Standard 1E – Curriculum Map Blank

Standard 1E

Education and Workforce Development Cabinet


|School: |Monroe County ATC |Program: |Office Technology |

|Teacher: |Mitzi Holland |School Year: |2011-2012 |

|KCTCS Course Number: |BMO 170 |KY Tech Course Name |Introduction to Business Mgt. |

|Length of Course: |9 Weeks |Length of Period |64 minutes |

|High School Credit(s) |½ | | |


Equal Education and Employment Opportunities M/F/D

|Time |Unit |Content |Essential Questions |Core Content |

|Wks/Month |Topics |Tasks (#’s and E, I, C), Activities, Assessment | |Skill Standards |

| | | | | |

|Dates Taught | | | | |

|Unit 1 |Business/Office |TASKS |Why is ergonomics important from a |Skill Standards: |

|Week 1 |Safety Orientation |Important: |health point of view? |Employability |

|Days 1-5 | |20 – Identify ergonomics and understand why ergonomics is important from a | |EB003 – Identify ethical |

| | |health point of view. |Why is it important for employees to |characteristics and behaviors |

| | |22 – Apply Internet etiquette and safety |be accountable for the safe and |EB – Understand Workforce Issues |

| | |23 – Identify safety rules applicable to this course and demonstrate |responsible use of resources? |EA011 – Follow directions and |

| | |appropriate observance of said rules, including but not limited to, trip | |procedures |

| | |hazards, electrical cords and outlets, evacuation procedures for emergency |Why is it important to have procedures|EA006 – Demonstrate the ability to |

| | |situations (including fire, tornado, bomb threat, earthquake, etc.), |in place for emergency situations? |complete tasks on time and accurately |

| | |lockdown procedures for emergency situations, location and contents of | |EA001 – Demonstrate consistent |

| | |first aid kit, MSDS sheets, etc. | |punctuality |

| | |Covered: | | |

| | |21 – Demonstrate accountability of and the safe and responsible use of | |Core Content: |

| | |company resources, office equipment, machines, etc. | |RST.11-12.2 |

| | | | |RST.11-12.4 |

| | |ACTIVITIES | |RST.11-12.9 |

| | |Get Acquainted/Ice Breaker Activity | | |

| | |Room Orientation (Procedures/ Postings) | | |

| | |Class Discussion - Emergency Procedures | | |

| | |YouTube Office Safety Video | | |

| | |Class Discussion Business/Office Safety / Ergonomics | | |

| | |Emergency Procedures/Office Safety/Ergonomics Test | | |

| | | | | |

| | |ASSESSMENT | | |

| | |Emergency Procedures/Office Safety/Ergonomics Test | | |

|Unit 2 | |Economic Environment|TASKS |Describe concepts that apply to |Skill Standards: |

|Week 1 | |of Business |Essential: |satisfying economic wants. |AB – Demonstrate effective written |

|Days 1-5 | | |1 – Describe the economic system of the United States | |skills |

| | | |2 – Explain the importance of private property in the American Private |What are the basic resources used by a|AB002 – Compose written documents |

| | | |Enterprise System |producer? |AB004 – use correct terminology |

| | | |3 – Explain the importance of profit motive in the American Private | |AB006 – Write with accuracy, brevity, |

| | | |Enterprise System |Explain the role of capital formation |and clarity |

| | | |4 – Describe how supply and demand affect the prices of goods and services |in an economy. |AB007 – Detect all content, format and|

| | | |5 - Explain the importance of economic growth | |type errors. |

| | | |6 – Compare the major economic systems | |EA001 – Demonstrate consistent |

| | | | | |punctuality |

| | | |ACTIVITIES | |EA003 – Demonstrate enthusiasm and |

| | | |Class Discussion / PowerPoint – Economic Wants – satisfying our economic | |confidence about work and learning new|

| | | |wants | |skills |

| | | |Notes and Key Vocabulary | |EA005 – Demonstrate ability to act in |

| | | |Class Discussion / PowerPoint – Factors of production | |a polite and respectful way towards |

