Logan High School


Course Syllabus 2013-2014

Course Name: Chemistry 1 Teacher: Mrs. Thompson

Credit: 1 Materials Needed: paper, pen/pencil, scientific calculator,

3-ring binder for class

Prerequisite: Earned credit for Algebra 2 or taking Algebra 2 concurrently with a B or better in Algebra 1, earned credit for Biology or taking Biology concurrently.

Course Description and Objectives: Chemistry 1 is a college preparatory course designed to present the basic principles of chemistry. Chemistry is the study of the composition of matter and the changes that matter undergoes. The class provides use of scientific facts and principles in both theory and laboratory practice for the high school student who plans to take one or more courses in college. A proficiency in Algebra 1 is expected.

Textbook Name: Wilbraham, A. C., Staley, D. D., Matta, M. S., and Waterman, E. L.

(2008). Chemistry. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Workbook: N/A

Workbook Fee: N/A

Lab Fee: $7.00

Grade Distribution Yearly Percentages

Tests 50%

Quizzes 10%

Labs, Class Assignments, Homework 40%

Grading Scale: The scale in the handbooks, as adopted by the Logan-Hocking Board of Education, will be used to determine letter grades.

Classroom Rules/Policies

• Show respect to people and possessions

• Be in your seat by the time the bell rings; tardies will be kept and enforced per school conduct guidelines (detention on 3rd tardy)

• Bring necessary materials to class

• Stay on task… and if finished early, have something productive to do (homework, book to read, etc.) or else a new task will be given to you

• Be actively involved in all assignments, discussions, labs, etc.

• Use all lab materials responsibly and safely

• Do not use or have out cell phones, ipods, and other similar electronic devices

• Sit in assigned seat until the bell rings (never line up at the door)

Keys to being successful in Chemistry 1 for the student

• Do not miss class.

• Keep up with your reading and your homework assignments. You are expected to come to class prepared to discuss the material and to work any of the previously assigned problems.

• Ask questions.

• Give your complete attention during every class for the duration of the class.

• Do your homework the night it is assigned. It is meant to reinforce the material we are learning in class.

• Discuss the material with your classmates outside of class. Study groups are highly effective methods to complete homework and prepare for quizzes/tests.

• Read your text.

• Do not cram the night before for a test.

• Do not give up.

• Be sure to address any problems immediately. I’m available outside of class for extra help but you must contact me.

• Take great notes.

• Practice, practice, practice. Many things you learn in chemistry are skills which require practice before they can be truly learned/understood.

Parents: How you can help your student in Chemistry 1

• Your student will have chemistry homework nearly every night. Provide your student with a distraction-free environment.

• Read through the tips for students and encourage your student to use them.

• Encourage your student. It may take some time before they are comfortable with the math and critical thinking chemistry requires. They may feel like they cannot get it. They can; it will take persistence and hard work.

• Students should be taking class notes. If they do not take notes, they will be doing themselves a great disservice. Encourage them to take notes.

• Be supportive. A positive attitude and faith in the student can be a great motivator.

• Many students find chemistry a rewarding but difficult subject. It may require more effort than your student may have ever put forth. This is a time for them to grow toward their next academic level. They can succeed, but only if they work hard consistently throughout the year.

Absence (Per school handbook)

Students should make arrangements for make-up work the day they return to school. An “F” will be recorded if no arrangements are made. A student will have the same number of days to make up their work and/or tests as excused absence.

After 2 days of unexcused absence per quarter, a physician’s statement will be required in order for the student to make up work. Without a medical excuse, the student will receive an “F” on all work missed.

Course Outline (subject to change)

|First Grading Period |Second Grading Period |

|Scientific Measurement |Electrons in Atoms |

|Laboratory Safety |The Periodic Table |

|Introduction to Chemistry |Ionic and Metallic Bonding |

|Matter and Change |Covalent Bonding |

|Atomic Structure |Chemical Names and Formulas |

|Third Grading Period |Fourth Grading Period |

|Chemical Reactions |States of Matter |

|Stoichiometry |Behavior of Gases |

|Solutions |Acids, Bases, and Salts |

|Thermochemistry |Reaction Rates and Equilibrium |

|Oxidation-Reduction Reactions |Organic Chemistry |

Contact Info: Email me at athompson@lhsd.k12.oh.us. My conference period is Per 4. Some see me if you have questions or would like additional help. The class website is loganchemistry. .

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Student’s Name (print): ____________________________________________________________

I have read the above syllabus for Chemistry 1 in its entirety.

Parent Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________

Student Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ___________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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