Secondary Journalism Curriculum - West Ada School District

Joint School District No. 2





This journalism curriculum identifies the essential skills for the secondary journalism courses: Publications (8th), Introduction to Newspaper, Newspaper A-B, and Yearbook A-B. Publications (8th) and Introduction to Newspaper are introductory courses, while Newspaper A-B and Yearbook A-B are production courses.


I. Journalism Enduring Understandings

II. Computers

III. Writing

IV. Editing

V. Interviewing

VI. Layout and Design

VII. Ethics

A. Journalist

B. Legal

VIII. General

IX. Advertising

Appendix – Sample Student Contract

Journalism Curriculum Committee:

Marla Allen Centennial High School

Kim Atkinson Lake Hazel Middle School

Christin Evans Student

Julie Evans Parent

Loren Evans Parent

Scott Hendrix Meridian Middle School

Yogesh Khanal Student

Kate Lester Eagle High School

Katie Pond Student

Brandie Sigman Student

Debbie Stredder Meridian High School

Diana Woods Parent

JoAnn Livermore Language Arts Coordinator

Revised April 2009


|Enduring Understandings |Guiding Questions |

| |What kinds of media have influenced society? |

| |How has media influenced society? |

|Media has the power to influence society. |Why does media influence society? |

| |Should media influence society? |

| |What do fair, accurate, unbiased mean? |

|Media has the responsibility to be fair, accurate and unbiased. |Why should media be fair, accurate, and unbiased? |

| |What could result if media is not fair, accurate and unbiased? |

| |How has media served as a forum for public discussion and open exchange of ideas? |

|Media in a democratic society provides a forum for public discussion and open |Why is it important to have a forum for public discussion and open exchange of ideas? |

|exchange of ideas. | |

| |What is critical thinking? |

|Media can be a catalyst for critical thinking and problem solving. |What are some problems that could be examined in the media? |

| |How can media be a catalyst for critical thinking and problem solving? |

| |Should media be a catalyst for critical thinking and problem solving? |

| |What is civic literacy? |

|Media promotes civic literacy. |How does increased civic literacy impact society? |

| |How does media promote civic literacy? |

| |What are the purposes of print media? |

|Writing has a variety of purposes. |Why are there different purposes for writing within print media? |

| |What kinds of information are important enough to capture in print media? |

|Skilled writers identify information important enough to capture in writing, and make|What are some targeted audiences for print media? |

|that information accessible, understandable, and thought provoking to a targeted |How do skilled writers connect to their audience? |

|audience. |How do skilled writers make information accessible, understandable, and thought provoking? |

| |What are examples of real workplace experiences? |

|Secondary journalism mirrors real workplace experiences. |What are secondary journalism course experiences? |

| |How do secondary journalism courses mirror real workplace experiences? |

| |What are interpersonal skills, ethics, and responsibility? |

|Interpersonal skills, ethics, and responsibility are essential elements in journalism|How does adherence to journalistic ethics protect the journalism student? |

|careers. |Why are interpersonal skills, ethics, and responsibility essential elements in journalism careers? |


|Publications (7th/8th) |Introduction to |Newspaper A-B | Yearbook A-B |

| |Newspaper | | |

|Use basic word processing skills: |Use basic word processing skills: |Use word processing skills: |Use word processing skills: |

|typing |typing |typing |typing |

|spell checking |spell checking |spell checking |spell checking |

|changing size, fonts and style of type |changing size, fonts and style of type |changing size, fonts and style of type |changing size, fonts and style of type |

|changing margins |changing margins |changing margins |changing margins |

|cut and paste |cut and paste |cut and paste |cut and paste |

|create tables |create tables |create tables |create tables |

|create columns |create columns |create columns |create columns |

| |create and use templates |create and use templates |create and use templates |

|Use Internet appropriately as a resource: |Use Internet appropriately as a resource: |Use Internet appropriately as a resource: |Use Internet appropriately as a resource: |

|information |information |information |information |

|pictures/images |pictures/images |pictures/images |pictures/images |

|validate credibility of sources |validate credibility of sources |validate credibility of sources |validate credibility of sources |

|Manipulate pictures and graphics |Manipulate pictures and graphics |Manipulate pictures and graphics |Manipulate pictures and graphics |

