Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA)

Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA)

August 7, 2019

Logan Thorpe, BS, CRCA Sales Manager, Fidelity National Collections

Barbara J. French, CPA NEO HFMA Membership Chair, University Hospitals

Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA)

43,000+ Members Nationally Education & Professional Development Opportunities

Certifications Live Webinars

HFMA Magazine

Career Center

Job Bank

Online Skill Assessment

Professional, Mid/Senior Management, & Executive Rate the Relevancy, Review Results, & Design Custom Learning


Networking & Resources

Local Seminars Golf Outings Holiday Parties Committees, Special Interest Groups, Volunteer Opportunities

20+ Leadership Opportunities Making a Positive Difference Demonstrate Skills & Abilities Professional Growth & Development

"visions" ? the Northeast Ohio Chapter newsletter

Events ? Leadership Training Center

New Orleans & Anaheim

Events ? Winter Gala

Events ? Women in Leadership

Developing a Successful You

Finding Joy Growth Mindset

Events ? Leadership Institute

In Honor of Gerry Haggerty

Life Cycle of a Claim Keynote: Hollie Strano, WKYC Recognize & Remedy Physician Burnout Hospital to Home: Integrating Care from

Acute to Community Settings


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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