DAYTON Juniors rules and requirements

Dayton Juniors Volleyball Club


Training to Succeed

2019 - 20 Coaches Manual


Coaches Mission Statement

It is the intent of this Club to promote fairness, integrity, and good sportsmanship. The coaches are responsible for establishing this environment and supporting the enhancement of players’ volleyball skills, leadership abilities, teamwork, and individual development on and off the volleyball court. Coaches are asked to follow all rules, regulations and guidelines provided by the club in order to promote uniform standards and behavior throughout the club.

Coaches Check List for Organizational Meeting in October

Attend the Coaches Organizational Meeting in October. It is very important that you attend this meeting.

• You will be given your DJRS contract to sign at the Coaches Organizational Meeting.

• Educate yourself on the DJRS Player Evaluation Policy listed in the Coaches Guidelines. The form and guidelines are under the forms section of the DJRS website. The Coaches Organizational Meeting will be the time to ask questions.

• In order to reduce as many conflicts getting players at tournaments, coaches should have all players provide the coach the weekends they are not available as soon as possible after the teams are selected. The coach then should build their schedule around the player conflicts. After tournaments are selected you must turn in your tournament form to Derek by November 27th..

• Coaches will be given their facility key and medical kit at the Coaches Organizational meeting.

• Sign up for working at Open gyms. Your tryout schedule will be given to you at the Coaches Organizational meeting.

Coaching Certification Checklist

2019-20 Club Season


● This entire document is for both NEW and RETURNING coaches.

● Welcome (back) to the family! There’s a lot to do, but hopefully this guide will help keep us organized.

● Let’s get all of this out of the way NOW so we can worry about bigger and better things as the season approaches.

● Dayton Juniors participates in the Ohio Valley Region of USA Volleyball. In order to be cleared to coach, there are several health/safety training requirements that must be fulfilled.

● This document is designed to walk you through all of these requirements in order. It is very important that these be completed in the order presented to you.

● At the completion of each page, please email receipt and/or copies of the certificate received to DJVBCsports@ so that we can update your status with the club.

● Each certification has its own renewal period (1,2,3 years) and that will be defined in the pages to follow.

● Any money spent to achieve a certification in this guide will be reimbursed to you by the club administrators upon receipt of the certification gained.

Ohio Valley Region (OVR) Membership

($62 annual renewal with an additional $20 background check every 2nd year)

● All coaches must complete this.

● For this season, OVR membership must be gained for the period of 11/1/2018-10/31/2019.

● Choose the appropriate link below depending on whether you’re a new or renewing member to complete your USAV Webpoint registration.

● Instructions for NEW Member

● Instructions for RENEWING Member

● When asked, be sure to select DAYTON JUNIORS as your club.

● Choose the “Pay with CC” option to complete your purchase.

● Be sure to complete steps #9-11 (NEW) or #13-15 (RENEWING) on the next day to finalize your OVR Registration.

● When complete, send receipt of purchase and a screenshot of your newly-obtained OVR Membership card to DJVBCsports@

IMPACT Training

($40 On-Demand, Online course to be completed once and is valid for life)

● If you have coached club volleyball for our club or any other USAV club in the past, skip this step entirely.

● Start at:

● Login with your webpoint credentials created when purchasing your OVR membership

● Click on “USAV Coaching Clinics”

● Register for the IMPACT ON-DEMAND course

● Choose the “IMPACT USAV Membership Discount” rate of $40.

● Instructions will be provided for completing this on-demand training.

● When complete, send receipt of purchase and proof of completion to djvbcsports@

SafeSport Training

(FREE On-Demand, Online course to be completed once every two years)

● All coaches (new and returning) will begin this procedure.

● Start at:

● Login with your webpoint username and password.

● Returning

○ View your Member Profile and check the expiration date of your SafeSport Certification

○ If the expiration is 10/31/2019, take a screenshot and email it to DJVBCsports@ as proof that the certificate is still valid. You may skip the remaining steps on this page.

