Course Syllabus


Course: Marine Science

Teacher: Danielle Long Shaw

Room Location: 625


Phone: 252.244.3200

Website: sciencebyshaw.

Course Description:

This course provides a non-laboratory based instruction to basic concepts of marine science. Marine biology is the study of life in the oceans and other saltwater environments such as estuaries and wetlands. All plant and animal life forms are included from the microscopic picoplankton all the way to the majestic blue whale, the largest creature in the sea—and for that matter in the world. Topics include: astronomy, oceanography (biological and physical), cellular biology, chemistry, ecology, geology, meteorology, molecular biology, zoology, and marine conservation biology.

Classroom Expectations

1. Respect yourself, others, and all property.

2. Be prepared for class with all materials.

3. Be in your seat and working when the bell rings.

4. Follow all school and district rules.

Classroom Procedures/Policies

1. When you enter the classroom turn in homework and start on the Bellringer assignment.

2. All food and drink items must remain in your book bag. This is a laboratory classroom; we need to maintain a laboratory atmosphere. Water is okay.

3. Sinks are for lab use only.

4. Hold on to trash until the end of class, or until there is a break.

5. Put all text books, borrowed calculators, and reference tables away at the end of the class period. Clean the area around your desk before leaving.


1. Composition Notebook for daily journal entries

2. 3-ring binder with: loose leaf paper, notes, homework, and handouts

3. Pencil/Pen


• Introduction to Marine Biology and History of Oceanography

• Earth, The Water Planet

o Chemical and Physical Properties of the Oceans

o The Seafloor

o Tides, Waves, Coastlines

• Marine Plants and Animals

o Biology Basics

o Vertebrates

o Invertebrates

o Marine Conservation

o Human impact

How to be SUCCESSFUL in this class

1. ATTENDANCE! Attend class every day. If you miss class, not only will you have to make up work, but you will miss important information.

2. Do your HOMEWORK! Homework will be assigned almost every day. The homework is to help reinforce the topics discussed in class.

3. STUDY!! Study for tests and quizzes. Every student studies differently, but I guarantee that you will have to study for this class.

4. Come to TUTORING!! I offer tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays, or by appointment. During tutoring sessions we can go over material or I can help you prepare for tests and quizzes. I am here to help YOU!

5. Actively PARTICIPATE in class. Ask questions, take notes, do the worksheets. No sleeping!

Grading Procedures

Grades will be calculated in the following manner:

Effort/Homework: 10%

Projects/Labs: 30%

Quizzes/Classwork: 20%

Tests: 40%

Grades will be awarded on the following basis:

A = 100 - 90% B = 89 – 80% C = 79 - 70% D = 69 - 60% F = ................

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