Identification of Criteria and Equipment For the ...

EUROPEAN COMMISSIONDirectorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEsIndustrial Transformation and Advanced Value ChainsAdvanced Engineering and Manufacturing SystemsEG RRS (06)14r02Identification of Criteria and Equipment For the Classification according To Articles 3(3)(i) and 4 of the REDIn this document we summarise the selection criteria to for the determination of the equipment in scope of a delegated act pursuant Articles 3(3)(i) and/or 4 of the Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU (RED) and we provide an update of the categorization of radio equipment for the purposes. This document has been drafted as a result of:The debates in the first 5 meetings of the group;The use cases presented to the group, as in Documents EG RRS (01)06, EG RRS (02)04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, EG RRS (03)05 and EG RRS (04)12;The discussions in the fourth meeting, also with ad-hoc experts, on an existing interference case, with background documents in EG RRS (04)05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 16, 23;The received answers to the Questionnaire (EG RRS (04)04), which are reported in documents EG RRS (04)10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25.The comments to the first categorisation in EG RRS (05)05 and the related comments in EG RRS (06)04, 05, 06, 07, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17.First of all it is important to stress that some equipment and software have not been considered in this exercise because either not covered by the legal basis (e.g. equipment in Annex I of the RED) or not applicable (e.g. software not affecting the essential requirements of the RED or equipment that cannot be reconfigured by software). These are reported in Annex I for clarity of information and are not reported in the following Annexes, for brevity and improved readability.Annex II aims at clarifying, as discussed in the EG RRS 05, the selection criteria to identify where a risk of non-compliance may lie. This is a key factor for deciding whether the equipment is in scope of this exercise. A second type of risk (e.g. the severity of the consequences of non-compliance) would be related to the technical characteristics of the products. This risk has not (and cannot be) considered in this exercise as it is related to the manufacturer’s risk assessment and identification of an appropriate technical solution to mitigate those risks.Annex III reports the categorization as in Doc EG RRS (05)05, summarising the received comments that can be found in the repository of EG RRS (06). This Annex aims at producing a synoptic of the comments that were considered.As a result of the received comments the new categorization has been produced in Annex IV of this document. Herein, for in-scope equipment, two possible options have been agreed in the previous meetings:To be in the scope of Article 4 only orTo be in the scope of both Articles 3(3)(i) and 4.The content of these Annexes represent a base for further discussion and is without prejudice to (i) changes that the Experts can suggest and discuss or (ii) future initiatives or possible delegated acts pursuant the empowerments in the RED. The Commission will in any case support these outcomes through a study.ANNEX IEQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE NOT CONSIDERED IN THIS EXERCISERadio equipment excluded by the basic act (Annex I of the RED) cannot be considered in this exercise and cannot be in the scope of any delegated act under the RED.As well, software not affecting the essential requirements of the RED is hereby not considered.Radio equipment that cannot be reconfigured by SW is also not considered in this exercise.As the above have not been and/or cannot be considered in this exercise, it is redundant to include them in Annex IV and they have been removed accordingly.ANNEX IICRITERIA FOR CATEGORIZATIONThe main elements, identified for the categorisation of radio equipment in its intended and/or reasonably foreseeable use, are:General risks of non-complianceExpected/average level of reconfigurability of the equipment;Level of professionalism of the uploadable software and installation process;Ways to upload software, e.g. USB, serial, radio connection (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ad-hoc), and user involvement in the process (e.g. intentional/automatic).Related aspects Severity of non-compliance in relationship to health and safety (e.g. overheating, explosion, human exposure) and/or, where applicable, access to emergency services;Severity of non-compliance in relationship to efficient use of the spectrum, avoidance of interferences and/or EMC;Maximum possible transmit power;Sensitivity and operational frequency range of the spectrum bands where the equipment can operate (e.g. military bands);Number of devices expected to be in the market;Availability of the equipment on the market (also in second-hand sales);Expected lifetime of the equipment;Existing/reported problems related to the upload of non-embedded software;Any other equipment-specific aspect (e.g. spectrum access conditions/mechanism that can be deactivated by a new software). ANNEX IIICATEGORIZATION IN EG RRS(05)05 WITH A SUMMARY OF