○ If the expiration is 10/31/2018, follow instructions as if you are a NEW coach.

● New

○ Click on USAV Coaching Clinics

○ Register for the SafeSport On-Demand: Two-Season Certification

○ You’ll be directed to the USAV Academy to complete this online training.

○ This is a 3-part course.

○ Email certificates for all three parts together at once to DJVBCsports@

NFHS Concussion Certification

(FREE On-Demand, Online course to be completed once every three years)

● All coaches (new and returning) will begin this procedure.

● If you possess a current Pupil Activity Permit (valid through 5/15/2019 or beyond) for High School coaching, send proof to DJVBCSports@ and skip this page.

● Otherwise, Start at:

● Returning

○ Login with your NFHS account credentials

○ Click on My Certificates

○ If your “Most Recent Certificate” was completed AFTER 5/15/2016, download it and send to DJVBCSports@ as proof of a valid certificate.

○ If your “Most Recent Certificate” was completed BEFORE 5/15/2016, you must re-complete this training per the steps below.

● New

○ Create an NFHS Account

○ Under “Courses” Search for Concussion in Sports

○ Order the course (It’s free) and it will show up under “My Courses”

○ Complete this course and send certificate of completion to DJVBCSports@

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (Lindsay’s Law)

(FREE On-Demand, annual refresher video)

● All coaches (new and returning) will complete this.

● Start at:

● Login with your NFHS account credentials

● Under “Courses” Search for Sudden Cardiac Arrest

● Order the course (It’s free) and it will show up under “My Courses”

● Complete this course and send certificate of completion to DJVBCSports@

Dayton Juniors Emergency Medical Form

(A new copy required on file annually)

● All coaches (new and returning) will complete this.

● This form is available on our website under the FORMS section or can be found at the link below:

● Print, complete, scan and email to DJVBCSports@

Dayton Juniors Coaches Manual

(A new copy required on file annually)

● All coaches (new and returning) will complete this.

● Review the 2018-19 Coaches Manual in the FORMS section of our website

● Print the last page of this manual and sign to verify that you have read and agree to Dayton Juniors policy

● Scan and email this single page to DJVBCSports@

Dayton Juniors Coaches Payment Contract

(A new contract will be signed annually)

● If you’ve made it this far, it’s time to celebrate!

● This is the one step of the process that must be completed in person around the time of our tryouts after team assignments have been made.

● You will obtain a copy of your payment contract from Derek or Emily which details the timing and amount of pay agreed upon for your services.

● Once signed, you’re officially ready to go.

● Thanks for all your efforts - we can’t wait to work with you!

Business Policies

• Each coach will be reimbursed for the services provided as stipulated by the contract which you will sign. However, failing to comply with the guidelines provided to you by DJRS may result in a review of your reimbursement and could result in removal from the club.

o In order to reduce as many conflicts getting players at tournaments, coaches should have all players provide the coach the weekends they are not available as soon as possible after the teams are selected. The coach then should build their schedule around the player conflicts.

o After tournaments are selected, you must contact Derek Benson for tournament registration.

• The club will not provide nor reimburse coaches for lodging, transportation or food. These will be provided by the parents per club guidelines.

• The head coach will be provided with equipment and some other items that are not personal which are required to be returned at the end of the season. The equipment is to be checked in and out from Kali Mizen

o Facility Keys will be issued to each head coach. The keys must be returned at the coaches end of year check out meeting. There will be a $50.00 assessment made against the coaches’ final reimbursement check if the key is not returned.

o Medical kits will be issued to each head coach. The medical kits must be returned at the coaches end of year check out meeting. There will be a $30.00 assessment made against the coaches’ final reimbursement check if the key is not returned.

o The club attire is yours to keep.

Training Policies

• Head coaches are expected to lead all practices for each team. Assistant Coaches may lead practices under the supervision of the Head Coach.

