Window Rock High School

Window Rock High School

Chemistry Course Syllabus

School Year 2019-2020

I. Course Information

❖ Course Title & Number: Chemistry – 17060

❖ Course Pre-requisite: Physical Science or General Science and at least Algebra I

❖ Classroom: C-13

❖ Required for graduation

❖ Credit: 1

II. Instructor Information

❖ Instructor: Mrs. Maria-Gudelia Artienda Tsosie

❖ Office Phone No.: 928-729-7006 Ext 2753 (Please do not call during class hours. Instructor is available before class at 7:30-7:50 and after class at 3:30-4:00).

❖ Home Phone No.: 928-729-2812 (Please call between 5:00 – 6:00 pm only. )

❖ E-mail address: mtsosie@ ; gudietsosie@

III. Textbook , Readings Materials, School Supplies

❖ Pearson Chemistry by Wilbraham et al , 2017

❖ Any Chemistry textbook can serve as reference material

❖ School/Class supplies : Scientific Calculator , flash drives , Interactive Notebook – spiral or any kind, at least 100 pages, blue/black ink pens , pencils , 3 x 5 index cards , typed loose papers, high lighters, scissors, glue, ruler

IV. Course Description and Objectives

❖ Course Description : Chemistry is the study of materials, their properties, their components and structure and the changes they undergo.

❖ Course Goal/Purpose: This course is for college bound students who aspire to go into the health, medical and allied fields, engineering courses, agriculture , food technology, materials science and many other areas which require a background in Chemistry.

❖ Objectives:

1. The students will be prepared to perform very well to meet or exceed the standards set by the Arizona Department of Education for Chemistry.

2. The students will develop higher order thinking skills which are indispensable tools in living in a diverse society.

3. The students will develop critical skills required to meet the demands of the 21st Century.

V. Calendar of Assignments and Due Dates

❖ Topics covered: The topics that will be covered are: a) nature and scope of chemistry , b) methods and measurements in Science , c) matter and change , d) atomic structure , e) the Periodic Table and Periodic Law , f) chemical bonding and chemical reactions , g) chemical quantities , h) states of matter and Gas Laws i) rates of reactions and j) redox reactions.

❖ Exams , Quizzes and other Evaluations

1. Formative assessments are given during the course of covering a lesson. Short quizzes are given sporadically to measure students’ progress.

2. Summative assessments/quizzes are given at the end of every topic and Chapter Tests/Unit Tests are given at the conclusion of each chapter/unit. Performance-Based assessments will also be given on certain topics.

3. A final semester’s examination is given at the end of the First Semester.

4. An Investigatory Project is required and is the equivalent of the Second Semester Final Exam.

VI. Grading

❖ Grades will be calculated as an average of total points earned over points possible.

❖ Progress Report and Quarterly grades are determined by points earned on the following assignments. Percentages are given.

|Assignment |Percentage |

|Summative Tests ( Chapter/Unit) |40 % |

|Formative Tests ( Quizzes) |20% |

|Projects |20 % |

|Class work , Home works |20 % |

|Total |100 % |

❖ Semester’s Grade is calculated according to the following percentages:

1st and 2nd Quarter Grade = 45 %

3rd and 4th Quarter Grade = 45 %

Semester Final Exam = 10 %

❖ Grading Scale:

100 – 90 % = A

89 – 80 % = B

79 – 70 % = C

69 – 60 % = D

≤ 59 % = F

❖ Every project and special assignments have a specific rubric for grading or evaluation. These rubrics will be provided to the students when necessary.

VII. Documentation of Work:

❖ A written or typewritten copy of home work ,class work is required for submission on designated times.

❖ All test papers should be compiled in the designated Data Folder.

❖ Notebooks will be graded as a Project every 3 weeks or as indicated.

❖ A type-written research paper, if possible, is required for submission for every research project required unless otherwise specified. On certain occasions, posters or display materials are required as outputs for some research works.

❖ A type-written copy of the Investigatory Project will have to be submitted before the scheduled Science Fair. An oral presentation to a panel of judges will likewise be imperative.

VIII. Classroom Procedures and Rules:

❖ All assignments, home works , class works , test papers must contain a title, name, date and period in the heading. Untitled/unlabeled papers will be placed in a designated tray or posted on the board and must be claimed within the same period/time the papers are given back, otherwise, will receive a zero grade. First to second offense will be excused but succeeding offenses will not be tolerated and hence the paper will receive a zero grade.

❖ All homework assignments will be due the following day, unless otherwise specified.

❖ Any late homework or assignments will have a 10 % reduction in grade for every day it is late. For example:

1 day late = 20 % point reduction

2 days late = 40 % point reduction

However, no homework or assignment will be accepted beyond the 5th day. If a homework or assignment had already been discussed in class and the student was present during that time but did not turn in the work, his/her late work will no longer be accepted and graded.

