Medication - Sonic

| | | | |

|Medication |Classification/ |Pertinent Lab Values/ |Nursing Implications |

| |Action/ Reason |Vital signs | |

| | | | |

|Name: Acarbose |oral hypoglycemic agent |Monitor serum glucose and |Monitor for s/s hypoglycemia, esp. if |

| |(alpha-glucosidase inhibitor)/ |glycosylated Hgb periodically. |other oral hypoglycemics are also taken. |

| |dec. blood sugar by inhibiting the enzyme|Periodically monitor AST and ALT; | |

| |alpha-glucosidase in GI, delaying glucose|elevations may req. new dose levels./| |

| |absorption/ |Monitor VS. | |

| |dec. blood sugar in diabetics, esp. | | |

| |postprandial hyperglycemia | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Acetaminophen |antipyretic, nonopioid analgesic/ |May increase bili, LDH, AST, ALT & |Monitor labs and s/s hepatotoxici- ty, |

|: |inhibits chemical mediators of pain & |PTT as signs of hepa- totoxicity/ |esp. in pt. with liver disease or ETOH |

| |fever/ |Monitor VS |hx. |

| |relief of pain and fever | |Monitor VS. |

| | | | |

|Name: Albuterol |bronchodialator/ beta- andrenergic |May elevate K+ if nebulized or high |Monitor VS. |

| |agonist/ fast relief for acute |dose/ Monitor VS |Withhold tx if bron- chospasm, notify Dr.|

| |bronchospasm | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Aldactone - see spironolactone | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Aspirin (salicylate) |antiplatelet agent; antipyretic; |Monitor PTT & Hct during tx. Monitor |Assess pain, inflammation and limits of |

| |non-opiod analgesic; NSAID/ |hepatic function during antirheumatic|mvmt. prior to and during tx. |

| |inhibit prostaglandin production; dec. |tx. |Assess fever & assoc. signs. |

| |platelet aggregation/ |May inc. AST, ALT & ALP. |Inc. risk for hypersensitivity are those |

| |analgesia; dec. inflammation; dec. fever;|May alter results for serum uric |with: asthma, allergies, nasal polyps & |

| |dec. TIA’s & MI’s |acid, urine VMA, protirelin-induced |allergy to tartrazine. |

| | |TSH, urine 5-HIAA & radionuclide | |

| | |thyroid imaging. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Atenolol |antianginal, antihypertensive, |May increase BUN, K, lipo- protein, |Monitor VS for s/s decreased pulse and |

| |beta-andrenergic blocking agent |triglyceride, uric acid, ANA titers, |hypotension. |

| |(selective)/ |& BG/ |Assess for s/s CHF and angina. |

| |mgmt. of HTN and angina pectoris/ |Monitor BP and pulse |Maintain strict schedule of admi- |

| |decrease BP and angina, decrease risk of | |nistration. |

| |MI | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Ativan - see lorazepam | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Benadryl - see diphenhydramine | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Benazepril (ACE-inhibitor) |antihypertensive/ |False + for urine acetone. |Monitor for orthostatic hypotension. |

| |selectively suppresses renin -angio- |Monitor CBC, renal & liver tests, K+ |Monitor labs, s/s renal failure, for |

| |tensin -aldosterone system; inhibits ACE;|levels./ |edema in LE’s, allergic rxn. |

| |prevents angiotensin conver- sion; |Monitor BP. | |

| |arterial & venous dilation/ | | |

| |dec. BP | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Bisacodyl |laxative (stimulant)/ |n/a |Monitor for abdominal distention, bowel |

| |stimulates peristalsis; alters fluid & | |sounds and bowel function pattern. |

| |electrolyte transport, accumulating fluid| |Monitor COCA of stools. |

| |in colon/ | | |

| |evacuation of colon | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Benztropine |anti-Parkinson agent (anticholiner-gic/ |Monitor pulse and BP (IM, IV). |Assess and monitor s/s of Parkin-sonian |

| |blocks central cholinergic receptors/ | |symptoms and EPS. |

| |reduction of rigidity and tremors; relief| |Monitor for anticholinergic side effects |

| |of drug-induced EPS | |(e.g.: dry mouth, constipa-tion). |

| | | | |

|Name: Bumetanide |diuretic (loop)/ |Monitor lytes, renal/hepatic tests, |Assess I&O, daily weight, edema, lung |

| |inhib. reabsorption of Na+ & Cl- from |BG & uric acid before & during tx. |sounds, turgor, muc. mem. |

| |loop of Henle & distal renal tubule; inc.|May dec. K+, Ca++ & Mg+. |Assess: allergy to sulfonamides. |

| |excretion of H2O, Na+, Cl-, Mg+, H+ & |May inc. BUN, BG, creat, uric acid & |Monitor pt. taking digitalis glycosides |

| |Ca++; poss. renal & peripheral |urinary phosphate./ |for digitalis toxicity due to K+ |

| |vasodilation/ |Monitor BP & pulse. |depletion. |

| |diuresis & subs. mvmt. of excess fluid, | |Assess for tinnitus/hearing loss in |

| |dec. BP | |prolonged tx. |

| | | | |

|Name: Bumex - see bumetanide | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Bupropion |antidepressant, smoking deterrent/ |Monitor hepatic & renal tests for |Monitor mood changes. |

| |dec. neuronal reuptake of dopa- mine in |pts. w/ liver or kidney impairment |Assess for suicidal tendency. |

| |CNS, dec. neuronal up- take of serotonin | |Monitor for seizures, dry mouth, nausea, |

| |and norepine- phrine/ | |headache, tremor, agitation. |

| |dec. depression and dec. craving for | | |

| |cigarettes | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Carbamazepine |anticonvulsant; antimania/ |Therapeutic level : 6-12 mcg/ml |Assess frequency, duration, location & |

| |dec. synaptic transmission in the CNS by |Peak: 1.5-12 hrs. |manifestations of seizures. |

| |affecting Na+ channels in neurons/ |Monitor CBC for fatal blood |Periodically monitor ECG for |

| |prevention of seizures; relief of some |abnormalities. |dysrhythmias. |

| |neurogenic pain; mood stabilizer |Monitor LFT’s, UA, BUN & cholesterol |Trigeminal neuralgia: assess facial pain |

| | |for elevations. |and its stimuli. |

| | |Monitor electrolytes, esp. Ca++ and | |

| | |Na+. | |

| | |Assess frequency, duration, location | |

| | |& manifestations of seizures. | |

| | |Periodically monitor ECG for | |

| | |dysrhythmias. | |

| | |Trigeminal neuralgia: assess facial | |

| | |pain and its stimuli. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Cefazolin |anti-infective (1st generation |May inc. AST, ALT, ALP, bili, LDH, |Assess for previous rxn to penicil-lins &|

| |cepha-losporin)/ |BUN, creatinine. |cephalosporins. |

| |binds to bacterial cell wall, causing |Poss. + Coomb’s test in high dose tx |Assess s/s infection during tx. |

| |cell death/ |or in neonates whose mothers rec’d tx|Obtain C&S. |

| |bactericidal action against suscepti-ble |pre-delivery. |Monitor for anaphylaxis during |

| |bacteria |May rarely cause dec.immunity (eg: |ad-ministration. |

| | |neutropenia, etc.)./ | |

| | |Monitor VS. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Cefizox - see ceftizoxime | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Cefotetan |anti-infective (2nd gen. cephalo- |May give + for Coomb’s test. |Monitor labs. |

| |sporin)/ |May inc. AST, ALT, ALP, bili, LDH, |Assess/monitor s/s infection. |

| |binds to bacterial cell wall, causing |BUN, creat. |Obtain C&S. |

| |cell death/ |Monitor CBC./ |Monitor for s/s anaphylaxis or |

| |bacteriocidal |Monitor VS. |hypothrombinemia. |

| | | | |

|Name: Ceftazidime |anti-infective(3rd gen. ceohalospo- rin)/|May inc. AST, ALT, ALP, bibi, LDH, |Assess pt. for s/s of infection. |

| |binds to bacterial cell wall/ |BUN, creat./ |Monitor for s/s anaphylaxis and/or |

| |bacteriocidal |Monitor VS |other allergic reactions, seizures. |

| | | | |

|Name: Ceftizoxime |anti-infective(3rd gen. ceohalospo- rin)/|May inc. AST, ALT, ALP, bibi, LDH, |Assess pt. for s/s of infection. |

