KENAI CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL - Nikiski Middle/High School

Scholarship Folder



Class of 2020

Nikiski High School

Follow this format when preparing your Bulldog Packet:

All information should be typed and double-spaced. Your scholarship folder should be bound with a soft cover (available for purchase at Walmart, , etc.).

1. Cover page should follow this format:

Scholarship Folder


(Insert your Senior Photo)

Your Name Here

Nikiski High School

2: Scholarship Information Sheet. You may type the information on the attached sheets that are located on the following pages or type your own forms using a computer. Be sure to use the same style and format.

3: A personal statement essay typed, double-spaced. It must be one to two pages long.

Make this a special commentary illustrating what is unique about you, your family, and your personal and professional goals. Explain why you have chosen a particular career or vocation and explain your plan of pursuit. You may also mention special financial need that you may have.

4: Resume – Academic and/or work experience

5: Transcript. Request this from Mrs. Carstens or Ms. Lyke.

6: Financial Statement.

7: Three to five letters of recommendation. Letters may be from faculty, persons for whom you have worked (paid or volunteer work), your counselor, or someone who knows you well. Give the person from whom you request a letter of recommendation adequate time (two weeks minimum). Please provide the person you’re requesting a letter of recommendation from a copy of the letter of recommendation request form (last page of this packet) as well as a copy of your resume.

8: Appendix. (Optional) Include any information about yourself that sets you apart from your classmates. Examples are newspaper clippings or copies of special awards.

Turn in 5 copies of your Bulldog Packet by 2:15 on Friday, March 6th, 2020.

Some scholarships may require additional information/paperwork & may have earlier deadlines. Check KPBSD’s 1Stop & your email for more information.

Late Bulldog Packets will NOT be accepted.

1. Name: _______________________________

2. Address: ________________________________________________________________________


3. High School Attended and Dates: ________________________________________________________________________


4. Names of Parents or Guardians: ________________________________________________________________________

5. Brothers and Sisters and Their Ages: ________________________________________________________________________

6. Dates of Alaskan Residence: From ____________________To___________________

7. Number of Brothers and Sisters Attending College Now: ________________________

8. Planned Major in College or Trade-Vocational School: ________________________________________________________________________

9. Activities and Honors:

A. School Activities: ________________________________________________________________________



B. Positions of Responsibility in High School Activities: ________________________________________________________________________



C. Out-of-School Activities & Interests: ________________________________________________________________________



D. Positions of Responsibility in Out-of-School Activities: ________________________________________________________________________


E. Awards & Honors: ________________________________________________________________________



10. Out-of-School Employment (Summer & After School):

Employer: ________________________________________________________________________

Position: ________________________________________________________________________

Type of Work: ________________________________________________________________________

Dates: ________________________________________________________________________

11. College Choices:

1. ________________________________________________________________

Total Cost: __________________________________________________

Amount of Aid Needed: ________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________

Total Cost: __________________________________________________

Amount of Aid Needed: ________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________

Total Cost: __________________________________________________

Amount of Aid Needed: ________________________________________

12. What has been the best part of your high school experience? ________________________________________________________________________


13. What level of education do you expect to attain?

(Certification, Associate, Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate, Other)


14. Cumulative Grade Point Average: ___________ Class Rank: ___________________

Counselor’s Signature: __________________________________________________

Applicant’s Signature: __________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________

Financial Statement

Instructions: Estimate the amount of scholarship aid that you will need for the first year of post-high school training.

1. Research the post-secondary institution to which you plan to apply to reach an estimate of how much it will cost for one year of education/training (section A).

2. Consult with your parents. Reach an estimate of the money that you can expect from them and from your own earnings (part-time job, gifts) for the first year of your post-secondary education/training (Section B. If you have applied for financial aid but have not yet received an answer, enter pending in the amount column.

3. Subtract the sum in B from the sum in A to get the sum in C, or your scholarship request.

A. Estimate of expenses for the first year of college:

Tuition, room, board, fees

Books and supplies (average $500)

Clothing, cleaning, laundry (average $450)

Medical, dental (average $250)

Entertainment, Recreation (average $300)

Incidentals (average $500)

Travel (varies with distance from home)

Total Money Needed

B. Estimate of sources of meeting college costs for first year:

From Parents

From own earnings

From loans or other scholarships

From Alaska Student Loan

Total Money Available

C. Scholarship Request (A total – B total = C)

Letter of Recommendation Request Form

Students - when requesting a letter of recommendation, provide a completed copy of this page and a copy of your resume. Allow people 2 weeks minimum to write you a letter.

What is this letter of recommendation for? (check all that apply)

*if for specific scholarships, colleges or programs, list them.

⇨ Bulldog Packet

⇨ General: Scholarships

⇨ General: College Applications

⇨ A specific scholarship: _________________________

⇨ A specific college: ____________________________

⇨ A specific program: ___________________________

Please list any specific instructions or additional information here:



$ ________________

$ ________________

$ ________________

$ ________________

$ ________________

$ ________________

$ ________________

$ ________________

$ ________________

$ ________________

$ ________________

$ ________________

$ ________________

$ ________________

Name: _________________________ Date: ______________________

School(s) you’re applying to: _____________________________________________

Intended Area of Studies/Training: ________________________________________

GPA: ____________________ Deadline you need your letter by: __________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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