|Year 11 Biology |


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|UNIT: Biology: Physiology NAME: …………………………………………… |

|TASK TITLE: “Chemical Digestion of Starch” TEACHER: Ms Kissane / Mrs Kearney |

|Practical Report (EEI) |

|MONITORING DATE: 10 / 08 / 2009 TASK NO: 3 |

|DUE WEEK BEGINNING: 17 / 08 / 2009 |

|It is the student’s responsibility to submit assessment on or before the due date to ensure course completion and the awarding of a rating and level of|

|achievement. |


|Students will receive a mark based on current progress against criteria at this stage. A student’s final outcome against these criteria may therefore |

|differ from that indicated on the draft. |

|CRITERIA: |Understanding Biology |Investigating Biology |Evaluating Biological Issues |

| | | | |

|CONDITIONS: |5 class lessons |Group work – planning and running experiment | |

| |Practical report completed individually | |

| | | | |



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|CCE’s: | | | |

| |Compiling lists/statistics |Using correct spelling, punctuation, |Structuring / organising extended written |

| |Observing systematically |grammar |text |

| |Recording / noting data |Using vocabulary appropriate to a context|Applying strategies to trial and test ideas |

| |Manipulating / operating / |Compiling results in a tabular form |and procedures |

| |using equipment |Graphing | |

| | |Setting out / presenting / arranging / | |

| | |displaying. | |


| |Calculating with or without a |Reaching a conclusion which is consistent with a given set of assumptions |

| |calculator |Hypothesising |

| | |Analysing |

| | |Judging/Evaluating |

| | |Justifying |

|LENGTH: |The scientific report must have the following: an introduction, aim, hypothesis, materials list, method, scientific diagrams, results |

| |section, discussion and a conclusion |


|You are required to perform the experiment titled “Break it down” (Biology One Activity Manual, p124 – 128) |

|Once the experiment is completed, you will design & conduct a modification to this experiment. |

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|You must investigate one of the variables that affect the rate of digestion in animals. |

|A log book will be used to record all of the work you complete related to this investigation: |

|- Brainstorming, planning & your thinking |

|- Background research (note taking only), experimental results and observations |

|- Drafting of your report |

|This is not to be an electronic log – it must be hand written. |

|Your findings are be presented in a full experimental report. |

|For the EBI component of this task you must make links between your investigation and biological issues related to this topic. |

|Your log book must be submitted with your final report. |

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|CRITERIA |A |B |C |D |E |

|UB |Introduction |The problem being investigated has been clearly |The problem being investigated has been |The problem being investigated has been |Some relevant background information|Incorrect / invalid information is|

| | |explained. |clearly explained. |stated clearly. |has been provided. |included in introduction. |

| | |Detailed introductory background information |Detailed introductory background information |Introductory background information |No justification of hypothesis | |

| | |demonstrates exceptional understanding of scientific |demonstrates good understanding of scientific |describes relevant scientific theory. | | |

| | |theory. |theory. |Some basic scientific theory has been | | |

| | |Scientific theory has been linked and used to justify|Scientific theory has been used to justify the|used to justify the hypothesis. | | |

| | |the hypothesis in a detailed manner. |hypothesis, demonstrating understanding. |Relevance of the experiment has been | | |

| | |Relevance of the experiment has been explained in |Relevance of the experiment has been |stated clearly. | | |

| | |detail. |explained. | | | |

| |Discussion |Interpretation of data has been linked to theory to |Links the data to theory to demonstrate |Uses concepts to explain the data. |Ideas have been stated. Some |Some ideas have been stated. |

| | |demonstrate understanding of the concepts being |understanding of the concepts |Relevant terminology has been used. |relevant terminology has been |Terminology used is not relevant |

| | |investigated. | | |stated. |to the concepts associated with |

| | | | | | |the investigation. |

|IB |Procedure , |A clear & concise general aim of the investigation |A clear general aim of the investigation has |A general aim of the investigation has |A general aim of the investigation |No aim has been stated. |

| |Results & Data |has been stated. |been stated. |been stated. |has been stated but is unclear. |No hypothesis is stated |

| |collection |A formal & justifiable hypothesis has been clearly |A hypothesis has been clearly stated. |A hypothesis has been stated |An attempt to form a hypothesis has |No procedure or apparatus evident.|

