Reservation Form and Alumni Questionnaire

To make a reservation for our reunion, please complete the following form and mail it with your check made payable to Yvette Diamond – MMHS Class of 1978 by November 14, 2008 to:

Jeannie Weiner Abramson

1235 Saffell Road

Reisterstown, Maryland 21136

Name: ______________________________________ Maiden Name: __________________________

Address: _____________________________________________ City: _________________________

State: _____________ Zip Code: __________ E-mail Address: _______________________________

Phone Numbers: (Home) ________________ (Work) ________________ (Cell) _________________

Please indicate here if you do not want your address, phone number and/or e-mail address listed in the alumni directory, and specify which information you do not want included: ____________________________________________________

Spouse’s Name: ____________________________ Guest’s name: ____________________________

Number Attending: ____ at $70.00 per person

TOTAL ENCLOSED (Make check payable to Yvette Diamond – MMHS Class of 1978) $____________


Please complete the following questionnaire in writing and mail it in with your check and

reservation form. If you would prefer to submit your questionnaire information online, please e-mail it in a Word document (attachment) to George Cassutto at geocas@. The information you provide will be included in the alumni directory that will be made accessible online to all attendees.

Even if you decide to submit your questionnaire info online, you must mail in your check

with the top half of this form completed in order to make a reservation for the reunion.

Spouse/Significant Other/Children/Pets: __________________________________________________


Tell us what’s happening in your life: ____________________________________________________









Interests and hobbies: ________________________________________________________________


Please review the list of “lost classmates” on our website (designed by George Cassutto) at , and help us locate them so we can make sure no one misses out on the BEST reunion ever. For additional information, up-to-date news, or to give us information on “lost classmates,” please call a member of the reunion committee or

e-mail us at mmhs.classof78@. See you on November 29th!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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