Grade 12 Biology (SBI 4U1) - Mr. Shanks' Class

Grade 12 Biology (SBI 4U1) Unit Test

Unit: Homeostasis 74 Marks


Part A: Multiple Choice (36 marks)

1. What is the advantage of dilating blood vessels in response to temperature change?

a) it allows the body to cool off faster

b) it allows the body to release more fluid as sweat

c) it allows more blood to reach muscle cells for shivering

d) it allows the body to conserve heat

2. Steroid hormones exert their effect when

a) the hormone binds to a receptor on the cell membrane, but does not diffuse into a cell.

b) the hormone-receptor complex activates a gene.

c) the hormone-receptor complex initiates the formation of cyclic AMP.

d) the hormone-receptor complex activates an existing hormone.

3. What happens in an emergency situation

a) digestion of carbohydrates is accelerated

b) glycogen is converted to glucose

c) glucose is converted to glycogen

d) endocrine suppression of glucose metabolism is experienced

4. Insulin is a peptide hormone, which of the following does it NOT do?

a) bind to a hormone receptor complex

b) trigger a process that uses cell energy

c) activate an existing protein

d) interact directly with the nucleus

5. A positive feedback mechanism regulates which of the following hormone?

a) thyroxine

b) insulin

c) prolactin

d) thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

6. A family doctor has a patient with the following symptoms: very high blood sugar levels; high sugar level in the urine; is very thirsty; produces large quantities of urine. Which hormone is likely affected by the patient’s condition?

a) thyroxine

b) growth hormone

c) insulin

d) glucagon

7. The nitrogen that must be excreted from the human body comes from:

a) the metabolic breakdown of carbohydrates

b) the nitric buffer system

c) the deamination of amino acids

d) the beta-oxidation of fatty acids

Examine the graphs below for questions 8 to 10..

|[pic] |[pic] |

|[pic] |[pic] |

8. Which of the graphs above illustrate(s) someone with type I diabetes?

a) I b) II c) III d) IV

9. Which of the graphs above illustrate(s) a person who may secrete too little glucagon?

a) I b) II c) III d) IV

10. Which of the graphs above illustrate(s) a person with type II diabetes?

a) I b) II c) III d) IV

11. Which one of the following is part of the circulatory system?

a) distal tubules b) collecting duct c) Bowman's capsule d) glomerulus

Examine the table below for question 12.

Composition (g/100 mL)

| |Component |Plasma |Filtrate |Urine |

|I |Urea |0.030 |0.030 |2.00 |

|II |Uric acid |0.004 |0.004 |0.05 |

|III |Glucose |0.100 |0.100 |0.00 |

|IV |Amino acids |0.050 |0.050 |0.00 |

|V |Salts |0.720 |0.720 |1.50 |

|VI |Proteins |8.000 |0.036 |0.00 |

12. A patient's test results are shown in the table above. According to the above table, which items are excreted?

a) I, II, V b) III, IV, VI c) II, IV, V d) I, III, IV

13. What is the name of the tube that drains the bladder? (i.e. leads from the bladder to the exterior)

a) ureter

b) renal pelvis

c) urethra

d) renal vein

Use the diagram of a nephron below to answer questions 14 to 17.

14. What part of the nephron has the least movement of water across the membrane?

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

15. What part of the nephron has the most concentrated urine (measured in micromoles per litre)?

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

16. What part of the nephron has the highest level of glucose?

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

17. What part of the nephron is the major site of water recovery (reabsorption) from the filtrate?

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

18. Which part of the neuron receives sensory information?

a) dendrite b) axon c) Schwann cell d) node of Ranvier e) all of the above

Questions 19 and 20 deal with the action potential shown at the right.