|import |import |import |import |

|scan |scan |scan |scan |

|Use computer accessories |Use computer accessories |Use computer accessories |Use computer accessories |

|digital camera |digital camera |digital camera |digital camera |

|scanner |scanner |scanner |scanner |

|Use computer programs |Use computer programs |Use appropriate computer program for assigned |Use appropriate computer program for assigned |

|photo managing software |photo managing software |task: |task: |

|layout and design software |layout and design software |photo managing software |photo managing software |

| | |layout and design software |layout and design software |

| | |desktop publishing |desktop publishing |

| | |Select appropriate computer program for |Select appropriate computer program for |

| | |specialized task. |specialized task. |


|Publications (7th/8th) |Introduction to |Newspaper A-B | Yearbook A-B |

| |Newspaper | | |

|Meet deadlines for each step of the |Meet deadlines for each step of the |Meet deadlines for each step of the |Meet deadlines for each step of the |

|writing/editing process. |writing/editing process. |writing/editing process. |writing/editing process. |

|Write a variety of leads for specific types of |Write a variety of leads for specific types of |Write a variety of leads for specific types of |Write a variety of leads for specific types of |

|stories. |stories. |stories. |stories. |

|Develop basic stories following appropriate |Develop basic stories following appropriate |Write stories about: |Write an accurate history of the school’s events|

|journalistic format and style: |journalistic format and style: |school and community related events and issues |during the year: |

|news |news |national and international events and issues |academics |

|features |features |that affect teenagers |sports |

|sports |sports |news |clubs |

|editorials |editorials |features |student government |

|reviews |reviews |editorials |student life |

| | |columns |local and national events that affect teenagers |

| | |reviews | |

|Use a variety of sources to ensure completeness,|Use a variety of sources to ensure completeness,|Use a variety of sources to ensure completeness,|Use a variety of sources to ensure completeness,|

|impartiality, diversity. |impartiality, diversity. |impartiality, diversity. |impartiality, diversity. |

|Attribute information to appropriate source. |Attribute information to appropriate source. |Attribute information to appropriate source. |Attribute information to appropriate source. |

|Select appropriate quotations, and cite them |Select appropriate quotations, and cite them |Select appropriate quotations, and cite them |Select appropriate quotations, and cite them |

|fairly and accurately. |fairly and accurately. |fairly and accurately. |fairly and accurately. |

|Write basic headlines and captions. |Write basic headlines and captions. |Write appropriate headlines and captions. |Write appropriate headlines and captions. |

| | |Write sidebars to enhance stories. |Write sidebars to enhance stories. |

|Use appropriate style consistently: |Use appropriate style consistently: |Use appropriate style consistently: |Use appropriate style consistently: |

|school style |school style |school style |school style |

|Associated Press (AP) |Associated Press (AP) |Associated Press (AP) |Associated Press (AP) |

|Identify and apply news elements. |Identify and apply news elements. |Identify and apply news elements. |Identify and apply appropriate news elements. |


|Publications (7th/8th) |Introduction to |Newspaper I-II | Yearbook 1-11 |

| |Newspaper | | |

|Edit stories for clarity, completeness, |Edit stories for clarity, completeness, |Edit stories for clarity, completeness, |Edit stories for clarity, completeness, |

|conciseness, and objectivity: |conciseness, and objectivity: |conciseness, and objectivity: |conciseness, and objectivity: |

|grammar |grammar |grammar |grammar |

|usage |usage |usage |usage |

|style |style |style |style |

|writing to specifications |writing to specifications |writing to specifications |writing to specifications |

|Use basic proofreading symbols. |Use basic proofreading symbols. |Use basic proofreading symbols. |Use basic proofreading symbols. |

|Follow editor’s or adviser’s revisions. |Follow editor’s or adviser’s revisions. |Follow editor’s or adviser’s revisions. |Follow editor’s or adviser’s revisions. |

|Proofread final pages prior to publication. |Proofread final pages prior to publication. |Proofread final pages prior to publication. |Proofread final pages prior to publication. |


|Publications (7th/8th) |Introduction to |Newspaper A-B | Yearbook A-B |

| |Newspaper | | |

|Prepare for interview: |Prepare for interview: |Prepare for interview: |Prepare for interview: |

|Plan open-ended questions |Plan open-ended questions |Plan open-ended questions |Plan open-ended questions |