• It is very important that each training session be planned and written out prior to practice. If the Director observes this not being done, the coach may be required to provide practice plans to him.

• The Director (or his equivalent representative) will attend some practice sessions and tournaments to offer suggestions and ideas. These could be scheduled with the coach prior to practice time. The intent is not to criticize but to aid the coach in development.

• Training sessions will not be cancelled unless approved by the Director.

Educational Opportunities

It is the intent of the Directors to provide a learning environment for the members of the Coaches in our Club. In order to keep up with the ever-changing rules, regulations, and growth of the sport, the coaches need to constantly learn about our sport. With this in mind, the DJRS Board will provide clinic information or other learning opportunities to all coaches as it comes across their desk.

Coaches Attendance Policy

• Head Coaches are required to attend all training sessions and tournaments. If for some reason a coach cannot make a tournament or training session, it is their responsibility to have the event covered. It is also the coach’s responsibility to let the Director know of the conflict and who will be covering the team.

• Failure to meet these requirements or inadequate attendance could result in the club withholding a percentage of the coach’s allowance or removal from the club.

Player Evaluation Policy

The Coaches will evaluate players twice during the club season. Dates of these evaluations will be the week of March 1st, and the last week of your season. You will not be required to have practice on those dates. Practices will be covered for you that evening. You are still required to attend your practice times at the DJRS facility and work on the evaluations during that time.

• Evaluations will be done electronically.

• The evaluation form and suggested evaluation ideas can be obtained in the forms section on the Dayton Juniors Website.

• DJRS will provide food and drinks during these sessions.

• Once you have completed your evaluations, you will need to send a copy to the Director at djrsdirector@ and a copy to the player.

• Coaches MUST have all first then last evaluations completed prior to the coach’s first payment then one week after their last practice. If these evaluations are not in the Director’s hands by then, the coach will not be paid until they evaluations are completed. The Director will provide the names of coaches who have completed the evaluations and can be paid.

Player Attendance Policy

It is important to understand the importance of attending training sessions and tournaments. Parents and players are paying for the opportunity for the athlete to improve as a volleyball player.

There is a double edged sword involved in player attendance and the lack of.

• DJR’s feels it is very important that young women experience what their schools have to offer. We encourage these athletes to participate in their school functions. With this being said, the more an athlete participates in the school functions that cause them to miss training sessions and tournaments, the longer it will take for them and their team to progress.

• By missing training sessions and tournaments this not only slows down the progress of the player and team, it tends to create animosity between players and even between parents of players. Because of this policy, players and parents need to accept the fact that this situation could occur and need to work to make the best of the situation.

• Athletes will not be punished for missing training sessions or tournaments.

• We will require this: If an athlete plans on missing a practice or tournament they must personally let the coach know ASAP prior to the event. (Parents and athletes know the training schedule up front and were given the opportunity by the coach to inform them of weekend conflicts prior to setting up their team’s schedule. As other conflicts arise letting the coach know ASAP is just a common courtesy allowing the coach to prepare their practice or plan for a tournament.)

• If a player does not show up to practice on time and has not let the coach know prior to training that they are not attending, the coach will call to make sure the athlete is ok.

• No decrease in fees will be given to any athlete that misses training or tournaments. Exceptions may be granted by the Director of Volleyball Operations.

Travel, Lodging and Common Sense Guidelines

1. Athletes are not permitted in a coach’s room, with the exception of a team meeting. No individual players are permitted in hotel rooms with a coach at any time. Please avoid being alone with players.

2. Parent may request to take an athlete off the premises.

3. Display appropriate behavior at all times. You may also establish curfews.

4. Make sure you obtain permission from parents to allow you to use their daughters’ cell phone numbers and emails for communication. DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, USE THIS SOURCE OF MEDIA OTHER THAN TO CONTACT YOUR PLAYERS ABOUT DJRS VOLLEYBALL!!!

