn’t see any D.C. police on the scene of my arrest. “Hey, why are we going to Virginia?” I yelled in the back seat of the car. “Because this is where you committed the crime punk!” One of the officers said looking me in the eyes in the rear view mirror. “What happen to my extradition hearing? Where is the due process in all of this?” I screamed again only to be laughed at by both officers. “Officers I’m telling you I am not the guy who committed this crime!” “Oh you are the guy and you are going to pay dearly for you transgressions. You messed up real bad boy. The woman you robbed and tried to rape is the Governor’s daughter.” “The Governor of Virginia daughter?!” I said with my eyes bucking out of my head and heart racing one hundred miles an hour. “That’s right boy, and you have ticked him off pretty bad.” After hearing that I was in the back seat sweating bullets, and all I saw out of the windows were woods on both sides of the car. “Yall aint going to hang me are you?” “Trust me boy I would love nothing more than to see your black ass swinging back and forth from a tree. Me and my kind are sick and tired of you people crossing that damn Confederate Dixie line causing all kind of havoc, but we are going to learn ya; oh yeah, we are going to learn ya sure as shit!” The officer driving said, and his partner added. “Killing you would be a waste. You people are a special breed for servitude, and my people and the order that we follow have never forgotten you and your kind’s worth.” “What in the hell are you talking about man?!” I fired back. “Like my partner said, we are going to learn ya boy.” He said and both officers gave each other a meaningful stare. After an hour drive we finally arrived at what I guessed was their county jail. When I came across the threshold of the door I saw this giant picture of some white man with a crown on his head with the words above him that read ‘The Neo Saxston Confederacy’ I watched as they all kneeled to this figure on the wall, and this was blowing my mind. “Kneel before the King boy!” “The who? Man yall really tripping now! He the King of what?” “CRACK-CRACK!” A night stick said to my head sending me to the floor with blood gushing out of my open wounds. “On your feet Canaan, and kneel before King George!” A different voice said than before with much authority. When I got to my feet I was eye to eye with a Major, and he repeated his command, and I politely bowed this time before more punishment was inflicted on me. “That wasn’t so bad now was it?” The Major said. I gave no response, but my look of rebellion said it all. “You are a through bread son, I know your breed, but you are going to be broke. Usually the penalty for your kind touching a Neo Saxston woman would be death by hanging from a tree, but the Governor for some reason has decided to prolong your life. Take him in the back and whip his black psychology. “Yes sir.” My transporting officer said. I was taken in this room and they beat the shit out of me while still handcuffed. My head was split in many places. My ribs and jaw were cracked, and both eyes closed after they finished with me. I have never experienced such pain before in my life. After my beating I was taken to another holding cell where I would spend all night without any medical treatment. I must have been the only one in my area, because I didn’t hear any other inmates. The next morning when I woke up I heard the sounds of chains rattling mixed with foot movement. This lasted for about two minutes, then I heard a bus pulling off, and then everything went back to complete silence. My left eye was totally shut. It was a strain, but I could slightly see out of my right eye. As I looked in the piece of mirror on the wall I saw how bad of shape I was in, and this brought a tear out of my only open eye. Minutes later my attention would be drawn to the door opening down the hall, and I heard some people coming my way. “Put your hands through the slot Canaan to be cuffed.” The officer said who was accompanied by what looked like a Doctor and a Nurse. I did as I was told, and then the officer yelled down the hall. “The inmate is secure; pop one!” My cell was popped and the Doctor and the Nurse entered. “He’s going to need some stitches; other than that he’ll be fine. This is a pure Mandingo; he’ll be back in action in no time.” The doctor said while giving me a look of praise. “You got that right.” The Nurse said with a lustful look. The Doctor shot me up with a pain killer so that I couldn’t feel the stitches, and my medical work was performed right in my cell. After twenty five minutes of treatment my medical team left, leaving me five pain killers, and some bandages for me to change my own dressing on my wounds. When do I get to call my family officer, so I can tell them what’s going on with me. “I said while the officer was taking off my cuffs. “Boy you aint caught on yet? Your ass is in the Abyss of the true Confederacy. There will be no phone calls to anyone until your prosecution begins for your transgression.” “And when will that be?” “As soon as you completely heal. It’s against our law to present you to the Magistrate and you are not 100%.” He said and smiled. “What about seeing a lawyer?” “He’ll be here sometime today to see you, and you need to listen to him, because he’s your only shot of getting the best deal you can.” “I hear you man, but I’m telling you I’m innocent of these charges.” “Sure you are Canaan.” He said and walked off laughing. Hours later I felt the numbness wearing off so I took one of the pain killers, and man I was high as a satellite up in that bitch. Not only could I feel no pain, but I couldn’t feel the floor or me when I touched me, and I couldn’t talk. I don’t know what those pills were, but when I came back to reality I flushed the rest of the pills down the toilet. After I ate my lunch my lawyer showed up and man I was ecstatic. “Hello Mr. Glasso, I’m Mr. Greenlee. I’ll be representing you in this case.” “Damn man am I glad to see you! Look here, I need you to call my mother, brother and my girlfriend Jackie and tell them that I’m out here on some bogus charges.” “These charges are not bogus by any means Mr. Glasso, you have been identified by the victim and picked out of a photo array of six mug shots by witnesses putting you at the scene of the crime.” “Man this is some bullshit! What time did this crime happen out here in Virginia?” “According to the police report 7:00 P.M.” “7:00 P.M.? Man we got they ass! That is exactly the same time I get home from work every day, and my little brother can testify to that, and my girlfriend Jackie who called me at 7:10 P.M. at home. This is clearly a case of mistaken identity.” “If all of this checks out Mr. Glassco, then you’ll be off of the hook.” Mr. Greenlee said and wrote down my families numbers. For the first time since this ordeal happened I really felt good after my attorney left. Every day after that, when that damn door popped down the hall I anticipated that it was my attorney with some good news. *** After forty four days in this place I was awaken by an officer and he told me to exit the cell. “Am I going to court?” I said trying to read his expression.” “Court, yeah you’re going to court alright; the court yard. We gotta whip you into shape.” “Shape for what?” I said looking at him like he was krazy. “In two weeks you’ll be making the morning run with the rest of them. I need you in tip top shape. We gotta get your cardio up and everything. You’ve been lying in this cell for six weeks, and you look like shit. How are your ribs and your head?” He said with some concern, and I was looking at his ass like he was super krazy, but I responded because he had one of those night sticks in his hand. “I’m good.” I said giving the night stick two quick glances. Once we reached the yard there were two more officers out there and one of them was my trainer. “Morning Canaan, listen up boy and listen good. I need twenty laps, one hundred pull ups, and one hundred push-ups and one hundred squats, and twenty laps. You can do them in any order you want, you got one hour.” “POW!” The rifle sounded and I started running. While running I started thinking about all kind of krazy things. I mainly thought about where that morning crew was going in the morning. On my third lap I reached the conclusion that I was going to get in the best shape on my life and where ever they were taking me in two weeks I was going to escape… In fifty two minutes I finished my work out, and received a smiled from my trainer. “You done good boy; real good. Give him a shower.” My trainer said with a wider smile. “Hey my man before you go, where will I be going in two weeks?” “To King Georgetown to pick cotton, tobacco, and marijuana.” “SAY WHAT?” “Why do you look so surprised Canaan, or haven’t you read the thirteenth amendment to our great U.S. Constitution? By the looks of ya, you haven’t. Well don’t worry about that, because I’ve remembered it by heart. It says-‘Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime where of the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” “I haven’t been convicted of anything, how can you stand by that? You are breaking law, not enforcing it.” I said eye to eye with this joker. “Come on now boy you know as well as I know that you are guilty as shit, and we are going to convict you. We haven’t lost a case in this county since 1865. You people are so damn ignorant. Did you actually think slavery ended with the Emancipation Proclamation, and the thirteenth amendment, and the ending of the civil war? Did you boy? Our Confederacy lost millions of lives in that damn war concocted by the north. Through that ordeal we learned that the power rest in the understanding of the nature of a thing and not its destruction. Our Confederacy was fighting the right fight, but from the wrong angle. After the smoke cleared from the civil war my forefathers vowed to follow what has been legislated by our Lord in the Bible.” “And what’s that?” I said shaking my head at his twisted ass. “If you go in the King James Bible, whose version we cherish you will read in Genesis 9:20-26, and it reads-‘And Noah (PBUH) began to be a husband, and he planted a vine yard, and he drank of the wine and was drunken and he was uncovered in his tent, and Ham (PBUH), the father of Canaan (PBUH) saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without and Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it upon both their shoulders and covered the nakedness of their father, and their faces were backwards and they saw not the nakedness of their father, and Noah awoke from his wine and knew what his younger son had done unto him and he said “ Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.” And he said “Blessed be the Lord God of Shem and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Ja’pheth, and shall dwell in the tents of Shem and Canaan shall be his servant.” “What proof do you have that Canaan was black, because if he was, then Ham his father had to be black and Noah.” I shouted trying my best to conceal a smile, which eventually appeared on my face. “Lower your voice boy and don’t be foolish. What else are you people cut out for except servitude and entertainment? Do you think it’s by chance that your people’s condition is what it is all throughout the world? Even in Africa you blacks are servants to the world, which brings the verse I read to you to light. One of the greatest moments in human history was the slave trade. My ancestor’s rescued your ancestor’s from barbarisms. We brought you over here and civilized ya, taught you a pure language and religion, put some clothes on ya and gave you jobs. It sure beats chasing and being chased by wild animals in that damn bush every day. Now you think about what I said, and you can thank me later.” He said and walked off with a big smile as if he just educated me. I gave no response, but it was absolutely clear that these folks were out of their minds. CHAPTER TWO Two weeks later I heard the chain gang down the hall and a voice of an officer say, “Pop one!” “I came to the bars like a little boy ready to go on a school trip. Those two weeks of working out had me hyped. There was no doubt in my mind that I was going to elude these jokers with my escape. “Okay boy its show time.” The officer said and led me down the hall, and when I came through those doors I thought I was in the movie Roots. There was despondency on the brow of every brother, and a smile on the faces of our captors. “Hey what’s going on everybody?” I cheerfully said and there was no response from any of the men. “As you can see and hear Canaan there was no reply from any of the men, because talking is prohibited while you subjects are being transported, isn’t that right men?” “YES BOSS.” The group said in unisons. I was then shackled from my waist, and then I was put on some very old leg irons just like former slaves wore. I looked