Raymond James Ltd. Mutual Fund Focus List

Raymond James Ltd. Mutual Fund Focus List

Andrew Clee, Jordan Benincasa, LL.B MBA,

June 30, 2014

The Raymond James Ltd. Mutual Fund Focus List is a collection of high alpha investment funds. A fund must adhere to specific criteria and undergo thorough due diligence in order to be added to the Focus List. Please refer to the Fund Selection Process document for more information on how funds are selected for the Focus List.

Fixed Income

TYPE Canadian Fixed Income

Global Fixed Income

High Yield * Under Review

FUND Fidelity Canadian Bond PH&N Total Return Bond TD Canadian Bond* BMO Global Strategic Bond Manulife Strategic Income Templeton Global Bond TD High Yield Bond*

MANAGER Brian Miron, Jeff Moore William John, Stephen Burke Rob Pemberton, Satish Rai Curtis Mewbourne (PIMCO) Dan Janis, Tom Goggins, John Iles, Barry Evans Michael Hasenstab Gregory Kocik, Nicholas Leach

STYLE/STRATEGY Credit, Sector Credit, Sector, Duration Credit, Sector, Duration Credit, Sector, Duration, Currency Credit, Sector, Duration, Currency Credit, Sector, Duration, Currency Credit

FUND CODE (Front End/F Class) FID233/FID633 RBF6340/RBF5340 TDB306/TDB406 GGF99736/GGF95736 MMF559/MMF659 TML704/TML257 TDB822/TDB446


TYPE Canadian Balanced Global Balanced

Emerging Markets Balanced

FUND Dynamic Dividend Income CI Signature Income & Growth Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities

MANAGER Oscar Belaiche, Michael McHugh Eric Bushell

Laurentius Harrer, Luis Oliveira, Shaw Wagener

STYLE/STRATEGY Value Blend, Macro


FUND CODE (Front End/F Class) DYN206/DYN254 CIG6116/CIG6416


Domestic Equity

TYPE Canadian Equity ? Dividend Canadian Equity ? Pure

Canadian Equity ? Focused Cdn Equity - Small and Mid Cap

FUND NEI Northwest Canadian Dividend Fidelity True North Sionna Canadian Equity CI Synergy Canadian IA Clarington Canadian Small Cap

MANAGER Mark Thomson, Stephen Arpin, (Beutel, Goodman & Co.) Max Lemieux Kim Shannon (Sionna Investment Managers) David Picton (Picton Mahoney Asset Management) Ian Cooke, Joe Jugovic (QV Investors)

STYLE/STRATEGY Value Growth-at-a-Reasonable Price Relative Value Growth Value

FUND CODE (Front End/F Class) NWT128/NWT529 FID225/FID625 BIP181/BIP581 CIG6103/CIG6403 CCM520/CCM1450

Raymond James Ltd. Mutual Fund Focus List

Foreign Equity

TYPE US Equity - Large Cap

FUND CI American Value

US Equity - All Cap US Equity - Small and Mid Cap Global Equity

International Equity Asia

Dynamic Power American Growth Mackenzie US Mid Cap Growth Class Trimark US Small Companies BMO Global Dividend Class Capital Group Global Equity EdgePoint Global Portfolio Franklin Mutual Global Discovery A Mackenzie Ivy Foreign Equity CI Black Creek International Equity Invesco International Growth BMO Asian Growth & Income

Europe Emerging Markets

Dynamic Far East Value Invesco European Growth Westwood Emerging Markets


TYPE Precious Metals

FUND RBC Global Precious Metals

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MANAGER David Pearl, William M. Priest, (Epoch Investment Partners) Noah Blackstein Philip Taller Rob Mikalachki Sri Iyer, Sam Baldwin, Fiona Wilson Carl M. Kawaja, Dina N. Perry, Galen Hoskin Tye Bousada, Geoff MacDonald Peter Langerman, Philippe Brugere-Trelat Paul Musson, Matt Moody Bill Kanko, Richard Jenkins Invesco Growth Investment Team Robert Horrocks, Kenneth Lowe, Taizo Ishida (Matthews International Capital Management) Chuk Wong Invesco Growth Investment Team Patricia Perez-Coutts, Thomas Pinto Basto


