Teacher: Elsye Barahona-Murphy Planning hour: 8:35-9-35a.m.

Phone: 770-774-3620 Ext. 352 Extra help: after school on

E-mail: baramurphy@. Tuesdays & Thursdays


Acct.ID#73018 (TO practice conjugations)

Extra Help: I encourage you to utilize the provided time for extra help. It will allow you to get additional one-to-one practice for the concepts that we have been covering in class. I am here to help you succeed!

»TOPICS: Culture of Hispanic World Descriptions (friends/experiences)

Fashion - Leisure Activities Household chores

Feelings - opinions Nature-Ecology-Natural Resources

Celebrations-Holidays Future plans-Careers

»OBJECTIVES: The student will be able to:

▪ Engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and exchange opinions on the topics

▪ Understand and interpret written and spoken language related to topics

▪ Write about the topics with increasing accuracy

▪ Demonstrate understanding of the geography/customs of cultures studied

Textbook: En Español 3, (McDougal Littel, 2004) $56.50, if lost

Publisher’s website: (choose World Languages and then follow the instructions)

(For other useful websites, check my personal website for suggestions)

Supplies: A loose-leaf binder 1 ½”- 2”; notebook paper; blue or black and red pen; highlighter;

Spanish/English dictionary.

Notebook: It is very important that you keep your notebook organized. Throughout the semester, I will ask to see it for completion and order for a grade. Your notebook should be divided in at least two sections: 1) vocabulary words (done in class and for homework 2) classwork notes, handouts and other homework (pertaining other than just vocabulary), most recent date on top.

Attendance and Make-up Work: If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out exactly what you missed. Go to my website: to find out what you missed. DO NOT come to class to ask further questions without checking site first. I will be glad to answer any further questions you have BEFORE OR AFTER SCHOOL. Remember also, to check the shelf at the entrance of the classroom for any handout distributed the day you were absent.

You are responsible to request a make up-appointment as soon as you return to school. You are requested to sign on the Make up binder the date you want to come on any Tuesday and/or Thursday. You have one week to make up quizzes and tests. Any missed homework should be completed within three days of the absence. No recovery work will be provided by the teacher or accepted from a student 10 days before the end of each semester. For more information about this policy see Fulton County Recovery Plan.

Homework: You will be assigned homework almost daily. It is recommended that you study 15-20 minutes at least six days a week to see positive results in the learning of a foreign language. Homework will be checked for completion everyday that it is assigned. Occasionally, it may be checked for an additional grade for accuracy. I expect for you to put forth your best effort on homework. You will not receive credit if work looks sloppy. Also, at this level I require students to practice on the activities listed on my website at least once a week, for one hour a week.

Quizzes: You will have at least one quiz a week. Most quizzes will be announced, but there is the possibility of some unannounced quizzes. This assessment will show if you are studying the material being covered.

Test: You will have various tests throughout the semester –one per unit. Test will contain written, oral and sometimes cultural components. Additionally, there will be THREE TEST GRADES and various homework assignments you will have to submit through the internet before the end of the semester. You are welcome to use the Media Center computer on your own time if you do not have internet at home or it is temporarily down when assignments are due. Your teacher will post them on her site by the third week of January.

There will be a comprehensive final exam at the end of the semester.

Classroom rules:

1. As you enter the room speak with your “inside voices”

2. As you enter the room, throw chewing gum/food. Then, check for any handouts in the bookcase.

3. Be in your seat when the bell rings with your materials, ready to start the class, homework included. Immediately start with the activating activity. Check other information on the board and copy down homework, and assessments coming up.

Do not sit on top of desk at any time of the period!

4. Sit in your assigned seat daily. The bell does not dismiss you, the teacher does.

5. Raise your hand before speaking and wait to be addressed. No talking otherwise. All students must respect differences and point of views.

6. Come prepared to class daily with assignments and materials, including textbook,

notebook, workbook, paper, pen, pencil, highlighter and dictionary. No passes, only in emergencies –at

the discretion of the teacher.

No locker passes!

7. Respect each other and the teacher (both verbally and physically). Use of cursed language will warrant an immediate write up.

8. Use the language & the computer labs with great care. You NEED TO LEAVE YOUR ASSIGNED COMPUTER/LAB SEAT CLEAN OF DEBRISAND IN ITS PROPER PLACE.

9. Keep everything that is not related to class out of sight (personal grooming items, radios, headphones, cell phones, etc.) They will be taken away from you otherwise.

