JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL MATHEMATICS - Curriculum and Instruction








Overarching Goals and Sub-Goals

How to use the Curriculum Guidelines

Glossary of Curriculum Terms

Overview of Content Strands

Scope and Sequence

Scope of Work


Technology Integration & other Strategies


High School Mathematics Curriculum ? The Bahamas, 2019

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This document incorporates revisions of unpublished curricula produced during numerous curriculum development exercises conducted by the Department of Education over the past thirty years. The objectives and content outlined in the Curriculum Guidelines were formulated based on national goals, current research and best practices in mathematics, as well as entry-level requirements for programmes at the University of The Bahamas and other local, regional, and international colleges and universities.

The quest for a more coherent and relevant mathematics curriculum began after the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) officially released its Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM 1989). The Standards provided a new vision and framework for strengthening the mathematics curriculum. It provided the impetus for revamping the Bahamian mathematics curriculum and producing a document to guide the improvement of teaching and learning mathematics in both public and private schools.

Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM 2000), Curriculum Focal Points for Pre-K?Grade 8 Mathematics: A Quest for Coherence (NCTM 2006) and other NCTM publications were also considered as the High School Mathematics Curriculum team created the Curriculum Guidelines. In keeping with NCTM's vision that is based on the assumption that all students are capable of learning mathematics, the Curriculum Guidelines provides a framework to foster an understanding of the `whats', `whys', and `hows' of mathematics, and ensures alignment of the content within and across all the high school grade levels, from grade 7 to grade 12.

It is envisioned that teachers and parents, in home-school and homework settings, will use this document to guide their planning and teaching. The Scope and Sequence, Scope of Work, Strategies, and the suggested

High School Mathematics Curriculum ? The Bahamas, 2019


supplementary activities from texts and other resources, can be used to develop a high-quality learning experience that will help students attain the goals and objectives outlined.


An extensive amount of collaboration, research, evaluating, writing and editing is credited for the creation of this document of national importance and magnitude. The development of the High School Mathematics Curriculum Guidelines would not have been accomplished without the hard work, dedication, and commitment of the team of mathematics educators, Education Officers, clerical officers and Curriculum Supervisors. The Department of Education is grateful for the commitment, dedication, efficiency, and professionalism of the following persons who made this achievement possible.

Ms. Sharon Poitier Ms. Serethea Clarke Mrs. Theresa McPhee

Deputy Director, Curriculum & Instruction Under Secretary, Ministry of Education Coordinator, Education Officer, High School Mathematics

Curriculum Development Team Members:

Jennifer Bain-Miller Trained teacher, A. F. Adderley Junior High School

Linda Butler-Rolle Trained teacher, R. M. Bailey Senior High School

Helen Campbell Retired teacher

Jacqueline Corlette Trained teacher, C. C. Sweeting Senior High School

Greta P. Kemp

Lecturer, University of The Bahamas

Juanita A. Knowles Trained teacher, Doris Johnson Senior High School

Pavia Rolle

Vice-Principal, Anatol Rodgers High School

Verlyn M. Scavella Retired teacher

Karen Smith

Retired teacher

Janet Sturrup

Trained teacher, H. O. Nash Junior High School

Betty Taylor

Vice-Principal, Anatol Rodgers High School

Other Contributors

High School Mathematics Curriculum ? The Bahamas, 2019


Albertha Stubbs School

Marsha McCardy School

Samantha Wilson Terez Conliffe

Trained teacher, R. M. Bailey Senior High

Trained teacher, Central Eleuthera High

Education Officer, Technology Integration Trained teacher

Jennifer Forde-Clarke Retired teacher

Stameika Symonette Trained teacher

Abdalia Adderley Senior Mistress

Richlene Ellis

Trained teacher

Prescott Johnson Mathematics Coordinator

Krista Newbold

Mathematics Coordinator


Mathematics is a vital component in the development of science, technology, industry and commerce, and as such, is essential in everyday life. Critical thinking, problem solving, and communicating ideas effectively are keys to success in a technology driven, information-based world.

The study of mathematics requires reasoning, applying, analyzing, and understanding of principles, ideas, and patterns in our environment. Studying mathematics equips students with the knowledge, skills, and mindset that are essential for meaningful participation in society.

A high-quality mathematics programme provides the foundation for understanding the world, adapting to rapid change in the digital age, and producing twenty-first century global citizens. All students need classroom experiences that will help them learn mathematics with understanding, make connections, and apply mathematics in other contexts. An effective mathematics programme also develops an appreciation for the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and desire to learn more about the subject.

The focus of the Mathematics High School Curriculum is the content knowledge, understanding, and skills needed to educate students to appreciate and utilize mathematics. It outlines the framework that mathematics educators can use to create yearly schemes, design unit and lessons plans, and produce materials that will enhance the teaching and learning process, and ensure that their students become critical thinkers who can reason mathematically and solve problems.

High School Mathematics Curriculum ? The Bahamas, 2019



The High School Mathematics Curriculum is designed to cultivate and develop students who are:

a) proficient in logical, critical and analytical reasoning; b) proficient in using emerging technologies and other mathematical tools; c) problem solvers, communicating mathematically, and working cooperatively; d) able to connect classroom experiences and real life situations; e) self-confident and value the importance and usefulness of mathematics.


The curriculum framework outlined in this document, aims to have all students in The Bahamas achieve the following:

1. Demonstrate and apply knowledge and sense of numbers, including numeration, patterns, ratios, and proportions.

2. Estimate and understand the meaning, use, and connection between the four (4) basic operations; addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.

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3. Use algebraic and analytical methods to identify and describe patterns and relationships in data, solve problems and predict results.

4. Make and use appropriate measurements of objects, quantities, and relationships and determine acceptable levels of accuracy.

5. Demonstrate spatial sense and use geometric methods to analyze, categorize, and draw conclusions about plane shapes and space figures.

6. Collect, organize, and analyze data using statistical methods: predict results; and interpret uncertainty-using concepts of probability.

To achieve these overarching goals and sub-goals, all students must have many and varied high-quality experiences, through which they read, write, discuss, make conjectures, and test solutions to practical problems.

High School Mathematics Curriculum ? The Bahamas, 2019



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