Aggressive Growth Growth Value Dividend-Oriented Multi-Manager Blend Deep Value Value Value Growth Blend

Value Growth Economic Value Added

FUND CODE (Front End/F Class) CIG7500/CIG7506

DYN004/DYN253 MFC1564/MFC1802 AIM5523/AIM5527 GGF87211/GGF88211 CIF843/CIF823 EDG100/EDG500 TML180/TML225 MFC081/MFC077 CIG11118/CIG11018 AIM633/AIM637 GGF620/GGF734

DYN079/DYN251 AIM643/AIM647 NBC469/NBC769

MANAGER Chris Beer, Brahm Spilfogel


FUND CODE (Front End/F Class) RBF774/RBF614

Raymond James Ltd. Mutual Fund Focus List

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Appendix A - Glossary

Aggressive Growth ? Aggressive growth is an offshoot of growth investing that invests in companies with the potential to grow their revenue and EPS at very high rates. A number of these companies are in the early stages of their business life cycle.

Blend ? A blended strategy incorporates both elements of growth and value investing.

Credit ? Credit analysis is the process of evaluating an issuer's ability to repay its outstanding debt and other financial obligations.

Currency ? Currency management is an overlay strategy that involves adjusting a portfolio's foreign currency exposure in order to enhance performance and/or reduce portfolio risk.

Dividend-Oriented ? A dividend-oriented equity strategy focuses on dividend-paying stocks that can sustain and grow their dividends through EPS growth, prudent capital management, and debt reduction.

Deep Value ? Deep value is an offshoot of value investing that focuses on companies with earnings that are deeply depressed or companies operating in out-offavour industries. As a result, many of these stocks trade at very low valuations. Deep value tends to exhibit higher volatility than other value disciplines.

Duration ? An active duration strategy is a fixed income strategy that involves forecasting interest rate movements and actively positioning a bond portfolio to benefit from those expected movements.

Economic Value Added (EVA) ? EVA approach attempts to identify a company's `true economic profit', which is calculated by deducting a capital charge from net operating profit after taxes.

Growth ? Growth investing is an equity investment strategy that focuses on companies with above average earnings and revenue growth rates. A company's valuation is a considered secondary factor when assessing its overall attractiveness.

Growth-at-a-Reasonable-Price (GARP) ? A GARP strategy is an offshoot of growth investing that focuses on companies with above-average growth profiles but avoids stocks trading at very high valuations.

Raymond James Ltd. Mutual Fund Focus List

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Macro ? Macro investing, also known as the top-down approach, places primary importance on economic conditions and political trends when assessing the attractiveness of individual securities. Valuations and other company-specific factors are considered secondary when assessing overall attractiveness of a security.

Multi-Manager ? The multi-manager approach segregates a portfolio's assets into different sleeves, which are managed independently be different portfolio managers with contrasting investment styles.

Relative Value ? Relative value is an offshoot of value investing that focuses strictly on the relative attractiveness of a company's valuation compared to its peers, industry and market average.

Sector ? Sector allocation is a fixed income strategy that involves tactically repositioning a portfolio's exposure to various fixed income sub-asset classes such as government debt, mortgage-backed securities, and corporate bonds.

Value ? Value investing is the investment philosophy of purchasing securities that trade at a discount to their estimated fair value, which is determined by employing a valuation model and/or assessing valuation multiples relative to a stock's history, peers, or broad market.

Important Investor Disclosures

Disclosure: Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. The indicated rates of return are the historical annual compounded total returns including changes in unit value and reinvestment of all dividends and do not take into account sales, redemptions, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any security holder that would have reduced returns. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Member ? Canadian Investor Protection Fund.


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