at another brother next to me and he gave up a slight grin, and then quickly turned his head back straight as the officer gave me instructions. “There is a certain rhythm these men keep when this chain gang starts to move, and you must keep in step; am I understood?” The officer said directly in my face. “Yeah I hear you man, I mean boss.” “Alright leader of the pack; let’s go!” The officer shouted like a real army commander. So there I was in the back of this chain gang moving to the dictates of its rhythm, which I didn’t find difficult at all, because I had been listening to this rhythm when they leave in the morning and when they returned in the evening. The bus we boarded had very dark tinted windows, which made it very hard to see in and out. Our ride lasted for approximately thirty minutes and once again there was no talking allowed. It was kind of obvious when we reached our destination, because I heard various kind of machinery. When I stepped out of that bus the scenery blew my whole mind. This shit looked just like a plantation of old. Men were on horses with rifles and some had whips. When I turned to my left I saw women, and it looked like they were stepping on grapes in this oversized barrel. When I looked up at the officer on the horse, who was already looking at me he shouted, “Welcome to the Neo Saxston Confederate Conglomeration. There is but one in the entire world, and we are it!” He proudly said. The shackles from the chain gang came off and I was given an individual pair. After that I was assigned a trainer whose name was Charles. “Bro what in the hell is really going on?” I said. “This is really going on! This shit aint no joke man, and these damn fools still think they are in the 1700’s.” “Anybody ever escape this BITCH?” I said while checking out my parameter. “Many have tried, but were snippier out by the Long Ranger over there on the white horse. He lets you run, and waits until you get at lease fifty yards of freedom, then he gets into that elevator thing over there so he can see the entire field, then he shoots the runner in the leg, then they sick the dogs on ya. Since you are new he’ll give you a demonstration of his accuracy at lunch time. “Damn!” I said looking at the Long Ranger and that damn rifle in his arms, which he looked like he cherished. “So, how long have you been in this joint man?” I said looking deeply at Charles, whose skin you could see has been cooked by the sun. “Three years, and I got seventeen more to go.” “What did you do?” “I did what you did, I did what Greg over there did, I did what John over there did, and that’s not a got damn thing, these people have lost their minds!” Charles emotionally said trying his best not to be so loud. “What were you charged with?” I ask Charles. “Rape and man I aint never seen this damn woman a day in my life. They brought her monkey ass to the scene of the crime and this bitch put on an award winning performance.” “Was her name Susan?” I emotionally said. “You too?” Charles said moving down the tobacco line almost in tears. “So, what happen in court Charles?” I further ask. “Man I went to trial and that shit was over in thirty minutes, sentencing and all.” “How’s he coming along Charlee boy?” One officer said riding by on his horse and stopped. “Fine boss, he’s coming along just fine.” Charles said with a submissive tone and demeanor. “Alright then, you continue to learn him so we aint gotta, ya hear me?” “Yes Boss.” After the officer rode away I continued my conversation with Charles. “How long did it take you to go to court Charles, because I’ve been waiting eight weeks?” “Eight weeks? Man that aint shit! It took me a whole year to get in court. “A WHOLE YEAR?!” I said in disbelief. “Anthony this shit is rigged man. I’m not trying to burst your bubble, but look around you lil bro.” The expression on Charles face said it all, and if that wasn’t enough at lunch time the Long Ranger got off of his horse and the games began. “Pull!” The Long Ranger said, and in seconds he shot the disc out of the air. I looked back at his ass and I must say that I was not that impress. He must have read my expression. “Pull, pull!” He said again and two disc were released one after the other, and he shot them both then shot another piece of the disc before it hit the ground. He then got back on his horse and put his shades on never giving me another look, but I could tell that he had me on his peripheral beam. I ate the rest of my bologna sandwich in pure silence, and all that shit about escaping went clean out of the window. After lunch it really got hot, but that didn’t mean anything we were still required to produce. I also occasionally looked at the sistas about fifty yards away and I wondered how long they have been victims of this extreme human rights violation. I did my best not to beam on them because it only made me think about my Jackie, my mother and all of the woman in my family; and that one day them or any woman could be a victim to serve in this Confederacy and to never to be heard from again. We returned to the jail about 4:00 P.M. and man was I exhausted. I bowed before King George without any hesitation. I didn’t go back in seclusion to my old cell, but was reassigned to general population in a cell with Charles. When I came out of the shower I couldn’t believe the mood these guys were in. Not only that, but the smell of marijuana filled the air, and the men were drinking wine out of small beakers. “Does this go on like this every day?” I angrily said face to face with Charles. “Calm down youngling, it’s the weekend. These men have been through a lot. They just burning off some steam that’s all and they aren’t breaking any laws, because as you know by now the only law that exists in this spot is the Neo Saxston’s Law. All that shit about the Constitution saying that it hold certain truth to be self-evident that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; get all of that foolishness out of your head youngling; this is concealed modernized slavery, mentally, and physically, and these fools racism is on a whole nother level.” Charles said and downed his drink, then poured himself another. “They freely give us weed (marijuana) and liquor ever weekend?” “Yes they do.” Charles responded, but this time I saw and heard some shame in his speech and his look. After I got dress I did a walk-through of the whole joint, and I can honestly say that I didn’t see one serious face in the entire place. I made it to the TV room where they were two TV’s both of them were black and white. On one tube they were watching an old cowboy flick, and on the other one there were clips of new postings on U tube. “Excuse me my man, but where are the phones?” I said to one guy. “PHONES?! Man aint no damn phones in here, this is the Republic Neo Saxston Confederacy.” “So how do we contact our love ones?” “Through the mail.” ”What about legal calls; I have to talk to my lawyer about my case.” “Fill out one of those slips on the wall, and they will get to you in a couple of weeks.” The guy said and pointed at the box on the wall then stepped off. I filled out the slip; and dropped it into the box, and then I just sat there for the next thirty minutes looking at what these men had allowed themselves to become under the rule of this Confederacy. I turned in early because I had seen enough weakness for one night to last me a life time. When I returned to my cell Charles was still drinking and talking to himself and this really out raged me. “Man you need to pour the rest of that shit down the toilet and lay your ass down! I can’t believe how WEAK all of you have become! We all need to come together and see how we are going to break out of this BITCH!” “WEAK?! Who in the hell you calling weak? You don’t know me you young punk! You think we aint tried to escape out of this bitch? My first day in the field, as soon as they took those motha fucken shackles off I immediately put my shit in the wind, and after thirty yards the Long Ranger almost blew my damn leg off.” Charles said and rolled up his pants leg showing me his injury. “What are the rest of those marks Charles?” “Listen boy I aint finished.” Charles said after downing his drink and hitting the cup on the table with vigor. “This damn leg wound you see didn’t stop me from trying to escape though, six months later I tried they ass again. One day when we came back from working it was kind of dark, so I came in this bitch and bowed to the King and instead of going left I shot back out of the door blowing their motha fucken minds up in this joint!” Charles said walking up on me giving me double dap. “Everyone knew that punk ass Long Ranger could shoot in the morning light, but could his punk ass shoot in the night’s darkness? In seconds I was in the woods, and in seconds I heard the escape horns and it was loud as could be. One minute after that I heard the dogs, and five minutes after that I heard the helicopter and saw the shining light looking for me. All of that shit going on at the same time only fueled my aspirations to be free. I was coming through those woods just like Kunta Kentay in Roots; you hear what the hell I’m telling you youngling?” Charles said coming face to face with me not blinking. “This just wasn’t about my freedom Anthony, but all of us. After about twenty minutes of haul assing through those woods I came to its end and reached a lake of water with a stretch of about one hundred yards, and across this lake there was a high way because I could see cars going back and forth. After seeing that I became super excited. I didn’t jump into the water, because I can’t swim and I’m terrified of water, so I ran down the beach front looking for a log to float on or something, but I found nothing. The sounds of the dogs were getting louder and louder, which meant that they were getting closer. I threw my shirt into the water hoping the dogs would follow the scent downstream. I then climb a tree and watch the movement of the Confederacy from above when they arrived. At first the dogs seemed confused when they arrived, then one started barking and clawing up my tree and the rest of them hounds followed him.” “Okay Canaan you’re done. Now come on down and let’s go home. You put up a hell of a run boy; a damn good run. Now you come on down here we forgive ya.” The Major said looking up at the tree but not seeing me. I gave no response and after three minutes of silence the Major said, “This is your last chance Canaan, if you aint down by the count of ten we are going to cut you down boy, you hear me?” The Major screamed. “His words went in one ear and straight out the other one. After the Major reached the count of ten I heard a chain saw, and my heart started racing as I thought about my death or my returned back to captivity. Minutes later I could feel the tree losing its stability and slowly but surely it started leaning to one side.” “Okay men she’s coming down; now when his ass hits the ground, net’em!” The Major yelled with sternness. The tree started to fall fast, and on my way down I jumped into another tree and started running from tree to tree. “CRASH!” The tree said to the ground. “Where the hell is he? quite for a moment!” The Major said. “His ass on the move in the trees! He’s tree running! This got damn boy is for real; point the lights up, he’s going to fuck up, they always do.” “After I swung through thirty yards of trees I stopped for a moment to catch my breath. Minutes later I heard them coming in my direction, so I did everything in my power to be absolutely quiet going back the other way. “I see’em, I see’em!” A voice said, and when I looked down through the branches and leaves I was eye to eye with one of those bitches with night vision binoculars. I instantly started my swing thing again, but what hurt me is I ran into a squirrel colony, and man it got super krazy out that bitch. I started missing my branches, and losing my footing, because them damn squirrels were jumping everywhere, even on me, then they started hollowing and shit. Then this black one jumped in my face trying to blind me. He must haves been the male and their leader. I didn’t know they had wild squirrels on the east coast and I aint never heard a squirrel howl…” Charles said and looked off slightly. “Wild squirrels?” I responded to his statement with a tone, and a look of disbelief, and confusion. “Damn right wild squirrels! These wasn’t those punk ass squirrels you see in the park; no sir, these damn squirrels out here knew what the hell was going on, and they were coordinated in getting my ass out of them trees. Any way after that black squirrel caught up with me again he tried to jump in my faces again, and when I went to block him I lost my step and I came crashing down like the stock market in the 30’s. The closer I got to the ground I heard the Major’s voice.” “Here his ass comes! Get ready Freddy, he’s going to hit hard!” He said. “I hit that damn dirt and