|Dosage: |binds to bacterial cell wall/ |BUN, creat./ |Monitor for s/s anaphylaxis and/or |

|Route: |bacteriocidal |Monitor VS |other allergic reactions, seizures. |

|Frequency: | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Ceftriaxone |anti-infective(3rd gen. ceohalospo- rin)/|May inc. AST, ALT, ALP, bibi, LDH, |Assess pt. for s/s of infection. |

| |binds to bacterial cell wall/ |BUN, creat./ |Monitor for s/s anaphylaxis and/or |

| |bacteriocidal |Monitor VS |other allergic reactions, seizures. |

| | | | |

|Name: Cefuroxime |anti-infective (2nd gen. cephalo- |May give + for Coomb’s test. |Monitor labs. |

| |sporin)/ |May inc. AST, ALT, ALP, bili, LDH, |Assess/monitor s/s infection. |

| |binds to bacterial cell wall, causing |BUN, creat. |Obtain C&S. |

| |cell death/ |May give false + for glucose in |Monitor for s/s anaphylaxis or |

| |bacteriocidal |ferricyanide test. |hypothrombinemia. |

| | |Monitor CBC./ | |

| | |Monitor VS. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Cephalexin |anti-infective (1st generation |May cause + results in Coombs test in|Monitor s/s infection. |

| |cepha-losporin)/ |high dose tx. |Obtain hx of sensitivity to penicillins |

| |binds to bacterial cell wall, causing |May inc. AST, ALT, ALP, bili, LDH, |and cephalosporins. |

| |cell death/ |BUN, creatinine. |Obtain C&S ASAP. |

| |bactericidal action against susceptible |Monitor CBC for rarity of dec. in |Monitor for anaphylaxis. |

| |bacteria |immune factors or clotting ability./ |Monitor I&O, weight and s/s of |

| | |Monitor VS. |nephrotoxicity, esp. in pts w/ renal |

| | | |problems. |

| | | | |

|Name: Chlorpromazine |antiemetic; antipsychotic agent |Onset: 30-60 min. |Assess mental status during tx. |

| |(phenothiazine)/ |Duration: 4-12 hrs. |Assess intake and bowel function. |

| |alters effects of dopamine in CNS; has |Monitor CBC for s/s anemia & |Monitor for side effects: akathisia, |

| |sig. anticholinergic/alpha-adre-nergic |agranulocytosis. |extrapyramidal side effects, tardive |

| |blocking activity/ |Monitor LFT’s for inc. bili, AST, ALT|dyskinesia & neuroleptic malignant |

| |dec. s/s psychosis, n/v, intractable |& ALP/ |syndrome. |

| |hiccups, s/s porphyria; preoperative |Monitor VS, esp. s/s orthostatic | |

| |sedation; vascular headache (UL) |hypotension. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Cipro - see ciprofloxacin | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Ciprofloxacin |urinary anti-infective, fluoroquin- done|Monitor AST, ALT, CBC, Hct, bili, |Obtain C&S. |

| |antibacterial/ |LDH, ALP, Coomb’s test, lytes/ |Assess for sensitivity. |

| |DNA gyrase inhibitor; interferes w/ |Monitor VS |Monitor s/s infection. |

| |bacterial DNA formationbactericidal | |Monitor I&O, bowel function. |

| | | |Monitor for allergic rxn, bleeding, |

| | | |superinfection. |

| | | | |

|Name: Cisapride |gastrointestinal (prokinetic agent)/ |n/a |Assess s/s of GERD/heartburn |

| |inc. strength of esophageal peristal-sis;| | |

| |inc. lower esophageal sphincter pressure;| | |

| |acts as serotonin-4 agonist/ | | |

| |dec. noctural symptoms of GERD | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Clindamycin |anti-infective (misc.)/ |May inc. ALP, bili, CPK, AST, ALT. |Obtain specimens for C&S prior to tx. |

| |Inhibits protein synthesis in susep- |May temp. dec. leukocytes, |Assess/monitor pt. for s/s infection. |

| |tible bacteria/ |eosinophils & platelets. |Monitor bowel function. |

| |bacteriocidal or bacteriostatic effect | |Assess pt. for hypersensitivity. |

| | | | |

|Name: Clonazepam |anticonvulsant (benzodiazepene)/ |Monitor CBC and LFT’s during |Monitor intensity, duration & loca-tion |

| |effects poss. due to presynaptic |prolonged tx. |of seizure activity. |

| |in-hibition; produces sedative effects in|May inc. bili, AST, ALT. |Assess degree of anxiety & mental status |

| |CNS, probably by stimulating inhibitory |May dec. thyroidal uptake of sodium |prior to & during tx. |

| |GABA receptors/ |iodides. |Assess for drowsiness, unsteadi-ness & |

| |prevention of seizures | |clumsiness, esp. during early tx. |

| | | | |

|Name: Clotrimazole |antifungal (topical)/ |n/a |Assess integumen during tx. |

| |affect the synthesis of fungal cell wall,| |D/C if inc. irritation. |

| |allowing leakage of cell/ | | |

| |fungistatic or fungicidal | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Colace - see Docusate sodium | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Compazine - see prochlorperazine | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Coumadin - see warfarin | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Cozaar - see Losartan | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Darvocet - see propoxyphene / | | | |

|acetaminophen | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Demerol - see meperidine | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Digoxin |antiarrhythmic, inotropic agent/ |Monitor electrolytes, esp. K, Mg & |Monitor AP, BP and ECG during tx. |

|Dosage: |inc. force of myocardial contrac- tion, |Ca, and renal & hepatic function |Monitor labs. |

|Route: |prolongs refractory period of AV node, |tests (caution for pt. w/ |Monitor I&O and daily weights. |

|Frequency: |dec. conduction through SA & AV node/ |hypokalemia, hypomagne-semia or |Assess lung sounds and for edema during |

| |inc. cardiac output, slowing of heart |hypercalcemia. |tx. |

| |rate |Monitor dig level/ | |

| | |Monitor AP, BP & ECG. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Dilantin - see phenytoin | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Diphenhydramine |antidyskinetic, anti histamine, |May dec. response to skin allergy |As med has many uses, assess & monitor |

| |antitussive, sedative/hypnotic/ |tests/ |s/s of ailment requiring its use. |

| |antagonizes histamine @ H1 receptor sites|Monitor VS. | |

| |(does not bind); CNS depressant; | | |

| |anticholinergic/ | | |

| |dec. s/s histamine excess, relief of | | |

| |acute dystonic reactions, prevents motion| | |

| |sickness, suppresses cough | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Divalproex sodium |anticonvulsant; antimania (for Bipolar |Peak: 15 min.-4 hrs. |Assess location, duration & type of |

| |disorder)/ |Monitor CBC for s/s of leuko-penia & |seizure; implement seizure precau-tions. |

| |inc. GABA, an inhibitory |thrombocytopenia. |Bipolar D/O: assess mood, ideation & bx |

| |neuro-transmitter in CNS/ |Monitor LFT’s & serum NH4 for s/s of |often. |

| |suppression of absence seizures; dec. |hepatotoxicity. |Migraine prophylaxis: monitor fre-quency |

| |manic bx; prevents migraine headaches | |of headaches |

| | | | |

|Name: Docusate calcium |laxative (stool softener)/ |n/a |Monitor for abdominal distention, bowel |

| |inc. incorporation of H20 into stool; may| |sounds and bowel function pattern. |

| |promote electrolyte and H2O secretion | |Monitor COCA of stools. |

| |into stool/ | | |

| |softening and passage of stool | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Docusate sodium |laxative (stool softener)/ |Monitor electrolytes, esp. if chronic|Monitor for abdominal distention, bowel |

| |inc. incorporation of H20 into stool; may|use. |sounds and bowel function pattern. |

| |promote electrolyte and H2O secretion | |Monitor COCA of stools. |

| |into stool/ | | |

| |softening and passage of stool | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Doxazosin |antihypertensive (peripherally acting |Monitor BP. |Assess for orthostatic hypotension, esp. |

| |antiandrenergic)/ | |after first dose; monitor BP 2-6 hrs |

| |dilates arteries & veins by blocking | |after first dose and inc. in dose. |

| |A1-adrenergic receptors/ | |Monitor I&O and daily weight. |

| |dec. BP; also: mgmt of symptoms of BPH | |BPH: monitor for s/s prostatic |

| | | |hyperplasia during tx. |

| | | | |

|Name: Droperidol |antiemetic (butyrophenone), tran- |Monitor VS. |Monitor s/s of seizures, hypotension. |

