Course Syllabus Template - Cocke County School District

Cocke County High School

Integrated Math 2

2019-2020 Syllabus

Part 1: Course Information

Instructor Information

Instructor: David Caughran

School Telephone: 423-623-8718 ext 215


Course Description

Integrated Math 2 builds and strengthens students’ conceptual knowledge of Algebra and Geometry concepts including similarity, polygons, areas, volumes, and an introduction to right triangle trigonometry


• Integrated 1 or the equivalent

General Education/High School Pathway Area

• This course is the second of four math courses required for graduation.

Textbook & Course Materials

• Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt Integrated Mathematics 2:

Kanold, Burger, Dixon, Larson, Leinwand,

ISBN: 978-0-544-38986-1

Course Requirement

• TI-84 Calculator

• Graphing Paper, Paper, Pencil

• Binder/Notebook

*The materials in bold are required. The remaining materials are if you do not want to share. The classroom calculators may not be taken home to use for homework.

Course Structure

• Lecture/discussion

• Activity/Group Work

• Assessment

• EOC Practice

Online Resources

• Khan Academy

Part 2: Student Learning Outcomes

The major work of Integrated Math II is from the following domains and clusters:

The Real Number System

• Extend the properties of exponents to rational exponents.

Seeing Structure in Expressions

• Interpret the structure of expressions.

• Write expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems.

Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

• Perform arithmetic operations on polynomials.

Creating Equations

• Create equations that describe numbers or relationships.

Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

• Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning and explain the reasoning.

• Solve equations and inequalities in one variable.

Interpreting Functions

• Interpret functions that arise in applications in terms of the context.

Similarity, Right Triangles, and Trigonometry

• Understand similarity in terms of similarity transformations.

• Prove theorems involving similarity.

• Define trigonometric ratios and solve problems involving triangles.

Supporting work is from the following domains and clusters:


• Reason quantitatively and use units to solve problems.

The Complex Number System

• Perform arithmetic operations with complex numbers.

• Use complex numbers in polynomial identities and equations.

Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

• Solve systems of equations.

Interpreting Functions

• Analyze functions using different representations.

Building Functions

• Build a function that models a relationship between two quantities.

• Build new functions from existing functions.

Geometric Measurement and Dimension

• Explain volume and surface area formulas and use them to solve problems.

Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

• Summarize, represent, and interpret data on two categorical and quantitative variables.

Conditional Probability and the Rules of Probability

• Understand independence and conditional probability and use them to interpret data.

• Use the rules of probability to compute probabilities of compound events in a uniform probability model

Integrated Math 2 Syllabus

Part 3: Semester Topic Outline

|Week |Topic |Activities |

|1 |Exponents/Polynomials/ |Daily Bellwork, Daily Classwork, |

| |Imaginary Numbers |Formative/Summative Assessment |

|2 |Exponents/Polynomials/ |Daily Bellwork, Daily Classwork, |

| |Imaginary Numbers |Formative/Summative Assessment |

|3 |Factoring Quadratic |Daily Bellwork, Daily Classwork, |

| |Expressions |Formative/Summative Assessment |

|4 |Graphing/Analyzing |Daily Bellwork, Daily Classwork, |

| |Quadratic Functions |Formative/Summative Assessment |

|5 |Solving Quadratic Equations |Daily Bellwork, Daily Classwork, |

| | |Formative/Summative Assessment |

|6 |Solving Quadratic Equations |Daily Bellwork, Daily Classwork, |

| | |Formative/Summative Assessment |

|7 |Systems of Equations |Daily Bellwork, Daily Classwork, |

| |And Inequalities |Formative/Summative Assessment |

|8 |Transformations and |Daily Bellwork, Daily Classwork, |

| |Similarity |Formative/Summative Assessment |

|9 |Triangle Similarity |Daily Bellwork, Daily Classwork, |

| | |Formative/Summative Assessment |

|10 |Right Triangles |Daily Bellwork, Daily Classwork, |

| | |Formative/Summative Assessment |

|11 |Right Triangles |Daily Bellwork, Daily Classwork, |

| | |Formative/Summative Assessment |

|12 |Probability and Statistics |Daily Bellwork, Daily Classwork, |

| | |Formative/Summative Assessment |

|13 |Surface Area/EOC Review |Daily Bellwork, Daily Classwork, |

| | |Formative/Summative Assessment |

|14 |Volume/EOC Review |Daily Bellwork, Daily Classwork, |

| | |Formative/Summative Assessment |

|15 |Functions and Modeling |Daily Bellwork, Daily Classwork, |

| |EOC Review |Formative/Summative Assessment |

|16 |Review Quadratics |Daily Bellwork, Daily Classwork, |

| | |Formative/Summative Assessment |

|17 |Review Triangles/Polygons |Daily Bellwork, Daily Classwork, |

| | |Formative/Summative Assessment |

|18 |Final Exam Review |Daily Bellwork, Daily Classwork, |

| | |Formative/Summative Assessment |

*The syllabus may be modified throughout the semester at the discretion of the teacher.

Cocke County High School

Integrated Math 2


Part 4: Grading Policy

Late Work Policy

Students are responsible for inquiring about missed assignments. They will have 3 days to complete makeup work.

Viewing Grades in ASPEN (optional)

Points you receive for graded activities will be posted to the ASPEN Grade Book. Click on the My Grades link on the left navigation to view your points.

Assignment Weight

Daily Assignments 20%

Quizzes 40%

Tests 40%

Letter Grade Assignment

|Letter Grade |Percentage |

|A |100-93% |

|B |92-85% |

|C |84-75% |

|D |74-70% |

|F |69-0% |

Integrated Math II

*Semester Syllabus

Part 5: Classroom Rules

1. Be on time, on task, and in your seat with all materials when the bell rings.

2. ALL cellphones are to be OFF during class.

3. Be Responsible for your own learning.

4. Be Respectful to teacher, classroom, and other students.

5. Trash goes into the trash can.

Academic Dishonesty Policy

If found using a cellphone or other electronic devices (smart watches, etc), copying off of another student, or any other form of cheating, the student will receive a zero for the assignment grade.

Student Testing Code of Ethics and Security

It is important for you as a student to know that the following guidelines are to be strictly followed. This year the TNReady EOC test will count at least 15% of your final semester grade. Your work on this test is very important and it deserves your best effort.

I understand that during testing on the days of the assessment, I am responsible for:

• Not having any electronic devices on me or in my purse/backpack/pockets

o Including but not limited to cell phones, smart phones, smart watches, etc. during testing or during breaks.

o Best practice is for students to leave devices at home or in their lockers on the day of testing.

o If I am caught with a device during testing or during breaks, my test may be nullified, resulting in a zero as at least 15% of my semester grade, and any school level disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the administration.

• Trying my best on the test

o If I do not attempt to test (I give no answers or randomly answer questions) my test score may be nullified, resulting in a zero as at least 15% of my semester grade, and any school level disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the administration.

o The testing administrators and proctors in the testing environment will determine if no answers or random answering is taking place.

o I will focus and put forth effort on the test .

• Being honest and not cheating

o If I am caught cheating (taking pictures of the test, writing down and passing answers, talking to other students, looking on other computers, using software outside the testing platform), my test may be nullified, resulting in a zero as at least 15% of my semester grade, and any school level disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the administration.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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