I tell you know lie, I didn’t feel a damn thing. I bounced up before they shot the net on me, and I hauled ass again, but this time them damn dogs were right on my ass.” “So what happened when you got back here Charles?” I said and Charles took off his shirt and turned around and it looked like he had been in a fire. “They hung my ass up on that post you see when we come in the front door, and they whipped me until I passed out and they made everybody watch just like they did in slavery two hundred years ago.” Charles said and put his shirt back on and poured himself another drink. “My bad for calling you weak Charles, I’m sorry man!” “You’re not sorry, you were just misinformed. You saw what you saw and you spoke your mind, but your apology is accepted. Now the next time you walk through this joint take a deeper look at some of these men, because they bear some of the same scares that I do, and worse for trying to escape up out of this joint.” Charles said and walked off, then turned around and said, “Oh and another thing, that’s why they assigned you to me hoping I would tell you this story. The gleam in your eyes this morning was so visible and reminiscent to us all of our first day in the field.” “Where are you going now Charles?” “None of your damn business!” He said and turned the corner. I stood in the middle of the cell for two minutes after Charles left contemplating his story and my new reality. I must say in spite of Charles story I didn’t totally dismiss the thought of running if given the chance, but the thought of it dwindled considerably… What snapped me out of my daze was a group of correctional officers running down the hall. I didn’t know what to think. I cautiously peeped out of my cell when all was clear and meticulously made my way back to the rec hall. When I entered the rec hall I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and hearing. There was one black guy in face of the Major and he was giving him hell. I smiled and got close as I could to hear his demonstration. “X we are not going to tell you any more times to stop trying to cause an insurrection amongst these men, and preaching hate!” “HATE, an INSURRECTION?! Man have you lost your Motha Fucken mind. But it’s alright for you and your Klan to promulgate your ideology, perception, belief, concepts on us and its all bullshit” “No son that is where you are mistaken.” “I am not your motha fucken Son, you filthy stinkin bitch!” “Absolutely, but you are my slave and property, and will abide by the rules and regulation of the Neo Saxston Confederacy.” “I am abiding and I have permission from the Warden to introduce the Black Declaration of Independence!” X said raising his right hand in the air with the bald fist looking the Major right in the eyes.” “You are lying.” The Major said with much uncertainty. “I have a memorandum signed and dated by your superior.” X said and smiled and pulled the memorandum from a the bottom of his clip board and handed it to the Major, and while the Major was reading X started his demonstration, and these officers move out of his way; and this shit was blowing my whole mind (Who is this Super Brother????) I said to myself and moved closer to the in crowd with a controlled smile because the Neo Saxston Confederacy was furious. “Check this out Black Nation! In their Declaration of Independence, which freed whites, because King George III of Britain’s evil was too much for those in the Thirteen Colonies. Any way at the end of the document it states-‘nor have we been wanting in attention to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend and unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice’s and magnanimity generous in forgiving an insult or injury), and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpation. Which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence? They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity (blood relations). We must therefore, acquiesce (to accept or comply) in the necessity, which denounces our separation, hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind.’ By the summer of 1776 American Colonists had been at war with Britain for 14 months. During that time it was a decision whether they were fighting for more rights from Britain or total independence. They finally concluded that peace with Britain was impossible. So in June of 1776 members of the second continental Congress asked Thomas Jefferson to write and explain why the colonies out to be independent and he did… Now where were the Asiatic (Black Nation) in all of this shit?! We were in double bondage, being transformed into animals, whose condition became so bad that many of them forgot that they could REASON. We became a creature that was ineffective and dependent, stupid and dumb, and it was hoped that our critical situation would perpetuate itself for eons. After the Declaration of Independence of 1776, the Asiatic Black Nation would remain in bondage for another 109 years before they would get some reprieve, by the ending of the civil war, the Emancipation Proclamation, and the ratification of the thirteenth amendment to the United States of Constitution. Notice I used the word reprieve, because our freedom wasn’t true freedom, and many newly freed slaves had it worse than they did in slavery. It would be another hundred years after slavery before blacks were given civil rights, but were still denied human rights; democracy my ass!!” X said and this demonstration silenced the entire rec hall, and after five seconds X continued. “We the Original Asiatic Nation of North America must submit a Declaration of Independence to the now acting President, and this Congress that we be given some land and resources so that we can act as our own Sovereign state. That is the lease America can do for the contribution made by our fore fathers, who help move this bitch into economic prosperity, and you and your Klan are going to help make this a reality.” “Boy that medication got you all fucked up!” The Major said. “ Protect X and the Royal Family!” One officer said behind me and when I turned around all I say was correctional officers in riot gear and in seconds the night sticks were flying and instantaneously blood stared to splatter from the heads of many of us. I didn’t get hit in the head but, my arms and back was very seriously bruised. The Confederacy didn’t have to tell us to go to our cells, that became second nature with an ass whipping that was being distributed by this confederacy… The very next morning I heard a bus starting up so I slowly made my way to the window to see what was happening, and I saw X, and he was being transported and didn’t have a scratch on him. I smiled at the brother and in spite of the ass whipping I sustain I really appreciated the lesson given by the brother and his Lion’s Heart. I wouldn’t see Charles for a whole week, and when he came in the cell he was also busted up. I guess the Confederacy whipped everybody’s ass that night… “What’s up Charles?” I said rushing towards him helping him to his bed. “What’s up Anthony?” Charles mildly said and lay down and closed his eyes. He looked like he didn’t want to be bothered and I didn’t want to disturb him, but I had to know what went down that night and who X was. To my surprise Charles rescued me of my inquiry. I guess he felt me vibing up in there. “I’m listening Anthony.” He said. “What?” I said surprised. “I’m listening, and prepared to answer your questions if I can.” “Kool, the first thing who is the guy X?” I said like a child and grabbed a chair and got directly in front of Charles. He look at me and smiled and said. “Brother is something else isn’t he.” “You got that shit right. How is possible that he was allowed to talk to the Major like that with no repercussions?” “Some of these crackers are actual decedents of King George III, and the Major being one of them. In Britain a major part of the Royal family is suffering from blood disease and a blood transfusion for many of them is necessary form them to sustain life.” “Okay man, but what does this have to do with X??” I impatiently said. “Shut the fuck up and let me finish!.. now the rarest blood in Caucasians is AB(-) accounting for 1% of them. In African Americans it is even rare. B(-) and O(-) are also very rare, each accounting for less than 5% of the worlds’ population. X has a blood type that is one of the richest on the planet. His shit has B(-) O(-) and A(-). X is responsible for the longevity of the Royal Family. They send a paint a week to Britain for the Royal family who’s in need of this rare blood to help them survive.” “Damn! Just one paint, that don’t seem like a lot.” “Yeah, but they stretch it with some of that big name blood shit. X is also Black revolution racist, and has some very far out beliefs, and one thing that fuels his rhetoric is that he has rare blood and that some old white people are depended on him for survival. He also believes that the white man came from the black man and that’s why many white people have weak blood.” “Is that true?” “Man I don’t know, and I don’t give a fuck. If you ask me all of them are twisted. Let me get some rest man.” Charles said and rolled over and I went to the window and just smiled. CHAPTER THREE It’s now been six months since I’ve been in captivity and my arms are extremely tired of Swimming in this damn Mudd. Charles is now gone and so are many of the other guys that were here when I arrived months ago. I asked the Major where they went and he said, “They got promoted.” My new cellmate is a joker name Wendell and his ass wasn’t arrested, but rescued, and he has absolutely no complaints about his present situation. He always makes it plain to me that he was living much worse in the streets in D.C., and plus he gets HIGH… I use to look at him with disgust and hatred in my eyes, but after he grew on me I began to understand that he was just being him. I don’t think I will ever totally submit to this Confederacy, because the Reality of the Real has impregnated me with the fortitude that is necessary to combat this opposition. One morning I was told I was going to Court, and man I couldn’t believe it, I was so happy I started crying. All I could think about was seeing my family. I was taken to this old court house in some nearby town that looked just like Mayberry (the town on the Andy Griffin show), and when we entered all I saw was white folks. They looked at me as if it was their first time seeing a black man. My lawyer came to see me in the holding cell and I didn’t waste any time in question him. “Hey what’s up man, is my family out there?” “Sorry Anthony but they are not.” He said. “WHAT?! Did you give them a call like I told you?” “Yes I did Anthony, and every time I called those numbers you gave me there was no answer. I left a call back number, but no one returned my calls. (He’s lying, he never made the calls). “Listen to me Anthony, because you really need to focus. The State’s Attorney in your case has offered you thirty years in this case, and trust me that is a very generous deal.” “THIRTY YEARS?! Man I’m innocent! I told you man this is a case of mistaken identity. I was nowhere near Virginia that night!” “I hear you Anthony, but if you go to trial today you will be slaughter and more than likely you will receive life without the possibility of parole. Remember Anthony this is the Governor’s daughter we are talking about!” My attorney left and I sat there for five minutes and my level of despondency and fear was unbearable. Two more minutes after that I was escorted into the court room, and for the first time I saw another brother who already had the rope around his neck. I deeply looked at the jury pool that I would be selecting from and right then and there I knew I had to cop out. To go to trial would have been suicidal. I told my lawyer to take the deal, and I signed the paper work and in seconds I was a convicted felon. I was escorted back to my holding cell where I waited on my attorney to show, but he never did… The ride back to the hide away County jail was most painful. I got thirty damn years and I’m innocent. About five minutes into the ride I started to cry and all I could think about is my family and that I might never see them again. I ended up staying in that county jail for three years, and then in the summer of 2005 I was finally moved to a real prison in Tennessee. I don’t know why but on my way down south all I could think about was that brother X. Man I would enjoy being in his company and seeing and hearing this brother demonstrate, and do his thing. When I settled in I didn’t waste any time in trying to contact my family. I called and called, and wrote letter after letter, but all of my attempts were unsuccessful, and then it occurred to me that I might be flagged (monitored), so I got other convicts to make calls for me and I used their name on my letters and still I ran into dead ends. I concluded that