PMS 2123 Organizational Behaviour | May 2014 Sem 3/14/34

Section A: MCQ

Choose the most appropriate answer.

|1. |Shared leadership flourishes in organisations where formal leaders are willing to:  |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Delegate power |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |Encourage employees to operate in a learning orientation culture |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Have one formally assigned position or role |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |Delegate power and encourage employees to operate in a learning orientation culture |

| | |

| | |

|2. |A leader's higher levels of extroversion and conscientiousness describe his or her:  |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Drive |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |Integrity |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Emotional intelligence |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |Personality |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|3. |Effective leaders have a strong need for:  |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Personalised power |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |Tacit knowledge of business |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Socialised power |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |Self-concept |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|4. |Job dissatisfaction is higher among employees who work for supervisors with:   |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Very high levels of people oriented leadership |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |Very low levels of task oriented leadership |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Very high levels of task oriented leadership and low levels of people oriented leadership |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |Achievement-oriented behaviour |

| | |

| | |

|5. |Situational leadership theory is also called the:   |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Transformational perspective of leadership |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |Life cycle |

| |theory |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Path–goal theory |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |Implicit leadership perspective |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|6 |Competency, contingency, implicit and transformational represent four of the main:  |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Sources of organisational power |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |Perspectives of leadership |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Forms of employee involvement |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |Process theories of motivation |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|7. |The competency (trait) perspective takes the view that:   |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Effective leadership involves being both task-oriented and people-oriented |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |The best leadership style depends on the situation |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Introducing specific environmental conditions can replace the need for leaders |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |Leadership is a characteristic of the person |

| | |

| | |

|8. |Which of the following competencies is NOT a characteristic of effective leaders?  |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Effective leaders have a high need for personalised power |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |Effective leaders have a strong belief in their leadership abilities |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Effective leaders have a high level of emotional intelligence |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |Effective leaders have a high degree of integrity |

| | |

| | |

|9. |The competency (trait) perspective of leadership:   |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |States that leadership exists mainly in the perceptions of followers |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |Is often applied by organisations when selecting executives and future leaders |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Is the most recently developed perspective of leadership |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |States that the most appropriate leadership style depends on the situation |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|10. |What do the competency and transformational leadership theories have in common?   |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |They have been rejected by organisational behaviour scholars as poor representations of effective leadership |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |They generally assume a 'one best way' (universal) approach to leadership |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |They explicitly consider the relevance of emotional intelligence in leadership |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |They explicitly describe leadership in terms of the leader's power over subordinates |

| | |

| | |

|11. |According to the path–goal theory of leadership:   |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |All great leaders are highly task-oriented and much lower in terms of people-oriented behaviours |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |Leadership behaviours are clustered into either participative or achievement-oriented groups |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Leadership behaviours are clustered into people-oriented and task-oriented groups |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |The best leadership style depends on the employee's behaviour at the time of interaction |

| | |

| | |

|12. |Leadership styles in path–goal theory are derived from:   |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Transformational leadership |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |Implicit leadership theory |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Expectancy theory of motivation |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |Leadership competencies |

| | |

| | |

|13. |Servant leadership is most closely associated with:   |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Path–goal leadership |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |The implicit leadership perspective |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |The competency perspective of leadership |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |The behavioural perspective of leadership |

| | |

| | |

|14. |Which of the following is a leadership style identified in path–goal theory?  |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Achievement-oriented leadership |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |Selling style of leadership |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Transformational leadership style |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |Emotionally intelligent leadership style |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|15. |Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership model states that the best leadership style depends on:  |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |The readiness of followers |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |The availability of leadership substitutes |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |The leader's capacity to walk the talk |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |The leader's integrity, weight and other traits or competencies |

| | |

| | |

|16. |Telling, selling, participating and delegating represent the four leadership styles identified in:  |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Path–goal theory |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |Transformational leadership theory |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Leadership competencies theory |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership theory |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|17. |Fiedler's contingency model of leadership states that the best leadership style depends on:  |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |The leader's emotional intelligence |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |The level of situational control |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |The leader's level of servant leadership |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |The leader's knowledge of the employee's job |

| | |

| | |

|18. |Transactional leaders:  |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Improve efficiency |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |Build a strategic vision to change the organisation |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Represent an unrealistic stereotype that followers have of great leaders |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |Possess all of the competencies of great leaders |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|19. |Charismatic leadership refers to:  |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Personal traits that provide referent power over others |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |The same features as transactional leadership |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |The same features as transformational leadership |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |The people-oriented behaviours in the behavioural perspective of leadership |