| | | |Group Activity – Unequal Resources | |co-workers |

| | | |Class Discussion – Consumers vs. Producers | |EA006 – Demonstrate ability to |

| | | |Notes and Key Vocabulary | |complete tasks on time and accurately |

| | | |Portfolio Activity – Teenagers Role in Our Economy | |OF – Demonstrate basic computer skills|

| | | | | |OD – Demonstrate Effective written |

| | | |ASSESSMENT | |skills |

| | | |Completed Unequal Resources Handout | |OF001 – Key documents |

| | | |Completed Portfolio Activity – Teenagers Role in Our Economy | |OF010 – Locate data |

| | | | | |OF006 – Print information |

| | | | | |OF018 – Create a new document |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Core Content: |

| | | | | |RST.11-12.2 |

| | | | | |RST.11-12.4 |

| | | | | |RST.11-12.9 |

| | | | | |WHST.11-12.4 |

| | | | | |WHST.11-12.5 |

| | | | | |WHST.11-12.6 |

|Unit 2 | |Economic Environment|TASKS |Discuss three economic systems and |Skill Standards: |

|Week 2 | |of Business |Essential: |three economic-political systems. |AB – Demonstrate effective written |

|Days 6-10 | | |1 – Describe the economic system of the United States | |skills |

| | | |2 – Explain the importance of private property in the American Private |Explain why private property is |AB004 – use correct terminology |

| | | |Enterprise System |essential to capitalism. |EA001 – Demonstrate consistent |

| | | |3 – Explain the importance of profit motive in the American Private | |punctuality |

| | | |Enterprise System |Explain how supply and demand help |EA003 – Demonstrate enthusiasm and |

| | | |4 – Describe how supply and demand affect the prices of goods and services |determine the price of goods and |confidence about work and learning new|

| | | |5 - Explain the importance of economic growth |services. |skills |

| | | |6 – Compare the major economic systems | |EA005 – Demonstrate ability to act in |

| | | | | |a polite and respectful way towards |

| | | |ACTIVITIES | |co-workers |

| | | |PowerPoint/Class Discussion – Types of Economic Systems | |EA006 – Demonstrate ability to |

| | | |Notes and Key Vocabulary | |complete tasks on time and accurately |

| | | |PowerPoint/Class Discussion – Types of Economic-Political Systems | |OF – Demonstrate basic computer skills|

| | | |Notes and Key Vocabulary | |OD – Demonstrate Effective written |

| | | |Types of Economies – Individual Research Activity | |skills |

| | | |PowerPoint/Class Discussion | |OF010 – Locate data |

| | | |Private Property and Its Importance to Capitalism | |OF006 – Print information |

| | | |Price Setting/ Supply and Demand | | |

| | | |Competition | |Core Content |

| | | |Notes and Key Terms / Q & A | |RST.11-12.2 |

| | | | | |RST.11-12.4 |

| | | |ASSESSMENT | |RST.11-12.9 |

| | | |Completed Types of Economies – Individual Research Activity | |WHST.11-12.4 |

| | | | | |WHST.11-12.6 |

|Unit 2 | |Economic Environment|TASKS |Explain how economic growth can be |Skill Standards: |

|Week 3 | |of Business |Essential: |promoted and measured. |AB – Demonstrate effective written |

|Days 11-15 | | |1 – Describe the economic system of the United States | |skills |

| | | |2 – Explain the importance of private property in the American Private |Describe basic economic problems that |AB004 – use correct terminology. |

| | | |Enterprise System |exist and identify ways the government|EA001 – Demonstrate consistent |

| | | |3 – Explain the importance of profit motive in the American Private |could correct the problems. |punctuality |

| | | |Enterprise System | |EA003 – Demonstrate enthusiasm and |

| | | |4 – Describe how supply and demand affect the prices of goods and services | |confidence about work and learning new|

| | | |5 - Explain the importance of economic growth | |skills |

| | | |6 – Compare the major economic systems | |EA005 – Demonstrate ability to act in |