| |quilizer (butyrophenone)/ | |Assess/monitor nausea & sedation. |

| |changes action in dopamine in CNS/ | | |

| |tranquilization, dec. nausea & vomiting | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Dulcolax - see Bisacodyl | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Enoxaparin - heparin (low |anticoagulants (antithrombotics)/ |Monitor CBC, platelet # and stools |Monitor for s/s bleeding. |

|molecular weight) / heparinoids |potentiates the inhibitory effect of |for occult blood. |Assess for inc. thrombosis. |

| |antithrombin on factor Xa & thrombin/ |Special monitoring of aPTT is not |Monitor for hypersensitivity. |

| |prevention of thrombus, incl. DVT & |necessary. |W/ epidural catheters, monitor for s/s |

| |clotting during extracorporeal |May inc. AST & ALT./ |neuro impairment. |

| |circulation; unlabeled mgmt. of angina |Monitor VS. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Estrogen, conjugated |hormone/ |May inc. HDL, phospholipids, |Monitor I&O, weekly weight. |

| |development of female sex organs, |triglycerides, serum glucose, Na+, |Menopause: assess frequency & severity of|

| |maintain secondary female sex |cortisol, prolactin, pro- thrombin, |vasomotor symptoms. |

| |charateristics; dec. blood cholester- ol,|factor VII-X levels. | |

| |protein synth., retention of Na+ and H2O/|May dec. LDL, cholesterol, fo- late, | |

| |restores hormone balance, tx of |pyridoxine, antithrombin III, urine | |

| |hormone-sensitive tumors |pregnanediol. Monitor LFT’s/ Monitor | |

| | |BP. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Famotidine |antiulcer agent, gastric acid secre-tion |Monitor CBC during tx. |Assess for epigastric and abdominal pain,|

| |inhibitor (histamine H2 anta-gonist)/ |May cause false (-) on allergenic |frank or occult blood in stool, emesis or|

| |inhibits action of histamine at |skin tests. |gastric aspirate. |

| |H2-receptor sites in gastric parietal |May inc. serum transaminase & |Assess elderly and debilitated patients |

| |cells, decreasing gastric acid |creatinine. |routinely for confusion. |

| |secre-tion/ heal & prevent ulcers; dec. |Antagonizes effects of penta-gastrin | |

| |GE reflux; dec. gastric acid secretion |& histamine on gastric acid secretion| |

| |Monitor CBC during tx. |tests. | |

| |May cause false (-) on allergenic skin | | |

| |tests. | | |

| |May inc. serum transaminase & creatinine.| | |

| |Antagonizes effects of penta | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Fentanyl (parenteral) |opioid analgesic (agonist)/ |May inc. serum lipase & amylase/ |Monitor for s/s of arrhythmia, |

| |binds to opiate receptors in CNS/ |Monitor BP, pulse & resp. rate |bradycardia, dyspnea, hypotension, and |

| |dec. in pain perception | |dec. respiration. |

| | | | |

|Name: Ferrous gluconate (iron |antianemic/ |Monitor Hgb, Hct & reticulocyte labs.|Assess nutritional status & dietary |

|supplement) |essential mineral in hemoglobin, |May cause false + in guaiac stool, |habits prior to tx. |

| |myoglobin & enzymes; IV iron enters |occult blood may be ob- scured by |Assess/monitor bowel function. |

| |reticuloendothelial organs (liver, spleen|black from iron. |Monitor for s/s anaphylaxis. |

| |& bone marrow), separates from dextran & |May falsely inc. bili & dec. Ca++/ | |

| |is stored/ |Monitor VS. | |

| |prevent/treat iron deficiency | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Ferrous sulfate (iron supplement)|antianemic/ |Monitor Hgb, Hct & reticulocyte labs.|Assess nutritional status & dietary |

| |essential mineral in hemoglobin, |May cause false + in guaiac stool, |habits prior to tx. |

| |myoglobin & enzymes; IV iron enters |occult blood may be ob- scured by |Assess/monitor bowel function. |

| |reticuloendothelial organs (liver, spleen|black from iron. |Monitor for s/s anaphylaxis. |

| |& bone marrow), separates from dextran & |May falsely inc. bili & dec. Ca++/ | |

| |is stored/ |Monitor VS. | |

| |prevent/treat iron deficiency | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Filgrastim |colony-stimulating factor/ |Monitor CBC/diff. & plt count. |Monitor HR, BP, resp. during tx. |

| |stimulates immature neutrophils to divide|Monitor ANC. |Monitor bone pain during tx. |

| |& differentiate, activates mature |May dec. plt count and temp. inc. in | |

| |neutrophils/ |uric acid, LDH, ALP./ | |

| |dec. infection in pt. who is neutropenic |Monior VS. | |

| |from chemotx or other tx | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Finasteride |androgen inhibitor, hair regrowth |May dec. PSA levels. |Assess/monitor s/s prostatic hypertrophy |

| |stimulant/ | |& PSA during tx. |

| |dec. action of 5-alpha-reductase, dec. | |Inform pt. to have regular digital rectal|

| |conversion of testosterone to | |exams and be aware of s/s of prostatic |

| |5-alpha-dehydrotestosterone/ | |hypertrophy. |

| |dec. prostate size & urinary symp- toms | | |

| |(mgmt of BPH), tx of male pattern | | |

| |baldness | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Flagyl - see metronidazole | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Fleet enema - see | | | |

|phosphate/biphosphate | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Flovent - see fluticasone | | | |

|Dosage: | | | |

|Route: | | | |

|Frequency: | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Fluoxetine |antidepressant (selective serotonin |Monitor CBC w/ diff. for s/s of |Monitor mood, suicidal tendencies, |

| |reuptake inhibitor - SSRI)/ |leukopenia, anemia, |appetite &nutritional intake, weight |

| |selectively inhibits the reuptake of |thrombocy-topenia, inc. bleeding |loss. |

| |serotonin in the CNS/ |time. |Assess for sensitivity rxn. |

| |antidepressant action |May inc. ALP, BUN, ALT, CPK. |OCD: assess degree of OCD. |

| | |May cause fluctuations in blood sugar|Bulimia nervosa: assess frequency of |

| | |and electrolytes. |binge and purge behavior. |

| | | | |

|Name: Fluticasone (glucocortisoid) |anti-inflammatory (pulmonary, nasal), |Periodic adrenal tests for HPA |Monitor resp. status, s/s adrenal in- |

|Dosage: |glucocorticoid(inhalation)/ |suppression in chronic use, esp. in |sufficiency, and s/s of withdrawal from |

|Route: |local anti-inflammatory & immune |children. |med. |

|Frequency: |modifier/ |May inc. serum & urine glucose/ |Monitor labs. |

| |dec. asthma attack & pulmonary damage; |Monitor resp. status. |Nasal: monitor nasal stuffiness, |

| |dec. in symptoms of aller-gic rhinitis | |discharge & sneezing: during chronic tx, |

| |(nasal spray) | |recommend periodic otolarygologic exam. |

| | | | |

|Name: Folic acid |antianemic, Vitamin (water-soluble)/ |Monitor plasma folic acid, Hgb, Hct |Assess for s/s megaloblastic anemia |

| |req’d for protein synth. & RBC function; |and reticulocyte # prior to and |(fatigue, dyspnea, weak-ness) prior to |

| |stimulates production of RBCs, WBCs and |during tx. |and periodically during tx. |

| |platelets, nec. for fetal development/ |May dec. Vitamin B12 in high doses./ | |

| |restores/maintains normal hemato-poiesis |Monitor VS. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Fosamax - see alendronate |bone resorption inhi- | | |

|Dosage: |bitor(biphosphonate)/ inhibits osteoclast| | |

|Route: |activity/ reverses osteo- porosis, dec. | | |

| |progression of Paget’s disease | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Furosemide |anti-HTN, diuretic (loop)/ |May dec. K, Ca, Mg in blood. |Monitor labs. |

| |dec. reabsorption of Na & Cl in nephron, |May inc. BUN, glucose, uric acid, |Monitor hydration - I&O, daily weight, |

| |inc. excretion of H2O and electrolytes/ |creat in blood./ |edema, turgor, oliguria. |

| |dec. BP, diuresis, & mobilization of |Monitor VS. |Monitor for hypotension. |

| |excess fluid (eg: edema) | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Gentamicin |anti-infective/ |Monitor BUN, AST, ALT, ALP, bili, |Assess s/s infection and monitor for s/s |

