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Appendix Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Appendix 1: The full detail of close contacts PAGEREF _Toc35778658 \h 1Close contacts definition PAGEREF _Toc35778659 \h 1Guidance for identification of close contacts on different public transportations PAGEREF _Toc35778660 \h 1Appendix 2: COVID-19 Confirmed Case Investigation Form PAGEREF _Toc35778661 \h 3Basic Information PAGEREF _Toc35778662 \h 3Onset and Hospitalization Information PAGEREF _Toc35778663 \h 3Epidemiological Risk Factors and Exposures PAGEREF _Toc35778664 \h 4Laboratory Testing PAGEREF _Toc35778665 \h 5Table a COVID-19 Close Contacts Registration Form PAGEREF _Toc35778666 \h 6Table b COVID-19 Close Contacts Medical Observation Registration Form PAGEREF _Toc35778667 \h 7Appendix 3: Details regarding laboratory confirmation processes PAGEREF _Toc35778668 \h 8Test items PAGEREF _Toc35778669 \h 8Result judgment PAGEREF _Toc35778670 \h 8Table for COVID-19 sample collection and delivery PAGEREF _Toc35778671 \h 9Appendix 1: The full detail of close contactsClose contacts definitionClose contacts refer to those who have contacted with suspected cases, confirmed cases, mild cases after onset of initial symptoms, and asymptomatic cases with positive results, but fail to take effective protection measures in at least one of the following ways:1. People who live, study, work together or have close contact with a case, such as face-to-face working, sharing the same classroom or living in the same household;2. Medical staff who provide direct care, family members or others who have similar close contact with case, such as visiting or staying at the same hospital ward;3. People who have close contact with the case on the same public?transportation, including the caregivers, other passengers and crew members whose peers (family, colleagues, friends, etc.) have been found to have close contact with the case after investigation and evaluation. See Guidance for identification of close contacts on different public transportations for further information specific to identify close contacts on different public transportations.4. People who are evaluated as meeting other close contact definitions by the field investigators.Guidance for identification of close contacts on different public transportations1. Aircraft1.1 Generally, all passengers sitting in the same row and three seats in any direction of the case, crew members serving in the section where the case was seated are regarded as close contacts. Other passengers on the same flight are considered general contacts.1.2 All persons in the cabin of an aircraft not equipped with a high-efficiency particulate filter on.1.3 Others have close contact with the case.2. Railway and train2.1 All the passengers and crew members in the same hard seat or hard sleeper carriage, in the same soft sleeper compartment with the case in the fully enclosed, air-conditioned train.2.2 Passengers and the crew members in the same soft sleeper compartment, or in the same hard seat (hard sleeper) in the same or neighboring grid of the case carriage with the case in the partly enclosed train.2.3 Others have close contact with the case.3. Automobile3.1 All passengers included, when take the same fully sealed, air-conditioned bus with the cases.3.2 The passengers and drivers with three rows of seats in the front and rear of the case in a well-ventilated passenger car.3.3 Others have close contact with the case.4. ShipAll the passengers and crew members in the same cabin with the case.Contacting with the case who showed symptoms such as high fever, sneezing, coughing or vomiting regardless of time.Appendix 2: COVID-19 Confirmed Case Investigation FormQuestionnaire number: Identity number: Basic InformationName: (Please fill in guardian’s name if the case was a child)Gender: □Male □FemaleDate of birth: / / (D, M, Yr.), age: (If the date of birth is unclear, the chronological age is Years Months)Place where the case was diagnosed: Province Prefecture District/County Township/Street Village/CommunityTelephone: Date of Initial Symptom Onset: / / (D, M, Yr.)Date of laboratory confirmation test: / / (D, M, Yr.)Types of case definitions: □Suspected case □Confirmed case □Positive test caseClinical severity: □Asymptomatic infection □Mild cases□General pneumonia □Severe pneumonia □Critical pneumoniaOnset and Hospitalization InformationClinical Signs and Symptoms:□Fever: If yes, highest temperature is ℃□Chill □Cough □Sputum production □Nasal congestion □Rhinorrhea □Sore throat □Headache □Fatigue □Myalgia □Arthralgia □Shortness of breath □Difficulty breathing □Chest tightness □Chest pain □Conjunctival congestion □Nausea □Vomit □Diarrhea □Stomach ache □Others: Complications: □No□YesIf yes, tick an answer (multiple-choice): □Meningitis □Encephalitis □Bacteremia/Sepsis □Myocarditis □Acute lung injury/ARDS □Acute kidney injury □Epilepsy □Secondary bacillary pneumonia □Others: Did the case take an blood routine examination: □No □YesIf yes, date of test: / / (D, M, Yr.) (Fill in the first test results if had multiple tests) Test results: WBC (White blood cell count) ; L (Lymphocyte count) ; L (Lymphocyte percentage) %; N (Neutrophil percentage) %;Abnormalities on chest X-ray: □Not detected □No □YesIf yes, date of test: / / (D, M, Yr.)Abnormalities on chest CT: □Not detected □No □YesIf yes, date of test: / / (D, M, Yr.)Did case visited health care facility after onset: □No □YesIf yes, date of the first visit: / / (D, M, Yr.); Health Facility Name: Was case quarantined: □No □YesIf yes, date