Coaches Conduct

It is the intent of this Club to be a leader in the volleyball community. These guidelines are set forth to protect the safety and integrity of the coaches. Please be aware that all circumstances are not accounted for and in the event of an unforeseen circumstance, contact the Director of Volleyball Operations for appropriate action. We wish to set the standard that other programs want to mirror.

5. All coaches shall uphold the integrity of the Club.

6. Display loyalty to the Club and the mission statement of this Club. If you have a problem with the way the Club is run or the team you are assigned, this will not be aired in front of parents, athletes or other coaches. It will be addressed by going to the Director.

7. It is the coach’s responsibility to ensure good team officiating takes place. Your team is responsible for officiating and score keeping during the tournament (this is a USA Volleyball rule).

o Unless you give a player special permission, all players must remain at the tournament site until all officiating responsibilities are completed.

• It is required that the coach stay near the scorer’s table while their team is officiating to provide assistance for any situations that may arise.

• The club will provide DJRS attire for all coaches. These are to be worn during tournament play for us to be recognized as a club. You must also emphasize this with your players. At tournament site and training sessions they will use DJRS attire.

• In the event of any major issues, they should be reported immediately upon return to Dayton, or in a timely fashion. Examples include injuries, any rule infraction from the Player/Parent’s Guidelines, or any conflict with tournament administrators. This should be in writing or phone conversation with the Director.

• If any DJRS teams are playing at the same tournament site, athletes are encouraged to watch and cheer for the team.

• Abusive language to players, opponents and officials or displays of negative behavior is not allowed. Supportive positive behavior on and off the floor is strongly encouraged.

• Proper conduct between coaches and players must be maintained at all times.

Coaches Conduct Continued

While it is not the intent of this Club to suggest that there will or could be problems, the mission and integrity of this Club must be protected. The Director of Volleyball Operations will evaluate all situations. Fairness to all is our objective.

Expulsion may result from:

• Not following Club guidelines.

• Slandering DJRS or any other Club, the athletes or parents of those clubs, or officials. Using good judgment and showing integrity to yourself and the club should be your objective.

• Confronting a Director or a coach with disagreements during practice or tournaments. This should be done in private.

• “Conduct unbecoming a coach” will not be tolerated. Losing composure is not acceptable and is deemed inappropriate behavior.

• Consumption of alcohol at a tournament site or training site. Public intoxication at any Club function is not allowed. This includes restaurants and hotels. We are well aware that coaches and parents often gather after tournament play for dinner and to discuss the day’s events. Use discretion when consuming alcohol.

• Screaming or negative gesturing at officials, tournament directors or players, before, during or after a tournament (e.g. foul language, foul gestures). Questioning an official call is our duty as coaches; do not let it get out of hand.

• Smoking at a tournament site, practice site, or around any Club athlete or parent. Please use extreme discretion when smoking.

• Failure to comply with attendance and coaches’ conduct requirements.

Player Grievance Procedure

Coaches will ensure adherence to the following grievance procedure. The procedure is designed to help athletes and parents with questions, concerns, or problems that may occur during the course of the season. It ensures open communication between all parties involved.

1. The athlete or parent must first ask for a meeting between the head and assistant coaches, the Director of Volleyball Operations, the athlete and parents to discuss the issue at hand. The discussion should take place at a location that is considered adequate for a private discussion agreed to by both parent and coach. The decision of the Director of Volleyball Operations is final.

2. Asking for a meeting to discuss an athletes playing time is not an option.

Tournament Scheduling Process

It is the coaches’ responsibility to schedule their tournaments ASAP. Coaches are to fill out the form on the following page and return it to Derek Benson no later than NOVEMBER 28th.

2017-18 Tournament Budgets:

$4,000 – 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Blue Teams

$2,400 – All Gold Teams and 18 Blue

$1,715 – All White and Black Teams

$1,250 – 12 Blue & Gold

You will need to find tournaments to participate in. Using their link provided, send a request to enter the tournament. When you get confirmation from that tournament then list the required information about the tournament on the schedule form.