10. Do not throw anything across the room. Keep your trash to throw at end of class.


• First offense: Teacher warning

• Second offense: Student/Teacher conference/Time out/Contact parents

• Third offense: Private detention with teacher (20 min) -DETENTIONS ARE HELD ON TUESDAYS AFTER SCHOOL.

• Fourth offense and for repeated and/or severe discipline infraction may result in a referral sent to the office immediately.


Class assignments:

(e.g. worksheets, reading, puzzles, writing, listening activities, etc)

• Fully completes all assignments

• Stays involved/on task at all times

• Comes to class prepared (e.g. brings book/workbook)

• Does not do unrelated work (e.g. homework for other classes; read books in English; play with calculator, Etc.

• Always corrects all work reviewed in class in RED. The corrected marks will not influence your notebook grade negatively.


In class:

• Student comes to class prepared and is able to use current and old concepts, vocabulary and grammar

• Participating fully in group/paired activities (e.g. skits, controlled practice, open-ended conversations)

• Continuing the activity until you are told to stop (if you finish an activity early review your answers; if you are working in groups/pairs start the activity over reversing roles if possible).

• Making an effort to use Spanish, even the practices with music.

• Staying focused and trying to learn

• Listening to teacher/other students

• Repeating after teacher in pronunciation modeling

• Helping your classmates

• Taking notes (very important!)

For any of the class activities… if you finish early

• Review vocabulary from current or previous chapters

• Review verbs- meaning from the Verb Summary List

• If you are working with a partner, start the activity over. Stay on task. This is not the time to catch up with your friends

• Work on your reading/writing

Your participation in Spanish is extremely important and related to your success in this class. You will get a four week participation grade. You can earn up to 100 points by answering questions in-class, participating effectively in individual, pair or group activities (listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar vocabulary, culture), being prepared for class, and raising the hand to answer/ask questions related to the topic being discussed in class. Your participation grade could have a positive or negative impact on your grade. It will make your learning process more manageable, and you will see the results you want faster. Since this grade is based only on class performance, it cannot be made up. ABSENCES LOWER THIS GRADE SIGNIFICANTLY.

Grading: The student’s progress report will include the following assessments:

-Homework 10%

-Major Assessments 20%

Projects & Unit tests evaluating listening,

speaking, reading, writing –including vocabulary,

spelling, grammar, and cultural topics.

-Minor Assessments 15%

Daily classwork & Quizzes,

-Performance Based Assessments 40%

Class participation, language lab activities

Pair/partner activities, speaking activities

-Final Exam 15%

Grading Scale:

A 90-100

B 80-89

C 70-79

F 0-69

Please be aware of FULTON COUNTY HONOR CODE:

·         Cheating is defined as:” giving, receiving, or attempting either to give or to receive unauthorized help so as to represent another’s work as being one’s own.  

·         When students are aware of an Honor Code violation, they should talk with the person involved and should report the violation to a teacher or an administrator. 

·         Teachers will deal with Honor Code infractions regarding homework, class assignments, and quizzes.

·         Cheating on tests, research and major papers will be referred to an Administrator.

·         Students will receive a zero on the work on which the honor code was violated .


Second Semester –

6 weeks progress report 12 weeks progress report

18 weeks Report card – End of semester

January 17 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (school closed)

February 21 Presidents Day (schools closed)

March 11 Teacher’s Work-day(students off)

April 4-8 Spring Break (schools closed)

April 22 Student/Teacher Holiday (schools closed)

May 25, 26 & 27 Final Exams, and end of semester

May 30 Memorial Day Holiday for teachers

I am looking forward to a great rest of the year! Please make sure that you have read and carefully reviewed all parts of this syllabus. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT THE PREVIOUS INFORMATION MIGHT BE ALTERED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE TEACHER AND FOR THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CLASS.

Please PRINT and sign your name below to indicate you have read the syllabus, and that you understood the consequences of bad behavior in class. Not only does it delay the learning but a detention on a T uesday or immediate referral will be forthcoming.

Student name (PRINT please) __________________________________Period: _______

Student Signature: ___________________________________________________

Student’s E-Mail: ___________________________________________________

HOW DO YOU THINK YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO THIS CLASS? Good behavior, outstanding participation, cooperative learning (teaching other students after you learn), committed to learn, teacher’s assistant. (Please write them down as a sign of your commitment to yourself and the class).


Guardian/Parent Name (PRINT please): ____________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________________

Contact Number: ___________________________________________________

Parent’s E-mail: ____________________________________________________

(Daytime E-mail preferred, if available. PLEASE PRINT IT)



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