XYZ Academy (Homeschool) High School Transcript

Student Name Here

|Student Information |

|Name | |Parents | |SSN | |

|Address | |Gender | |School Name | |

|City, State, Zip | |Date of Birth | |Graduation Date | |

|Telephone | |Place of Birth | |ACT Comp. Score | |

|Grade |Year |Course |

|Grading Scale: A = 9.0-10.0, B = 8.0-8.9, C = 7.0-7.9, D = 6.0-6.9, F = 0-5.9 | | |

|Weight for One-Credit Courses: A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1 |Cumulative Weighted GPA |0.0 |

|Weight for AP Level, Honor, Dual Enrollment Courses: A = 5, B = 4, C = 3, D = 2 | | |

c. 2013 by Rhonda Roso

XYZ Academy (Homeschool) High School Transcript Student Name Here

|Subject |Credits |

|Language Arts |0.0 |

|Math |0.0 |

|Social Studies |0.0 |

|Science |0.0 |

|Foreign Language |0.0 |

|Electives / Other |0.0 |

|TOTAL |0.0 |

|Test Scores |

|20xx |SAT II Subject Test – title | |

|20xx |SAT II Subject Test – title | |

|20xx |SAT | |

|20xx |ACT | |

|20xx |PSAT (junior year) | |

|20xx |ACT | |

|20xx |PSAT (sophomore year) | |

|Dual Enrollment Courses at State University, City, State |

|Course |Course Title |Instructor |Credits |Grade |

| | | | | |

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|Honors and Awards |

|20xx |List honors chronologically with most recent/most important at the top of the list. |

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| Leadership, Work Experience, Volunteering and Community Service |

| |List entries with position, description, organization, and location with most recent at top. Include time/frequency (hours, days, weeks, and/or |

| |months). |

|20xx |Example: VBS teacher, 2nd grade class, Little Church, Somewhere, KY (5 days, 4 hours per day) |

|20xx-20xx | |

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|Extra-Curricular Activities |

|20xx |List clubs and various activities chronologically with most recent at top. Include time/frequency (hours, days, weeks, and/or months). |

|20xx-20xx | |

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This signature certifies that the information contained in this transcript is complete and accurate.

________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________

Signature Parent’s Name Here, with degree if available Date

NOTES: Honors and Awards, Leadership... through Extra-Curricular Activities can be listed here on the transcript in a brief/condensed manner (combining years, listing clubs, etc.), while being listed with much more detail on the student Resume’ (what was specifically done/achieved/awarded each year in clubs, contests, etc.) Use the student Report Cards and Resume’ to build the transcript. DELETE ALL RED TEXT (USEFUL NOTES TO HOMESCHOOL PARENT ONLY) BEFORE PRINTING OR SENDING A FINAL COPY. Keep a blank copy (print and/or save a separate file) with red text for reference purposes only.

c. 2013 by Rhonda Roso


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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