Course Syllabus

North Atlanta High School


2012/2013 School Year


Teacher: Mrs. N. Hunter Room: 339

e-mail: Phone: 404-802-4719

Web Page: Tutorial Day: Monday, 3:15 – 4:15


This course is designed to prepare students for the IB Math Studies, Standard Level exam.  Topics studied will include: numbers and algebra, geometry and trigonometry, sets and logic, probability, statistics, functions, and financial math. The prerequisites for this course are Math 3 or Math 3 accelerated.

IB Process Objectives:

Students are expected to know and use mathematical concepts and principles. In particular, students must be able to:

• read, interpret and solve a given problem using appropriate mathematical terms

• organize and present information and data in tabular, graphical and/or diagrammatic forms

• know and use appropriate notation and terminology

• formulate a mathematical argument and communicate it clearly

• select and use appropriate mathematical strategies and techniques

• demonstrate an understanding of both the significance and the reasonableness of results

• recognize patterns and structures in a variety of situations, and make generalizations

• recognize and demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of mathematics

• use appropriate technological devices as mathematical tools

• demonstrate an understanding of and the appropriate use of mathematical modeling.

A detailed list of the content of this course can be found on my website or by using this link.



Mathematics for the International Student: Mathematical Studies SL, Haese & Harris Publications, 2005. Replacement Cost: $55

Mathematical Studies Course Companion, Oxford, 2007. Replacement Cost: $60

Student Provided Supplies: Students are required to bring the following to every class:

1. 1 or 1 ½ inch 3-ring binder with 9 dividers

2. Loose-leaf paper

3. Graph paper

4. Sharpened Pencils (NO PENS or MARKERS)

5. Graphing Calculator (Texas Instrument TI-83, TI-84 or TI-Inspire)


Course Content (in the order we will cover it):

|Statistics |5 weeks |

|Number and Algebra |3 weeks |

|Functions |5 weeks |

|Sets, Logic, and Probability |5 weeks |

|Calculus |4 weeks |

|Financial Math |2 weeks |

|Geometry and Trigonometry |5 weeks |

|IB Exam Practice |4 weeks |


A. Assignment Categories: Homework 10%, Quizzes 15%, Classwork 20%, Tests 25%, Project 20%, Exams 10%

B. Grading Scale: A 100-90, B 89-80, C 79-70, F 69-0

Ten points are added to the final numerical averages of students who earn a 70 or higher AND who take the IB exam in May.

C. Math Studies and the IB Diploma Program: This course is part of the IB program and will be 1 of 6 courses that determine whether or not you receive an IB diploma. Your final score (out of 7) for this course is determined by both an external assessment (80% of your score) and an internal assessment. (20% of your score) This score is not used in determining your grade in the course.

D. Homework

• All problems must be honestly attempted by the due date, and you must show your steps and solutions neatly (a list of answers is not acceptable); otherwise, I will assume that you simply did not look at or attempt the problem. You must ultimately complete and understand every assigned problem.

• Each homework assignment is worth 3 points. It will be graded according to the rubric below:

3 All problems were attempted. Work was labeled, clear, and neat. Work showed real effort. Homework was on time.

2 Most problems were attempted. Work showed average effort. Work was messy and unclear.

1 Few problems were completed. Work was very messy and unclear. Work showed little effort.

0 No problems were completed, work showed no effort, OR homework was copied from another student.

E. Notebook

You are required to keep an organized 3 ring binder for this class. It should be divided into the following sections: 1 – Misc., 2 – Statistics, 3 – Number & Algebra, 4 – Functions, 5 – Sets, Logic, and Probability, 6 – Geometry & Trig., 7 – Financial Math, 8 – Calculus, and 9 – IB Practice Exams/Review. There will be random notebook checks and you must have all your work, notes, and handouts organized chronologically in the appropriate section.

F. Project – IB Internal Assessment

1. The project is a piece of written work based on personal research involving the collection, analysis, and evaluation of data.

2. Each project must contain: 1 – a title, 2 – a statement of task, 3 – Measurements, information, or data which has been collected and/or generated, 4 – an analysis of the measurements, information, or data, 5 – a bibliography and footnotes, as appropriate.

3. Details and important due dates will be given out shortly.


A. Classroom Expectations:

1. Be Prepared and on Time. Be in your seat with all your supplies ready to learn when the bell rings.

2. Take Pride in Your Work. Be proud of what you accomplish, work hard, and do your best work - all with a positive attitude. Also – always exercise academic honesty and DO YOUR OWN WORK!

3. Challenge Yourself. Don’t give up when the work is difficult. Willingly attempt to understand and solve all problems.

4. Be a Team Player. Work together towards success for every member of our class. Please offer assistance to those who need it and do not be afraid to ask for help.

5. Be Kind and Courteous. Negative comments, put-downs, and talking while someone is speaking will not be tolerated. Demonstrate respect for yourself and others.

6. Make sure all electronic devices are turned OFF. This includes cell phones, ipods, MP3 players, cameras, etc.)

7. Leave all food and drinks outside the classroom. Only water will be allowed in the classroom.

8. Abide by all the policies outlined in the North Atlanta Student Handbook.

Consequences: First Offence – verbal warning

Second offence – Student/Teacher Conference, Detention may be assigned

Third offence – Detention and Parent/Guardians will be notified

Fourth offence – Referral to an administrator

*Depending on the severity of the offence, the student may be immediately referred to the administrator.

B. Attendance/Absences

4. You are responsible for reading and following the school’s attendance policy as stated in the student handbook.

5. For one-day absences: on the day you return you should:

1. Show me the homework that was due the day that you were absent.

2. Find out what you missed.

3. Copy any missed notes from a classmate.

4. Complete any missed assignments by the next class period along with the current assignment.

5. Take any test given on the day you were absent.

6. For any lengthy or known absence, see me to discuss a makeup schedule.

7. Unexcused absences (“cuts”) will result in a zero on any tests, quizzes, or homework assignments for that day.

8. Field Trips: For any school field trip, college visit, special assembly, or anything that voluntarily take you out of my class, come clear it with me BEFORE the absence. This merely ensures that you minimize the impact the trip has on your success in my class.


Other recommended materials:

Portable pencil sharpener, colored pencils, metric ruler, erasers


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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