|Obtain background material |Obtain background material |Obtain background material |Obtain background material |

|Contact interview source in advance |Contact interview source in advance |Contact interview source in advance |Contact interview source in advance |

|Observe interview etiquette. |Observe interview etiquette. |Observe interview etiquette. |Observe interview etiquette. |

|Ensure balanced and fair use of sources that |Ensure balanced and fair use of sources that |Ensure balanced and fair use of sources that |Ensure balanced and fair use of sources that |

|represent the diversity of the school/community.|represent the diversity of the school/community.|represent the diversity of the school/community.|represent the diversity of the school/community.|

| | |Cover a specific beat to assure complete |Cover assigned school topics. |

| | |coverage of news. | |


|Publications (7th-8th) |Introduction to |Newspaper A-B | Yearbook A-B |

| |Newspaper | | |

|Identify basic layout design. |Identify basic elements of design: |Use basic elements of design: |Use basic elements of design: |

|appropriate use of white space |pica rule |pica rule |pica rule |

|proportion |modular design |modular design |modular design |

|balance |dollar bill rule |dollar bill rule |dollar bill rule |

|harmony |appropriate use of white space |appropriate use of white space |appropriate use of white space |

|contrast |proportion |proportion |proportion |

|dominance |balance |balance |balance |

| |harmony |harmony |harmony |

| |contrast |contrast |contrast |

| |dominance |dominance |dominance |

|Design and create a page layout. |Design and create a single page layout. |Design and create a single and a double page |Design and create a single and a double page |

| | |layout. |layout. |

|ETHICS: Journalistic |

|Publications (7th/8th) |Introduction to |Newspaper A-B | Yearbook A-B |

| |Newspaper | | |

|Meet assigned deadlines. |Meet assigned deadlines. |Meet assigned deadlines. |Meet assigned deadlines. |

|Adhere to established policies and procedures: |Adhere to established policies and procedures: |Adhere to established policies and procedures: |Adhere to established policies and procedures: |

|staff |staff |staff |staff |

|school |school |school |school |

|Recognize and accept assigned role within the | |Recognize and accept assigned role within the |Recognize and accept assigned role within the |

|staff hierarchy. | |staff hierarchy |staff hierarchy |

|Adhere to a code of ethics for journalists: |Adhere to a code of ethics for journalists: |Adhere to a code of ethics for journalists: |Adhere to a code of ethics for journalists: |

|work is original |work is original |work is original |work is original |

|sources are real and valid |sources are real and valid |sources are real and valid |sources are real and valid |

|reporting is unbiased and balanced |reporting is unbiased and balanced |reporting is unbiased and balanced |reporting is unbiased and balanced |

|appropriate use of language |appropriate use of language |appropriate use of language |appropriate use of language |

|Takes initiative to facilitate smooth staff |Takes initiative to facilitate smooth staff |Takes initiative to facilitate smooth staff |Takes initiative to facilitate smooth staff |

|functioning and completion of tasks. |functioning and completion of tasks. |functioning and completion of tasks. |functioning and completion of tasks. |

|ETHICS: Legal |

|Publications (7th/8th) |Introduction to |Newspaper A-B | Yearbook A-B |

| |Newspaper | | |

|Identify rights and limitations of the first |Identify rights and limitations of the first |Identify rights and limitations of the first |Identify rights and limitations of the first |

|amendment. |amendment. |amendment. |amendment. |

|Examine student press law and media ethics: |Examine student press law and media ethics: |Examine student press law and media ethics: |Examine student press law and media ethics: |

|censorship |censorship |censorship |censorship |

|Tinker and Hazelwood cases for student |Tinker and Hazelwood cases for student |Tinker and Hazelwood cases for student |Tinker and Hazelwood cases for student |

|publications |publications |publications |publications |

|copyright law and plagiarism |copyright law and plagiarism |copyright law and plagiarism |copyright law and plagiarism |

|photographs and ads |photographs and ads |photographs and ads |photographs and ads |

|libel |libel |libel |libel |

|privacy rights and laws |privacy rights and laws |privacy rights and laws |privacy rights and laws |

|substantial disruption |substantial disruption |substantial disruption |substantial disruption |