19. What letter corresponds to an influx of sodium into the neuron?

a) W

b) X

c) Y

d) Z

20. What span of letters represents the time during which the neuron can NOT respond to a new stimulus?

a) W to X b) W to Y c) X to Z d) W to Z

21. Given the steps shown below, which is the correct sequence for transmission at a chemical synapse?

I. vesicles move to end of axon

II. vesicles release neurotransmitter molecules

III. neurotransmitter/receptor complex initiates electrical signal in dendrite

IV. neurotransmitters bind to receptors

V. neurotransmitters diffuse across synapse

a) IV, V, III, II, I

b) II, V, IV, III, I

c) III, II, IV, V, I

d) I, II, V, IV, III

22. To an isolated neuron, two stimuli, the first of one millivolt and the second of ten millivolts, were applied in quick succession. Action potentials of the neuron were recorded. Which of the below graphs has the correct pattern?


a) I b) II c) III d) IV e) V

Use the diagram of a synapse below to answer questions 23 and 24.


23. What letter corresponds to the location of acetylcholine in the presynaptic neuron?

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

24. What letter corresponds to the location of acetylcholinesterase?

b) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

25. What type of neuron will transmit the fastest signal?

a) a thick neuron with Schwann cells

b) a thick neuron without Schwann cells

c) a thin neuron with Schwann cells

d) a thin neuron without Schwann cells

26. What cell is the first to act in the immune defense?

a) killer T cells b) macrophages c) neutrophils d) helper T-cells e) B cells

27. What two substances attach to invading pathogens to assist the immune system?

a) complement proteins and antigens

b) antibodies and colostrum

c) histamines and antigens

d) antibodies and complement proteins

28. What produces lysozymes?

a) killer T cells b) macrophages c) neutrophils d) helper T-cells e) B cells

29. Which of the following enzymes found in tears is capable of destroying the cell wall material of bacteria?

a) lysozyme b) coagulase c) bradykinin d) histamine

30. What cells produce antibodies?

a) helper T cells b) B cells c) killer T cells d) suppressor T cells e) memory B cells

31. When does the production of antibodies begin?

a) when macrophages engulf foreign invading materials

b) when T cells identify the invader and release lymphokine

c) when plasma proteins identify the invader and release lymphokine

d) when B cells identify the invader and release histamine

32. High levels of what chemical is associated with non-pathogen “attacks or “reactions”?

a) lymphokines

b) antibodies

c) complement proteins

d) histamines

33. Which of the following is NOT an example of active immunity?

a) cowpox inoculation

b) flu vaccine

c) passage of mother’s antibodies to fetus

d) production of antibodies as a result of an infection

Refer to the data in the table below for the questions 34 to 36. The data were collected from three different patients. Examine the red blood cell counts, white blood cell counts, and body temperatures for each patient before answering questions 34 to 36.

|Data |Normal values |Patient X |Patient Y |Patient Z |

|red blood cell count |5.0 x 106/(L |2.6 x 106/(L |4.9 x 106/(L |5.1 x 106/(L |

|white blood cell count |7000/(L |3000/(L |15 000/(L |10 000/(L |

|body temperature |37 (C |37 (C |36.5 (C |39 (C |

34. Lead poisoning is characterized by a destruction of bone marrow. Which patient would you suspect has lead poisoning?

a) X b) Y c) Z d) none of the patients show symptoms

35. Which patient has a bacterial infection?

a) X b) Y c) Z d) none of the patients show symptoms

36. Leukemia is a cancer characterized by a proliferation of white blood cells. Which patient would you suspect has leukemia?

a) X b) Y c) Z d) none of the patients show symptoms

Part B: Matching (14 marks)

A. Match the hormone to its location of production (synthesis). Note: Each part/gland may be used more than once.

| | |A) |adrenal glands |

| | | | |

|1 |aldosterone |B) |bursa |

| | | | |

|2 |epinephrine and norepinephrine |C) |hypothalamus |

| | | | |

|3 |follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) |D) |ovaries |

| | | | |

|4 |growth hormone |E) |pancreas |

| | | | |

|5 |insulin |F) |parathyroid glands |

| | | | |

|6 |progesterone |G) |pituitary gland |

| | | | |

|7 |thyroxine and triiodothyronine (T4 and T3) |H) |testes |

| | | | |

| | |I) |thyroid gland |

B. Match the function given to the correct hormone

| | |A) |antidiuretic hormone |

| | | | |

| | |B) |calcitonin |

| | | | |

|8 |stimulates the development of sperm and causes secondary sexual characteristics in males |C) |cortisol |

