Somerset High School Forensic Science Curriculum Map

Somerset High School Forensic Science Curriculum Map

|# of Days* |Standards / Benchmarks |Key Concepts |Instructional Resources |

| | |Scientific Background |1. SHS lab safety contract |

|3 |SIS1. Make observations, raise questions, and formulate |Lab Safety |2. Biology: The Dynamics of Life |

| |hypotheses. |Scientific Method |(Glencoe & McGraw-Hill) |

| |SIS2. Design and conduct scientific investigations. |Metric Conversions | |

| |SIS3. Analyze and interpret results of scientific | | |

| |investigations. | | |

| |SIS4. Communicate and apply the results of scientific | | |

| |investigations | | |

| |III. Mathematical Skills | | |

| | | | |

| |SIS1. Make observations, raise questions, and formulate |Relevance & History of Forensic Science | |

| |hypotheses. |Usage in civic and criminal law | |

| |SIS2. Design and conduct scientific investigations. |Major figures in the development of the field | |

|5 | |Basics of the crime lab |Chapter 1: Forensic Science (Saferstein) |

| | |Functions of the forensic scientist | |

| | |Careers in forensic science | |

| |SIS1. Make observations, raise questions, and formulate |The Crime Scene | |

| |hypotheses. |Physical evidence and the crime scene | |

|5 |SIS2. Design and conduct scientific investigations. |Securing and recording the crime scene |Chapter 2: Forensic Science (Saferstein) |

| |SIS3. Analyze and interpret results of scientific |Securing and recording the crime scene | |

| |investigations. | | |

| |SIS4. Communicate and apply the results of scientific | | |

| |investigations | | |

| |III. Mathematical Skills | | |

| |SIS1. Make observations, raise questions, and formulate |Physical Evidence | |

| |hypotheses. |Types | |

|6 |SIS2. Design and conduct scientific investigations. |Examination |Chapter 3: Forensic Science (Saferstein) |

| |SIS3. Analyze and interpret results of scientific |Significance | |

| |investigations. | | |

| |SIS4. Communicate and apply the results of scientific | | |

| |investigations | | |

| |III. Mathematical Skills | | |

| |SIS1, SIS2, SIS3, SIS4 (Scientific Inquiry Skills) |DNA as an Indispensable Forensic Science Tool | |

| |The Chemistry of Life |Understanding DNA | |

|10 |1.1, 1.3, 1.4 |DNA replication |Chapter 9: Forensic Science (Saferstein) |

| |Structure and Function of Cells |PCR | |

| |2.1, 2.4 |Mitochondrial DNA | |

| |Genetics |Collection and preservation of biological evidence for DNA | |

| |3.1, 3.2, 3.3 |analysis | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |SIS1, SIS2, SIS3, SIS4 (Scientific Inquiry Skills) |Forensic Sereology | |

| |Human Anatomy and Physiology |Microscopes | |

|7 |4.1 |Nature of Blood |Chapter 8: Forensic Science (Saferstein) |

| |Structure and Function of Cells |Immunoassay techniques | |

| |2.1, 2.4 |Forensic characterization of blood stains | |

| |The chemistry of Life |Blood stain patterns | |

| |1.5 | | |

| |SIS1, SIS2, SIS3, SIS4 (Scientific Inquiry Skills) |Forensic Toxicology | |

| |Human Anatomy and Physiology |Role of toxicology | |

|7 |4.1 |Role of toxicologist | |

| |Structure and Function of Cells |Toxicology of alcohol |Chapter 6: Forensic Science (Saferstein) |

| |2.1, 2.4 |Testing for intoxication | |

| |The chemistry of Life |Analysis of blood for alcohol | |

| |1.5 |Alcohol and law | |

| | | | |

| |SIS1, SIS2, SIS3, SIS4 (Scientific Inquiry Skills) |Drugs | |

| |SIS1, SIS2, SIS3, SIS4 (Scientific Inquiry Skills) |Drug dependence | |

|7 |Human Anatomy and Physiology |Types of drugs | |

| |4.1 |Drug control laws |Chapter 5: Forensic Science (Saferstein) |

| |Structure and Function of Cells |Forensic drug analysis | |

| |2.1, 2.4 |Collection and preservation of drug evidence | |

| |The chemistry of Life | | |

| |1.5 | | |

| | | | |

| |SIS1, SIS2, SIS3, SIS4 (Scientific Inquiry Skills) |Trace Evidence: Hairs and Fibers | |

