Newfane Senior High School

Newfane High SchoolGuidance DepartmentLast Names A-L: Robyn Wolf 1 Panther Drive Spec. Ed./504: Cathy FlaglerLast Names M-Z: Glenn Smith Newfane, NY 14108 Secretary: Connie KyleOffice: (716) 778-6564 Fax: (716) 778-6565Dear Parent/Guardian:June 2014As the school year winds down, we would like to share some important information with you. Firstly, the 2014 final exam list is enclosed in this mailing for your benefit. All of the teachers will be sharing this information with their students in class but it is important for you to be aware also so that you can ensure student attendance on test day(s). Review classes are currently being held after school for Regents level courses. Also, starting at the conclusion of the current school year, Ms. Wolf will be the counselor for grades 9-10 and Mr. Smith will have grades 11-12.Secondly, for students who may require remedial course work during the summer (“summer school”), our students will be assigned to the Medina Summer School site only. Dates for summer school are July 9 – August 12 (for Regents level courses, Regents Exams will be held on Aug. 13-14). Students can take a maximum of two courses in summer school. The cost per course is $41 (cash, or money order– payable to “Newfane Central Schools”. No checks will be accepted!). The BOCES summer school program is not able to offer remedial courses for failures in all subject/course areas. Remedial courses are only available in the following courses: English 9-12, Global 1, Global 2, US History, Gov’t. and Economics, Int. Algebra, Algeo (Gen. Math 1), Geometry, Geo-Trig. (Gen. Math 2), Earth Science, Living Environment, Environmental Science (Gen. Science), Health, and Studio Art. [NOTE: Global 1 & 2, Eng. 9 & 10, only, will also be offered at Newfane High School’s limited summer school program.]The time table for summer school registration has been drastically moved ahead this year. The last day for summer school registration is Friday, June 27 by 1:00 p.m. Due to this aggressive registration time table, it will be impossible for timely individual course failure notification by the district. It will be the students’ responsibility to check the final average class lists outside each of their teachers’ rooms to see if they failed the course. Students will be listed by their student number to protect privacy. Students in grades 9-11 with a failing final average between 50%-64%, and any senior, are eligible to register for summer school- if the course is available/offered. Registration for summer school will be located in the Newfane High School Guidance Office. A student and parent signature is required along with student’s pertinent medical information. If the failed course is a Regents course, students will retake the Regents Exam again in August, at the conclusion of their remedial course, without incurring additional registration fees. Again, the last day for summer school registration is June 27th!Students who failed only a Regents Exam will have until August 1 (by 3:00 p.m.) to register, at the Newfane HS Guidance Office, for the August Regents Exam testing cycle. Cost per Regents Exam is $7. Again, students enrolling in remedial course(s), that are at the Regents level and culminate with a Regents final exam, no extra exam fee for the Regents Exam is required. On test day, students are required to show photo ID!As in the past, no transportation is provided by the district to or from the summer school site.(see reverse side)THE “NUTS AND BOLTS”: SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAM 2014 for GRADES 9-12-Summer school inclusive dates: July 9th through August 12th*Medina High School Summer School Site*Class meeting times are 8 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. and/or 9:50 a.m. -11:35 a.m.*Maximum of two courses can be taken*Registration Fee is $41 per course (includes Regents Exam if applicable)- cash or money order. No checks will be accepted!*Students must provide their own transportation- Regents Exams dates August 13th & 14th*Medina High School*8:30 a.m. & 12:30 p.m.*Maximum of four Regents Exams can be taken *Students MUST bring a photo ID on test day!!!*Registration Fee is $7 per exam (for exam only)- cash or money order. No checks will be accepted!*Students must provide their own transportationTO REGISTER FOR THE MEDINA SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAM: Summer School Remedial Courses: Register by 1:00 p.m. Friday, June 27thRegents Exams Only: Register by 3:00 p.m. Friday, August 1st *Newfane High School Guidance Office*Student and parent signature is required*Bring emergency medical information*Payment due to Newfane Central Schools* Contact your child’s counselor directly, or Mrs. Kyle (778-6564), for questions/information_______________________________________________________________________________________[Registration for the limited Newfane HS Summer School Program ] You will be contacted if your son/daughter is eligible for this program. *Global 1, Global 2, English 9, and English 10 only!*Newfane Summer School inclusive dates: July 9th through August 14th *Students must provide their own transportation ................

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