| | | | | |a polite and respectful way towards |

| | | |ACTIVITIES | |co-workers |

| | | |Class Discussion/PowerPoint/Q&A | |EA006 – Demonstrate ability to |

| | | |Promoting Economic Growth | |complete tasks on time and accurately |

| | | |Measuring Economic Growth | |OD – Demonstrate Effective written |

| | | |Identifying Economic Problems | |skills |

| | | |Correcting Economic Problems | | |

| | | |Notes and Key Vocabulary | |Core Content: |

| | | |Chapter 3 Assessment Questions (p. 75-77) | |RST.11-12.2 |

| | | |Economic Environment of Business Study Guide (Review for Test) | |RST.11-12.4 |

| | | |Economic Environment of Business Test | |RST.11-12.9 |

| | | | | |RL.11-12.4 |

| | | |ASSESSMENT | | |

| | | |Completed Chapter 3 Assessment Questions (p. 75-77) | | |

| | | |Review Terms and Concepts | | |

| | | |Determine the Best Answer | | |

| | | |Apply What You Know | | |

| | | |Completed Economic Environment of Business Study Guide | | |

| | | |Economic Environment of Business Test | | |

|Unit 3 | |Business Ownership |TASKS |Describe characteristics of successful|Skill Standards: |

|Week 1 | | |Essential: |entrepreneurs. |AB – Demonstrate effective written |

|Days 1-5 | | |7 – Name the responsibilities of owning a business | |skills |

| | | |8 – List advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorship |Discuss the responsibilities of owning|AB002 – Compose written documents |

| | | |10 – List advantages and disadvantages of partnership |your own business. |AB004 – use correct terminology |

| | | |Important: | |AB006 – Write with accuracy, brevity, |

| | | |9 – Identify kinds of businesses that are suited to sole proprietorship |Explain the advantages and |and clarity |

| | | |11 – Identify kinds of businesses suited to a partnership |disadvantages of proprietorships. |AB007 – Detect all content, format and|

| | | | | |type errors. |

| | | |ACTIVITIES |Describe the types of businesses |EA001 – Demonstrate consistent |

| | | |PowerPoint/Class Discussion/Q&A |suited to being proprietorships. |punctuality |

| | | |Entrepreneurship | |EA003 – Demonstrate enthusiasm and |

| | | |Characteristics of Entrepreneurs |Describe the nature of partnerships. |confidence about work and learning new|

| | | |Getting a Business Started | |skills |

| | | |Responsibilities of Business Ownership |Explain the advantages and |EA005 – Demonstrate ability to act in |

| | | |Notes and Key Vocabulary |disadvantages of partnerships. |a polite and respectful way towards |

| | | |Entrepreneur Book Report (Class Presentation or Written Report) – on-going | |co-workers |

| | | |due at end of unit. |Describe the types of businesses |EA006 – Demonstrate ability to |

| | | |PowerPoint/Class Discussion/Q&A - Proprietorships |suited to the partnership form of |complete tasks on time and accurately |

| | | |Nature of Proprietorships |business. |OF – Demonstrate basic computer skills|

| | | |Advantages and Disadvantages | |OD – Demonstrate Effective written |

| | | |Businesses Suited for proprietorships | |skills |

| | | |Notes and Key Vocabulary | |OF001 – Key documents |

| | | |PowerPoint/Class Discussion/Q&A - Partnerships | |OF010 – Locate data |

| | | |Nature of Partnerships | |OF006 – Print information |

| | | |Advantages and Disadvantages | |OF014 – Create high-quality visual |

| | | |Businesses Suited for Partnerships | |aids. |

| | | |Notes and Key Vocabulary | |OF018 – Create a new document |

| | | |Form a Business Partnership Group Activity | | |

| | | | | |Core Content |

| | | |ASSESSMENT | |RST.11-12.2 |

| | | |Completed Entrepreneur Book Report | |RST.11-12.4 |

| | | |Completed Form a Business Partnership Activity | |RST.11-12.9 |

| | | | | |WHST.11-12.4 |

| | | | | |WHST.11-12.6 |

|Unit 3 | |Business Ownership |TASKS | Explain the basic structure of a |EA001 – Demonstrate consistent |