everyone must have had new numbers, but I was still baffled about my mail not making it to its destination and receiving no response, because my mother has been living in the same house since I was born, and has had the same phone number for twenty years. The very next week at my orientation I was given the low down on the prisons rules and regulation, and told that I was required to work in the prison shops. I had three choices; I could do laundry, make furniture or press license plates; I chose laundry. My third week into the prison my cell flooded, because my cellmate flushes any and everything down the toilet. I was transferred to another cell across the prison with a new cell mate. When the lights went out I heard the most beautiful sound that has ever been sung by a human being, I jumped off of my bunk and asked my new cell mate whose name was Mr. Joe, who was an old timer from North Carolina. “What is that? Who is that?” I said with a great need to know while clinging to the bars. “That’s them damn Muzzlims (Muslims) making what they say is their call to prayer. I think it’s a call to Satan. They aint got me fooled; walking through here looking krazy with those long beards; looking like the Taliban.” Mr. Joe said with a frowned face showing his displeasure. “No sir, I’m going to have to disagree with you on that; I felt that! I felt that in my damn soul.” I said climbing back into my top bunk, and then Mr. Joe got on the floor. “You felt that? That’s how Satan get down son, he shows you apples that are lovely to the eye, but their core are full of bitter ness and gall. I’m telling you that them damn people aint right. Kill all those people on 911! Then before that they blew up the U.S.S. Cole, one of our Navy ships, then that Embassy in Africa. Then they kill themselves and blow up each other; talking about they are going to paradise, I’m telling you they are worshipping Satan!” Mr. Joe screamed while pointing his finger at me. I didn’t engage Mr. Joe any further because my first day of work was tomorrow. The very next morning I heard the Muslim’s call to prayer again, and Mr. Joe did everything he could to disturb the tranquility in the air with this beautiful sound that filled it by consistently flushing the toilet. Our doors popped and it was time for breakfast. I don’t know why but I lingered behind, I guess I wanted to see or meet the guy who was doing the Muslim’s call. That didn’t happen that morning, because the Muslims come in the dining hall last. I would come to find out that they ate last every day, and on many occasions the kitchen would run out of food, so the Muslims who were fortunate to get something to eat would wait before they ate to see if the kitchen ran out of food, and if they did, then the Muslims who got food would share with those who didn’t get anything. I would also learn that they all slept in the worse cells. Some of their cells leaked water, and didn’t have heat or electricity in the winter. I asked Mr. Joe why they were being treated so rough and he said. “It might have something to do with 911 don’t you think. They took 4,000 lives on that day. These white folk down here are time enough for their krazy behinds!” “How could these American Muslims have anything to do with the atrocities on 911?” “Son take your blinders off; they all stick together all over the world. Did you see the reaction in some of those Muslims countries on 911, they were jumping up and down in pure joy because Americans were killed, this is an evil race of people that must be removed off of the face of the earth!” “Yes I saw that, but I’m pretty sure that it was pure ignorance.” “I’ll see you later son.” Mr. Joe said and shook his head at me, as if to say; wake up son. My first day at work wasn’t all bad I simply loaded wet sheets into a huge dryer, and unloaded them when they were dry, then folded them and placed them neatly in a cart. It was clear to me that this prison had a contract with many hotels because the qualities of the sheets were of an upgrade fabric. For some reason at work I couldn’t get that Muslim song out of my head, so I ask a guy whose name was James that worked with me. “Hey James do you hear that Muslim song they sing some times?” “All the time; it’s something else aint it?” James said and smiled. “Yes it is, I wonder what they are saying.” I said and gave James my inquisitive beam hoping he knew. “Now that’s a good question, you know I never thought to ask one of them what they are saying.” “Do any of them work here?” I said looking around the laundry room. “The Muslims don’t work anywhere. They said it’s better to be dead than to be oppressed. They refused to be a part of the proliferation of this penal system accumulation of wealth for slaves’ wages. If you want to find them you need to go to the law library.” James said and walked off. When he said Law library it was like I had an epiphany. I ran and caught up with him to ask him a few questions. “When and where is the law library?” I screamed grabbing James from behind. “Calm down man! They go to the library every morning and night. All you have to do is sign the list.” James said and walked off again. I tell you no lie, but for the first time I was on fire with legal zeal. The mendaciousness of my crime would never settle with me; how could it when I’m innocent. When I got off of work that day I rushed back to my cell and found Mr. Joe in prayer so I waited until he finished before I bombarded him with questions about the library. “Are you finished Mr. Joe?” I said when I saw his eyes open. “Yes I’m finished, now what is it I’m on my way to Bible study and I have two baptisms to perform.” “Okay Mr. Joe I just need to know where is the list you sign to go to the law library, and what time do they call us?” “Go to the officer’s bubble and give them your I.D. card and he’ll gladly write you a pass for the library tonight.” “Thanks Mr. Joe. One more thing Mr. Joe, do you know or have you heard of a brother by the name of X?” “X? X what??” “Never mind my Joe I said and went to the bubble to get my pass for the library. When the call for library was called I couldn’t believe the few that responded to the call. I paused for a moment and just looked at the rest of the men who were tangled up in checkers, chess, cards, T.V. ect. I didn’t jump to any conclusion, because it could have been possible that some of these men could have been finished in court, and have exhausted all of their legal remedies. I put the focus back on me. I had my legal folder under my arm and I was stepping like a true soldier. When I arrived at the library it was everything I anticipated. Men were back and forth with hurried steps, and you could hear the key boards on the computers and typewriters and on every man’s brow was the look of pure determination and dedication. I went to the clerk’s station and proudly introduced myself. “What’s up my man; my name is Anthony; who do I see in here about getting back in court?” “Hey Anthony, I’m Mike, and you want to talk to the tall white guy over there and his name is Bobby.” “Thanks Mike.” I said and quickly made my way over to where Bobby was. “Excuse me Bobby my name is Anthony and I’m trying to get back in court.” “Did you lose in trial or did you take a cop?” “I took a cop, I had to!” “What do you mean you had to?” Bobby said looking at me for the first time. “Man I come from this rinky dink ass jail somewhere in Virginia where they were enslaving the inmates and having us bow to their punk ass King. The court house was in a town that looked like we were in the 50’s or some shit, and everybody was white, no offence. If I would have gone to trial they would have given my ass life, so I took the thirty years.” “The next step in your case Anthony is Post-Conviction.” “What’s that?” “Post-Conviction is a legal level that you challenge the constitutionality of your conviction. It’s not about whether you committed this offence, but rather were you deprived of your constitutional rights in those legal proceedings.” Bobby said and smiled, then continued. “Do you have your transcripts Anthony?” “No, will that be a problem?” I said with some concern. “Not really; just as long as you can duplicate your legal reality step by step from the time of your arrest until now.” “I can do that without any problem.” I said with firm conviction. “Here read this material on Post-Conviction so that you can gather an intelligent and comprehensive understanding of this legal format. Since you don’t have your transcripts I need you to write down on paper an exposition on what went down from the time of your arrest until the time you received your sentence.” “I’ll have that for you tomorrow Bobby.” “Okay Anthony I’ll see you then.” I took two steps then turned back to Bobby and said. “How much is this going to cost me?” I said looking at him who had barricaded himself back into one of those legal reporters. “A million dollars.” He said and didn’t give me a second look and I took that to mean that he was giving me a Pro-bono (free). After that I found me an empty table and as soon as I cracked the book a guy sat down. “What’s up slim, my name is Enemy. You probably don’t remember me but we were a part of the Neo Saxston Confederacy in Virginia. I left two days after you came into the fields.” “Enemy…No I don’t remember you, but it is sure nice to see, and know that someone is here from my experience. Are there any more of us on this location, and is X here? ” “X is not here but there is a few of us at this location. What the Confederacy does is spread us thin in hopes that we won’t gather and become a strong coalition against their evil rule.” Enemy said, and then looked at my book, “What’s that?” He said. “A manual in understanding Post-Conviction.” I said turning the book to the front cover so he could see it. “I’ve read many of those demonstrations; been there and done that, and it’s all bullshit! What you need to do is follow me and my organization.” “And what is your organization?” ‘We are the Black Liberation Underground Rail Road Coalition, and our aim is to free ourselves from the iron hand and unlawful oppression of this regime, and at the same time educate as many as we can about the binding contracts that we were all born into, and I’m talking about the red, white, and blue codes. So far my contacts have given me much information and history on the founding fathers true interpretation of the true format of the Constitution and Citizenship. We as a nation of people have been tricked into believing many things into this society which is ran by trillion-ire companies here and abroad which conspire with our Government to keep us on a string and deluded about what’s really taking place. Right now I have the red and white code, and if I ever get the blue I’m going to take the cover off of this bitch and leave her naked for a time.” “Where did you get all of that information?” “Don’t worry about that, and one thing is for sure, a soldier like me is not supposed to have it, and the penalty is death under this regime if we are caught speaking about the red, white and blue codes. Do you really think the shit we went through in Virginia was something? I’m telling you that these Motha Fuckas at this location are on a whole nother level here in Tennessee, and if you cannot speak and interpret their language you will be left out of the loop. That Post-Conviction crap in front of you is nothing but GAME!” “GAME? How do you figure?” I said. “Like I said earlier I’ve been there and done that. Now is the time for soldiers like me and you to used pure ammunition to fight this enemy, and I’m talking about knowledge. The misinformed, the ignorant will be used and abused, and become perpetual commodity for the slave master and his conglomeration.” “And if all this shit you talking about don’t work, then what?” I said looking at his radical ass. “Then I am prepared to show these Motha Fuckas an uprising that will make the civil war look like child’s play!” Enemy said coming across the table getting face to face and eye to eye with me, and all I could do was smile at his radical ass. Enemy then took his seat after looking around the library, and continued. “Is it by chance that you were kidnapped from D.C. like me and taken to Virginia on a bum beef, and now we are in Tennessee together? This is by design brother. You better wake your ass up man. We are in the capitol of Corrections, and this is where their head quarter is.” “How deep is your movement Enemy?” “Right now five, but we are recruiting. Be mindful that I have to be absolutely meticulous in my choosing who I let in these ranks. The worse thing that could happen is that I become careless in my selection, and allow us to be infiltrated by jokers who are opposite of our cause.” “How do you know that I can be trusted?” I said with a very sly tone, and closed the Post-Conviction book. “Because I know!” Enemy said not blinking and our stare lasted for five