| | |stated. |Modifies a procedure specific to the task. |Selects a procedure relevant to the |been made but the hypothesis is in |Results are minimal or so poorly |

| | |Procedure designed is specific to the investigation. |The procedure was executed safely, & with |task. |an incorrect format. |presented that they are difficult |

| | |The procedure was executed safely, with efficiency & |effect utilising appropriate equipment. |The procedure was completed safely & in |Follows a procedure with appropriate|to interpret |

| | |effect appropriate safety considerations |The procedure & materials have been clearly |an appropriate manner. |use of equipment. |A graph is not included |

| | |The procedure & materials have been clearly listed |listed and constructed in an appropriate |The procedure & materials have been |The procedure & materials have | |

| | |and constructed in an appropriate manner. |manner. Minor errors may be apparent |clearly listed but not in an appropriate|several errors and have not been | |

| | |Results have been presented clearly in the |Results have been clearly presented in a |manner or with a number of errors. |constructed in an appropriate | |

| | |appropriate tabular format. |table. |An attempt has been made to consider |manner. | |

| | |An accurate graph has been included. Conventions of a|A graph has been included and the most of the |safety measures in the procedure. |An attempt at presenting results in | |

| | |graph have been followed |conventions of a graph have been followed. |Results have been presented in a table |a table & /or graph has been made. | |

| | | | |and graph. Some conventions of a graph | | |

| | | | |have been followed. | | |

| |Discussion & |Information has been interpreted and critically |Information has been interpreted and analysed.|Information has been interpreted and |An attempt has been made to analyse |An attempt has been made to |

| |Conclusion |analysed. Links to theoretical concepts have been |Links to theoretical concepts have been made |analysed. but no link have been made to |information with no link being made |interpret information however the |

| | |made and conclusions have been drawn relating to the |and conclusions have been drawn relating to |the theoretical concepts |to the theoretical concepts |theoretical concepts referred to |

| | |background research. |the background research. |Problems encountered during the |Problems encountered during the |are incorrect / not relevant to |

| | |Problems encountered during the experiment are |Problems encountered during the experiment are|experiment have been briefly discussed. |experiment are not discussed and no |this investigation |

| | |clearly discussed and suggestions made as to how |discussed and suggestions have been made as to|Some suggestions as to how these could |suggestions have been made. |A statement regarding the |

| | |these could be avoided in the future. |how these could be avoided in the future. |be avoided in the future have been made.|An attempt has been made to create |hypothesis has been made / the |

| | |Suggestions for further investigations have been made|A clear statement regarding the aim of the |A statement regarding the aim of the |an aim for the investigation |conclusion is irrelevant. |

| | |A clear and concise statement regarding the aim of |investigation and validity of the hypothesis |investigation and validity of the |The validity of the hypothesis is | |

| | |the investigation and validity of the hypothesis has |has been made. |hypothesis has been made. |ineffective. | |

| | |been made. | | | | |

| |Bibliography |Complete and correct bibliography with thorough and |Complete and correct bibliography with some in|Bibliography presented. |Incorrect bibliography |No bibliography and evidence of |

| | |correct in text referencing. Chosen a variety of |text referencing. Chosen a variety of sources |Chosen a variety of sources |Invalid sources |research |

| | |valid sources |that are mostly valid. | | | |

| |Logbook |Complete documentation of detailed and informative |Regularly entering detailed and informative |Entering informative notes on |Entering notes on experimental |Limited notes entered into |

| | |notes on experimental progress no omissions. |notes on experimental progress into a journal.|experimental progress into a journal. |progress into journal. |journal. |

|EBI |Introduction & |Integrated research information and experimental data|Made decisions about the given topic supported|Selected relevant information to make |Gathered information on given topic |Student used supplied information |

| |Discussion |to make justified decisions about the given topic |by research information and experimental data |decision about the given topics |and used it to make statements. |to make statements. |

| | |Critically evaluates the importance of these concepts|An effective evaluation of the importance of |An evaluation of the importance of these|A link has been made to a real world|Discussion shows limited ability |

| | |in the real world context they are used. |these concepts in the real world context they |concepts in the real world context they |issue relevant to this |to link the investigation to a |

| | | |are used. |are used |investigation. |real world issue |

| |

|Feedback from the teacher regarding your performance in this task: |


|_______________________________________________ |




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