|Week 2 | | |Essential: |corporation. |punctuality |

|Days 6-10 | | |7 – Name the responsibilities of owning a business | |EA003 – Demonstrate enthusiasm and |

| | | |8 – List advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorship |Describe how a corporation is formed |confidence about work and learning new|

| | | |10 – List advantages and disadvantages of partnership |and organized. |skills |

| | | |12 – Describe the formation of a corporation | |EA005 – Demonstrate ability to act in |

| | | |13 – List advantages and disadvantages of a corporation |Distinguish between open and close |a polite and respectful way towards |

| | | |Important: |corporations. |co-workers |

| | | |9 – Identify kinds of businesses that are suited to sole proprietorship |Discuss the advantages and |EA006 – Demonstrate ability to |

| | | |11 – Identify kinds of businesses suited to a partnership |disadvantages of the corporate form of|complete tasks on time and accurately |

| | | |14 – Identify kinds of businesses suited to a corporation |ownership. |OF – Demonstrate basic computer skills|

| | | | | |OD – Demonstrate Effective written |

| | | |ACTIVITIES |Describe special types of corporate |skills |

| | | |PowerPoint/Class Discussion/Q&A – Corporations |organizations. |OF001 – Key documents |

| | | |Corporate Structure | |OF010 – Locate data |

| | | |Formation of Corporations | |OF006 – Print information |

| | | |Close Vs. Open Corporations | |OF014 – Create high-quality visual |

| | | |Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporations | |aids. |

| | | |Specialized Types of Organizations | |OF018 – Create a new document |

| | | |Notes and Key Vocabulary | | |

| | | |Advantages and Disadvantages of Business Ownership Handout Activity | |Core Content: |

| | | |Types of Business Ownership Task Rotation Assignment | |RST.11-12.2 |

| | | | | |RST.11-12.4 |

| | | |ASSESSMENT | |RST.11-12.9 |

| | | |Advantages and Disadvantages of Business Ownership Handout Activity | | |

| | | |Types of Business Ownership Task Rotation Assignment | | |

|Unit 3 | |Business Ownership |TASKS | Identify and describe the types of |EA001 – Demonstrate consistent |

|Week 3 | | |Essential: |business ownership. |punctuality |

|Days 11-15 | | |7 – Name the responsibilities of owning a business | |EA003 – Demonstrate enthusiasm and |

| | | |8 – List advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorship |Discuss the advantages and |confidence about work and learning new|

| | | |10 – List advantages and disadvantages of partnership |disadvantages of the types of business|skills |

| | | |12 – Describe the formation of a corporation |ownership. |EA005 – Demonstrate ability to act in |

| | | |13 – List advantages and disadvantages of a corporation | |a polite and respectful way towards |

| | | | | |co-workers |

| | | |Important: | |EA006 – Demonstrate ability to |

| | | |9 – Identify kinds of businesses that are suited to sole proprietorship | |complete tasks on time and accurately |

| | | |11 – Identify kinds of businesses suited to a partnership | |OF – Demonstrate basic computer skills|

| | | |14 – Identify kinds of businesses suited to a corporation | |OD – Demonstrate Effective written |

| | | | | |skills |

| | | |ACTIVITIES | |OF001 – Key documents |

| | | |Types of Business Ownership Task Rotation Assignment (finish) | |OF010 – Locate data |

| | | |Business Ownership Study Guide | |OF006 – Print information |

| | | |Review for Exam | |OF014 – Create high-quality visual |

| | | |Business Ownership Mastery Exam | |aids. |

| | | |Entrepreneur Book Report Presentations | |OF018 – Create a new document |

| | | | | | |

| | | |ASSESSMENT | |Core Content: |

| | | |Types of Business Ownership Task Rotation Assignment (finish) | |RST.11-12.2 |