|Dosage: |inhibits protein synthesis of bacterial |creat, LDH for change in renal |superinfection. |

|Route: |ribosomes/ |function. |Monitor I&O and weight for renal |

|Frequency: |bactericidal |May dec. Ca, Mg, K, and Na./ |function. |

| | |Monitor VS. |Monitor labs. |

| | | | |

|Name: Glyburide |antidiabetic agent (sulfonylureas)/ |Monitor serum glucose and |Assess for allergy to sulfonamides. |

| |dec. blood sugar by stimulating re-lease |glycosylated Hgb during tx. |Observe for s/s hypoglycemia. |

| |of insulin from pancreas; inc. |Monitor CBC periodically. | |

| |sensitivity to insulin at recep-tor |May inc. AST, LDH, BUN and creat./ | |

| |sites; may dec. hepatic glucose |Monitor VS. | |

| |production/ | | |

| |dec. blood sugar in diabetics | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Glipizide |antidiabetic agent (sulfonylureas)/ |Monitor blood glucose and |Monitor s/s hypoglycemia. |

| |dec. blood sugar by stimulating re-lease |glycosylated Hgb during tx. |Assess for allergy to sulfonamides. |

| |of insulin from pancreas and inc. cells’ |Monitor CBC. | |

| |sensitivity to insulin @ their receptor |May inc. AST, LDH, BUN and creat./ | |

| |sites; may dec. hepatic glucose |Monitor VS. | |

| |production/ | | |

| |dec. blood sugar in diabetics | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Glucotrol - see glipizide | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Guaifenesin |expectorant/ |n/a |Assess lung sounds periodically to |

| |dec. viscosity of tenacious secretions by| |monitor secretions. |

| |inc. fluid in respiratory tract/ | |Encourage inc. fluid intake to assist in |

| |mobilization and expectoration of mucus | |thinning secretions. |

| | | | |

|Name: Haldol - see haloperidol | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Haloperidol |antipsychotic agent (butyrophenone)/ |Periodically monitor CBC and LFT’s |Monitor mental status, I&O, daily weight,|

| |alters effects of dopamine in CNS; |during tx./ |bowel function and s/s dehydration. |

| |anticholinergic and alpha-adrenergic |Monitor orthostatic BP and pulse. |Monitor for akathisia, extrapyrami-dal |

| |activity/ | |side effects, tardive dyskinesia, |

| |dec. s/s psychoses; improved behavior in | |neuroleptic malignant syndrome. |

| |children w/ Tourette’s | | |

| | | | |

|Name: HCTZ - see hydrochlorothiazide | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Humibid - see guaifenesin | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Hydrochlorothiazide |anti-HTN, diuretic/ |Monitor lytes, BG, BUN, creat & uric |Monitor I&O, daily weight & edema. |

| |inc. excretion of Na+ & H2O by |acid. |Monitor for lyte depletion, esp. pts |

| |in-hibiting Na+ reabsorption in distal |May inc. serum & urine glucose in |receiving digitalis tx. |

| |tubule; promotes excretion of Cl-, K+, |diabetics. |Assess for allergy to sulfonamides. |

| |Mg+ & HCO3-; arterial dilation/ |May dec. PBI concentration. | |

| |dec. BP; diuresis & mobilization of edema|May inc. cholesterol, LDL & | |

| | |triglycerides./ | |

| | |Monitor BP. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Hydrocodone |antitussive (opioid), opioid analgesic |May increase amylase and lipase/ |Monitor VS, esp. BP & HR. |

| |(agonist) |Monitor BP, pulse, and respiration |Monitor for fever, stomach cramps, |

| |binds to opiate receptors/ | |nausea, headache. |

| |mgmt. of pain, cough suppression | | |

| | | | |

|Name: hydrocodone/acetaminophen |antitussive (opioid), opioid |May increase amylase and lipase/ |Monitor VS, esp. BP & HR. |

| |analgesic-nonopioid analgesic |Monitor BP, pulse, and respiration |Monitor for fever, stomach cramps, |

| |combination/ | |nausea, headache. |

| |binds to opiate receptors/ | | |

| |mgmt. of pain, cough suppression | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Hydromorphone |antitussive (opioid), opioid analgesic |May increase amylase and lipase/ |Assess level of pain before and during |

| |(agonist)/ |Monitor BP, pulse, and respiration |tx. |

| |binds to opiate receptors in the CNS; | |Assess level of sedation and CNS |

| |alters perception/response to pain while | |depression, esp. resp. rate. |

| |depressing CNS; | |Monitor for constipation during tx. |

| |mgmt. of pain, cough suppression | |Monitor level of dependence and tolerance|

| | | |during tx. |

| | | |Assess for cough & lung sounds. |

| | | | |

|Name: Imdur - see Isosorbide | | | |

|mononitrate | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Imipenem/Cilastin |anti-infective (carbepenem)/ |BUN, AST, ALT, LDH, ALP, bili and |Assess s/s infection. |

| |imipenem binds to bacterial cell wall, |creat may transiently inc. |Obtain sensitivity to penicillins. |

| |causing cell death; cilastin prevents |H&H may dec. |Obtain C&S asap. |

| |renal inactivation of imi-penem, so urine|May make + direct Coombs’ test./ |Monitor for anaphylaxis. |

| |conc. is high; resists enzymatic |Monitor VS. | |

| |breakdown/ | | |

| |bactericidal | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Imodium - see loperamide | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Inapsine - see droperidol | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Inderal - see propanolol | | | |

|Dosage: | | | |

|Route: | | | |

|Frequency: | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: insulin, NPH (isophane insulin |hormones (pancreatic)/ |Monitor blood glucose and ketones. |Monitor VS and for s/s hypoglycemia & |

|suspension) |stimulates uptake of glucose into the |May dec. inorg. phosphate, Mg & K |hyperglycemia. |

| |cells and promotes conversion of glucose |levels./ |Monitor blood glucose every 6 hr, esp. |

| |into glycogen/ |Monitor VS. |before meals. |

| |control of blood sugar in diabetics | | |

| | | | |

|Name: insulin, regular (insulin |hormones (pancreatic)/ |Monitor blood glucose and ketones. |Monitor VS and for s/s hypoglycemia & |

|injection, crystalline zinc insulin) |stimulates uptake of glucose into the |May dec. inorg. phosphate, Mg & K |hyperglycemia. |

| |cells and promotes conversion of glucose |levels./ |Monitor blood glucose every 6 hr, esp. |

| |into glycogen/ |Monitor VS. |before meals. |

| |control of blood sugar in diabetics | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Ipratroprium (inhalation) |bronchdilator (anticholinergic), nasal |Monitor respiratory function and |Assess for allergy to atropine and |

| |drying agent/ |pulse during tx. |belladonna alkaloids as indicator of |

| |Inhal.: inhib. cholinergic receptors in | |sensitivity to ipratroprium. |

| |bronchial smooth muscle, result-ing in | |Monitor for bronchospasm. |

| |dec. cGMP; nasal: inhib. se-cretions of | |Nasal: assess for rhinorrhea. |

| |nasal mucosa glands/ | | |

| |brochodilation w/o systemic anti- | | |

| |cholinergic; dec. rhinorrhea (nasal) | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Isosorbide mononitrate |antianginal, vasodilator (nitrate)/ |May falsely dec. serum choles- terol |Assess location, duration, intensity and |

| |produces vasodilation (venous > |results. |precipitating factors of anginal pain. |

| |arterial); dec. LV preload - reduces |Large doses may inc. methemo- globin |Instruct pt. to know side effects and to |

| |myocardial O2 consumption; inc. coronary |concentrations. |avoid sudden position changes that may |

| |blood flow by dilating coronary arteries |May inc. urine vanillylmandelic acid |cause postural hypotension. |

| |and improving collateral circulation/ |(VMA) levels./ | |

| |relief of angina, inc. in CO |Monitor BP and pulse during dosage | |

| | |adjustment. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Itraconazole |antifungal (azole)/ |Monitor hepatic tests. |Monitor s/s infection. |

| |inhibits enzymes of fungal cell wall/ |May dec. K./ |Obtain C&S. |

| |fungistatic |Monitor VS. | |

| | | | |

|Name: K- Dur - see potassium chloride | | | |

|Dosage: | | | |

|Route: | | | |

|Frequency: | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Keflex - see cephalexin | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Ketorolac |nonopioid analgesic-nonsteroidal |Monitor LFT: may inc. AST & ALT. |Assess & monitor pain. |