seconds. Enemy broke silence first. “Have you ever read a demonstration called The Negro Pilgrimage in America by E. Lincoln?” “No.” I said feeling like I should have. “It’s a mighty demonstration and in the book he talks about a series of slave revolts that took place in the times of slavery between 1663-1865 at lease a hundred and nine separate slave revolts occurred on land, while between 1699 and 1865 fifty five revolts took place on slave ships and at sea. New York was the scene of a massive slave uprising in the spring of 1712. Several whites were shot and buildings set on fire before the militia quelled the insurrection. Twenty one Negroes were executed for that revolt. Another slave revolt occurred in Manhattan in 1774, thirty one Negro’s and five white (two of them women) were executed for participation in that uprising. In the south many slave revolts took place, even during the colonial period several’ slaves were BURNED to death after an unsuccessful revolt in 1720 near Charleston S.C. Ten years later another serious uprising in S.C. was crushed. Again in 1739 was the scene of three massive revolts among slaves. On September 1, 1800 eleven hundred slaves set out to destroy Richmond Virginia. The forces led by Gabriel Prosser and Jack Bokwller planned a three prong attack on the town. While rain swollen streams delayed the attacks, two Negro slaves revealed the plot.” “Say What?!” I said in disbelief and amazement. “You aint heard nothing yet; let me finish. Prosser was captured two months later, he Bowller, and thirty other Negroes were executed. In 1800, Denmark Versey of Charleston S.C. bought his freedom for six hundred dollars. Later he worked as a carpenter in the area, and used his spare time to study the French revolution and the successful slave revolts in Haiti. In 1822 after TWENTY TWO YEARS of planning and study Versey organized a slave plot aimed at the seizure of Charleston S.C. but Versey like Prosser was betrayed by a slave who informed his master.” “Damnmm!” I said. “Authorities arrested a hundred and thirty-nine Negroes and executed forty seven, including Versey, thirty seven other Negroes were banished from America, and four white men who had encouraged Versey were fined and imprisoned. The third major slave revolt of the nineteenth century was led by Nat Turner. Turner was a mystic and his actions were based on a vision that he had been selected by God to lead the slaves against their white oppressors. What became known as the South Hampton insurrection was, if not the largest, the most violent slave revolt in the history of this country. Turner mastered minded there revolt but his strategy was directed by his vision and the heavenly voices he heard rather than by logic and reason. Leading a small band of slaves he descended on South Hampton County, Virginia on the night of August 21, 1881. The first victims were his slave master and four member of his house hold. Taking arms and recruiting slaves as they went, the small group soon grew into a well-armed band of about seventy men. They marched towards the County seat killing white slave holders and their families as they encountered them. When the revolt was finally broken off Turner went into hiding for two months. During this time the entire south was in turmoil, fearing a full-scale revolution. Not until his capture and execution on November 11, 1881 did the situation quieted. It took three thousand troops and two months to track down Nat Turner.” “Damnmm!” I said and leaned back in my chair and looked around the library for a couple of seconds at all of these modern day slaves. “None of those revolts were successful, so what makes you think yours will be Enemy?” “I don’t know what’s going to be what, but one thing I can tell you is that I am going to plan this shit with precision and patience. It took Denmark Versey twenty two damn years of planning and study before his plot was foiled by the stupid weak ass Negro Snitch. With all of that said I don’t give a damn how long it takes me, and I’m willing to die. Life is too precious of a gift to spend it in unjust bondage, because of the twisted mind set of these RACIST fools . These Motha Fuckas gave me fifty-years for something they fabricated and you think a soldier like me is just going to be still in this filthy stinken ass hellhole?!” Enemy said with increased anger and vengeance. “I hear you bro., and I’m not saying no to joining your movement, keep me in the loop.” “You got that.” Enemy said and gave me some dap and left. Ten minutes later the lights started to flicker and Mike yelled.” You have five minutes before closing men!” When I stood up I remembered that I forgot to ask the Muslims what they were saying in that song they sing. “Where did the Muslims go?” I said to Mike. “They always leave before everyone else.” Mike said “Why?” “I don’t know, but I heard after the attacks on 911 their security and scrutiny has been very tight.” Mike said. When I returned to my unit nothing had changed. The TV was still on blast, and every table was in use with a game on top consuming the attention of every player as well as on lookers. It was very clear that there were only a handful of conscious minds on my location and I vowed right then and there not to ever give up on my situation, and become obsolete like these subjects. I still had an hour before lockdown so I took me a shower. When I got out of the shower Mr. Joe was in prayer again. “I see you pray a lot Mr. Joe; does it help?” “Son you aint got nothing if you aint got prayer. I pray ten times a day, I pray twice as many times as those damn Muzzlims” He said and grabbed his Bible and started reading. Fifteen minutes after that the lights went out, and the Muslims did their song, and Mr. Joe made his way to the toilet flushing it the whole time, but I was still able to hear the beauty of this song reverberating through the whole block. The very next morning I was awaken by the same song, and Mr. Joe got up and did his thing with the toilet. That morning I promised myself that when I went to the library that day the first thing I was going to do was ask those Muslims what were they saying in their song? At breakfast time that morning five correctional officers came storming into the kitchen and hand cuffed three Muslims and took them away. “What did they do?” I asked the guy sitting next to me and he said without looking at me. “Nothing, absolutely nothing, they do this every now and then. It’s part of fighting the war on terror and to prevent any domestic threat, but most important it is to ensure our safety in prison.” “”Damn!” I said as I watched the dismay and anger on the faces of the other Muslims as they watch their Muslims brothers being escorted out of the kitchen. My next day at work was smooth just like my first, and I got off early because of our light load. On my way to my cell I stopped at the officer’s station to get me a pass to the library. When I arrived I found me an empty table and started writing my situation down on paper for Bobby, who would be there in the evening. It only took me thirty minutes, so after that I did some browsing through the library, and while looking at a few novels to check out some guy demanded my attention. “My man I am in serious need!” He said, mustering the saddest eyes he could, which almost made me laugh. “Oh yeah; so am I; I need my damn freedom back!” “By the way my name is John.” “I’m Anthony, now what is it man, because I’m busy.” ‘Bro, I just snagged this sista from Maryland, and I need somebody to write her a letter for me.” When John said Maryland my mind drifted off to the remembrances of my family. “Oh yeah?” I said showing much interest. “Yeah man check her out!” John said showing me the photo but holding it with a very strong grip. “Yeah man she’s nice.” I said moving her to and eight when she was only a five. “Look here John this could work out for the both of us. I’m form D.C. and I have been unable to contact my family since my incarceration. Is it alright for me to put some numbers in the letter for her to call for me?” “Yeah man that’s kool, just put it on a separate sheet of paper. Here is her letter. She wants me to respond immediately.” “Not a problem.” I said and sat down and poured my heart into this letter. There was no doubt in my mind that my letter wasn’t going to strengthen John’s relationship with this woman. It only took me twenty minutes to complete this project. I handed John the letter and he said. “Read it to me man!” I fulfilled his request and he was overflowing with joy. “How much do I owe you man?” John said. “A million dollars.” I said and smiled. Little did John know, but my bliss superseded his, but I was careful not to over burden myself with what might end in disappointment and sadness if I didn’t hear from my love ones again. John quickly left the library and I just sat there, then it occurred to me that I didn’t see the Muslims in their spot in the back, so I ask Mike. “Where are the Muslims?” “They only come in the evening time. Oh by the way Anthony my position is coming available and if you want it I can put a good word in for you.” “Are you talking about working in here?” “Yes Anthony, the pay is a little less than the other jobs, but it’s a really kool position, and you’ll be able to work on your case full time.” “Yeahhh!” I said with raised eye brows and racing heart. “Write your full name and DOC number down and I’ll give it to the sarg in the morning.” “Where are you going Mike?” “Home sweet home.” “So how long have you been in Mike?” “Twenty long ass years, but my time has finally come.” Mike said and gave up a sign of relief. I handed him my information and bounced. I wondered if I had to do all of my time would I be as composed as Mike was after his ordeal… I made it to my cell and found Mr. Joe in prayer again. I quietly got on my bunk and when I closed my eyes all I saw was my family. I was hurting bad and the silent tears that streamed down my face was evidence of my trepidation. I ended up falling to sleep and was awaken by the 5:00 P.M. count. I got up and got myself together and noticed Mr. Joe wasn’t in his bunk, I didn’t bother to go deep into his where abouts. My main focus was on filing the Post-Conviction, and getting the hell out of this pool of Mudd… That night in the library I wasted no time in asking the Muslims what they were saying when they do their call to prayer. When I approached them in the back I was immediately greeted by what looked like their security. “What can I help you with sir?” He said standing 6’3 and weighing about 300lbs. “Hey what’s going everybody, my name is Anthony and I need somebody to tell me what it is that you are saying in that song you sing all the time?” The guy standing in front of me sat down, and another Muslim approached me. “I’m Benjamin, I’m the Imam (leader); excuse us for looking like a separatist group, but since 911 that’s what it’s been up in this joint I hear. It’s not our choice, it’s by force. Much game is ran on us simply because of what we believe, and won’t believe. Ever since my apprehension on 9-11-2002 I have not wavered in my belief. I am not bowing to no body’s damn king, nor am I going to submit to any injustices that are against the human reality. I am a Muslim, my Lord is Lord, and my deen (way of life) is Islam, and my Prophet is Muhammad ibn Abdullah of 1400 years ago, who God revealed the Noble Qur’an to, and with all of that said, whatever God wills is good!” Benjamin said with authority and passion, and this drew some attention from the library’s officer on post, who made his way to where we were, but he didn’t stop the conversation. “What king, are you from D.C.?” I said. “Yes I’m from our Nation’s Capital, how did you guess?” Benjamin said looking slightly puzzled. “Me too man, I was in that same county jail where they make you bow to that damn King George, and I was enslaved for three years, I just got here!” I said happy to meet another brother who had been through what I had been through. “This place is a little better, but these people objective is the same.” Benjamin said looking at the officer who now was ten yards away. “Do you know Enemy?” I said “Yes I know the brother, he’s kool people, a little radical but it’s only natural that you become a bit radical when you’ve been accused falsely of a crime you didn’t commit, and being subjected to the worst psychological treatment that the human existences can be introduced to. Now the beautiful sound that you hear sounding through these walls is not a song; even though it sounds like it being sung. The name of it is The adhan (athan), and it is our call to prayer. The Jews use to use a horn to assemble its worshippers to prayer. The Christians used a bell. We Muslims verbally call our worshipers. Listen carefully Anthony, and this is a translation-‘God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest. I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship except God, I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worshipped except God. I bear witness that Muhammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of God, I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God. Come to prayer, come to prayer, come to success, come to success. God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest, I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worshipped except God.’ Benjamin said and smiled and so did the rest of the Muslims. “Yeah slim that’s super serious.” I said and gave all of them my nod of approval. “Well, well, well what do we have here? You ready to join Al-Qeada boy with Ben Laden and his gang?” Two new officers said who made their way directly into our circle. ”I was just asking a question my man that’s all.” I said. “My man, you better watch your tongue Mr. Anthony Glassco, you will refer to all staff as officer or sir, not my man, are we clear?” “Yes sir we are very clear; thanks Benjamin.” I said and stepped off, and when I turned around I was mobbed by John and some of his friends. “Anthony you got a minute man?” John said. “Not really, but what’s happening man?” “These are some of my friends and I told them about your style of writing.” John said. “Style of writing?” I said giving John a surprised look. “Yeah man, I let a couple of people read the letter you wrote for me and they love it.” John said. “Anthony are you ready?” Bobby said. “Yeah, yeah Bobby one sec, look here brothers give me the letters and I will try to have a response by tomorrow.” I said reaching for the letters and these guys looked like little children in a candy store. “I told yall man he was kool like that.” John said giving me praise as he left the library with his crew. After that, I and Bobby sat down and he read my exposition I wrote, and he instantly started preparing my petition. He showed me how to look up cases, and what to look for in the language of the law that was relevant to my situation. That night I found at least three U.S. Supreme court cases that would have exonerated me. I felt so good knowing that this petition was full of law that the court could no way maneuver out of. Later that night I couldn’t wait until the Muslims call the Adhan so I could tell Mr. Joe what it meant, and just maybe he would give the toilet a break. Just like clockwork, the lights went out, and the Muslims did their thing, and Mr. Joe did his. When they both finished I said. “I talked to the Imam Benjamin, and I asked him what they were saying when they sing that song, he said it’s not a song even though they sing it, so I asked him what was it called and he said the sound we hear sounding through the block is their call to prayer, and it is called the Adhan, then he translated It for me. I gave Mr. Joe the translation and he said. “And you believe him?! I’m telling you it’s a trick and a trap, they aint saying that! You better stay away from’em, because I’m sure them people worship Satan, and that damn moon!” “The Moon?” “That’s what I said son, and that’s what I mean, because that’s what I know.” I looked deep at Mr. Joe who had one eye wide open and the other eye on squint. I gave no response, because I’m not a Muslim, and I don’t have to defend them. While at work the next day my supervisor called me in the office and told me I was fired. “FIRED, for what?” “Because you got hired in the law library.” He said, and handed me some paper work to give to the guard in the library. Man I was super excited, this meant I could work on my case full time. “What’s up Anthony; are you kool with everything.” Mike said when I arrived in the library. “Yeah man, damn that was fast, so when do you leave Mike?” “Tomorrow, so let me show you the ropes real fast.” Mike said. Mike gave me the walk through and everything was in alphabetical order making this position a cake walk. Mike’s last words to me were. “Anthony I saw you with John a couple of days ago, and I saw the mob he brought in here yesterday evening. You need to be mindful that the illiteracy rate in this prison is 50%, if you keep on doing those letters for free this place is going to be wall to wall with them dudes. I suggest you set a fee that’s reasonable for these men, and trust me you are going to need it, this library only pays $30.00 a month.” “Yeah I hear that, thanks man. Check this out Mike I’m from D.C. and I haven’t been in touch with my folks since I left society. Here are some names with the addresses and phone numbers, please do what you can man and try and locate some body and tell them I’m down here!” “Anthony that will not be a problem.” Mike said gently taking the paper out of my hand. I watched Mike walk off and my eyes started to water. I was happy that Mike was going home, but I dreaded being in this bitch twenty years, and I’m innocent. That evening Bobby was surprised to see me sitting at the front desk, and I told him so was I. John and his crew showed up with more guys with letters in their hand just like Mike said. I gave them the low down that the fee would be three dollars every time I responded to a letter, and there was no opposition from any of them. I thought it was a good idea to keep all of the letters I responded to in a folder in my computer so I could go back to some of the letters if necessary to keep every response strong. I also started writing some of these woman poems. I choose this methodology to heal my strong emotions for Jackie, and to complement them at the same time. Even though I was writing those poems for those other women, every word was to my baby Jackie. One day I got off work and there was another huge crowd in front of my door. The closer I got I noticed a heated debate ensuing between Mr. Joe and Benjamin. When Mr. Joe saw me he said. “This is my cellmate, and stop feeding him your sorcery, and lies, about you are calling to prayer, when you are calling to Satan and worshipping that damn moon!” Mr. Joe said and he was on fire. “Hi are you doing Anthony. Please don’t be alarmed, me and Mr. Joe do this now and then. I’ve never heard you mention the moon thing before Mr. Joe; where did you conjure up that from.” Benjamin said giving Hakim some dap and they both burst out laughing. “I aint conquered (conjured) up nothing!” “Then where did you get this foolishness from Mr. Joe?” “I got it from you and your Coo (flock)!” “Me?!” Benjamin said with much surprise. “That’s what I said. Every time Ramadan comes around all I hear you talking about is has the moon been sighted. What the hell the moon gotta do with anything?” Mr. Joe said stepping in Benjamin’s face with one eye wide open and the other one on squint, which I under stood was his signature look. “Before I go any further do you have my homework from our last engagement?” Benjamin said with a smirk. “Homework, I wish the hec I would bring you some homework!” “I take that to mean that you are still ignorant to what the word Bible means, and how the sixty-six books in your Bible were compiled into one book and called Bible. Never mind that, I give you an extension, your new assignment is your old assignment and to explain what sources was your Bible translated from, I’ll give you a hint; it has something to do with Greek.” “Greek, you have really lost your mind now.” Mr. Joe said. “Sure I have Mr. Joe, I’ll need that as soon as possible. Now the reason we Muslims, and those who follow the lunar calendar watch the moon is because every time there is a new moon, that’s the beginning of a new month. God says in the Noble Qur’an in Sura (chapter) Al-Baraqa or The Cow 2:189 and this is a translation “They ask you (Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about the new moons. Say these are signs to mark fixed periods of time for mankind and pilgrimage…” Another thing to be mindful about is the lunar calendar is a design by God that man can never alter or falsify. The calendar we go by in America is called the Gregorian calendar. Instituted in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII (13), and now used in most of the world. According to encyclopedia ‘It distinguishing features is that a century year is a leap year if and divisible by 400. This gives a year of 365: 2, 425 days when averaged over 400 years, very close to the actual value 365-2422 days. When this calendar was introduced a discrepancy of 10 days had built up, which was eliminated by jumping straight from 4th to the 15th of October in Catholic countries.’ How foolish was that, and how foolish it still is, especially when you have a perfect system in place by our Lord to keep track of time. Did you all know that they moved New Year’s Day from March 25 to January 1st, and did you know that January is connected with Janus, who is connected with mythology? Janus was an ancient Roman divinity who guarded the gate of the door; and there is no Greek equivalent. Because one goes out to begin action, Janus became the god of the beginning; he is the first god to be named in the list, and the god of the first month January. He is always depicted in art with two faces, one in the front, and one at the back of the head. Then you have Mars, who are the god of war, second only to Jupiter. The month of March is named after him. His mythology is borrowed from Ares, through various annual ceremonies at Rome indicated that he was originally an agricultural deity who guarded the fields. Can anyone tell me why February has 28 days?” Benjamin said scanning the hall. No one responded after five seconds of silence, so Benjamin continued “Because one of Rome’s leader Caesar took a day from February and added it to July, that’s why July has 31, and the leader Augusta took one from February and gave it to the month of August, and that’s why the month of August has 31. Try that with the Muslim’s or the lunar calendar! It is impossible! This system that this nation has adopted is a system of Shirk (those who associate partners with God), and by doing so you deny God His rights. Which none has the right to be worshipped but Him, and that He is Creator, Organizer, Planner, Sustainer, and Giver of Security, Now ask yourself which calendar has more validity and makes since, your or ours, and in closing, whatever God wills is good.” Benjamin said with his arms widely out stretched. There was absolutely no rebuttal from anyone. Not only that but it got so quiet you could hear a pen drop. “Okay Ben Laden you’ve said enough, now let’s get you and this Taliban of yours in your cages so we can all be safe.” An officer said. “Good night Mr. Joe and thank you once again for giving me this grand opportunity to exchange understanding with you again.” Benjamin said and you could hear all the Muslims laughing going down the hall. It really amazed me that in spite of these Muslims being treated the worst in the entire prison; they ate last, their food was cold, and so were their showers, but they all stuck together and always appeared to be in a upbeat mood. CHAPTER FOUR I’ve now been working in the Law library for two months. My Post-Conviction was sent out last month, and my anxiety level has never been this high. Every time the guard passes out mail I come to the bars like a little kid anticipation that I have a court date. My writing business is also booming, and I’m one of the main legal beagles since Bobby got transferred. Helping these men with their legal affairs has given me much hope, and has helped me to cope and heal while Swimming in this Mudd. It’s been a whole month since I’ve seen Enemy, and as soon as I brought him to mind he popped through the doors with what look like new recruits. He didn’t acknowledge me, so I went over and spoke. “What’s up Enemy, long time no see.” “Nothing has changed with me Anthony, I’m always on a demonstration. I’ve also changed the name of my movement to the Black Emancipation Coalition.” “What was wrong with The Black Liberation underground Rail Road Coalition?” “The word emancipation has a certain ring to it that I’m digging. Before you walked up I was just getting ready to breathe on my crew of how these Motha Fuckas have kept us out the loop all these years with a false freedom.” “What are you reading from?” I said looking at the material in front of Enemy. “Original content of the Red and White codes from some dynamight ass people I know. This demonstration will gives us true freedom in and out of prison, you’re welcome to sit and listen Anthony.” “Yeah okay.” I said and took a seat, and then Mr. Joe came through the doors to my surprise. “Excuse me Enemy let me see what my cell mate wants.” “Hey Mr. Joe is everything alright?” “Yea I’m alright. You remember you ask about some guy name X?” “Yeah I remember; is he here?!!” “Yes he’s here, and this guy looks just like trouble. You stay away from him Anthony, this is a bad seed of a man. I aint never seen no prisoner with that type of security. This man needs Jesus in his life; I got to go, but remember what I said.” “What