| |Human Anatomy and Physiology |Forensic examination of hair | |

|5 |4.1 |Forensic examination of fibers |Chapter 10: Forensic Science (Saferstein) |

| | |Collection and preservation of fiber eidence | |

| | | | |

| |SIS1, SIS2, SIS3, SIS4 (Scientific Inquiry Skills) |Forensic Aspects of Fire Investigation | |

| |The chemistry of Life |Forensic examination of arson | |

|7 |1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 |Chemistry of fire |Chapter 12: Forensic Science (Saferstein) |

| | |Searching the fire scene | |

| | |Collection and preservation of arson evidence | |

| | |Analysis of flammable residue | |

| |SIS1, SIS2, SIS3, SIS4 (Scientific Inquiry Skills) |Properties of Matter and the Analysis of Glass | |

| |S5. Electromagnetism |Properties of matter | |

| |S4. Waves |Nature of matter |Chapter 4: Forensic Science (Saferstein) |

|8 |4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 |Theory of light | |

| | |Physical properties of matter | |

| | |Forensic analysis of glass | |

| |SIS1, SIS2, SIS3, SIS4 (Scientific Inquiry Skills) |Fingerprints | |

| | |History of fingerprinting | |

| | |Fundamental principles of fingerprinting | |

|5 | |Classification of fingerprints |Chapter 14: Forensic Science (Saferstein) |

| | |Methods of detecting fingerprints | |

| | |Digital imaging for fingerprint enhancement | |

| |SIS1, SIS2, SIS3, SIS4 (Scientific Inquiry Skills) |Firearms, Tool Marks and Other Impressions | |

| |The chemistry of Life |Bullet and cartridge comparison | |

| |1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 |Automated firearm search system | |

|10 |S1. Motion and Forces |Gunpowder residue | |

| |S1.1, S1.2, S1.4, S1.5 |Primer residues on the hands |Chapter 15: Forensic Science (Saferstein) |

| |S2. Momentum |Serial # restoration | |

| |S2.5 |Collection and preservation of firearm evidence | |

| | |Tool marks | |

| | |Other impressions | |

| | |Laws of motion | |

| | |Momentum | |

| | |Accident reconstruction | |

| |SIS1, SIS2, SIS3, SIS4 (Scientific Inquiry Skills) |Trace Evidence II: Metals, Paint and Soil | |

| |The chemistry of Life |Review of the principles of the atom, elements, molecules | |

| |1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 |and compounds | |

|8 | |Forensic analysis of metals |Chapter 11: Forensic Science (Saferstein) |

| | |Forensic examination of paint | |

| | |Forensic analysis of soil | |

| |SIS1, SIS2, SIS3, SIS4 (Scientific Inquiry Skills) |Document Examination | |

| |The chemistry of Life |Document examiner | |

|5 |1.2, 1.3, 1.5 |Handwriting comparisons |Chapter 16: Forensic Science (Saferstein) |

| | |Typescript comparisons | |

| | |Alternations, erasers, and obliterations | |

| | |Other document problems | |

| |SIS1, SIS2, SIS3, SIS4 (Scientific Inquiry Skills) |Computer Forensics | |

| | |How does the computer work? | |

|7 | |Storing and retrieving data |Chapter 18: Forensic Science (Saferstein) |

| | |Processing an electronic crime scene | |

| | |Analysis of electronic data | |

| |SIS1, SIS2, SIS3, SIS4 (Scientific Inquiry Skills) |Human Remains | |

| |Human Anatomy and Physiology |Investigating human remains | |

| |4.1 |The postmortem interval: determining the time of death |Chapter 12: Forensic Science (Deslich & Funkhouser) |

|10 | |Forensic anthropology: skeletal remains | |

| | |Human versus animal bones | |

| | |The skeleton | |

|7 |SIS1, SIS2, SIS3, SIS4 (Scientific Inquiry Skills) |Putting it All together | |

| | |Case Studies | |

| | |Mock Trial | |


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