| | | | |

|9 |stimulates carbohydrate metabolism and raises blood glucose level |D) |estrogen |

| | | | |

|10 |stimulates breakdown of glycogen in liver to increase blood glucose level |E) |glucagon |

| | | | |

|11 |causes uterine contractions during labour (childbirth) |F) |leutenizing hormone (LH) |

| | | | |

|12 |increases the blood calcium level by stimulating the loss of calcium from bone |G) |oxytocin |

| | | | |

|13 |in females, causes ovulation and the formation of the corpus luteum; in males, stimulates the |H) |parathyroid hormone |

| |interstitial cells in the testes to produce testosterone | | |

| | | | |

|14 |stimulates water reabsorption in kidneys and prevents dehydration |I) |progesterone |

| | | | |

| | |J) |rennin & angiotensin |

| | | | |

| | |K) |testosterone |

Part C: Short Answer (24 marks) Answer the following questions on foolscap.

1. In this unit negative feedback loops were discussed in several examples that involved: coordinators, regulators, and results. Draw the negative feedback loop for any TWO of the topics below. Ensure that you label the coordinator(s), regulator(s), and result(s). (2 x 3 marks = 6 marks)

a) low blood pressure

b) low blood sodium

c) low body temperature

d) high blood sugar

2. EXPLAIN the consequence of any THREE the following problems in the nephron. (3 x 2 marks = 6 marks)

a) The distal tubule has fewer pumps.

b) The descending arm of the loop of Henle is impermeable to water.

c) The proximal tubule is shorter.

d) The glomerulus has very high blood pressure.

e) A person consumes a large quantity of alcohol on a hot day.

3. EXPLAIN the result of any THREE of these problems in the nervous system. (3 x 2 marks = 6 marks)

a) A defective gene produces an enzyme that breaks down myelin.

b) The end of the axon is less permeable to calcium.

c) The dendrite has fewer acetylcholinesterase-releasing cells.

d) The number of pre-synaptic vesicles is reduced in a neuron.

e) A toxin causes the threshold levels of all motor neurons to increase.

f) A toxin partly inhibits the action of acetylcholine.

4. EXPLAIN the specific problem that will result from any THREE of the following. (3 x 2 marks = 6 marks)

a) A person’s cilia are destroyed by the toxins in cigarette smoke.

b) A person’s macrophages destroy the pathogen’s antigens.

c) A person has 25 % fewer killer T cells.

d) A person has 25 % fewer B cells.

e) A person has 25 % fewer helper T cells.

f) At age 16, a person’s memory B cells are destroyed.

g) A person immediately takes Aspirin when they have a fever of 38 (C.

h) A person does not get colostrum.

Unit: Homeostasis (74 Marks) Name: ______________

Part A: Multiple Choice (36 marks)

1. a b c d e

2. a b c d e

3. a b c d e

4. a b c d e

5. a b c d e

6. a b c d e

7. a b c d e

8. a b c d e

9. a b c d e

10. a b c d e

11. a b c d e

12. a b c d e

13. a b c d e

14. a b c d e

15. a b c d e

16. a b c d e

17. a b c d e

18. a b c d e

19. a b c d e

20. a b c d e

21. a b c d e

22. a b c d e

23 a b c d e

24. a b c d e

25. a b c d e

26. a b c d e

27. a b c d e

28. a b c d e

29. a b c d e

30. a b c d e

31. a b c d e

32. a b c d e

33 a b c d e

34. a b c d e

35. a b c d e

36. a b c d e

Part B: Matching (14 marks)

1. _______

2. _______

3. _______

4. _______

5. _______

6. _______

7. _______

8. _______

9. _______

10. _______

11. _______

12. _______

13. _______

14. _______




















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