side of the Jail is he on Mr. Joe?” “He’s on lock up, and I hope he stays there.” Mr. Joe said and left. Man I was over flowing with joy. I couldn’t wait to see this brother or to witness another demonstration. I just hope it wouldn’t cause me another ass whipping… “Enemy let me see you for a moment.” “Whats up Anthony?” “X is here.” “Are you sure?” “My cell mate said he’s on lock up.” “Damn, this guy is a pest.” “A pest?” “Anthony it’s a long story. Back to the table brother.” Enemy said with a look of frustration. “Everyone please turned to page eight, chapters two…, and it reads “Now let’s discuss Citizenship, no doubt in school you learned that slavery was something practice around the world and right here in America for a time. Most of the founding fathers held or otherwise owned slaves. The issue of slaver in America was very cruel, and in the year of 1861 brought about the American Civil war. Southern states wanted to retain slavery and northern states did not. A self-taught lawyer, Abraham Lincoln, from Illinois, was nominated for President by the (then very young) Republican Party in 1860 on a moderate plat form of restricting slaves. As a result of him winning the election South Carolina seceded from the union on December 20, 1860 with about 40% of the vote Mr. Lincoln became the 16th President on March 4, 1861, seven southern states of America walked out of the second session of the thirty sixth Congresses. In doing so, the constitutional due process quorum necessary for Congress to vote was lost and Congress was adjourned sine die (Latin for without day) under rules of order, prior to adjourning, members of Congress vote on a specific day as when they will reconvene I.E. get back together again. Without the seven southern states vote there was no quorum, so the remaining states could not vote and hence the Congress dissolved. The United Sates was without a Congress…Union for Sumter, in South Carolina, was attacked by confederate forces on April 12, 1861 and thus began the Civil war. As President Lincoln issued an executive order in April 1861 that called the Congress back into session. However, he did not have lawful authority or lawful due process of the constitution to do so. Solely in his capacity as commander in Chief of the United States military. Mr. Lincoln called the Congress into session under authority of martial law. Ever since April of 1861 Congress has not met based on lawful due process. Ever since Mr. Lincoln’s executive order as –Commander of the military we have had a Congress that is a legal fiction. Ever since April 1861 we have been not under rule of law but under rule of ruler ship by force, or conquest, originating from and existing in military, martial law jurisdiction. (Bet you didn’t learn that in school.) Mr. Lincoln is responsible for several other things as well. I’m sure you note him as freeing the slaves-story about that: Mr. Lincoln needed money to fight the Civil War. The country of France sided with the southern States and commenced to build a fleet of boats designed to break the blockade that Mr. Lincoln put in place to economically ruin the southern States. Mr. Lincoln needed all the help he could get. As it would happen, (the country of) Russia said it would come to the aid of Lincoln but one thing stood in the way-Slavery…The Russians were against it. So, in order to get the much needed aid from Russia, Mr. Lincoln issued his now famous Emancipation Proclamation. (Enemy paused, and everyone gave each other the raise eyebrow look). Once done, the Russians stepped in, stopped the French from building their blockade-breaking fleet and gave Mr. Lincoln much needed money to complete the war. (Later On 1867, the geographical area now known as Alaska was sold to the U.S. by Russia. Some say to repay the Russians for their Aid to President Lincoln.) With his Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863 Lincoln did free the (black) slaves by freeing them from the condition of slavery; it did nevertheless leave them in a condition of servitude. At the close of the Civil War black people was the property of the United States Government and he/she was right less. A black (slave) of the time was told that if they wanted to leave this country they could do so at any time as they were (then) here voluntarily, however, for as long as they chose to stay in the United States they were in a condition of voluntary servitude. One can only guess as to how many had boat fare or even knew where they might go. As a group, black slaves were not educated or taught much beyond the requirements of the work they were to perform, this writer doubts that they knew much, if anything, about the world outside of where they lived and worked. It was as it is now, to the benefit of the master/rulers for slaves not to know much. Times haves not changed, as you will soon learn. Lincoln was reelected in 1864; the South’s General, Robert E. Lee surrendered on April 9, 1865 and on April 14, 1865 Mr. Lincoln was shot by actor John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theater and died shortly thereafter. Vice President Andrew Johnson succeeded to the Presidency upon Lincoln’s death. Soon after he proclaimed an amnesty to all Confederates (except certain leaders) if they would ratify a thirteenth Amendment abolishing slavery. Not happy with things like freed slaves, several southern States added anti-Negro provisions to the proposed 13th Amendment (which didn’t attach.) During the Johnson administration, the 13th Amendment was added to the Constitution in December of 1865. Also during the Johnson administration, a fourteenth amendment was proposed and (supposedly) ratified in 1868.Note: The holder of this information used the word supposedly as there is some debate as to whether or not the Fourteenth Amendment was actually ratified not the purpose of this writing to debate this issue.) As one can see, the issue of slavery is one that has caused a lot of problems and turmoil over time. The Fourteenth Amendment was written to secure those under the incapacity of race, newly freed from the condition of slavery, a class of citizenship unknown in the Constitutional contract of 1787. (Remember all of the writer of the Constitution were white, wealthy, landholding, men and some were also slaveholders, and had fathered many children from female slaves...) The first clause of the 14th Amendment defines the ‘citizen’ as: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside.” An interesting side note-before the so-called slavery amendments beginning in 1865 the last Amendment to mention the word “Citizen” is the 11th Amendment. In the 11th Amendment the word, used twice, is capitalized, as I believe the founders wanted it to be-signifying Sovereign status. In the following amendments the word is not capitalized and Citizens, hence, were reduced to subjects. (One might argue that this was another way to retaliate against the South, as the Northerners didn’t like the Southerner’s aristocratic ways.) In 1872 the supreme Court (Slaughter House Cases) determined that the 14th Amendment established (or ‘created’) a separate and distinct class of citizenship for those under the capacity of race; thus securing to the new class of citizen/ subject the same privileges and immunities of the native-born individual who was born in one of the several continental sovereign states of the Union. This same type of privileged citizenship has been since offered to persons, of all races and circumstances. The contractual terms of this citizenship require the individual to forfeit native-born rights in exchange for securities, privileges, protections, and liabilities granted by the United States Government (remember District of Columbia.) Now any individual person such as you can become subject other jurisdiction of the corporate United States either by volunteering or by accepting benefits and privileges granted by said corporate United States. Since so many people appear to have opted-into the corporate United States it is presumed that you specifically have done so also. In law this is what is called a rebuttable presumption. Which means that unless you say otherwise it stands as truth. (Remember, subjects don’t have rights-they may have privileges.) There’s much, much more but I am going to hold it right there. Now this is the boom; where are you from Anthony?” Enemy said. “I’m from D.C.” Anthony said. “Where are you from Larry?” Enemy said and leaned back in his chair. “D.C.” Larry responded. “And you Tony?” Enemy ask. “D.C.” Tony said. “All of us are form D.C. and the word is that these Motha Fuckas snatch subjects like us up because D.C. has no State hood, so the Neo Saxston Confederacy do not consider us Citizens of the true Republic of the United States of America, and if we never answer up with an sovereignty voice we will always be slaves or just plain subjects to them-Boom!” Enemy said, giving Larry some dap who was sitting right next to him. “Yeah bro you are loud and clear. Where did you get this information Enemy?” I said with a great need to know. “It was a gift, and trust me it is plenty more where that came from. Anthony I need you to look up these legal cases so that we can investigate the old argument of old Citizenship, and to enhance our understanding of this realm. “Enemy said. “That will not be a problem. “I said reaching for the paperwork from Enemy.” “Please read the whole thing Anthony, because now is the time that all Americans, black, white, red etc. Take a true stand against this corrupt regime that has been ruling for centuries, and misleading its Citizens. “Enemy said and handed me an affidavit of reservation of rights. “What do I do with this Enemy?” “You put it into the blender of all of your legal shit, and trust me it is a monkey wrench for those Motha Fuckas. File it with the court, and you challenge their jurisdiction, because they convicted you in a commercial, not a criminal court. There are only two jurisdictions mentioned in the constitution. One is under the Common Law and the other deals with International Maritime contracts under an Admiralty Jurisdiction. Ask the Judge when you go to court what jurisdiction he is operating under, and he will reply that he is operating under a statutory jurisdiction, which is made up. Then when he responds in that manner you need to say that you need the legal statutory law so that you can properly defend yourself. Now you must be aware when you speak this language you are going to anger the judge, and that states attorney who are so use to tricking the common people into a contract in their court of law.” “Yeah I hear that.” I said looking at all of the paperwork in front of me, and I’m not afraid to admit that I was scared as shit. “You better hear me bro, because that Post-Conviction shit you are on is game and they are going to show you that they are always the only winners in the GAME they play.” Enemy said and gave me that look of his. I got up from the table and went to my computer to pull up the cases Enemy requested but access was denied. “The cases you requested Enemy access was denied…did you hear me Enemy?” “Yeah, yeah I heard you and I’m not surprised at all. Our next move is to order these cases physically, because it’s clear that these Motha Fuckas are behind this blockade, and they are in love with our citizenship and slavery. Put Mike’s name on the order sheet, and back date it, that way they won’t come looking for you Anthony or one of us. Remember men you do not have any friends; only Enemy?” Enemy said and smiled. Later that night when I lay down I couldn’t stop thing about the information Enemy shared with me. I wasn’t totally convinced all of the information was true, because I had no proof, but the 411 was so over whelming and stern, it just doesn’t seem to be fabricated. I also thought about my apprehension in D.C. where the common people are considered to be citizens and not Citizens, and we have no Statehood. Am I a second class citizen? Do I have to be cared for by the Government as I am not the master of my Government, but a mere servant to it? And it is the Master’s responsibility to care for his servants. I wrestled with this all night, and the court having true jurisdiction to convict me. Even though the Neo Saxston Confederacy were twisted I started to wonder were they acting in any capacity of the original Constitution?... The next morning before we went to breakfast all hell broke loose. I didn’t know what think or do. Then I thought about Enemy and his crew that he might be trying to take over the prison, or X could be on the loose. All of that would be put to rest when this homosexual with his breast fully exposed turned the corner with great speed fleeing for his life I thought. Seconds later appeared another man chasing him with a stick. He finally caught up with him at the end of the hall and whaled on his ass something serious with that stick. “You