| |anti-inflammatory agent/ |May inc. PTT, BUN, creat, or K+./ |Assess for rhinitis, asthma & urti- caria|

| |inhib. prostaglandin synthesis; |Monitor VS. |for hypersensitivity. |

| |antipyretic & anti-inflammatory | |Monitor any bleeding. |

| |properties/ | | |

| |dec. pain | | |

| | | | |

|Name: K-Lyte CL - see potassium | | | |

|bicarbonate/potassium chloride | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Lactulose |laxative (hyperosmotic)/ |Dec. of serum NH4. |Monitor VS and labs for s/s hyper- |

| |softens stool and dec. pH of colon/ |May inc. BG in diabetics. |tension or hypotension (dec. K+). |

| |dec. constipation and reduces NH4 |Electrolytes may shift (dec. in K+ |Monitor BG, diet and neurologic status. |

| |secretion into blood, lowering NH4 levels|and inc. in Na+ ions)/ | |

| |in blood |Monitor BP. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Lanoxin - see digoxin | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Lasix - see furosemide | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Levothroid - see levothyroxine | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Levothyroxine (thyroid |hormones (thyroid)/ inc. metabolic rate |Monitor thyroid fuction labs during |Monitor labs. |

|preparation) |of tissues: gluconeogenesis, util. & |tx. |Assess/monitor for tachyarrhyth- mias and|

| |mobil. of glycogen stores, protein |May inc. Glu in blood & urine/ |chest pain. |

| |synth., cell growth & differentiation, |Assess apical pulse & BP during tx. |Children: monitor height, weight & |

| |aid development of brain & CNS; T3 & T4 | |psychomotor development. |

| |activity/ restore hormone balance, | | |

| |suppress thyrotropin-dep. thyroid cancers| | |

| | | | |

|Name: Lisinopril |antihypertensive/ |May increase K, BUN, creat, AST, ALT,|HTN: monitor BP & pulse. |

|(ACE inhibitor) |prevents production of angiotensin II |ALP, bili, uric acid, glucose. |CHF: monitor weight and assess pt. for |

| |(potent vasoconstrictor), causing |May dec. Na, Hct, Hgb. |resolution of fluid overload. |

| |systemic vasodilation/ |May cause + ANA titer. |Monitor labs. |

| |dec. BP, dec. preload & afterload for |Monitor urine protein and WBC w/ |Monitor s/s hypotension. |

| |CHF, dec. overt heart failure in post MI,|diff./ | |

| |dec. diabetic nephropathy |Monitor BP & pulse | |

| | | | |

|Name: Loperamide |anitidiarrheal/ |Monitor electrolytes. |Monitor labs. |

| |inhibits peristalsis & prolongs transit | |Assess fluid/electrolyte balance and |

| |time in intestines, dec. fecal volume, | |dehydration. |

| |inc. fecal viscosity & bulk, dec. loss of| |Monitor COCA of stools. |

| |fluid & electrolytes/ | | |

| |relief of diarrhea | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Lorazepam |antianxiety agent, anticonvulsant, |Monitor renal, hepatic & hematologic |Assess/monitor anxiety level and |

| |sedative-hypnotic (benzodiazapene)/ |labs w/ high dose tx. |degree/type/location of seizures. |

| |depresses CNS, poss. by potentia- ting | |Restrict amt. to pt. during high dose tx.|

| |GABA/ | |as may lead to psycholo- gical/physical |

| |sedation, dec. anxiety & seizures | |dependence. |

| | | | |

|Name: Losartan |antihypertensive agent/ |May raise serum bilirubin. |Instruct pt. on maintaining tx and |

| |blocks effects of angiotensin II at |May occasionally cause hyper- |antiHTN diet, monitoring BP and |

| |various receptor sites/ |kalemia, or raise BUN or serum |consulting health care professional on |

| |lowering of BP |creatinine./ |concurrent use of OTC meds. |

| | |Monitor BP throughout tx. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Lotensin - see Benazepril | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Lotrimin - see clotrimazole | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Lovenox - see enoxaparin | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Magic Mouthwash | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Magnesium hydroxide (41.7 % Mg; |antacid; electrolytes (magnesium); |n/a |Assess bowel sounds & function, COCA of |

|34.3 mEq Mg/g) |laxative (saline)/ | |stool. |

| |essential for activity of many en-zymes; | |Assess heartburn, indigestion, gastric |

| |imp. in neurotransmission & muscular | |pain and any precipitating factors. |

| |excitability; draws water into GI & | | |

| |causes peristalsis/ | | |

| |replacement tx; resolve eclampsia; | | |

| |evacuate colon; relieve heartburn | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Maxzide - see triamterene | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Medroxyprogesterone |antineoplastic (hormone), hormone |Monitor hepatic tests periodic-ally. |Assess menstrual hx. |

| |(progestin)/ |May inc. ALP and LDL. |Monitor I&O and weekly weight for changes|

| |synthetic progesterone w/ similar action/|May dec. HDL and pregnanediol |or possible weight gain. |

| |restores hormonal balance while |excretion conc. | |

| |controlling uterine bleeding; mgmt of |May alter thyroid hormone assays./ | |

| |endometrial or renal cancer; prevents |Monitor BP. | |

| |pregnancy | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Mellaril - see thioridazine | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Meperidine |opiate analgesic/ |May inc. amylase and lipase/ |Monitor VS. |

| |binds to opiate receptors in CNS, |Monitor BP, pulse and respira- tions |Assess pain during tx, titrate med. |

| |producing generalized depression of CNS/ | |Monitor for s/s respiratory depres- sion,|

| |dec. in pain | |sedation, hypotension, con- stipation. |

| | | |Monitor for physical and psycho- logical |

| | | |dependence. |

| | | | |

|Name: Mestinon SR - see pyridostigmine | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Metamucil - see psyllium | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Metformin |oral hypoglycemic (biguanide)/ |Serum glucose and glycosyla-ted Hgb |Monitor s/s hypoglycemia, esp. if taken |

| |dec. hepatic production of glucose; dec. |should be monitored during tx. |in conj. w/ sulfonylureas. |

| |intestinal absorption of glucose; inc. |May give false + for urine ketones. |For ill pts on metformin assess for keto-|

| |sensitivity to insulin/ |Monitor renal labs prior to and at |or lactic acidosis; if labs in-dicate |

| |blood sugar maintenance |least anually during tx./ |such, D/C metformin ASAP. |

| | |Monitor VS. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Methylprednisone (systemic, |anti-inflam., immunosupress./ supress & |May inc. glu, Na+, lipid & |Assess/monitor VS, I&O, weight +,edema, |

|short-acting gluco- corticoid) |modify inflammation & immune response, |cholesterol. May dec. K, Ca & WBC. |abn lung sounds, s/s renal insuf., |

| |replacement tx in adrenal insufficiency |Monitor CBC, lytes, & glucose |dyspnea, & s/s anaphylaxis |

| | |periodically/ | |

| | |Monitor VS | |

| | | | |

|Name: Metoclopromide |antiemetic, GI stimulant/ |Monitor LFT’s |Assess/monitor pt. for n/v and bowel |

| |blocks dopamine receptors in CTZ of CNS, |May inc. prolactin & aldosterone |activity. |

| |inc. upper GI motility and gastric | |Monitor for s/s extrapyrimidal side |

| |emptying/ | |effects, tardive dyskinesia, depression |

| |dec. nausea-vomiting, dec. s/s gastric | |& drowsiness. |

| |stasis, easier passage of NG tube into | |Avoid concurrent use w/ other CNS |

| |small bowel | |depressants. |

| | | | |

|Name: Metolazone |anti-HTN agent, diuretic (thiazide-like)/|Monitor lytes (esp. K+), BG, BUN, |Monitor labs. |

| |inhibits Na+ reabsorption in distal |creat & uric acid. |Monitor I&O,daily weight, edema. |

| |tubule; inc. excretion of Na+, K+, H2O, |May inc. BG & urine glucose in |If taking digitalis glycosides, monitor |

| |Cl-, Mg+ & bicarb; enhance vasodilation/ |diabetics. |for digitalis toxicity from K+ depletion.|

| |dec. BP, diuresis, mvmt. of excess fluid|May inc. bili, Ca++, creat, uric | |

| |from edema |acid, cholesterol, LDL, triglyc. | |

| | |May dec. Mg+, K+, Na+, PBI & urinary | |

| | |Ca++./ Monitor BP. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Metoprolol |antianginal, antiarrhythmic, anti-HTN, |May inc. BUN, serum lipopro- tein, |Monitor VS, esp. Q 5-15 min. after IV |

