Fill out the info requested below. Next, circle EIGHT ELECTIVE COURSES that you would be willing to take next year (in most cases, you will have 4 electives; the other 4 choices are your alternative choices ? ones you may get if your other choices are not available). Finally, rank the choices #1-8, with #1 being the elective you are most interested in taking, #2 being the next one that you're most interested in taking, and so on.

NAME: ___________________________________________ GRADE: ____ ADVISEMENT: _______________________

FINE ARTS ? BAND Requires Teacher Approval Take both classes each year Beginning Band I (fall, 1st year) Beginning Band II (spring, 1st year) Intermediate Band I (fall, 2nd year) Intermediate Band II (spring, 2nd year) Advanced Band I (fall, 3rd year) Advanced Band II (spring, 3rd year) Mastery Band I (fall, 4th year) Mastery Band II (spring, 4th year)

FINE ARTS ? CHORUS Requires Teacher Approval Can take 1 or 2 classes per year Beginning Chorus I Beginning Chorus II Intermediate Chorus I Intermediate Chorus II Mastery Mixed Chorus I Mastery Mixed Chorus Ii Mastery Mixed Chorus III Mastery Mixed Chorus IV Advanced Women's Chorus I Advanced Women's Chorus II

FINE ARTS ? DRAMA Can take 1 or 2 classes per year Theater Arts I (prerequisite) Theater Arts II Dramatic Arts III Dramatic Arts IV Musical Theater I, II, III, & IV

FINE ARTS ? GUITAR Must provide own guitar Beginning Guitar I

FINE ARTS ? MUSIC THEORY Beginning Music Theory AP Music Theory

FINE ARTS ? VISUAL ARTS Can take 1 or 2 classes per year Visual Arts I (prerequisite) Drawing & Painting I Drawing & Painting II Ceramics & Pottery I Ceramics & Pottery II Print-Making I AP Art Studio ? Drawing

Visual Arts (cont'd from previous column) AP Art Studio ? 2D Design AP Art Studio ? 3D Design

CTAE PATHWAYS AT NPHS Pathway courses must be taken in sequence Only 2 courses can be taken in one year; cannot take all 3 classes in the same year OK to take only 1 or 2 classes of a pathway

Architectural Design 1 Intro to Drafting & Design 2 Arch. Drawing & Design I 3 Arch. Drawing & Design II

Audio/Visual Technology & Film 1 Audio Visual Technology & Film I 2 Audio Visual Technology & Film II 3 Audio Visual Technology & Film III

Auto Maintenance & Repair 1 Basic Maintenance & Repair 2 Maintenance & Repair II 3 Maintenance & Repair III

Business & Accounting 1 Intro to Business & Technology 2 Financial Literacy 3 Principles of Accounting I

Business & Technology 1 Intro to Business & Technology 2 Business & Technology 3 Business Communications

Carpentry 1 Industry Fund. & Occupational Safety 2 Intro to Construction 3 Carpentry I

Culinary Arts 1 Intro to Culinary Arts 2 Culinary Arts I 3 Culinary Arts II

JROTC Army JROTC Army I (fall, 1st year) JROTC Army V (spring, 1st year) JROTC Army II (fall, 2nd year) JROTC Army VI (spring, 2nd year) JROTC Army III (fall, 3rd year)

JROTC (cont'd from previous column) JROTC Army VII (spring, 3rd year) JROTC Army IV (fall, 4th year) JROTC Army VIII (spring, 4th year)

Law-Criminal Investigations 1 Intro to Law, Public Safety, Security 2 Criminal Justice Essentials 3 Criminal Investigations

Marketing Management 1 Marketing Principles 2 Marketing & Entrepreneurship 3 Marketing Management

Personal Care - Cosmetology 1 Intro to Personal Care Services 2 Cosmetology Services I 3 Cosmetology Services II

Sports/Entertainment Marketing 1 Marketing Principles 2 Intro Sports/Ent Marketing 3 Advanced Sports/Ent Marketing

Teaching as a Profession 1 Examining Teaching Profession 2 Contemporary Issues in Ed 3 Teaching Practicum

Therapeutic Services ? Patient Care 1 Intro Health Care Sciences 2 Essentials of Healthcare 3 Patient Care Fundamentals

Therapeutic Services ? Sports Medicine 1 Intro Health Care Sciences 2 Essentials of Healthcare 3 Sports Medicine

Web & Digital Design 1 Intro to Digital Technology 2 Digital Design 3 Website Design

Work-Based Learning WBL ? Juniors and Seniors who sign up for Work-Based Learning MUST ALSO complete application at nphswbl.



