Algebra I Syllabus 2007-2008 School Year Ronald Reagan ...

Algebra II Syllabus 2008-2009 School Year Ronald Reagan Senior High School

Textbook: Algebra II, Prentice Hall

(online version is available on website)

Mandatory Materials:

▪ 2 ink pens (blue or red) & No. 2 pencils

▪ Basic calculator

Spiral notebooks only (3 to begin with)

1) CW & Notes, 2) HW, 3) Alternative

▪ Small personal pencil sharpener

▪ Highlighters

▪ Assignment & Participation Coupon Sheets (attached). I will provide for the first two weeks. (You are responsible to duplicate thereafter.)


▪ All assignments must be labeled with:

-- Student Name, Date, Assignment Name

(failure to do so will result in a lower grade)

▪ If you are present , but do not turn in homework, you will receive a “zero” grade.

▪ Show all work on problems; no work = no credit.

Class Notes:

▪ Class notes may be collected daily & will count as a project grade.

Classwork & Homework:

▪ HW is assigned daily, graded & reviewed randomly.

Assignment Sheet & Participation Coupons:

▪ Must be completed daily. Will be collected along with notebooks.

▪ A minimum of 4 coupons weekly is required. (You are responsible for downloading & printing the forms as needed.)


▪ A 15 minute warm up exercise will be on the board for you to begin immediately when you walk in.

Teacher: Ms. D. Carballo

Room: 203


▪ Warm up’s cannot be made up. It is the student’s responsibility to get the missed warm up from a fellow classmate for the purpose of studying.

▪ Active participation is required. Participation coupons are used as a measure.


▪ Excused absences – students are allowed to make up any assignments missed & turn in by the next 2 class sessions. A copy of the excused absence note must be attached to the assignment.

▪ Unexcused absences will receive a zero (0). No make-ups are allowed.

▪ CSI or Outdoor suspension - make up work is due the day the student returns to class. (visit website to access assignments)

▪ Hall Sweeps – students will receive a zero (0) in any & all assignments due that day.

▪ Student is responsible to access assignments, notes missed by visiting my website at:

or you may go to the school’s website, look for teacher web pages & click on my link.


▪ All basic school policies & Dade County policies must be adhere to in class.

▪ No food, drinks or gum in the classroom.

▪ One person speaking at a time.

▪ No standing up during class without permission.

▪ Cell phones cannot be seen or heard. (may not be used as a calculator)

▪ Notes, pencil sharpeners, class assignments or calculators may not be shared.

▪ Any form of talking during an exam will be interpreted as cheating & will result in an automatic ‘F’ for that exam.

▪ The bell is an indicator that the class period has ended, although the Teacher dismisses you!

▪ You should be seated and started with the daily assignment when the tardy bell rings.

Grading Scale: Distribution:

100. A 20% CW/HW

89. B 60% Test/Quizzes

70-79 C 10% Projects

60-69 D 10% Alternative

Below 60 F

Algebra II Syllabus 2008-2009 School Year Ronald Reagan Senior High School

I, _________________________________________

Print Student’s FULL name

have read the course syllabus for Algebra II.

The Assignment and Participation Coupon sheets have been provided to me and are available online to duplicate as needed.

I will submit a current parent email address and contact information on the information sheet attached. (Extra credit will be given to students who fill out and return the contact information sheet via email). You may access the form and fill it out online.

Extra credit will be given to students who bring a pack of pencils to keep in class.

I understand and agree to abide by all of the terms in the syllabus.

Student Signature

Print Parent/Guardian’s Full Name

Parent/Guardian Signature




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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