Using a calculator efficiently - York High School, York

Using a calculator efficiently

Use rounding and estimation to check your answers

-show your method of estimation.

Use a calculator to evaluate exactly the following expressions. Write down all the numbers displayed on the calculator.

1. -4 x –2 2. (-3)2

3. 3/8 4. 4 x (6.78)2

5. (4.2 + 3) x (2.6 – 1.3) 6. [pic]

7. 7.6 – (3.05 – 1.7) 8. [pic]

8. 67 9. [pic]

10. [pic] 11. 12/19 + 17/22 (answer

as a fraction),

12. [pic] 13. [pic]

14. ((4.5)2 + (7.5 – 0.46))2 15. 4.6 + (5.7 – (11.6 x 9.1))

16. [pic] 17. 54 + 2.23

18. 5.2 x 104 19. 3.15 x 106

20. 1.23 x 10-3 21. [pic]


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