Fill out the info requested below. Next, circle EIGHT ELECTIVE COURSES that you would be willing to take next year (in most cases, you will have 4 electives; the other 4 choices are your alternative choices ? ones you may get if your other choices are not available). Finally, rank the choices #1-8, with #1 being the elective you are most interested in taking, #2 being the next one that you're most interested in taking, and so on.

NAME: ___________________________________________ GRADE: ____ ADVISEMENT: _______________________

WORLD LANGUAGE ? SPANISH Must be completed in sequence order Spanish I Spanish II or Spanish II Honors Spanish III Honors Spanish IV Honors Spanish V Honors (fall, before AP Spanish) AP Spanish (spring, after Spanish V)

WORLD LANGUAGE ? FRENCH Must be completed in sequence order French I French II French III Honors French IV Honors

ACADEMIC ELECTIVES ? ALL GRADES SAT Prep Journalism (Yearbook) ? teacher approval

ACADEMIC ELECTIVES ? 11th/12th ONLY AP Psychology AP European History Comparative Religions Current Issues Personal Finance Psychology Sociology

PHYSICAL EDUCATION ? REQUIRED Health/Personal Fitness (3 credits of JROTC can satisfy the Health/Personal Fitness requirement)

PHYSICAL EDUCATION ? GENERAL General PE I (fall, 1st year) General PE II (spring, 1st year) General PE III (fall, 2nd year) General PE IV (spring, 2nd year) Introductory Team Sports (fall, 3rd year) Intermediate Team Sports (spring, 3rd year) Advanced Team Sports (spring, 4th year)

PHYSICAL EDUCATION ? WEIGHT TRAINING Weight Training (fall, 1st year) Advanced Weight Training (spring, 1st year) Body Sculpting (fall, 2nd year) Advanced Body Sculpting (spring, 2nd year) Physical Conditioning (fall, 3rd year) Adv. Physical Conditioning (spring, 3rd year) Exercise & Weight Control (fall, 4th year)

Graduation Requirements English ? 4 units Math ? 4 units Science ? 4 units Social Studies ? 3 units Health ? 0.5 unit Personal Fitness ? 0.5 unit CTAE/World Language/Fine Arts ? 3 units Electives ? 4 units Total Required = 23 units

Pathway Completed Students are expected to complete at least one Pathway sequence. Pathways consist of three sequential courses (they must be taken in order). Pathways can either be CTAE, academic, world language, or fine arts.

World Language Required? Students do NOT have to take a world language to graduate. If you want to be eligible to enroll directly in a four-year college following graduation, however, you must complete two credits of the same world language.

AP Courses Advanced Placement courses allow you to take a college-level class at NPHS. If you score high enough on the AP test at the end of the year, you could earn college credit. If you wish to take an AP class next year, please talk with your current teacher.

Move On When Ready The Move On When Ready program allows students to earn both high school and college credit at the same time. If you are interested in this program, please visit the NPHS MOWR web page for more info!

Work-Based Learning Approved juniors or seniors can leave to work in a job tied to their Pathway. Need more info? See the WBL website for info!

More Information on Registration Go to our Registration web page at

Requests vs. Actual Classes

We always stress to students and their families that they are making course requests for next year, not actually signing up for specific classes. When the master schedule is finalized over the summer, conflicts may develop between course requests and actual periods that certain courses will be offered. Because of this potential conflict, students are asked to select several alternate courses. If a student cannot be scheduled for their top choices, every attempt will be made to schedule them into the alternatives they indicated during registration.

If a student requests a course or an alternative course during registration, they will not be allowed to make changes to those courses next fall semester. Once the master schedule is set, we lose a great deal of our flexibility in making changes (due to a finite number of teachers and available seats). Please advise your students to consider their choices carefully before making their course requests.

Promotion Requirements: In order to be considered "promoted" to the next grade level in high school, a student must earn a minimum number of credits by the end of each year. In other words, you have to pass your classes!

10th Grade = earn 5 credits by end of 9th 11th Grade = earn 11 credits by end of 10th 12th Grade = earn 17 credits by end of 11th

If a student fails to earn the required number of credits, he or she will be considered a "repeater" for the next year. Getting off-track means that a student will not graduate on time unless he or she completes additional coursework during summer school or by some other means (see your counselor for more info on options).



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