| |Beta-adrenergic blocking agent |K+, triglycerides, uric acid, ANA |admin. |

| |(selective)/ |titers, BG, ALP, LDH, AST and ALT |Monitor daily I&O and weight. |

| |blocks stimulation of beta1 (myo-cardial)|levels./ |Assess routinely for s/s CHF. |

| |receptors, not usually af-fecting beta2 |Monitor ECG, BP, pulse. |Assess freq/type anginal attacks during |

| |receptors/ | |tx. |

| |dec. in BP & HR; dec. freq. of attacks of| | |

| |angina pectoris | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Metronidazole |anti-infective (misc.)/ |May alter results of AST, ALT and LDH|Assess s/s infection. |

| |disrupts DNA and protein synth. in |tests./ |Obtain C&S asap. |

| |susceptible microbes/ |Monitor VS. |Monitor neuro status during & after IV |

| |bactericidal, trichomonacidal and | |infusion. |

| |amebicidal action, esp. Against anaerobes| |Monitor I&O and daily weight, esp. for |

| | | |Na-restricted pts as Flagyl IV has 5-14 |

| | | |mEq Na+. |

| | | | |

|Name: MOM - see magnesium hydroxide | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Morphine |opiate analgesic/ |May inc. amylase and lipase/ |Monitor VS. |

| |binds to opiate receptors in CNS, |Monitor BP, pulse and respira- tions |Assess pain during tx, titrate med. |

| |producing generalized depression of CNS/ | |Monitor for s/s respiratory depres- sion,|

| |dec. in pain | |sedation, hypotension, con- stipation. |

| | | |Monitor for physical and psycho- logical |

| | | |dependence. |

| | | | |

|Name: MS - see morphine | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Naloxone |antidote (for opioids), opioid |Monitor VS, esp. RRR/depth, pulse, BP|Monitor VS & ECG. |

| |antagonist/ | |Assess LOC up to 3-4 hr after peak; some |

| |blocks effects of opioids without | |opioids may last longer and require |

| |producing agonist effects/ | |repeat doses of Nalo-xone. |

| |reversal of s/s opioid excess, incl. CNS | |Assess pain after administration as |

| |& resp. depression; unlabeled: mgmt of | |opioid analgesia will decrease. |

| |refractory cir-culatory shock | |Assess for s/s withdrawal. |

| | | | |

|Name: Narcan - see Naloxone | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Neupogen - see filgrastim | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Nicotine |smoking deterrent/ |n/a |Prior to tx assess smoking hx. |

| |source of nicotine for controlled | |Monitor for s/s smoking withdrawal. |

| |withdrawal from cigarette smoking/ | |Periodically assess progress of smoking |

| |dec. sequelae of nicotine with-drawal | |cessation during tx. |

| |(irritability, insomnia, somnolence, | | |

| |headache, inc. appe-tite) | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Nitroglycerin |antianginal, coronary vasodilator, |May inc. catecholamine & |Assess angina, BP & HR during tx. |

| |vasodilator (nitrate)/ dialates coro-nary|vanillylmandelic acid in urine. |Pt receiving IV tx must have ECG & BP |

| |arteries & inc. collateral flow to |May falsely inc. cholesterol. |monitored continuously. |

| |ischemic areas; vasodilation |Large doses may inc. methe- moglobin | |

| |(venous>arterial); dec. LV end-diastolic|levels./ | |

| |pressure & volume (pre-load); dec. |Monitor BP & pulse during tx. | |

| |myocard. O2 consump- tion/ dec. angina &| | |

| |BP, inc. CO | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Nystatin |antifungal (topical)/ |n/a |Assess skin and mucous membranes prior to|

| |affect synth. of fungal cell wall, | |and during tx; hold if irritation. |

| |causing cellular leakage/ | | |

| |fungistatic or fungicidal | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Olanzapine |antipsychotic agent |Peak: 1 week (onset unk.) |Assess mental status & s/s ortho-static |

| |(thienbenzodiazepene)/ |Monitor CBC for dec. in plate-lets. |hypotension periodically. |

| |antagonizes dopamine & serotonin type 2 |Monitor LFT’s. May cause inc. in |Monitor fluid intake & bowel func-tion |

| |in CNS; also has anticholi-nergic, |bili, AST, ALT, GGT, CPK & ALP./ |periodically. |

| |antihistaminic & alpha-an-drenergic |Monitor VS and ECG during dosage |Monitor for akathisia, extrapyrami-dal |

| |effects/ |adjustment. |side effects, tardive dyskinesia & |

| |decreased s/s of psychoses | |neuroleptic malignant syndrome. |

| | | | |

|Name: Omeprazole |antiulcer agent (gastric acid-pump |Monitor CBC during tx. |Monitor labs. |

| |inhibitor)/ |May dec. some LFT’s. |Monitor pt. for frank or occult blood in |

| |dec. gastric acid secretion in stromach/ | |stool, emesis or gastric aspirate. |

| |dec. gastric reflux, inc. healing of | |Monitor for abdominal pain. |

| |duodenal ulcers | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Ondansetron |antiemetic (5-HT3 agonist)/ |May inc. bili, AST, ALT temporarily. |Assess/monitor nausea. |

| |blocks effect of serotonin at 5-HT3 |Monitor VS. | |

| |receptor sites in CNS/ | | |

| |dec. nausea & vomiting post-op & | | |

| |post-chemo | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Paroxetine |antidepressant (SSRI)/ |Monitor CBC w/ diff. |Assess/monitor mood changes. |

| |dec. neuronal reuptake of seratonin into | |Monitor appetite, nutritional intake & |

| |CNS, dec. act. of seratonin/ | |weekly weight. |

| |antidepressant, dec. freq. of panic | | |

| |attacks & obsessive-compulsive behavior | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Paxil - see paroxetine | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Peri-Colace (docusate | | | |

|sodium/casanthranol) - see docusate | | | |

|sodium and casanthranol | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Phenytoin |anticonvulsant (hydantoin), anti- |Monitor CBC, Ca++, albumin, |Assess pain. |

| |arrhythmic (1B)/ |urinalysis, LFT’s & TFT’s. |Monitor for gingival hyperplasia & rash. |

| |improves AV conduction/ |May incl ALP, GTT & Glu./ |Monitor labs & ECG. |

| |dec. seizures, dec. arrhythmias, dec. |Monitor AP, BP & respiration. |Assess/monitor degree of seizures. |

| |pain | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Phosphate/biphosphate |laxative (saline)/ |May inc. serum Na+ & phos-phorous, |Assess pt. for fever, abdominal |

| |laxative effect by causing water |dec. serum Ca++. |dis-tension, bowel sounds/function. |

| |retention and stimulating peristalsis; |May cause acidosis. |Assess COCA of stool produced. |

| |stimulates motility and inhibits fluid & | | |

| |electrolyte absorption from small | | |

| |intestine/ | | |

| |relief of constipation; emptying of the | | |

| |bowel | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Piperacillin/Tazobactam |anti-infective (extended -spectrum |Monitor renal & liver tests, CBC, |Assess pt for infection during tx. |

| |penicillin)/ |serum K+, and bleeding times during |Determine antibx hx to determine |

| |Piperacillin: inhibits bacterial cell |tx; may inc. BUN, creat, AST, ALT, |sensitivity to penicillins / |

| |wall membrane, causing cell death, & has |serum bili, ALP, LDH; may dec. H/H , |cephalo-sporins. |

| |broader spectrum than peni-cillin; |albumin; may cause neutrope-nia, |Obtain C&S. |

| |Tazobactam: inhibits beta-lactamase, an |trombocytopenia, etc.; may change |Monitor for s/s anaphylaxis. |

| |enzyme that destroys penicillin/ |urine & electrolytes. | |

| |bactericidal |Assess pt for infection during tx. | |

| | |Determine antibx hx to determine | |

| | |sensitivity to penicillins / | |

| | |cephalo-sporins. | |

| | |Obtain C&S. | |

| | |Monitor for s/s anaphylaxis. | |

| | | | |

|Name: potassium bicarbonate/ potassium |electrolytes(K+ suppl.) /maintain |Monitor K+ level, re-nal, |Assess pt for s/s of hypo- or |

|chloride |electrophys. of cell/ replacement, or |bicarbonate, and pH values/ Monitor |hyperkale-mia. |