| | |

| | |

|20. |Attribution theory is a major component of which of these leadership perspectives?  |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Trait perspective |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |Implicit leadership perspective |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Contingency perspective |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |Transformational perspective |

| | |

| | |

|21. |The implicit theory of leadership states that:  |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Everyone is capable of being an effective leader |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |The best leadership style depends on both the characteristics of employees and the environment in which they work |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Leadership is a perception of followers, not just actual behaviours and competencies of people called leaders |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |There is no such thing as leadership |

| | |

| | |

|22. |How do women differ from men in their use of leadership styles?  |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Women tend to use more of the people-oriented leadership style than do men |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |Women tend to use more of the participative leadership style than do men |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Women tend to use more of the task-oriented leadership style than do men |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |Women and men use all leadership styles to about the same extent |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|23. |Which of these statements about gender and leadership is FALSE?  |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |The leadership ratings of women have decreased relative to the ratings men receive |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |Scholars suggest that women are possibly more participative because their upbringing has made them more |

| |egalitarian and less status oriented |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Popular opinion among leaders and employees is that men and women lead differently |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |Early organisational behaviour research concluded that female leaders are evaluated less favourably than |

| |equivalent male leaders due to sex stereotype bias |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|24. |Which of the following statements about the leadership substitutes model is FALSE?  |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Some situational conditions substitute for task-oriented or people-oriented leadership styles |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |Some leadership substitutes are incorporated into the path–goal leadership theory |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Leadership substitutes neutralise or replace transformational rather than transactional leadership |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |Leadership substitutes include characteristics of the employee, task or organisation that either limit the |

| |leader's influence or make it unnecessary |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|25. |Which of the following statements about path–goal theory is TRUE?   |

| |  |

| |A.  |

| |Path–goal theory considers seven different leadership competencies |

| | |

| |B.  |

| |Path–goal theory is based on the idea that leadership is a stable personality trait, so it is easier to change the|

| |situation to match the person's leadership style |

| | |

| |C.  |

| |Path–goal theory considers the subordinate's ability and experience when determining the best leadership style for|

| |the situation |

| | |

| |D.  |

| |Path–goal theory assumes that managers can apply only one leadership style in a given situation |

| | |

| | |






Section B: Essays

Question 1

Define servant leadership and name the theory that advocates this style of leadership. 


ANSWER - Servant leadership' describes a style of leadership in which leaders serve their followers. A servant leader does not view his or her leadership as a position of power. A servant leader helps employees to fulfil their needs and acts as a coach, steward or a facilitator of employee performance. Path–goal theory advocates servant leadership style. 


Question 2

Briefly discuss why emotional intelligence is a key competency of an effective leader. 


ANSWER - Emotional intelligence is key to being an effective leader. It provides the ability to monitor the leader's own and others' emotions, discriminate among them, and use the information to guide the leader's thoughts and actions

Question 3

NewTech Ltd is searching for a new vice-president of marketing and wants to find someone with excellent leadership qualities. Along with evaluating each job candidate's past experience, NewTech intends to assess each candidate's leadership competencies. Identify four competencies that NewTech should be examining in each candidate. 


ANSWER - Students can identify any four of the seven leadership traits listed below.

Emotional intelligence. Effective leaders are able to monitor their own and others' emotions, discriminate among them and use this information to guide their behaviour. This includes having a strong self-monitoring personality so that they are sensitive to situational cues and can readily adapt their own behaviour appropriately.

Integrity. Effective leaders are truthful and translate words into deeds. Leaders will only have followers when trust is maintained through the leader's integrity.

Drive. This refers to the inner motivation that leaders possess to pursue their goals. In particular, leaders have a high need for achievement.

Leadership motivation. Effective leaders have a strong need for socialised power. They want to use their power bases to influence their team or organisation and make it successful.

Self-confidence. Leaders believe in their leadership skills and ability to achieve objectives. They also use impression management tactics to convince followers of their confidence.

Intelligence. Leaders have above average cognitive ability to process enormous amounts of information. Leaders aren't necessarily geniuses. Rather, they have superior ability to analyse alternative scenarios and identify potential opportunities.

Knowledge of the business. Leaders need to understand the environment in which they operate to make more intuitive decisions. This relates to the idea that intuition requires experience and intimate knowledge of the industry.


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