Classroom Management Plan - VALLEY CITY HIGH SCHOOL

Classroom Management Plan

English 9 – English 11

Valley City Jr./Sr. High School

Teacher: Mrs. Hokana Webpage: mrshokana.

Hi and welcome to my class! My name is Mrs. Hokana, and this will be my ninth year of teaching. I previously taught 10-12th grade English classes in Oakes, ND for four years. This will be my fifth year here at VCHS, and I’m excited for what the year will bring!

I am originally from New Rockford, ND. After graduating from high school, I attended Valley City State University. I graduated summa cum laude in May of 2008 with degrees in English education and Spanish education. I have also earned my master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction from North Dakota State University.

One of my jobs as a teacher is to help you discover your individuality and to work with you to maximize your potential. I believe in hands-on experiences, learning creatively, and providing you with opportunities to become responsible for your own education. Each student learns differently, and it is my job to modify my instruction to match each unique learning style.

I believe all students . . .

• Need to be given equal opportunities to use their individual strengths to become successful students and citizens

• Are successful when they value education and give their best effort in achieving their personal and educational goals. I value the personal investment of every student in terms of his/her own education.

• Are capable of learning at higher levels.

• Have the right to a quality education.

I believe teachers . . .

• Should promote the development of the student as a person.

• Should allow students to make choices in their learning when appropriate.

• Should help students find the right questions to ask, not just give them answers.

• Should both value and practice consistency.

I believe learning occurs . . .

• In a classroom environment that encourages active participation and reduces fear and failure.

• In a school that teaches children and young adults to become productive members of society. I value the active initiative that a good school provides.

• Best in a community that is committed to enhancing student learning.

• In a classroom where diversity is embraced and enjoyed.

I believe a good education stimulates the desire and ability to question and interpret the world. I value the lifelong critical spirit and skill that a good education fosters.

Classroom Guidelines

1. Be in your seat and working when the tardy bell rings.

2. Respect other students’ right to learn.

3. Respect other people’s property and person.

4. Be prepared. Bring homework and all required materials to class, and take them with you when you leave.

5. Be an active learner and take responsibility for your own education!

Please be respectful and follow all guidelines. Consequences will include:

1. Verbal Warning

2. One-on-One meeting with me. Create an Action Plan if necessary.

3. Detention & phone call home

4. Referral to Administration

-Sometimes, it may be necessary to skip a step, as certain behaviors are more unacceptable than others. Use good judgment-

Classroom Procedures

1. Students are expected to have all materials ready at the beginning of class. This includes sharpening pencils prior to the beginning of class, organizing papers, taking out homework, etc. I expect you to be seated and quiet when the bell rings. There will always be something on the board for you to begin working on.

2. Bring a reading book to class every day. Because Accelerated Reader is a requirement in my class, I allow several minutes each week for reading time. If you return to your locker for your book, you will be marked tardy.

3. I do not assign class readiness or other points for preparedness. However, if you come to class unprepared, you will receive a tardy. If you ask to return to your locker after the bell, you will be marked tardy. This includes something as simple as forgetting a pencil. Because I know that, at times, we can all be forgetful, you will be allowed to return to your locker twice per quarter without receiving a tardy. You must ask and sign out.

4. Do not ask to go to the bathroom at the start of class. If you ask before the bell and you do not return by the time the bell rings, you will be marked tardy.

5. Only one student may sign out at a time, and only during class work time. If I am instructing, you will not be allowed to leave my classroom.

6. During instruction, you may not sharpen pencils, talk, or whisper with your neighbors. Please be respectful of other students’ right to learn!

7. Students will be expected to check their grades (through Power School) regularly.

8. Intentional plagiarism will result in a zero on that assignment, no exceptions.

9. If I raise my hand, stop whatever you are doing. Face me and wait silently. No talking or whispering – all eyes should be on me.

10. If a student is signed out to use the restroom or locker for more than 5 minutes, he or she will be sent to the office for an unexcused tardy slip.

11. If a substitute teacher assigns a detention to a student, that student will receive another detention from me when I return. If a substitute teacher writes a negative note about a student’s behavior, that student will receive detention when I return. Bottom line: Be respectful to our substitute teachers!

12. Students may bring a bottle of water to class with them. I will also allow drinks such as Gatorade or Powerade. No pop, please! It’s too messy when spilled, and nobody wants a sticky desk!

13. You may use either a pen or pencil for daily handwritten assignments. Please use only black or blue ink pens.

14. During work time in class, if the time is wasted, that student will spend the same amount of time after school with me working on that assignment. If 20 minutes are wasted, you will spend 20 minutes with me after school. This will not be recorded as ER time. If you skip your after-school time with me, you will be assigned a detention for the following day.

15. No cell phones are to be used in my classroom. During class reading time, you may ask to read a book on your phone. I will need to see the book and will check regularly during reading time. If you are caught with your cell phone without permission, it will stay on my desk until the bell rings. The second (and subsequent) time, you will need to pick your phone up from the office at the end of the day. You may not listen to music on your phone during reading time.

16. You may not wear a hat in my classroom. If you enter my classroom with a hat, you will be asked to return it to your locker. If you do not return by the time the bell rings, you will be marked tardy.

17. Students should remain in their seats until the bell rings. You may not line up at the door. At the end of each hour, I try to allow a few minutes for visiting. I think it’s important for you to have this time to talk with your peers and/or to ask me questions or to visit with me about various activities. Lining up at the door makes this time too chaotic. You may visit, but you must stay seated IN (not on) your desks. Occasionally, cell phones will be allowed during this time. You must ask.

18. If you refuse to work during work time in my classroom, you will be required to meet with Mrs. Hokana after school that same day (ER). If you do not show up, you will be assigned detention.

19. Late Work: Unexcused late work will be subject to a 10% grade reduction. After 5 days have passed, a contract will be created with a last chance deadline. ER will be assigned the day after the assignment is due. You must attend ER on the day it is assigned. Makeup work due to excused absences will follow VCHS guidelines. **If a project or test is due and a student has an unexcused absence, he/she will receive 0% for the assessment.

Emergency Plans:

1. Tornado Emergency Plan: Go to the band hallway. Continue walking until you meet other students coming from the opposite direction. Sit down and place your arms over your head.

2. Fire Emergency Plan: Exit East Central Avenue Doors (#3). Take a left and walk around the building. Meet by the jail, by the north corner of the sidewalk. If you can’t find me, look for Mrs. Larson or Mrs. Wagar. We will stand in between their classes! You must stay in our group because I need to take attendance.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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