| |prevention of deficiency of, K+ ion. |BP and pulse. |Monitor BP, pulse, and labs. |

| | | | |

|Name: potassium chloride |electrolytes(K+ suppl.) /maintain |Monitor K+ level, re-nal, |Assess pt for s/s of hypo- or |

| |electrophys. of cell/ replacement, or |bicarbonate, and pH values/ Monitor |hyperkalemia. |

| |prevention of deficiency of, K+ ion. |BP and pulse. |Monitor BP, pulse, and labs. |

| | | | |

|Name: Potassium or sodium phosphate |antiurolithics, electrolyte (phos-phate |Monitor serum PO4-, K+, Na+, Ca++ |Assess for s/s of hypokalemia and |

| |supplement), urinary acidifiers/ buffer |levels during tx; may cause |hypophosphatemia. |

| |for excretion of H+ ions by kidneys; |hypocalemia. |Monitor I&O and daily weight. |

| |phosphate nec. for metabolism/ replenish |Monitor renal tests. | |

| |phosphate deficit; acidic urine; dec. |Monitor urine pH if tx for | |

| |calcium urinary tract stones; inc. |acidification of urine. | |

| |efficacy of methenamine for UTI | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Prednisone |anti-inflammatory, immunosup- pressant |May inc. Glu, Na+, lipid & |Assess/monitor I&O, weight gain, edema, |

| |(systemic, short-acting glucocorticoid)/ |cholesterol. |lung sounds, s/s renal in- sufficiency, |

| |dec. inflammation & immune re- sponse, |May dec. K+, Ca++ & WBC. |dyspnea, anaphylaxis. |

| |dec. adrenal function during chronic tx/ |Monitor CBC, lytes & Glu | |

| |dec. inflamma- tion & immunity, |periodically./ | |

| |replacement tx in adrenal insufficiency |Monitor VS. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Premarin - see estrogen, | | | |

|conjugated | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Prilosec -see omeprazole | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Primaxin - see | | | |

|imipenem/cilastatin | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Procainamide |antiarrhythmic (group 1A)/ |Monitor CBC q 2 weeks during first 3 |Monitor ECG during IV tx. |

| |dec. myocardial excitability; slows |mos. of tx. May dec. leuks, neuts |Monitor for seizures, asystole, V |

| |conduction velocity; may depress |and platelets. |arrhythmias, heart block. |

| |myocardial contractility/ |Monitor ANA during extended tx or if |Monitor labs for agranulocytosis or |

| |suppression of arrhythmias |lupus-like symptoms. |leukopenia. |

| | |May inc. AST, ALT, ALP, LDH, bili; | |

| | |poss. + Coombs’/ | |

| | |Monitor AP and BP. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Prochlorperazine |antiemetic (phenothiazine), anti- |Monitor CBC & LFT’s during tx. |Monitor BP when lying, sitting & |

| |psychotic agent/ |May cause false + for preg- nancy or |standing. |

| |changes effects of dopamine in CNS, sig. |urine bili. |Assess sedation after admin. |

| |anticholinergic & alpha- adrenergic |May inc. serum prolactin and |Monitor for akathisia, extrapyra- midal |

| |blocking activity, dec. CTZ in CNS/ |interfere w/ gonadorelin test./ |side effects, tardive dyski- nesia & |

| |dec. nausea & vomiting, dec. s/s of |Monitor VS & ECG. |neuroleptic maligninant syndrome. Assess|

| |psychoses | |nausea, mental status, fluid intake, |

| | | |bowel act. |

| | | | |

|Name: Propanolol |antianginal, antiarrhythmic, anti- HTN, |May inc. BUN, lipoprotein, K, |Monitor labs & VS, esp. AP. |

| |beta-adrenergic blocking agent/ |triglyceride, uric acid, ANA titers. |Monitor I&O, daily weights. |

| |blocks stimulation of B1 & B2 -adrenergic|Monitor glucose/ |Angina or vascular headache prophylaxis: |

| |receptor sites/ |Monitor BP and pulse |monitor freq., severity & location. |

| |dec. HR & BP, suppress arrhyth- mias, | |PO should be taken w/ food or juice. |

| |prevention of MI | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Propoxyphene / acetaminophen |opioid analgesic (agonist)/ |May inc. serum lipase & amylase, AST,|Monitor pain, respiration rate and |

| |binds to opiate receptors in the CNS; |ALT, ALP, LDH, bilirubin./ |dependence ( in high-dose tx). |

| |alters perception & response to pain; |Assess BP, pulse, respirations. |Monitor for constipation. |

| |general CNS depression/ | | |

| |dec. mild to moderate pain | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Propulsid - see Cisapride | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Proscar - see finasteride | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Provera - see medroxyprogesterone| | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Psyllium |laxative (bulk-forming agent)/ |May elevate BG w/ prolonged use of |Assess for abdominal distention, bowel |

| |combines w/ H2O in intestinal con-tents, |sugared mixtures. |sounds and bowel pattern. |

| |making gel that promotes peristalsis and | |Assess COCA of stool. |

| |reduce transit time/ | | |

| |relief and prevention of constipation | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Pyridostigmine |antimyasthenic, cholinergic (anti- |Assess pulse, respiratory rate, BP |Myasthenia gravis: assess neuro- muscular|

| |cholinesterase)/ |prior to tx. |status prior to admin. Advise pt. to |

| |inhibits breakdown of acetylcho- line and| |keep daily record of condition if |

| |prolong its effects/ | |necessary. |

| |improves muscular function in pts w/ | |Antidote to nondepolarizing neu- |

| |myasthenia gravis, reverses paralysis | |romuscular blocking agents: moni- tor |

| |from nondepolarizing neuromuscular | |reversal of effects of agents. |

| |blocking agents | |Assess over/underdose/resistance. |

| | | | |

|Name: Ranitidine |antiulcer agent, gastric acid secretrion |Monitor CBC w/ diff. periodi- cally, |Assess pt. abdominal pain & frank or |

| |inhibitor/ |may inc. transaminase & creatinine, |occult blood in stool, emesis, or gastric|

| |inhibits receptor H2-receptor site in |may cause false + for urine protein |aspirate. |

| |gastric parietal cells, decreasing | |Assess for confusion in ill/elderly. |

| |gastric acid secretion/ | | |

| |healing & prevention of ulcers, dec. | | |

| |GE reflux & gastric acid | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Reglan - see metoclopromide | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Restoril - see temazepam | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Risperdal - see Risperidone | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Risperidone |antipsychotic agent/ |Peak: 1 hr. |Monitor mental status and mood changes, |

| |possibly antagonizes dopamine and |May inc. serum prolactin, AST, ALT. |incl. suicidal tendencies. |

| |serotonin in the CNS/ |May cause anemia, thrombocy- topenia,|Monitor for s/s of extrapyramidal side |

| |decreased symptoms of psychoses |leukocytosis, leukopenia./ |effects, tardive dyskinesia, neuroleptic |

| | |Monitor BP during tx. |malignant syndrome. |

| | | | |

|Name: Roxanol - see morphine | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Septra DS - see | | | |

|trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Serevent (salmeterol) |bronchodialator/ beta- andrenergic |May inc. BG, may dec. K+/ Monitor VS |Monitor VS and lung sounds during tx. |

|Dosage: |agonist/ fast relief for acute | | |

|Route: |bronchospasm | | |

|Frequency: | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Sertraline |antidepressant (selective serotonin |Monitor VS. |General: monitor intake & weekly weight. |

| |reuptake inhibitor)/ | |Depression: monitor for mood changes & |

| |inhibits neuronal uptake of seroto-nin in| |suicidal tendencies. |

| |CNS, potentiating activity of serotonin; | |OCD: assess. |

| |little effect on norepine-phrine/ | |Panic attacks: assess.b |

| |antidepressant; dec. in pain attacks; | | |

| |dec. in obsessive/compulsive acts | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Simvastatin (HMG-CoA reductase |lipid-lowering agent/ |Cholesterol, tryglycerides and LFT’s |Obtain diet hx, esp. fat intake. |

|inhibitor) |inhibits HMG-CoA enzyme, which catalyzes |should be monitored prior to and |Recommend eye exams prior to and yearly |

| |early step in synth. Of cholesterol/ |during tx. D/C if AST inc. x 3. May |during tx. |

| |dec. LDL, VLDL, total cholesterol; inc. |also inc. ALP and bilirubin. Monitor | |