If you exceed your budget, it is the responsibility of the parents to make up the difference. You are to advise Derek that your budget has been exceeded so she can increase your team members fees.

Note: At the bottom of the scheduler form is a place for you to put in your budget, the total amount of your entry fees, and if over budget, how much over budget you are.

Where to find tournaments:

OVR Website -

AES Website -

AAU Website -

JVA Website -


Sexual Abuse and Molestation Prevention Policy

Dayton Juniors Volleyball Inc. does not permit or allow sexual abuse or molestation to occur in the workplace or at any activity sponsored by or related to it. In order to make this “zero-tolerance” policy clear to all employees, volunteers, board members, and staff members, we have adopted mandatory procedures that employees, volunteers, family members, board members, individuals and victims must follow when they learn of or witness sexual abuse or molestation.

Sexual abuse takes the form of inappropriate sexual contact or interaction for the gratification of the actor who is functioning as a caregiver and is responsible for the student’s care. Sexual abuse includes sexual assault, exploitation, molestation or injury. It does not include sexual harassment, which is another form of behavior which is prohibited by Dayton Juniors Inc.

Reporting Procedure

All staff members, volunteers, board members, family members who learn of sexual abuse being committed must immediately report it to Chuck Braden, Director of Dayton Juniors Inc. at 419-305-7982. If the victim is an adult the abuse will be reported by this designee to the local or stat Adult Protective Services (APS) Agency. Appropriate family members of the victim must be notified immediately of suspected child abuse.

Investigation & Follow Up

Dayton Juniors Volleyball Inc. takes allegations of sexual abuse seriously. Once the allegation is reported, we will promptly, thoroughly and impartially initiate an investigation to determine whether there is a reasonable basis to believe that sexual abuse has been committed. Our investigation may be undertaken by either an internal team, we may hire an independent third party, or allow police investigators to manage the process. We will cooperate fully with any investigation conducted by law enforcement or regulatory agencies and we may refer the complaint and the result of the investigation to those agencies. We reserve the right to place he subject of the investigation on a involuntary leave of absence or reassigning that person to responsibilities that do not involve personal contact with individuals or athletes. To the fullest extent possible, but consistent with our legal obligation to report suspected abuse to appropriate authorities, we will endeavor to keep the identities of the alleged victims and investigation subject confidential.

If the investigation substantiates the allegation, our policy provides for disciplinary penalties, including but not limited to termination of the actor’s relationship with ou organization.

There are a number of “red Flags” that suggest someone is being sexually abused. They take the form of physical or behavioral evidence.

Physical evidence of sexual abuse includes, but in not limited to:

• Sexually transmitted diseases

• Difficulty walking or ambulating normally

• Stained, bloody or torn undergarments

• Genital pain or itching

• Physical injuries involving the external genitalia

Behavioral signals suggestive of sexual abuse includes, but are not limited to:

• Fear or reluctance about being left in the care of a particular person

• Recoiling from being touched

• Bundling oneself in excessive clothing, especially night clothes

• Discomfort or apprehension when sex is referred to or discussed

• Nightmares or fear of night and/or darkness

Retaliation Prohibited

Dayton Juniors Volleyball Inc. prohibit any retaliation against anyone, including an employee, volunteer, board member, athlete or individual, who in good faith reports sexual abuse, alleges that it is being committed or participates in the investigation. Intentionally false or malicious accusations of sexual abuse are prohibited.

Anyone who improperly retaliates against someone who has made a good faith allegation of sexual abuse, or intentionally provides false information to that effect, will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.

Sign-off Sheet

I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Coaches Guidelines and the Player/Parent Guidelines. I understand that I am responsible for knowing and adhering to all the Guidelines. This sheet is to be signed and turned in along with the coach’s reimbursement contract.

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|Coach’s Printed Name |

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|Coach’s Signature |

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|Date |


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