Introduction by Dean Cortez..........................................4 1. What Is M.A.C.K. Tactics? .........................................9 2. The Ten M.A.C.K. Commandments.................. .... .....18 3. The Building of a Mack.................................... ... ....23 4. Mack Style: From the Fashion to the Passion............ ......42 NEW BONUS SECTION: The Conversation Blueprint......49 5. Conversation Control...............................................69 6. Hypotheticals..........................................................96 7. Negotiations..........................................................104 8. Jamming Her Radar.................................................120 9. The Ex Factor.........................................................135 10. Target Rich Environments........................................140 11. Women to Be Wary Of............................................155 12. Phone Control......................................................162 13. Bad Boy 101..........................................................178 14. Wingmen.............................................................188 15. Closing the Deal.....................................................197 16. Your Mack Headquarters...........................................209 17. First Dates............................................................215 18. Wolves.................................................................230 19. The Secrets of Magnetic Attraction..............................235 20. Unleash the Tactics............................................. ....255

Note: This updated version of the book also contains a number of additional Bonus Sections.

Limitation of Liability

The information contained in or made available through this Product cannot replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field, including, but not limited to, psychological, financial, medical, or legal matters. In particular, you should regularly consult a doctor in all matters relating to physical or mental health, particularly concerning any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Further, you should regularly consult a lawyer in all matters relating to interacting with other people to assure yourself you are behaving in compliance with law, including but not limited to laws



related to harassment, assault or other similar laws. MACK TACTICS LLC and our licensors or suppliers make no representations or warranties concerning any treatment, action, or application of medication or preparation by any person following the information offered or provided herein. MACK TACTICS LLC nor our associates, or any of their affiliates, will be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other damages that may result, including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.

Now that we've got the legal stuff out of the way, let's get down to BUSINESS...



The M.A.C.K. Tactics train is moving full steam ahead. Thousands of guys around the world are onboard and enjoying a life-changing ride.

You may have seen write-ups on us in major publications like the New York Post or FHM Magazine, or caught us on FOX News or the Spike Radio Network. We've gone around the world to spread the message of M.A.C.K. Tactics, which is the most effective and comprehensive system ever created for learning how to conquer the dating game.

Today, we offer a line of best-selling products on dating and seduction. They include How To Date Younger Women, Strip Club Seduction Secrets, How To Approach Women, and Dating Asian Women.

For those of you who are new to this system, the four letters that form the word M.A.C.K. stand for Method, Action, Confidence and Knowledge. We call these the "Pillars of Power." It's about knowing the correct Methods for scoring with women in various situations; having the right mindset to take Action; the Confidence to operate without hesitation or fear; and the Knowledge of female psychology, and your own strengths, that will allow you to penetrate their defenses and crack the code to their hearts.

We all possess the ability to attract women and succeed with them on our terms. But one of the greatest "hidden" challenges we face, as men, is that our selfconfidence gets worn down over the years. Some of us have dealt with some tough rejections. Other guys have been in long-term relationships and had their confidence crushed by a bad breakup. Some of us have convinced ourselves that beautiful women just aren't "into" us--that they're looking for qualities in a guy that we simply won't ever possess.

The Tactics are designed to change all of this. Once you master this material, your opportunities suddenly feel endless. Just imagine walking into the any environment where single women are present, and knowing you can approach any girl in there, capture her interest, and guide the conversation towards a successful outcome. That's what a Mack experiences every time he steps out on a Saturday night. As a man, this is one of the most gratifying and empowering



feelings you can ever experience.

On the other hand, without the right Tactics, and understanding what actually makes women tick, the dating game can be endlessly frustrating. Most guys always feel like they're at the mercy of women. There is a tremendous sense of pressure when they approach a girl, or go on a first date, as they try to measure up to the type of guy he thinks she is looking for.

Perhaps you tell yourself that you're "too nice" to seduce beautiful women, and you've found yourself stuck in the Friend Zone: girls confide their problems in you, while you're wishing you could take the relationship to a romantic level. And what about the times you've taken girls on dates--dressed to impress and generously spending your hard-earned money--but at the end of the night you only get a handshake or an awkward hug for your troubles? Then, when you try calling her for a second date, she tells you she's going to be "really busy" for the next couple of weeks...or until next October...

Then there are those of you who've got some skills and have been fairly successful. You're at ease around women and have had numerous relationships. Perhaps you've studied the material of certain "seduction gurus" and used some of their tricks and mind games to rope women into conversations--and yet it still feels like something is missing.

You're ready to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and lead a completely fulfilling lifestyle that fires on all cylinders. In terms of the women you date, you want to take it to the next level. No more going for 7's and 8's. You're ready to score the 9's and 10's.

By learning this material, applying it, and mastering it, your life is going to become more rewarding, and more fun, on numerous levels.

If you're single, as you probably are if you're reading this book, celebrate that fact. You've literally got an entire world of opportunities, and hammers (a term we use to describe hot women) in front you. We all know guys who have gotten themselves trapped in lame, dead-end relationships, or have already thrown in the towel and married women for the wrong reasons. But not you: you're still in the mix. You're out there on the scene and now, using the Tactics, you'll never have to compromise. If and when you do decide to settle down, it's going to be with a girl that is nothing short of spectacular. It will be the kind of relationship that your friends envy.

But always remember this: being a Mack goes beyond hooking up with women, and it doesn't end once you commit to a relationship. It is an attitude and a lifestyle. Being a Mack means growing and thriving on every level, including your career and whatever other personal goals you set for yourself. It means building bonds with everyone who matters in your life, and gaining their respect--not just women, but co-workers, family members and those you do



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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