of quarantined: / / (D, M, Yr.)Was case hospitalized: □No □YesIf yes, date of hospitalization: / / (D, M, Yr.)Did case receive care in an intensive care unit (ICU): □No □YesIf yes, date of receive care in an ICU: / / (D, M, Yr.)Epidemiological Risk Factors and ExposuresDid case relate to the following particular occupation:□Medical staff □Other hospital staff □Pathogen detection staff□Contact with wildlife □Breeding livestock and poultry □Others: Is case pregnant: □No □YesCoexisting disorders: □No □Hypertension □Diabetes □Cardiovascular □Pulmonary disease (asthma, pulmonary heart disease, pulmonary fibrosis, silicosis, etc.) □Chronic renal diseases □Chronic liver disease □Immunodeficiency □Others: Exposure risk in the 14 days prior to symptom onset (prior to testing if asymptomatic):Has case travelled to or lived in Wuhan or other areas with persistent local cases:□Has travelled to □Has lived in □NoHas case had contact with any sick person in Wuhan or other areas with persistent local cases: □Yes □No Has case had contact with any person travelled to or lived in Wuhan or other areas with persistent local cases:□Yes □NoHas case had contact with confirmed cases, mild cases or asymptomatic infection:□Yes □NoHas case linked to a cluster of cases occurred in the Collective units (the same family, workplace, kindergarten?or school, etc.):□Yes □No □UnknowHas case visited any health care facility: □Yes □NoIs there a farmer's market around the place of residence (village / residential building)?□Yes, about meters away from home. □No □UnknowDid case go to a farmer’s market□Yes □No □UnknowIf yes, the reason he/she went there: □Market practitioners □Supplier/Purchase □Customer □Others (including meal delivery, look for someone or pass by, etc.)Laboratory TestingSpecimen collection and laboratory testing findings of case with COVID-19 (multiple-choice):Sample TypeSample Collection Date / / (D, M, Yr.)Test Results(Positive/Negative/Unknow)Throat swabNasal swabSputumTracheal secretionsTracheal aspirateAlveolar lavage fluidBlood specimenStoolOther specimen type, specify: Not collected (Don’t fill in Sample Collection Date and results)Completed by: Unit: Name: Date: Table a COVID-19 Close Contacts Registration FormNoNameAgeOccupationAddressPhone numberRelation to CaseDate of last contactContact frequencyPlaces of contactTypes of contact patternsModes of transportationContact tracingNote□Often□Moderate□Occasional□Households □Healthcare settings □Workplaces □Entertainment places □Others □Eat together□Live together□Roommate□Sleep together□Work or study together□In the same car/flight□Diagnosis and treatment□Nursing□In the same ward□Entertainment □Others Mode: Flight/Train number: Seat: □Yes□NoTable b COVID-19 Close Contacts Medical Observation Registration Form□Suspected □Confirmed □Infected person Name of confirmed COVID-19 case: Tel: Date of symptom onset:NumberNameSexAgeCurrent addressStart observation dateClinical featuresTemperature (℃)Dry coughOther123456712345671234567Note: 1. this table is applicable to COVID-19 cases and medical staff who make medical observation on close contacts of COVID-19 cases.2. In “Whether the following clinical features appear?”, “Temperature” should fill determined temperature. If dry Cough appears, fill in “√”, otherwise, fill in “×”; Fill in the corresponding code for other symptoms 1)Shiver 2)Expectoration 3)Nasal congestion 4)Rhinorrhea 5)Sore throat 6)Headache 7)Fatigue 8)Myalgia 9)Arthralgia 10)Dyspnea 11)Chest tightness 12)Conjunctival congestion 13)Nausea 14)Vomit 15)Diarrhea 16)Abdominal painFilling unit: ____________ Filling person: _____________ Filling date: _____________Appendix 3: Details regarding laboratory confirmation processesTest itemsNovel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) nucleic acid determination (real-time RT-PCR)The SARS-CoV-2 primers and probes for ORF1ab and N gene regions are recommended.Target 1 (ORF1ab): Forward primer (F): ccctgtgggttttacacttaaReverse primer (R): acgattgtgcatcagctgaFluorescent probe (P): 5 '- fam-ccgtctgcggtatgtggaaggtatgg-bhq1-3'Target 2 (N):Forward primer (F): gggggaacttcctgctagaatReverse primer (R): cagacatttgctcacgtgFluorescent probe (P): 5 '- fam-ttgctgctgcttgacagatt-tamra-3'For nucleic acid extraction and real-time RT-PCR reaction system and reaction conditions, please refer to the kit instructions provided by relevant manufacturers.Result judgmentNegative: no CT value or CT ≥ 40.Positive: CT value < 37, could be reported as positive.Gray area: CT value is between 37-40, it is recommended to repeat the experiment. If the repeat result CT value is less than 40, the amplification curve has obvious peak, the sample is judged as positive, otherwise it is negative.Note: if commercial kits are used, the instructions provided by the manufacturer shall prevail.Table for COVID-19 sample collection and deliveryUnit responsible for sample delivery (stamp): _______________________Date of sample delivery: __________________Person responsible for sample delivery: ______________Specimen numberSpecimen typeNameSexAgeDate of onset of the illnessDate of medical consultationsSampling dateClustered case or notDate of testingReal-time PCR Homology of gene sequence*NoteReagent manufacturerTarget geneGenerationDeep sequencingHomology of gene sequence * is not necessarily to fill in, give clear indication of the specific target gene sequence/ whole gene sequence that have already completed, and its homology with novel coronavirus. “Clustered case or not” fill yes or no. ................

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