❖ It is the responsibility of the student to obtain and make up assignments missed due to excused absences or absences due to sports activities.

❖ Make-up homework is due the following day a student returns from an excused absence or authorized school activity.

❖ The teacher has the discretion to grant a longer period of time to make up work if there are extenuating circumstances.

❖ All scheduled tests must be made up the day a student returns to class after an absence or a zero will be given, unless a prior arrangement/agreement was made.

❖ Due to the nature of labs, it is extremely important to be present on lab days. Labs involve chemicals and equipment that may be available on lab day only. Lab Make-up: If a lab is feasible for make-up, the instructor may schedule a group make-up work, not an individual make-up work. In lieu of the lab, a student may do a research or a problem-based assignment and submit a research paper related to the lab or project that was missed. This will be due within one week after the missed lab.

❖ Some extra credit work will be available throughout the year. Students must have all required assignments completed AND must have a passing grade before being eligible at working on extra credit.

❖ All students are expected to follow school-wide and classroom expectancies and policies.

❖ District tardy and truancy policies will be strictly enforced.

❖ All electronic devices are not allowed in class. Cellphones will never ever be allowed for use as calculators. They will be confiscated and turned over to administrators.

❖ The Chemistry classroom is exposed to many toxic and potentially dangerous chemicals. Absolutely NO FOOD OR DRINK IS ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM!

❖ The “No apron, no lab work” rule applies all the time that a laboratory work is scheduled. Apron will be provided for each student. A student who refuses to wear personal protective equipment such as apron, safety glasses and gloves will not be allowed to perform any experiment, will lose grade for the lab and will be referred to the office for non-compliance of safety procedures. No make-up work is allowed for this purpose.

❖ No restroom passes will be given 10 minutes at the start of a class or before the end of the class or when a lecture-discussion or activity is on-going.

❖ Bring all materials to class, including books, notebooks, etc. Teacher will not provide pens, pencils , calculators. Be sure to have them before you come to class. No student will be allowed to leave the classroom to get a book or Interactive Notebook.

❖ Chemistry is a college-prep class. If any student persists in the inhibition of the learning of other students, they will be removed from the class.

❖ Always remember – Be a Scout with PRIDE!

Be Prepared for Success

*complete all assignments & homework

*study every night, all the time

*listen, observe, remember, share (LORS)

Be Responsible

*for your own learning

*bring class supplies

*clean up after yourself

*return supplies to their respective places

Be Obedient

*follow all class and school rules

*follow instructions the first time they are given

Be Time-bound

*turn in work on time

*come to class on time

Be Orderly

*organize your stuffs and your work area

*keep the aisles clear

Be Nice

*listen when someone is talking

*keep unnecessary comments to yourself

*treat each other as you want to be treated

August 2, 2019

To the Parents:

Awareness and involvement in your son or daughter’s schoolwork is the first step in their achieving success. I encourage you to read over and discuss the course syllabus and expectancies with him/her so that any questions may be answered NOW and taken cared of.

As a parent of a student in my class I encourage you to monitor his/her progress during the school year. Some helpful tools include:

• E-mail – if you would like to be placed on my list for student update notification, please include your e-mail address on the attached signature form.

• Phone – if you have some concerns about your child, you can call me during lunch or after school till 4:30 at 928-729-7006 extension 2753.

• Power School – you have access to your students grades, if you want to know missing assignments, you can check it here. If you have any questions about his/her grades, please call me as soon as possible.

My goal, with your help, is for every student to be successful and to pass this course. If we- student, teacher, and parent, can make a commitment to work together then this will be an attainable goal. Your questions and comments are always welcome. Please feel free to contact me at Window Rock High School .

This information letter is for your reference and records. Please sign the attached page to acknowledge that you have received this information and are aware of the policies and expectancies of your student’s Chemistry class. This is the first class assignment and must be returned to me by your son/daughter no later than August 8, 2018 for full classwork credit.

Thank you,

Maria-Gudelia A. Tsosie

Room C-13

Window Rock High School

E-mail: mtsosie@; gudietsosie@

Please fill in the following information and provide phone number(s) where I can contact you or leave messages concerning your student. Please include e-mail if available as I use this to communicate with you.

Student’s Name: ________________________________

Mother’s Name: ________________________________

Contact Phone Number:____________________

Alternate Phone Number:___________________


Father’s Name:_________________________________

Contact Phone Number:____________________

Alternate Phone Number:___________________


Please state any questions, comments, concerns:

I have read and discussed the classroom procedures with my son/daughter, and understand the grading policy, classroom rules, assignment procedure, and other information provided on the syllabus.

Student Signature:______________________________ Date: _____________

Parent Signature:_______________________________ Date : ____________



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