Transcript for: Ted Doe - Homeschool

Transcript for: Ted Doe 123 4th Avenue

Date High School enrollment: September 1993 My Town, SD 57999

Parent/Guardian: Jim and Kate Doe

Date completed: May 24, 1997 Total GPA 3.76

Grade 9 (1994-95) Credits

English I (Grammar/ Literature) A A 1.0

Algebra 1 A A 1.0

Physical Education (Baseball, Winter Sports) S S 1.0

Spanish B B 1.0

State History/Geography A+ B 1.0

Physical Science A A 1.0

Music (Piano) A 0.5

Bible A A 1.0

Credits for Year 7.5

Grade 10 (1995-96) Credits

English II (Speech/American Literature) A A- 1.0

Algebra II B B 1.0

Physical Education (Soccer,Health) S S 1.0

World History A A+ 1.0

Typing/Computer B A 1.0

Biology A+ A+ 1.0

Music(Piano/Guitar) A 0.5

Bible A A 1.0

Credits for year 7.5

Grade 11 (1996-97) Credits

English III (Vocabulary/ Literature) A A 1.0

Geometry A A 1.0

US History A A 1.0

Chemistry B- B 1.0

Music (Piano) A 0.5

Automotive Repair and Maintenance A 0.5

Bible A A 1.0

Credits for year 6.0

Grade 12 (1997-98) Credits

English IV (Research Writing) A A 1.0

Economics/ US Government A A 1.0

Advanced Mathematics B B- 1.0

Physics B B- 1.0

Botany A+ 0.5

Music (Piano) A 0.5

Bible A A 1.0

Concurrent at South Dakota State University

Meteorology (3 semester credits) A 1.0

Credits for year 7.0

Total 28 Credits


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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