|Publications (7th/8th) |Introduction to |Newspaper A-B | Yearbook A-B |

| |Newspaper | | |

|Learn and use the terminology of journalism. |Learn and use the terminology of journalism. |Learn and use the terminology of journalism. |Learn and use the terminology of journalism. |

|Examine the history of journalism and its role |Examine the history of journalism and its role | | |

|in a democratic society. |in a democratic society. | | |

| |Create and maintain a portfolio of journalistic |Create and maintain a portfolio of journalistic |Create and maintain a portfolio of journalistic |

| |work. |work. |work. |

|Examine current events in order to become an |Examine current events in order to become an |Examine current events in order to become an |Examine current events in order to become an |

|informed writer. |informed writer. |informed writer. |informed writer. |

|Explore journalism careers opportunities. |Explore journalism careers opportunities. | | |


|Publications/Newspaper (8th) |Introduction to |Newspaper I-II | Yearbook 1-11 |

| |Newspaper |(If applicable to task assignment) | |

| | |Adhere to district policy regarding advertising |Adhere to district policy regarding advertising |

| | |in school publications. |in school publications. |

|Identify types of advertising in publications. |Identify types of advertising in publications. | | |

|Identify major propaganda techniques. |Identify major propaganda techniques. | | |

| Sell ads (optional). | |Sell ads. |Sell ads (optional). |

|Design ads (optional). | |Design ads. |Design ads (optional). |

|Bill advertisers and keep accurate record of | |Bill advertisers and keep accurate record of |Bill advertisers and keep accurate record of |

|transactions. | |transactions. |transactions. |


Sample Student Contract

Code and Contract

Staff Members for the school year 20__ - 20__

To students and parents of students accepted as members of the :

Participation on the affords students with more freedom than with other classes. It requires students to assume a great deal of responsibility and exhibit a high degree of maturity and good judgment. As a member of the team producing a concrete product, distributed to and read by both students and adults in our community, individuals named to the staff must expect to be held to high journalistic standards and ethical practices. Members of this staff are representatives of our school and are recognized as such, whether actually on assignment or not.

To show that you fully understand the responsibilities of staff membership, please have the following contract read and signed by both you and a parent or guardian prior to the date indicated below.

I, __________________________________(your name), as a member of the staff, agree to abide by the following code of conduct.

1. I will not take advantage of the freedom given staff members to leave class on assignment. Also, I will adhere to the defined policies and procedures whenever leaving during class-time. I will not use journalistic duties as an excuse for playing around outside of class, leaving the building, or disturbing other classes.

2. I will meet deadlines for assignments, rewrites and other related projects. If I find that it may be difficult or impossible to meet a deadline, I will inform the editor and /or adviser at the earliest possible moment. Nevertheless, I understand the responsibility to provide print-worthy material, in a timely manner, is ultimately my responsibility. Failure to assume this responsibility will result in grade reductions, and/or expulsion from the staff.

3. I understand that I am expected to devote time completing assignments and other production work for the publication, just as I expect to do homework for any other class. I also understand that this is an activity-related course. I am willing to devote extra hours as needed, including lunch, before/after school and on weekends.

4. As a reporter, I agree to produce publishable material as assigned (see grade expectations). In addition, I will provide stories and headlines, graphics and /or advertising as deemed necessary by my editors and/or adviser.

As an editor, I will be responsible for editing copy, and the design, layout and content of assigned page(s). I understand this requirement may vary depending on space available and the type of coverage needed. Ultimately, I understand it is my responsibility to fill my assigned pages with a quality of content material.

As an advertising Editor/Business Manager, I will be responsible for making ad sales according to deadlines and will be responsible for creating the thumbnail design for each issue, laying out ads and designing when necessary. As a business manager, I understand it is my responsibility to ensure is financially sound at all times. I will fulfill my responsibilities in accordance with established production procedures.

As a representative of the staff, I agree to abide by standards of good behavior; therefore, I recognize I will be held to a higher standard of behavior than the average student.

I understand that failure to abide by any of the terms described in this contract may lead to my dismissal from the staff and/or failure to receive academic credit for this class.

Staff Assignment _____________________________

*This contract must be signed and returned no later than ___/___/___ along with proof a min. G.P.A. Students with a signed contract will be automatically dropped from the role sheet following the above date.

_______________________________ _______________________________

Student Signature Parent or Guardian Signature

___/___/___ ___/___/___

Date Date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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