belong to me bitch, and that’s my pussy, and only mines! The next time I hear you around here selling ass while I’m at work I am going to kill your ass; you hear me?” “Yes Bruce, yes.” Kee Kee Dee said. I couldn’t believe my eyes. This was clearly abuse and assault. What was so amazing the correction guard did absolutely nothing, I would later find out that Bruce and Kee Kee Dee were a married couple and it was only permissible to intervene in married couple’s affairs only if they ask for help. In this case neither party did, and the officers held their peace. Bruce took off of his shirt and put it around his partner helping him to his feet and both men went in their cell, and that was the end of that. “Okay men its count time, everyone in their cells.” A guard said and everyone reported to their cells for this special head count which is protocol after a disturbance. “I wished he’da (would have) kill that som bitch (son of a bitch), excuse me for cursing Lord.” Mr. Joe said with a frown face. “And why is that Mr. Joe?” “Son when two men are tangled up like that it is one of the most detestable sights in the eyes of God, and His righteous servants.” “How do you figure Mr. Joe?” I said. “Son do you even own a Bible?” “No sir.” I shamefully said. “Well in the Bible God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for rampant Homosexuality. The story is in Genesis Chapter 19:1-26.” “Isn’t that the first chapter in the Bible Mr. Joe?” “It most certainly is.” Mr. Joe proudly said. “Then that was thousands of years ago. How is that relevant today? We have millions of homosexuals worldwide. Is homosexuality still wrong in these modern times, because we now have medical study that proves some males are born with more female hormones, and female born with more male hormones, which cause them to be trapped in the wrong bodies?” “Son that is not foolishness what you just uttered, it is pure, unadulterated foolishness. This modern world and those who are in power are always going to make a way for the evil they want to practice, even though God prohibited this act thousands of years ago, and sent down His legislation against it. In the Bible in Leviticus 20:13, and it states “If a man also lie (lay down) with a mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon them.” “Wow! Now that’s serious, but how do you make that statement relevant in these times Mr. Joe?” “Easy son, now let’s go to the New Testament Matthew 5:17 and Jesus said “Think not that I have come to destroy the law or the Prophets I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.” What law is Jesus talking about?” “Mr. Joe I don’t know.” “Son he is talking about the Torah, which was given to Prophet Moses, which means law. Leviticus is in the Torah, so what I just read to you is still Law! To allow a filthy and degrading act like that to go on will caused civilization to lose its balance, but most of all society is going to earn God’s anger, and this is another evil race of people that has to to be removed from the face of the earth.” Mr. Joe said and closed the Bible and gave me that father look with a slight smile. Mr. Joe is a racist but I don’t think he has a clue that he is. After the count cleared I went to breakfast, then straight to work. When I arrived the first person I saw was John, and of course he had another letter for me to respond to. I had never asked him had he talked to this woman on the phone before, but that day I felt compelled, because she hasn’t said anything about my folks. “Do you talk to her on the phone John?” “Sometimes, but not long because it’s long distance; why?” “I see she hasn’t responded to my situation. The next time you talk to her just jog her memory about my folks. I am going to write down my information again, kool?” “Yeah kool Anthony.” After that I got on my post and started assisting guys with what they needed, and when things got slow I responded to John’s letter and I threw in a poem. ”Excuse me son, but is your name Anthony?” An old gentleman said. “Yes it is sir, and what may I help you with?” I cheerful said. “My name is George and you’ve been helping my cellmate in a correspondence with a young lady. The reason I’m here is because I’ve been reading some of the letters and some of those poems are beautiful. You have a very serious gift of writing. I’ve been in this place for ten years, and I’ve read a lot of material from a lot of guys through the years, and I must say that you are in my top five.” “Thanks Mr. George.” I said trying my best to hold back my blushing. “You’re welcome son, I write too.” “Oh yeah, what about?” “Life son; real life. I’ve written five novels in the last five years and they are all five stars. There is not a doubt in my mind when I’m released next year what direction I’m going to take. I’ve been breaking law for forty years and I aint got a damn dime to show for it. With my books I know I will make an honest and prosperous living on the outside.” “How can you be so sure Mr. George?” “Because I’ve already sold one book to a publisher for $20.000.00, and they have agreed to keep me as the author of my book, that way I’m getting exposure while I’m in here.” “I’ve never thought about writing a whole book before Mr. George.” “Neither did I son until I came to prison. I use to write guys letters like you, and that’s when I discovered my talent. I don’t write letters for guys anymore, because a lot of these men are corrupt son. As I was responding to those letters I could feel the woman‘s emotion and attachment, but after I got to know some of these men I was writing letters for and what they had planned when they got out cause me to rethink my side show of writing. When I stopped writing for them, I started writing for me, and this is probably the most significant thing that I ever did in my life. By writing my story I was able to revisit my life and all of my mistakes and bad decisions I made through the years. I saw my strengths and my weakness. When I finished my story I looked at me in the mirror and smiled and I was most proud of me for the first time in my life. Six months after that I wrote another book, then another. I’m telling you all this son because I see greatness in your penmanship. I gotta go, but remember what I said, bye-bye.” “I will Mr. George, and thanks.” I said and watched the old gentleman disappear through the doors. I sat there in my chair and gave Mr. George words great thought, and what broke my chain of thought was the guy in front of me wanting to check out three novels. After I finished checking the guy’s books out I went and picked out a few bestselling authors to check out their style of writing. I had never read a novel before, but I was pretty sure I could tell if it was trash or not. I chose bestselling authors because I needed to be taken mainstream into what captivates. Later that night I really got into one of the books I picked out called ‘Foster Girl’. It was about this young girl who went into foster care, and got raped every night by her foster brothers, and then her foster father got into the act. Later in life she became a prostitute and contracted H.I.V. She ended up tracking down her foster brothers and father, and seduced them and infected them with the virus, which quickly turned to AI.D.S. and they died, and she visited every last one of them on their death bed. This was a very good short story, but for some reason I thought I could have done a much better job. In order for me to reach a conclusion like that only confirmed that I was an author at heart, so I decided right then and there that I was going to write my story. The very next morning when our cells popped for breakfast and everyone heard Kee Kee Dee’s voice again. “Please Bruce, Please! I’m telling you baby that I am not having an affair!” “That aint what the hell I heard! “Bruce screamed. “An affair?!” Mr. Joe said and spat in the toilet with disgust. “Pete!..Pete!” Bruce yelled down the hall as he was walking to Pete’s cell. “Yeah what you need player?” Pete said standing in the door of his cell, which was directly across from me and Mr. Joe’s. I’ve been hearing a lot of shit about you having an affair with Kee Kee! I don’t act on rumors, so that’s why I’m coming to you face to face! Are you fucking Kee Kee?!” Bruce said face to face with Pete. Kee Kee comes in here from time to time and poke that ass in the air for me; what’s wrong with that?” Pete said not flinching. “This is sickness!” Mr. Joe said and when I looked at him he was boiling on the inside. “He lying on me baby! I aint never been with him; I swear honey!” Kee Kee Dee said in fake tears, while walking up on Bruce trying his best to calm and console him, only to be pushed to the floor inadvertently. “Kee Kee Dee hit the floor with his hands over his face in shame and when Bruce turned around to finish his business with Pete he was met with a two piece (two punches) to the face.” “Bing-Bing!” This cause Bruce to stumble backwards unconsciously into me and Mr. Joes cell, with Pete still in pursuit of him. “Hey! Yall are going to have to get out of here with all of that!” Mr. Joe yelled, but his words were totally ignored as Pete and Bruce brawled. Me personally I’ve always loved a good fight, so there was no way I was going to stop this live action right in front of me. Pete was much bigger than Bruce, and stronger, and as the fight went on Pete started to dominate the fight from every perspective. With Kee Kee Dee looking through the bars it was clear that he had caused his husband a grand ass kicking. Pete was a lifer who had already been in the joint twenty years for murder, and it didn’t mean anything to him if he had to kill again. Pete had Bruce in a full Nelson, and Bruce was scratching a clawing and trying his best to break free of the choke hold of Pete. “NO! NO! Please Pete don’t kill him; he’s all I got!” Kee Kee Dee said and rushed into our cell and grabbed Pete’s arm, trying to break the hold he had on Bruce. “GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THIS CELL YOU FILTHY STINKIN SODIMITE! Excuse my language Lord.” Mr. Joe screamed at the top of his lungs, and Kee Kee Dee backed out of the cell, because Mr. Joe’s voice was loud and spiritual. Pete finally let Bruce out of the neck breaking hold and threw him out of our cell, and then stood over him and said. “Oh and by the way that bitch of yours is fucking and sucking everybody why your stupid ass is at work. “Pete said looking down at Bruce who was still on the floor trying to catch his breath. “Don’t listen to him baby. Come on let’s get you home” Kee Kee Dee said helping Bruce to his feet, and Bruce looked at Kee Kee Dee and said in a tired but meaning voice. “You made a damn fool of me in front of all of these men; I am going to kick your ass latter on!” A guard finally showed up and he questioned me and Mr. Joe about our cell. “Well, well, well what’s been going on in here another lover’s quarrel?” He said shifting his eyes back and forth between me and Mr. Joe. “Watch your mouth young man I am a servant of the Lord.” Mr. Joe said. “I don’t care who you are serving, I see blood on the floor, and this damn cell is a wreck. One of you is going to have to leave this cell until we sort things out. Now if you were married I would leave you be.” He said giving Mr. Joe a crooked grin. “LOCK UP?!” Mr. Joe said with his eyes bucking out of his head. “That’s right servant of the Lord; that’s the rules.” The officer said while smiling at Mr. Joe again. Since me and Mr. Joe have been cellmates I had never seen him afraid of anything. I could have easily said that the blood and fight was Bruce and Pete, but that would have been snitching, so I and Mr. Joe held our peace. “If one of you don’t volunteer, then both of you are going on lock up!” The officer said. I looked at Mr. Joe, who was already looking at me, and in his eyes he pleaded for me to step forward, and I did. “Okay officer I’ll go, but how long is this going to take?” I said. “Oh…maybe a week or so.” The officer said. A cart was brought to my cell, I packed it and just like that I was on my way to lock up. I didn’t sweat it; how rough could it be; I’m originally from the Virginia side of the Neo Saxston Confederacy that makes this shit in Tennessee look like a boys club. The up side is that I might see X…. That is the end of free people, and you just broke the ice, but this there are many extraordinary charters that will emerge in this great story, so log back on and down load this great story for only $2.99 for paper back send money order to Samuel Moton 1111 Kennebec st #2D Oxon Hill, Maryland 20745-twenty five dollars if live in America or forty five dollars outside of America, you must finish this great story so that you will be in a powerful position the next time you or one of your family and friends are confronted with racism-remember all lives matter. ................

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