Iowa Park High School

Iowa Park High School

College Algebra Duel-Credit

Course Syllabus 2018-2019

Mr. Jones – sjones@

Conference and Tutorial times:

Tutorials: 7:40 - 8:00 & 3:30 - 4:00

Course Content:

In this class, you will learn much more about linear, quadratic, polynomial and rational functions. You will cover logarithms, exponentials, compound and composites. You will learn how to solve a variety of complicated problems based on information and skills that you are expected to know.


This is the lowest level Math course accepted for credit for most degrees, but that by no means indicates that it is an easy class. You will be expected to work hard for every grade on every assignment. Your instructor’s goal for you in this class is not for you to simply receive a passing grade, but to learn, assimilate and be able to use the information and skills being taught. You will not be successful in this class without the proper attitude and commitment. To be successful in this class, you can expect:

• 2+ hours of homework for every lesson

• 2+ hours of study time for each quiz

• 6-10+ hours of study time for each exam

• Additional time required to complete projects

(If you have trouble with a specific topic, more time will be needed to get the desired results.)


This class will be using the Math XL computer software, and a majority of the daily work and quizzes will be completed online. Have your chrome book ready every day! Some quizzes and all exams will be taken on paper, using a pencil and a calculator. You will not be allowed to use notes on exams, and you will be marked off heavily for not showing work. You will be given a set amount of time to complete exams, and you will need to complete the exam all in one sitting.

Grading Policies

College Transcript

It is extremely important to remember that the grade you receive from Vernon College for this course will be on your transcript for the rest of your life. You do not want to start your college career with a zero added to your Undergraduate GPA. You must take every assignment seriously, and apply your best effort to everything you do. You will not get make up assignments or retakes. The grade you earn is the grade you will get.

High School Transcript

Your grade on your high school transcript will be a reflection of your Vernon College grade. The biggest difference will be that the grading categories will be weighted slightly differently, and your high school grade will also include a binder grade explained below. The most important thing to do is take care of your Vernon College grade. If you do well there, your high school grade will be just fine.


Every six weeks, you will turn in your 3-ring binder for an Exam grade. In your binder, you will need to include your syllabi, any schedules I give you, formula sheets, all of the handouts and notes that I hand out, all of your homework work papers, and any graded quizzes and exams that are handed back. Your homework assignment answers will be entered in Math XL to be graded. What you will keep in your binder will be the work that you do, written out step by step, to solve each problem.


As you work through each homework assignment, you will write down the problem, show each step in solving the problem, and write down the answer. You can then enter your answer into Math XL. If you are correct, highlight the answer and move on to the next problem and repeat the process. If you are incorrect, erase and start over. When you have completed the assignment, turn in your work to me. You will not receive high school credit for a homework assignment until you turn in your completed work papers. Working out problems neatly and completely is crucial to understanding and to being successful in your college classes.

Absences and Missed Work:

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to keep up with missed assignments. Lessons are posted on Canvas, and most assignments will be assigned in Math XL, so there is no excuse for you to not know what you missed, and to catch up by watching videos and working assignments on your own time. It is very important that you do not fall behind. If you miss on a quiz or exam day, you will need to contact myself and your professor to make arrangements beforehand to take the quiz or exam at an alternate time.

Materials Needed:

• You will need a 3-ring binder, a pencil and a high lighter every day. DO NOT USE A PEN!

• You will need your Chrome Book every day for assignments. Make sure it is charged.

• You will need a graphing calculator. If you do not have your own, you can check a TI-84 out from the library. You are responsible for taking care of school calculators, and you will fined for any damage or loss.

Please return signed to indicate that you have reviewed the Course Syllabus.

Student Name ________________________________ Period __________________

By signing below, the student agrees to the following:

• Student will be respectful of his/her classroom, teacher, and classmates.

• Student will put forth his/her best effort during lessons, while completing all assignments, and while taking exams.

• Student will complete and turn in his/her assignments on time.

• Student will meet with the teacher outside of class if he/she feels like extra help is needed.

• Student will take responsible for his/her own education.

Student Signature _____________________ Parent Signature _____________________

***On the following lines, please indicate any special concerns or other necessary information regarding your student that might help his/her learning experience.

(Ex. Seating at the front, seating near the teacher, medications, etc.)

Parent Phone Numbers:

Home _______________________________________________

Work _______________________________________________

Cell ________________________________________________

Is it okay to text you at this number?

Parent E-mail:___________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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