| |slightly HDL/ |CK if muscle tenderness. May give | |

| |slows CAD; dec. in MI & need for |abn. thyroid function values. | |

| |myocardial revascularization | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) |antacid, electrolyte modifier |Monitor serum electrolytes, blood pH,|Assess fluid balance and monitor for |

| |(alka-linizing agent)/ |acid-base, bicarb, os-molarity and |fluid overload. |

| |release of bicarbonate ions; after oral |renal function. |Assess for acidosis, alkalosis, |

| |dose, release of bicarbonate in stomach/ |Monitor ABG’s during paren-teral use.|hypernatremia, hypokalemia during tx. |

| |alkalinization; neutralization of gastric|Monitor urine pH. |Monitor IV site for extravasation. |

| |acid | |Antacid: assess for epigastric/abd pain, |

| | | |frank or occult blood from GI. |

| | | | |

|Name: Solu-Medrol - see | | | |

|methylprednisone | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Spironolactone |diuretic (K+ sparing)/ |Monitor K+ value. |Monitor BP. |

| |causes loss of sodium bicarbonate & Ca++ |May inc. Mg++, uric acid, BUN, creat,|Monitor I&O. |

| |while saving K+ & H+/ |K+, plasma renin activity, Ca++ in |Monitor for s/s hyper- or hypo- kalemia, |

| |weak diuretic and anti-HTN, con- |urine. |esp. in elderly & diabetics. |

| |servation of K+ |May dec. Na+. |Monitor ECG in prolonged tx. |

| | |May cause false rise in plasma | |

| | |cortisol\ | |

| | |Monitor BP. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Sporanox - see itraconazole | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Surfak - see docusate calcium | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Synthroid - see Levothyroxine | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Temazepam |sedative/hypnotic (benzodiazapine)/ |Onset: 30 min. |Assess/monitor sleep patterns. |

| |generalized CNS depression, which can be |Peak: 2-3 hrs. |Assess for dizziness, drowsiness or |

| |mediated by GABA/ |Duration: 6-8 hrs. |oversedation, esp. in elderly or those |

| |relief of insomnia | |who are renally impaired. |

| | | |Monitor for s/s dependence, esp. in high |

| | | |dose tx. |

| | | | |

|Name: Thioridazine |antipsychotic (phenothiazine)/ |Monitor CBC: may dec. Hct, Hgb, leuk,|Assess mental status & anxiety during tx,|

| |alters effects of dopamine in CNS; sig. |gran, plt. |monitor sedation. |

| |anticholinergic & alpha- adrenergic |Monitor LFT: may inc. bili, AST, ALT,|Monitor BP (diff. positions), ECG, pulse,|

| |blocking action/ |ALP. |RR. |

| |dec. s/s of psychoses |May cause false + or - for pregnancy |Monitor I&O, daily weights. |

| | |tests, false + for urine bili. |Monitor s/s akathisia, extrapymi- dal |

| | |May inc. prolactin/Monitor VS |side effects, tardive dyskinesia & |

| | | |neuroleptic malignant syndrome |

| | | | |

|Name: Toradol - see ketorolac | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Triamterene |diuretic (K+ sparing)/ |Monitor K+ value. |Monitor BP. |

| |causes loss of sodium bicarbonate & Ca++ |May inc. Mg++, uric acid, BUN, creat,|Monitor I&O. |

| |while saving K+ & H+/ |K+, plasma renin activity, Ca++ in |Monitor for s/s hyper- or hypo- kalemia, |

| |weak diuretic and anti-HTN, con- |urine. |esp. in elderly & diabetics. |

| |servation of K+ |May dec. Na+. |Monitor ECG in prolonged tx. |

| | |May cause false rise in plasma | |

| | |cortisol\ | |

| | |Monitor BP. | |

| | | | |

|Name: trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole |anti-infective (sulfanomide)/ |Monitor CBC & urinalysis. |Assess/monitor s/s infection. |

| |inhibits metabolism of folic acid in some|May inc. serum bili, creat., ALP./ |Assess for allergies to sulfonamides. |

| |bacteria/ |Monitor temp. |Monitor I&O to prevent crystalluria and |

| |bacteriocidal | |stone formation (>1200 ml/day output) |

| | | | |

|Name: Tylenol - see acetaminophen | | | |

|Dosage: | | | |

|Route: | | | |

|Frequency: | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Valproic acid |anticonvulsant/ |Peak: 15 min.-4 hrs. |Assess location, duration & type of |

| |inc. GABA, an inhibitory |Monitor CBC for s/s of leuko-penia & |seizure; implement seizure precau-tions. |

| |neuro-transmitter in CNS/ |thrombocytopenia. | |

| |suppression of absence seizures |Monitor LFT’s & serum NH4 for s/s of | |

| | |hepatotoxicity. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Vancomycin |anti-infective (misc.)/ |Monitor urinalysis, CBC and renal |Monitor labs. |

| |binds to cell wall, results in cell |tests. |Obtain C&S. |

| |death/ |May inc. BUN./ |Monitor s/s infection and poss. |

| |bacteriocidal |Monitor BP if IV tx. |superinfection. |

| | | |Monitor I&O and 8th cranial nerve for |

| | | |renal function. |

| | | |Monitor IV site for irritation. |

| | | |Monitor bowel sounds/activity. |

| | | | |

|Name: Venlafaxine |antidepressant (misc.)/ |Onset: by 2 weeks |Assess mental status, mood changes & SI. |

| |inhibits reuptake of serotonin & |Peak: 2-4 weeks |Monitor food intake & weight for change |

| |norepinephrine in CNS/ |Monitor CBC for blood dyscra-sias. |in appetite and weight loss. |

| |dec. in s/s depression |Monitor LFT”S for increases. | |

| | |Monitor cholesterol & electro-lytes./| |

| | |Monitor BP periodically. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Verapamil |antianginal, antiarrhythmic, anti-HTN, |Monitor K+as hypokalemia inc. risk of|Monitor labs. |

| |Ca+ channel blocker, vascular headache |arrhythmias. |Monitor ECG during prolonged tx as may |

| |suppressant/ |Monitor hepatic enzymes, which may |inc. PR interval. |

| |inhib. Ca+ transport into myocar-dial & |rise after several days of tx; |Monitor I&O and daily weights. |

| |vascular smooth muscle cells; dec. SA & |monitor renal labs./ |Assess for s/s CHF. |

| |AV conduction; prolongs AV refractory |Monitor BP and pulse. |Monitor DIG level if taking DIG. |

| |period/ | |Monitor anginal episodes; monitor ECG if |

| |dec. BP, angina, V arrhythmias | |for arrhythmias. |

| | | | |

|Name: Vicodin - see | | | |

|hydrocodone/acetaminophen | | | |

|Dosage: | | | |

|Route: | | | |

|Frequency: | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Warfarin |anticoagulant/ |PT and INR should be monitored |Assess/monitor for s/s of bleeding or |

| |interferes w/ hepatic synth. of vit. |regularly during tx. |thrombosis. |

| |K-dependent clotting factors (II, VII, IX|LFT’s and CBC should also be |Educate pt. to avoid activities that may |

| |& X)/ |monitored regularly. |cause even minor bleeding during tx: |

| |prevention of thromboembolic events |Periodically monitor for occult blood|flossing, wet shaving, firm tooth brush. |

| | |in stool & urine. | |

| | | | |

|Name: Wellbutrin - see bupropion | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Xalatan (latranopost) |prostaglandin agonist (opthalmic med)/ | |Monitor local irrita- tion and foreign |

|Dosage: |inc. outflow of aqueous humor/ mgmt. of | |body sensation. |

|Route: |glaucoma, dec. of intraocular pressure. | |Note any contraindi- cation w/ other op- |

|Frequency: | | |thalmic meds. |

| | | | |

|Name: Zantac (see ranitidine) | | | |

|Dosage: | | | |

|Route: | | | |

|Frequency: | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Zestril - see lisinopril | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Zinacef - see cefuroxime | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Zocor - see Simvastatin | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Zofran - see ondansetron | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Zoloft - see sertraline | | | |

| | | | |

|Name: Zolpidem |hypnotic (benzodiazepene)/ |Onset: rapid |Assess mental status, sleep patterns & |

| |CNS depression by binding to GABA |Peak: ½ -2 hrs. |potential for abuse - may lead to |

| |receptors; no analgesia/ |Duration: 6-8 hrs. |dependence. |

| |sedation, induction of sleep | |Monitor alertness level at peak. |

| | | |Pain decreases sedative effect. |


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