| | | |Business Ownership Study Guide | |RST.11-12.4 |

| | | |Review for Exam | |RST.11-12.9 |

| | | |Business Ownership Mastery Exam | |WHST.11-12.4 |

| | | |Entrepreneurship Book Report/Presentation | |WHST.11-12.5 |

| | | | | |WHST.11-12.6 |

|Unit 4 | |Management and |TASKS | Define management and the functions |EA001 – Demonstrate consistent |

|Week 1 | |Leadership |Essential: |all managers complete. |punctuality |

|Days 1-5 | | |15 – Identify basic functions of management | |EA003 – Demonstrate enthusiasm and |

| | | |Important: |Differentiate the work of several |confidence about work and learning new|

| | | |16 – Describe criteria used in setting and achieving goals |levels of management. |skills |

| | | |18 – Identify leadership characteristics | |EA005 – Demonstrate ability to act in |

| | | |Covered: |Discuss the importance of leadership |a polite and respectful way towards |

| | | |17 – Describe basic elements of the intra-structure of the business |and human relations. |co-workers |

| | | |organization | |EA006 – Demonstrate ability to |

| | | | |Identify important leadership |complete tasks on time and accurately |

| | | |ACTIVITIES |characteristics. |OF – Demonstrate basic computer skills|

| | | |PowerPoint/Class Discussion/Q&A – The Role and Work of Managers | |OD – Demonstrate Effective written |

| | | |Functions of Managers | |skills |

| | | |Notes and Key Vocabulary | |OF001 – Key documents |

| | | |Tools managers use to make their job more effective and efficient – | |OF010 – Locate data |

| | | |discussion/Q&A | |OF006 – Print information |

| | | |Functions of Management – handout/study guide Part 1 | |OF014 – Create high-quality visual |

| | | |Class Discussion – What is a leader? Why is leadership important? Are all| |aids. |

| | | |managers leaders? | |OF018 – Create a new document |

| | | |Group Activity – What is a leader? | | |

| | | |PowerPoint /Notes/Key Vocabulary – The Manager as a Leader | |Core Content: |

| | | | | |RST.11-12.2 |

| | | |ASSESSMENT | |RST.11-12.4 |

| | | |Functions of Management handout/study guide Part 1 | |RST.11-12.9 |

| | | |Group Activity – What is a Leader? | |WHST.11-12.4 |

| | | | | |WHST.11-12.6 |

|Unit 4 | |Management and |TASKS | Identify important leadership |EA001 – Demonstrate consistent |

|Week 2 | |Leadership |Essential: |characteristics. |punctuality |

|Days 6-10 | | |15 – Identify basic functions of management | |EA003 – Demonstrate enthusiasm and |

| | | |Important: |Describe and differentiate among three|confidence about work and learning new|

| | | |16 – Describe criteria used in setting and achieving goals |leadership styles. |skills |

| | | |18 – Identify leadership characteristics | |EA005 – Demonstrate ability to act in |

| | | |Covered: | |a polite and respectful way towards |

| | | |17 – Describe basic elements of the intra-structure of the business | |co-workers |

| | | |organization | |EA006 – Demonstrate ability to |

| | | | | |complete tasks on time and accurately |

| | | |ACTIVITIES | |OF – Demonstrate basic computer skills|

| | | |Class Discussion – Types of leadership styles | |OD – Demonstrate Effective written |

| | | |Leadership Self-Assessment Handout | |skills |

| | | |Leadership Questionnaire | |OF001 – Key documents |

| | | |Management and Leadership Daily Assessment Questions | |OF010 – Locate data |

| | | |Management and Leadership Study Guide – part 2 | |OF006 – Print information |

| | | |Management and Leadership Mastery Exam | |OF014 – Create high-quality visual |

| | | | | |aids. |

| | | |ASSESSMENT | |OF018 – Create a new document |

| | | |Leadership Self-Assessment | | |

| | | |Leadership Questionnaire | |Core Content: |

| | | |Management and Leadership Daily Assessment Questions | |RST.11-12.2 |

| | | |Management and Leadership Study Guide – part 2 | |RST.11-12.4 |

| | | |Management and Leadership Mastery Exam | |RST.11-12.9 |


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