THE RECEIVED COMMENTSLayer 1 applicationLayer 2 applicationReceived commentsRefNot in scope(removed, please refer to Annex I)N/A(removed, please refer to Annex I)N/A(removed, please refer to Annex I)N/AReceiver-only equipmentHIIG, FR, NL: to be reconsideredCH: in scope of Art 4AeronauticalDual-use defenceMaritimeMeteorologyRadioastronomyRadiolocationAllDE: reconsider/explainHIIG: aeronautical and maritime to be reconsideredCH: in scope of Art 4SatelliteAll except (10)DE: reconsider/explainLand mobileD-GPSInland waterway communicationsPagingPPDRTelemetry/TelecommandDE: reconsider/explainCH: in scope of Art 4OtherGNSS PseudolitesGNSS RepeaterHAPS Standard frequency and time signal DE: reconsider/explainCH: in scope of Art 4Short Range DevicesInductiveRFIDDE: reconsider/explainCH: in scope of Art 4In scope of Article 4SatelliteBroadcasting (SIT/SUT only)UK, CH, AT: not in scopeFR: in scope of Article 3(3)(i)BroadcastingBroadcasting (terrestrial)Broadcasting (satellite)PMSEUK, CH: not in scopeFR: DTT in scope of Article 3(3)(i)NL: broadcasting not in scopeFixedAllETSI: not in scope but 3(3)(i) already implemented – slide 7OtherCB radioMBRShort Range DevicesAll except (9) and (17)In scope of Articles 3(3)(i) and 4Land mobileAll except (7)UK: in scope of Article 4 onlyHIIG: not in scopeOtherISMUASPTS, HIIG, NL: ISM not in scopeCH: in scope of Art 4ES: add amateur equipment AT: Amateur radio equipment also in scopeShort Range DevicesUWBWideband data transmission systemsETSI: not in scope but already implemented (slides 11, 15)UK, CH: in scope of Article 4 onlyHIIG: not in scopeSoftware Defined RadiosSDR are intended as versatile radio equipment with high computational power and large potential spectrum occupation, where the parameters related to the essential requirements of the RED can be programmed or controlled by means of software.PTS: reconsider this classHIIG: not in scopeFR, Dionisio, NL: reword the definitionES: add “uploadable” before softwareIoTFor radio equipment, intended to be (i) connected to (directly or indirectly) or(ii) controlled throughthe internet or a wireless data network, Articles 3(3)(i) and 4 will be applicable in any case, i.e. even if the equipment is listed in any of the references from (4) to (18)PTS, ETSI, HIIG: not in scopeETSI: 3(3)(i) already implemented (slide 11)UK: in scope of Article 4 onlyNL: reconsiderScope not definedLand mobileCordless telephonesUK: not in scopeHIIG, NL, CH: in scope of Article 4FR: either not in scope or in scope of Art 4Dionisio, AT: in scope of Art 3(3)(i) and/or 4OtherMeteor scatter communications equipmentRadionavigation equipmentRadiolocation equipmentTracking systems equipmentUK, CH: not in scopeHIIG, AT: in scope of Article 4FR: in scope of Art 3(3)(i) and 4, coherency with (5)Dionisio: tracking out of scopeES: Meteor scatter in scope of Art 4, not in scope the othersANNEX IV PROPOSED NEW CATEGORIZATION AFTER ANALYSING COMMENTSLayer 1 applicationLayer 2 application (or definition for IoT and SDR)Comments / remarksRefNot in scopeDual-use defenceMeteorologyRadioastronomyRadiolocationAllSatelliteAll except (7)Land mobileD-GPSInland waterway communicationsPagingPPDRTelemetry/TelecommandOtherGNSS PseudolitesGNSS RepeatersHAPSMeteor scatter communications equipmentStandard frequency and time signal Short Range DevicesInductiveRFIDIn scope of a prospective delegated act pursuant Article 4AeronauticalMaritimeAllSatelliteBroadcasting (SIT/SUT only)BroadcastingBroadcasting (terrestrial)PMSEOtherCB radioMBR ISMUASRadionavigation equipmentRadiolocation equipmentTracking systems equipmentShort Range DevicesAll except (5) and (14)Land mobileAll except (3)In scope of a prospective delegated act pursuant Articles 3(3)(i) and 4FixedAllIn EG RRS (06)05, slide 7, the manufacturers noted that Article 3(3)(i) is already implemented in the commercially available equipmentOtherCommercially available amateur radio equipmentShort Range DevicesUWBWDTSIn EG RRS (06)05, slides 11 and 15, the manufacturers noted that Article 3(3)(i) is already implemented in the commercially available equipmentSoftware Defined RadiosA Software Defined Radio is defined as: a system where components typically implemented and configured in hardware (e.g. mixers, filters, amplifiers, modulators/demodulators, detectors, etc.) are instead implemented and configured by means of software on a personal computer or embedded system.IoTRadio equipment comprising the IoT is defined as: radio equipment intended to be (i) connected to (directly or indirectly) or(ii) controlled throughthe internet or a wireless data network.In EG RRS (06)05, slide 11, the manufacturers noted that Article 3(3)(i) is already implemented in the commercially available equipmentACRONYMSCBCitizen’s BandD-GPSDifferential Global Positioning SystemGNSSGlobal Navigation Satellite SystemHAPSHigh Altitude Platform StationIoTInternet of ThingsISMIndustrial, Scientific and Medical ApplicationsMBRMaritime Broadband RadioPMSEProgramme Making and Special EventsPPDRPublic Protection and Disaster ReliefRFIDRadio Frequency IdentificationSIT/SUTSatellite Interactive Terminal / Satellite User TerminalUASUnmanned Aircraft SystemUWBUltra Wide BandWDTSWideband Data Transmission Systems ................

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